Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1961: Lecco Guard

However, more than a dozen big men standing together, each with a few arms, tens of feet of swords, guns, swords and hammers, burning with raging flames. Except for a Rako Protoss killed by Commissioner Qian, Ruan Ren's Dayin and Chi Dawei's peaks smashed Rako Protoss, but they didn't go forward to fight.

"Everyone performed well. We now have two airships, and our winning rate against the Rako Protoss has improved a bit." Ruan Ren cheered everyone up loudly.

"Look at it for a while, mine will repair this floating spaceship as soon as possible." Hong Duan said. Once he joined, the repair speed was much faster. It turned out that the pilots of every airship carried the prepared materials. Among these materials, the same array as that of the airship was embedded. The pilot of the airship, Just connect these materials together. The skills of these drivers are not very high, and the repair work is very difficult. As soon as Hong Duan joined, the progress accelerated.

I saw that Hong Duan seemed to wave his hand casually, and pieces of brilliance shrouded the material. After a short while, the connection of the materials was completed. Commissioner Qian paid great attention to this purple airship. After all, a complete airship, in the turbulence of space, flying debris, that is still different. At first glance, Commissioner Qian was more surprised as he looked at it. The airship built by Cangfeng and the others, and the Yuanying Flower God-level airship officially manufactured by Longmen Inn, are in the process of craftsmanship and materials. In terms of standards, there is really a big gap. I have more knowledge about the connection of various formations in the Yuanying Flower God-class floating airship. The airship made by Cangfeng and the others can only be called the Shancha version.

Hong Duan’s swordsmanship and attack power are not as good as those of Commissioner Qian and Ruan Ren.” However, in terms of the level of refining, Hong Duan’s refining level is much higher than that of Commissioner Qian! If the airship is repaired by Commissioner Qian, it won’t take a few days.

But "Hong Duan's shot" was just a meal. With the help of a few pilots, the airship was already repaired. On the surface of the purple airship, countless seals appeared, and then "turned into four flames that rose more than twenty feet!"

"Well, it's a bit worse than a perfect floating spaceship," but it can be used. "

Hong Duan nodded towards Ruan Ren and Qian.

"Old Hong, you have such a superb skill in refining tools, so I will give you more advice in the future."

"As soon as I saw Master Hong's kung fu for refining, I realized that my kungfu for refining is really crude." "The cultivators on the flaming spaceship said one after another.

"These birdmen are pretty good at making conditions." Hong Duan now only has one flying craft and a few pilots, so he laughed and nodded: "This is easy to say, this is easy to say." At this moment, Hong Duan's "Communication instruments, Ruan Ren's communication instruments" sounded at the same time.

"Ruan Ren, Hong Duan." How about the battle damage of your airship?" This was a question from the fleet commander.

"My airship is intact."

"My hovercraft is damaged, but it's okay to use it in battle," Hong Duan said.

"Well, you guys rush to... there, there are hundreds of Leko Protoss." Oh... hundreds of Leko Protoss? Ruan Anyi Hong Duan was shocked and still answered: "Yes."

"Let's go, there are hundreds of Leko Protoss there, there should be many floating ships," Ruan Ren said loudly. However, this time there was a loud yelling, but none of the members of the Qian Committee stood up and responded warmly.

"Ruan Da, we are just two airships. We are already very reluctant to deal with twenty or so Rako Protoss. There are hundreds of Rako Protoss. Can we do it?"

Said a monk.

"It's... One" Ruan Ren was very embarrassed with this car.

"Everyone, this is like a mountain of military orders. As soon as this was said, everyone stopped talking.

The two airships turned around in the air and galloped towards the command. At this point in the battle, in the void of tens of thousands of miles, the brilliance of the urban flying spaceships galloping everywhere, dozens of meters of artillery fire from the flying spaceships, tearing the void! The Void Beast roared like thunder, and the attacks of the Rako Protoss and Void Beast collided with the protective method of the airship, stirring up flames and shooting stars. This crimson airship and purple airship, in the void, also bombarded all the way to clear the way, beheading more than ten Void Protoss.

Killed these ten Void Protoss, most of them, but along the way, I saw several floating flying swords in the distance, exploding into flames! The explosions, screams, shouts, and roars seemed to fill the void. Everyone's mood is no longer as relaxed as when they started fighting. In the distance, dozens of floating spaceships formed a formation, blocking the fierce bombardment of hundreds of Void Protoss. More than a dozen airships, for hundreds of Void Protoss, can be easily blown up. However, among the dozen or so airships, "from time to time there are several brilliance soaring. Every time it soars, it traverses thousands of feet in an instant!"

The momentum is fierce, the ordinary Rako Protoss, when they touch it, they are broken into pieces. Yuanying Flower God! It was supported by a few Yuanying Flower Gods, and a dozen floating spaceships, under the siege of hundreds of Leko Protoss, although they had become broken, they still supported them.

And in all directions in the distant void, there were a steady stream of floating spaceships rushing towards the hundreds of floating spaceships. Hundreds of Void Protoss, under the floating spaceship, all Magic weapon, full force to urge it, but "the Rako Protoss exploded into flames one after another.

The Rako Protoss, however, persisted. The constant stream of Rako Protoss also drove this void beast from everywhere, rushing crazy!

"What's in these dozen or so airships?"

Commissioner Qian said.

"Now, we seem to be in the middle of this void continent."

Hong Duan, who had never spoken much, said suddenly.

"Yeah" This Void Continent, there was a wave of fluctuations. "

With that said, a dozen monks immediately released their spiritual thoughts.

Sure enough, if there is any fluctuation, it is uploaded from the mainland.

"These dozen or so airships have taken some treasures from this continent."

Bro said immediately.

"How's that? This treasure must belong to Longmen Inn, otherwise, the fleet commander will transfer us?"

Commissioner Qian said.


Ruan Ren said.

"Yes, look." There are floating ships coming everywhere. It seems that this treasure is still very important.

You "save snacks."

Hong Duannao said quizzically. Dozens of thunder and fire slammed down, fiery red, blue, purple, and black, interrupting Hong Duan's words.

Without orders from Ruan Ren and Hong Duan, the purple airship and the flaming airship "fired at the same time.

These dozens of thunder fires have been dispersed.

More than a dozen thunderfires bombarded the mountains, "Boom Rumble MM"

Hundreds of feet, but it looks like there are mountains thousands of miles away"

Collapsing, exploding, extending toward the core of the formation.

It was just a blink of an eye, and the mountain range of several hundred meters in radius had been blasted out of a gap.

Expressed in the dhamma, it is this mountain range that was blasted thousands of miles away by the thunder fire from the sky!

Commissioner Qian took out a red shield and shot towards the rumbling explosion!

The red shield turned into a fiery cloud of smoke, rushing towards the rumbling explosion!


There was a huge earthquake and the explosion stopped.

"Awesome" the formation was damaged. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Can Spell Projection be used?"

Chi Dawei asked.

For the function of this magic projection, Chi Dawei, Luan Po" and Buro are very concerned.

The function of this spell projection is the most useful in this battle.

"Try it."

Saying, "Commissioner Qian reminds me of the law!

Around the few Rako Protoss who flew by, "boom"", and a phantom of the mountains gushed out, the range was quite a few miles!

However, the Rako Protoss, it's a reminder! Several hundreds of meters long arc-shaped thunder fire violently blasted down, and the mountains within a few miles were already shattered!


Chi Dawei, Luanpao, and Bro and the others were all disappointed.

Compared with the time when the war started, the power of Commissioner Qian's formation was much worse.

Seeing these few Rako Protoss, they had already rushed over, the Commissioner Qian urged his method, stretched out his hand and pointed out the shadows of dozens of mountain peaks, whizzing out from the mountain range of hundreds of meters, towards this Several Rako Protoss smashed rumblingly.

Although the momentum was great, Commissioner Qian knew that this kind of attack would not be of much use to several Rako Protoss!

"Guys, get ready to fight!"

Commissioner Qian yelled, Chi Dawei, Luan Po, and Broad was already full of thunder, and Guanghua shot hundreds of feet away.

Everyone will push their strongest magic weapon to the limit!

Just here, billions of red sparks have gathered into a long rainbow!

Just a swipe, a Rako Protoss has turned into a part of the billions of sharp red sparks!

There are countless golden lights, which also turned into a long rainbow, swept through the air!

It is another Rako Protoss, transformed into a part of countless golden lights.

"Ha" are the two Yuanying Flower Gods who devoured the Rako Protoss! "

Luan Po said happily.

Hundreds of thousands of sparks, countless golden lights" just hovered in the void, within hundreds of miles, a dozen of the Rako Protoss had been swallowed by them.

"Boom, boom" boom, boom"..."

A shocking thunderbolt exploded beside these billions of sparks and countless golden lights!

Four tall figures, dressed in gorgeous armors, shining thousands of feet in brilliance, have stood before these billions of sparks and countless golden lights.

These four tall figures" look similar to the Rako Protoss.


Both are three hundred feet tall!

It is several times higher than the ordinary Rako Protoss!

This time, billions of sparks "and countless golden lights, but not like just now"

When encountering the Void Protoss blocking the road, it is a whistling rush. The Rako Protoss blocking the road has become a part of countless golden lights and billions of sparks.

"Damn, these are definitely powerful characters"

These creatures are said to be the Protoss that emerged from the void. In fact, like the monsters, the bigger the size, the greater the power. "

Bro said.

"Well, the two Yuanying Flower Gods didn't immediately go to war.

These Leko protoss, on the outside, seem "really like gods!"

Chi Da nodded.

"Look, there is such a void protoss around those dozen or so floating ships!"

Luanpo pointed to the distance.

Sure enough, around a dozen of Void Protoss"

A huge thunderbolt sounded.

Ten or so tall figures of hundreds of feet have stood in the void, which can be said to be majestic and majestic.

"You are the Lecco guards."

Amidst the billions of sparks, there was a cold voice.

"That's right, the Yuanying Flower God of Human Race, don't think you are invincible. Today, let you see and see, the God Guard of Rako is powerful!"

A Lecco guard roared like thunder!

However, these countless sparks, and countless golden lights, showed the power, so that these hundreds of feet of Lecco guards did not immediately rush on.


Amidst the billions of sparks, there was a burst of laughter.

"In the legend, wherever the God Guard of Leko went, everything in the void was turned into ashes under the bombardment of the Guard of Rai*. Today, we are fortunate enough to see the power of God Guard of Rako!"


Amidst the golden light, a simple sound was emitted.

Countless golden lights, like a big river rushing, blasted forward with endless thunderbolts!

Two Lecco guards blasted up at the same time!

"Boom MM One"

There was a huge shock!

Flames rose, sparks filled, countless thunders, ever-changing!

I only felt a ripple, but in an instant, it spanned hundreds of miles.

Commissioner Qian’s formation, together with the two floating airships, was stunned violently by this ripple!


The mountains with a radius of thousands of miles were broken by dozens of miles!

Two three-hundred-zhang tall figures rolled out more than ten li!

However, for a height of 300 feet, a distance of more than ten miles"

It's not too far.

And countless sparks, even circling back!

"Damn, it's the first time I have seen them retreating since seeing these two."

Luan Po opened his eyes wide.

Committee Member Qian also nodded repeatedly, expressing the same feeling.

Ruan Hong Duan's face was like an iron plate.

This means that two Rako guards are enough to contend with a master of Yuanying Flower God's mid-term. Although Hai is a little bit worse, for a master of this level, this gap is enough to make a difference. Days and nights, the winner will come!

If the winner is divided, this battle should be over.

More than a hundred ships, the floating airships rushing towards here, hurriedly stopped in the air!

There will be a Lecco guard who can fight against the Nascent Soul Flower God, and these Nascent Soul Flower God-level airships will be able to destroy one after a few encounters.

The monks of the same level fought the airships, and the monks had an absolute advantage.

As for the cultivators above the transformation stage, they use powerful magic weapons when they fight.

This type of airship is no longer needed when it reaches the stage of transformation.

Countless monks surrounded by golden lights were not to be outdone. Countless golden lights made a loud howl, resounding across the sky, just like a pounce!

"These countless sparks, countless golden lights!

Is it a trick or a billion tricks? "

Luanpo murmured.

Signs in both eyes.

Obviously, the mid-stage power of this Yuan Ying Flower God shocked him extremely.

Except for Hong Duan, there are more than a dozen monks.

"It's a trick, and it's also a billion tricks. It's almost a top-grade magic weapon, and it's really inferior to the power of the Yuan Ying monk.

Hong Duan sighed.

"Unless the law or innate Dao mechanism is refined in the magic weapon, such a magic weapon can truly contend with Yuan Ying Hua Shen."

Ruan Ren said.


Sure enough, the law of refining and the innate Dao machine is an indispensable step to increase the power of the magic weapon!

"However, none of us have been promoted to the Yuanying Flower God. The rules are incomprehensible. Innate Dao Ji" needs treasures with innate Dao Ji. Where do we look for it? "

Hong Duan said.


Ruan Ren also had nothing to say.

"The Law of Enlightenment" requires cultivation above the Yuan Ying Flower God, which is known to everyone.

"Excellent! We have innate Dao machine, this powerful magic weapon, we will make it sooner or later."

Luan Po said this.

Commissioner Qian shook his head: "You still need to improve your cultivation base, and talk about it in the later stage of the Four Diamond Flower God.

Without that cultivation base, do you still want to make great equipment?

You don’t even have a high rate of success in writing the insights of the innate Dao Ji. "

This said"

Luan Po is deflated"...

"This, the improvement of the cultivation of the four diamond flower gods" is not an overnight thing. "

Luan Po's heart had already mumbled.

"Boom" boom, boom..."

There are counts to escape the light, hurriedly advancing from the floating spaceship!

Although in the void, the airship that was counted as far as the escape light was a violent shaking!

However, these Yuanying Flower Gods only entered the range of the guards of the hundreds of Rako Protoss. In an instant, dozens of Void Protoss had been killed, but in the void, there was another thunderbolt-like loud noise!

More than a dozen Lecco guards appeared, and they slammed at these Yuanying Flower Gods!

"Rumble rumbling..."

The void keeps shaking!

This time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a few Yuanying Flower Gods, rolling dozens of miles away!

"These Void Guards are so strong! Only the monks in the middle stage of the Yuanying Flower God can win slightly, but we have not reached the middle stage of the Yuanying Flower God."

A Yuanying Flower God finished."

It was a huge howl of MM, a huge howl, more Nascent Soul Flower God, whizzing hurriedly from each floating spaceship, rushing towards this side!

On the battlefield, there are countless thunderbolts!

Waves of Lecco guards appeared!

"Damn, this is the highlight of the battle."

Hong Duan finished, "Boom..."

There was a thunderbolt, and a Lecco guard appeared not far from the Qian committee.

Obviously, the power of the Rako God Guard and the Yuan Ying Flower God is really huge, the teleportation technique has fluctuated, and there is a gap between the location where it should be teleported to.

The God Guard of Rako glanced towards this side, a huge sword measuring a hundred feet long in his hand was just a split!

A thunder fire ran across a hundred miles, and suddenly smashed down!


The purple airship and the crimson airship, fire at the same time!

However, the ordinary Rako Protoss will turn into ashes with the airship naval gun, and touch this thunder and fire!

"Boom..." In the midst of the huge earthquake, this thunder fire, and the artillery fire from the floating spaceship, had already exploded! ! ~!

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