Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1962: Hard fight

The strong are scary

This Lecco guard, smashed easily, and was tied with the purple airship and the red airship.

This made the purple airship and all the monks on the red airship tremble.

"Monster, real monster"

Everyone, there is only one thought in their hearts

"Damn, it's so strong? Why do I feel that the power of this blow is far less powerful than it showed?

I use my spirit to scan the whole picture."

Luanpo said to Commissioner Qian

"Yes, I feel that way too"

Chi Dawei and Bro also said together

The Lecco general who appeared suddenly,

They have never heard of it before

The shot of the Rako Guard made them feel weird

Although the attack of the Lecco Guardian was powerful, it was still far inferior to the two airships, and the shocking power of the bombardment together.

Monk issued

However, it was comparable to the two airships bombarded at the same time.

"In the attack of the Rako God Guard, it has great destructive power to ordinary Taoism."

Ruan Ren shouted

"Yes, I think so too"

Commissioner Qian nodded

His spirit is fully open, like a galaxy roaring,

Also came to the same conclusion as Ruan Ren

Hong Duan also nodded: "This Rako Guard is really powerful. If we go, our Taoism will not have much effect on this Rako Guard."

It’s a tactful saying

In fact, Ruan Ren, Hong Duan, and Qian Yuan are not opponents of the Lecco Shenwei.

"If it is a pure Taoist confrontation, we are not opponents

However, our swordsmanship, after so many years of practice, is not a display."

Commissioner Qian said disapprovingly

"Well, the sword art I practiced, one sword is divided into ten thousand swords, I really want to try the power of this Lecco guard"

Hong Duan raised eyebrows

It can be said to be majestic

Commissioner Hong Duan and Qian Da, Ruan Ren are both four-diamond flower **** late

The previous battle, Hong Duan’s swordsmanship, had the worst results, Hong Duan was embarrassed.

This Lecco guard saw his sword being blocked,

Is to make a grinning expression,

The Great Sword, the big sword shaken, has turned into two shocking changhong,

Distance of tens of miles away,

It has been crossed in an instant,

Just a twist

A brilliant cyan sword light,

Just explode suddenly

In an instant, tens of thousands of sword lights whizzed and flew by

With these two shocking changhong,

Hundreds of cyan sword lights turned into crystal fragments,

There are hundreds of cyan sword lights, reflecting back

However, Hong Duan's expression was as cold as water, his magic tricks changed, and his sword power changed.

In the huge howl, tens of thousands of sword lights have become incomparable.

Like petals, slowly and firmly opening

Actually, it’s slow, but it seems slow

Every petal-like sword light touches the second sky-shaking changhong, and it bursts apart.

With countless petals opening, Hong Duan stepped back

In a few blinks, it was already a few miles back,

The two Changhongs, although they are continuous and chasing,

However, Hong Duan was in the void, and his gestures were calm.

The power of the Erdao Changhong has been cut by half

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Sure enough, in the late stage of the Four Diamond Flower God,

Swordsmanship has its own magical powers,

In a flash, a colorful branch appeared in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

Swipe towards these two Changhong

A flash of colorful brilliance

The second way of Changhong is to reduce it by half

Hong Duan yelled: "Good baby"

The sword of light is billions, like galaxy rewinding,

The second Changhong has been hit and crushed

"Human monks, you still have some abilities"

Lecco's guards sounded like thunder, but their expression was serious

Commissioner Qian is a magic weapon that can use the power of the Lako tribe.

I haven’t seen the God Guard of Rako

"This product, I am afraid only water yuan beads"

Luan Po was surprised to speak to Member Qian

Holding the water yuanzhu in it,

Gentle brilliance, waves of turbulence,

"Don't use Shui Yuanzhu

Ruan Ren, Hong Duan, and I can fight this Lecco deity."

Commissioner Qian said

at this time,

Ruan Any Sound

With a wave,

A big seal is printed,

It’s only a few meters away, but it looks like a ten thousand peaks.

It was just a flash, and it had already hit this Lecco guard

Rako Guard, the big knife in his hand is just a block

The big knife in the hands of the Rako Protoss,

And this big seal


Like a thunderbolt,

The flame bursts thousands of feet high

Rako Protoss,

Just step back a few steps in the air,

Above the big knife, a gap of tens of feet wide appeared

Three hundred feet tall,

Just take a few steps back,

Also backed a few miles

Guanghua swept away,

Ruan Ren took back the big seal, but he looked disappointed

Stepping on the big seal, hitting the ordinary Lecco Protoss, that is one hit and one accurate,

The Void weapon of the Rako Protoss interrupted, and the man was beaten for more than ten miles.

The combat effectiveness dropped by tens of percent

This Rako guard took a blow, but backed a few steps, the weapon was damaged.

"Hahaha tribe, your baby, it's nothing more than that"

Lecco guards laughed

"Take a look at me"

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand

A golden light is like a dragon, flying through the air,

Snarled vigorously, and then swooped down

In the golden light, mountains and valleys, storms and lightning, unpredictable

The big sword in the hands of God Guard Rako didn’t dare to use it again.

In this golden light,

With such a landscape, you can tell at a glance, it combines a variety of mysteries

This time, it’s the warhammer in your hand.

There was another loud bang,

The landscape is on the left, the warhammer is on the right, the warhammer is on the left, and the landscape is on the right, which is as wonderful as a phantom

The warhammer has burst

Among the debris,

This Lecco guard, backed dozens of steps, that is to say, in the void, backed 30 miles,

On the face, the divine light shines one after another, and then it returns to normal

Now, he can't get up easily

"Look at me"

Chi Da yelled

He is now also the cultivation base of the four-diamond flower **** in the mid-term, but he has practiced the Longmen Inn’s practice technique,

Although there is no breakthrough, the cultivation base is also a big improvement


A mountain rises into the sky, and between the whistling, it has changed into a radius of more than ten meters,

Towards this Lecco guard, it was suddenly smashed down

These human races are powerful

It’s just that, together with these magic weapons, it seems to cover a radius of a hundred miles,

It's hard to hide

Rico's guard, had to raise his sword and block

"Boom" there was a thunderbolt,

The Rako Protoss just took three steps back. Above the big sword, there was only a gap of several meters.

Chi Dawei’s magic weapon is the worst among the few

Rico's guard just laughed,

See the bright red brilliance

Extremely powerful,

"Card wipe"

A gap of a hundred feet long appeared obliquely on the body of the Rako Protoss.

Divine blood splattered hundreds of feet away

"Haha, Rako Protoss, it's nothing more than that"

Commissioner Qian said without shame

This Lecco guard,

Since participating in this war,

The strongest opponent

Finally issued this sword,

Finally let the other party take some injuries,

Immediately blow the atmosphere

"Master Qian is really awesome. After fighting for so long, he only hit the opponent with a sword."

This Lecco Shenwei Hai did not speak,

In the formation on the side of the flying sword,

A monk spoke

Old Qian was furious: "Without our few four-diamond flower **** late-stage cultivators rushing forward, you guys have already turned to ashes.

What atmosphere is still blowing here"

at this time,

Rako's guard let out a roar

Like a huge thunderbolt,

He is already rushing over

Huge figure,

With a kind of publicity, a kind of power that swallows everything

"You guys, it's nothing more than that, this Lecco guard is mine"

In the formation on the red floating side,

A monk stood up,

The figure is vertical,

The individual has turned into a blood-red brilliance, in this blood-red brilliance,

There are countless strange beasts roaring, spreading their teeth and dancing claws, and the sound shook for nine days

The mighty momentum made all the monks on these two airships feel a tremor

"Top-grade equipment?"

Ruan Ren and Hong Duan said in unison

Several monks, their faces were full of surprise and jealousy

Obviously, the cultivation base of this monk was only in the early stage of the Four Diamond Flower God,

It can have a magic weapon equivalent to the power of Yuanying Flower God,

Of course the indigenous people of Longmen Inn

The huge roaring figure, the **** brilliance that shook the sound for nine days, just slammed together.

There are exploding voids everywhere, as if to pause,

Then, in an instant,

Countless monsters and huge figures staggered apart

Among the hormones flying by in the void,

Countless strange beasts burst into pieces, and one-third of the giant beasts have been blasted to pieces before it stopped.

And this huge figure,

Rushing out of the range of tens of miles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a violent explosion exploded on this huge figure,

There are dozens of more blood holes in the body of the Lecco guard.

In the blood spurting tens of feet,

This Lecco guard was crooked and twisted in the void, and every step he took, the void under his feet appeared in a turbulent manner, unexpectedly standing tall.

Countless monsters form a face, just like the monk just now,

However, this face,

But full of surprise

Obviously, the high-grade equipment is not as powerful as he imagined.

"Hahaha, are you surprised?"

Commissioner Qian wanted to laugh at this native

The figure rushes by

It is Ruan Ren and Hong Duan,

"This Lecco guard is mine"

Committee member Qian shouted,

Picturesque scenery together,

In an instant, it was ahead of the two

"Damn, this birdman's technique is really better than me"

Ruan Ren and Hong Duan thought

At this moment, Fa Jue’s urging of degrees is fully manifested.

However, in the void,

A distance of a hundred miles, for three people, it is an instant

The God Guard of Rako has been submerged in the sword light soaring to the sky

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