Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1998: A matter of law

The law is too mysterious, we don’t understand it, Chibian, please elaborate:"

Xiange said.

"Chibian, you are now a three-diamond hu god. It is ours, the highest cultivation base.

However, as mentioned in the classics I have read, the law can only be comprehended by reaching the Yuan Ying hu god.

Your cultivation base will be stagnant when you reach the three-diamond hu god, you talk about the law, let's be a bit early. "Said the turtle.

The three diamond hu gods have the highest cultivation base. It is a bit unpleasant to say these in the mouth of a turtle.

The cultivation base of the pool has reached the three-diamond hu god, on the mountain hu plane, the cultivation base is only under the chairman Qian.

But the turtle, the big head, is still unable to break through the barrier of the three diamonds.

"When you reach the four-diamond hu god, you have to perceive the great way. It's not the increase in mana that can be useful, you guys, huh."

Chibian shook his head, disdainful of telling you.

Just talking.

The two green and red rays of light, breaking through the black tip of the sky, the magic blade, with an unpredictable grandeur and grandeur, has already landed before a few people.

As soon as the green light received the red light, it was Commissioner Qian and Luan Po!

"What are you talking about? Look at you standing here, it's very leisurely."

Member Qian asked.

These people are standing here, watching the scenery.

As for the monsters in the abyss, they are separated by dozens of miles, hundreds of miles.

Afraid to approach.

"Oh, old Qian, how can we have you and Luan Po so prestigious, no one can stop you all the way."

The turtle looked helpless.

"Yes, yesterday we captured a few prisoners, and we all fought a battle. They were so tired and half dead. How can we compare with you, do you understand the law?"

The big head said.

"The law... how do you know?" Commissioner Qian was shocked.

The Dragon Inn is shrouded in law"

The monks of the Dragon Gate Inn, living in the laws every day, have turned a blind eye to the laws that cover the Dragon Gate Inn.

But" on ordinary planes, even on the mountain hu plane covered by thousands of miles of Zhoutian star formation, there is no shadow of law.

Not to mention seeing the law, ordinary Nascent Soul monks can't feel the shadow of the law.

It is in the classics that the description of the law is nothing but legend.

Turtle, the cultivation base of the big head "has reached the peak of the second diamond hu god, and soon the third diamond hu god, the law" is far away from them.

"Looking at your retreat, such a magnificent emperor must have realized an extraordinary Dao opportunity."

Take a step forward by the pool, stand up and say "You...pool?"

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo looked at each other.

"This monster by the pond may know the existence of the law."

Luan Po said.

"Law, that's a legendary existence...hehe." Commissioner Qian laughed and looked at the side of the pool fiercely. "Longmen Inn" had a rule to cover!

Back then, I knew a Yuanying hu **** who once entered the Longmen Inn. "

Said Chibian.

"Sure enough, there are rules, old money, you are still hiding it from us" is really not enough. "

The turtle has piercing eyes.

"Old Qian, Turtle and I, our cultivation bases are hovering at the peak of the second diamond hu god, and it is too late to advance to the third diamond hu god. If you have any profound knowledge, please tell me and listen."

However, his eyes are also full of expectation.

"Xiange" is also watching.

"You"... know Longmen Inn, why don't you go in?

You have a friend of Yuanying Hu, in the Longmen Inn, it's okay to tell us.

Qian Dawei said Yan.

"Longmen Inn, how can it be so easy to enter, besides, after so many years, the Yuan Ying Hu God I know, whether or not Longmen Inn, I still don't know.

Said Chibian.

"Longmen Inn, there are rules."

Commissioner Qian said.

"However, generally speaking, only Yuanying hu **** can perceive the law. I and Lao Qian have worked hard to understand some branches of the law from the Taoism of Yuanying hu god, but there are these branches. , Lao Qian and I don't even know what this law is like." Luan Po said.

"Impossible, old money, we know that your deduction ability is much stronger than ours. You have realized the branch, but you don't know the whole law. This is simply unbelievable. ..."

The turtle said in surprise!

"Well, the turtle is right, but I can't believe it"

The face by the pool was also very surprised.

"Get us to understand the structure of the law, show them, I want to see, a few of them, the cultivation base by the pool is the highest, and only the three-diamond hu god’s initial cultivation base, in front of the structure of this law How long will it last?"

Commissioner Qian said to Luan Po.

"Okay, I want to see too." Luanpo agreed.

With a wave of his hand, a scroll was already flying towards the turtle.

"This is the structure of a rule that we have realized. You will know it by looking at it."

The soft-shelled turtle stretched out his hand, the scroll unfolded, and the big head, the pool, and Xiange crowded all around.

This is a legendary thing recorded in ancient books.

No, in the classics, the law exists in the plane, but only the Yuan Ying hu **** or above can understand it.

In the several battles on the Nanchao plane, Datou and a few people by the pool have also seen some powerful Taoisms of Yuanying Hu, and they have also communicated with Yuanying Hu.

I have never heard of it before, Yuan Ying Hu God has realized the law.

As for the Taoism that Commissioner Qian and Luan Po just demonstrated, ordinary abyss monsters, no one can stop!

There is already some implied meaning of Yuanying hu Shendao law.

Regarding the scroll that Luanpo took out, the big head, and the few people by the pool, lest they missed part.

But, in less than a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~oh..."

Xiange made a muffled hum and backed up a few steps!

His Taoism is powerful, but his cultivation realm is the worst among these people.

Exit first!

"Oh one..."

This time it is big head.

He snorted and took a few steps back.

However, the distance of retreat is not as far as Xiange.

After a while, the soft-shelled turtle snorted, and also retreated from the scroll, the distance back was about the same as the big head.

After a while, the look on the face of the pool changed continuously!

With a muffled hum, a raised hand, the scroll shaft flew towards the ridges, but the edge of the pool shook and did not move back.

"Look, this is the law after we deduced it. They are just like this. If we have not deduced the law, they still don't know what it looks like."

Luanpo said to Member Qian with a little disdain.

"Tell me, what's your impression of the law?" Committee Member Qian said, immediately, several people shook their heads.

"There is no impression." Turtle said.

"Me too, without any impression."

"Me too." Xiange said.

"Me too." Chibian said.

"Look, isn't this?" Luanpo put away the scroll. At this moment, I saw a large black flame rolling in the distance. In the flame, various abyss monsters, howling angrily! ! ~!

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