Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1999: Roasted Demon

"This is still the law after we deduced, if we deduced the law before, you..."

Against hundreds of miles of black flames, rolling in, Luanpo ignored him, and continued to face the turtle, the big head, by the pool, Xiange showing off.

Seeing that the few people were very upset, they couldn't say a word, Luanpo felt uncomfortable.

You guys, on the plane of Mountain Hu, didn't buy it to me, now there is nothing to say.

"Old Qian, there is something, let me tell you.

The edge of the pool spoke to Commissioner Qian.

"Of course, you can talk to Luanpo." Commissioner Qian listened, and looked at each other with Luanpo: "This poolside wants us to collect the rules." There is no powerful method, we know very little about how to advance the Nascent Soul Hu God."

Luan Po said.

Commissioner Qian nodded: "Well, tell him later, if you don't get some genuine products, we will not give him the rules we collected." "This poolside, the rules of viewing, can be said to be relaxed. I'm in three. When drilling the gods, if you watch this law, it is not as easy as the poolside."

Luan Po said.

"Well, it's the same with me. When I drilled the hu god, how could there be such a realm." Commissioner Qian also sighed and smiled at the edge of the pool: "Say back to these abyss monsters."

Speaking of repelling these abyss monsters?

The mouth on the edge of the pool twitched.

It seems that this time, it won't work if you don't come up with some advanced techniques.

As he said, the flames of a hundred yuan have already rolled in.

The black fire rises, holding a demon general, slowly rising.

A silver armor with fish scales, with endless magic patterns flowing on it, obviously, it is also a good treasure.

The face is protruding like a wolf but with fine scales, the shield in the left hand and the sword in the right hand are infinitely chilly as they swing!

"Humans, who is arrogant here just now, stand up!

We black volcano, waiting here! "

The sound of this abyssal monster is like ice that has not melted for a long time, making people feel cold all over!

"High-ranking magic commander!" Turtle, big head, Xiange's face turned expressionless.

"The cultivation base of the four-diamond hu **** mid-term peak is enough to hit all of you.

No wonder you guys, standing here in a daze and watching the scenery here. "Luan Po did not let go of any opportunity to mock them.

The turtles are really furious. Not to mention there are 100,000 monsters here, but the high-level demon generals who came here are not opponents. "Luanpai, I didn’t see it before. You have enough damage, you can You go up and send him away."

The turtle said coldly.

"That is, I heard that you are also the Four Diamond Hu God, we are not capable, you are capable, you fight.

The feeling that this high-level demon will give me is similar to the feeling that old Qian gave me before. ", the big head rolls his eyes straight.

"Hey" "Big head, this magic commander, compared with my previous self, his cultivation level is still a lot worse, my Zhoutian Star Dou formation is not for nothing."

Commissioner Qian said quickly.

You guys, don't take me out as a shield.

"What would you say if I cut this demon general?" Luanpo made a grin.

"This mountain is broken, so sure that it is not a powerful treasure refined in the Longmen Inn." Turtle spoke to several people.

"Well, if there is a powerful treasure, it will be no problem at all if it is challenged by a higher level."

The big head said.

"This is your business, it has nothing to do with me," Chibian said.

"How can this Luan Po be so arrogant?

Give him a problem. "

The turtle said to the big head.

The big head nodded, "Luan Po, who came with this demon general, there are a few demon generals, you beat them all back, we will see you in the future and salute you!" said the big head!

Next to this abyss demon general, there are several demon generals, each with the cultivation base of the four diamond hu god.

Just make the Chief Qian frowned!

Among the abyss demon generals, the abyss demon generals of the four-diamond hu **** seemed to have more and more trends.

"Well, that's it, he is a four-diamond hu **** early cultivator, can he beat back a few four-diamond hu **** mid-stage abyss monsters?

The monster of the abyss, with its big moves, can challenge it even more. "

Turtle nodded with satisfaction.

"Turtle, what do you mean?"

Luanpo said to the turtle.

"Big head means what I mean."

The turtle nodded.

"Okay" you look at them one by one. ", Luanpo waved his hand, and the raging flame burst into the air. It had already passed for several miles and came to the front of the monster array, and the sky was half red.

The magic flame soars into the sky, and the momentum is like a mountain.

Luanpo was calm and unhurried, reaching out his hand and pointing, "You monsters, release the captured human monks, and I will forgive you today!"

On the monster's side, there was an angry shout immediately.

Turtle, big head, Xiange just took a look.

"Damn, Luan Po, why is he not afraid at all."

The big head said.

"That is, his magic weapon is so powerful?

Old money, what magic weapon does the turtle have? It's not a magic weapon similar to your sea-cutting sword. "

Turtle raised questions to Commissioner Qian.

"That's right, but no prize!"

Commissioner Qian nodded.


Turtle, the big head is not stable, "Ignorant human beings, the cultivation base is not high, the tone is quite big!

We, Black Volcano, are about to hold a thousand cultivation banquets, and we need a thousand human monks to make delicious food. There are still a few, you guys, just on top! "

After finishing speaking, the long sword in his hand shakes, and it has turned into a silver brilliance of thousands of feet, heading towards the Luanpo, galloping away! Amidst the thousands of feet of silver brilliance, there are ten thousand silver claws, and the ten thousand claws faintly operate in a strange formation, and the mountain break has been shrouded under countless claws in an instant.

Turtle and Datou were shocked in a cold sweat.

"Countless sharp claws, flying around in the formation, if we meet"..."

"I'm afraid I can't survive a few tricks."

Turtle and Datou's expressions have changed. Now let's see how Luanpo can deal with it.

There was a burst of gloat on the faces of turtle and big head.

They were all cultivating in the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, absorbing countless star powers, and the poolside cultivation base improved so fast, and he did not reach the four diamond hu gods, this Luan Po.

But it was the four-diamond hu **** who cultivated to the four-diamond hu god, and he also entered the Longmen Inn. He also made rapid progress in magic weapons.

Countless silver claws are like a picture, a battle picture, a picture of thousands of miles entering the battle!

The sound of applause from the abyss monsters.

Commissioner Qian was silent on this side.

See you at this moment, a long rainbow of flames, tens of feet wide, frantically rolling! Like a long river rushing, the galaxy inverted.

Countless sharp birds and fire beasts emerged among the flames of the Changhong. They were dozens of pieces in length. They stepped on fire under their feet and breathed fire in their mouths.

Just a pounce at the silver claws!


The silver claws burst suddenly!

Countless fire beasts, fire birds, galloping freely, flying, the entire sky has been reflected in red. The ferocious aura of the silver claws, the wonderful formation, before the countless fire beasts and firebirds, it was almost useless.

Countless thunderbolts sounded, and the silver claws had turned into countless fragments in the air.

The flying sword of this abyss monster was already shattered.


This abyssal monster was shocked, but only felt that countless flame monsters and giant birds in the sky seemed to fill the entire void. With a wave of the shield in his left hand, one shield immediately turned into ten thousand faces, and tens of thousands of shields were overlapped, arranged in a mysterious formation, like an endless shield formation. Tens of thousands of shields are flying, and every shield brings the sound of wind and thunder. Tens of thousands of shields, endless wind and thunder rolling!

However, the countless fire beasts and fire birds rushed down, tens of thousands of shields, just splashing countless shield fragments.

These four diamond hu gods couldn't imagine that these countless fire beasts and fire birds were so powerful and threatening. Once the magic trick was pinched, it would be launched.

However, countless fire beasts, fire birds, open mouths roaring, the escape method of these four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters, but they can not be triggered, this is shocked!

One hand!

Ten miles of black mang shoots out!

However, Fire Beasts and Fire Birds were just a hundred blown out.

In the huge roar that shook the sky, these four diamond hu gods had been submerged by countless fire beasts and fire birds.

"Do not…""

The Demon Race within a hundred li's radius uttered an incredible roar. The leader of this battle, the Abyss Demon General, was so defeated, so simply.

Within a hundred miles of the black fire, there were tens of thousands of monsters in the abyss!

Thousands of people said no together, converging into a huge wave!

Full of wonder and fear.

Since Luan Po embarked on the path of cultivation, Hai has not had such a fighting battle, and his vanity has been unprecedentedly satisfied.

Looking at the several abyssal monsters next to him, the light stood up and fleeed towards the distance.

These people ran away. In front of the turtle and the big head, wouldn't they give up?

"There are a few of you!"

Luan Po's face is filled with a kind of spirited spirit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ completely like a nouveau riche.

With a finger, the fire beast flew across the air, and the fire bird spread its wings in the air!

In an instant, it was already spanning several miles!

An abyssal monster, the escape method has not yet started, has seen fire beasts, fire birds, rushing madly!

This abyss monster just shouted in anger! Thousands of cold electricity, cold as ice, flames like fire, with an indescribable beauty, burst out!

The sky is full of muffled thunder.

The swordsmanship of these abyss monsters who played in battle was good, but it was not a problem if they met the former Qiang committee member before the advancement, and supported more than 20 moves.

However, the fire beasts and firebirds spouted fireballs in their mouths, and the fireballs filled the air, and they arrived, thousands of cold electricity, blasted to pieces!

The flames rushed for dozens of miles!

The entire four-diamond hu **** is also splashing in all directions.

"The devil is on!"

Within a hundred miles, there was a terrifying shout.

The four-diamond hu god-level demon generals, that is, the demon generals of the distant abyss, have all come here, and they are not often seen. This time, four abyss demon generals will emerge at once. This is Qian Dawei Yan and Luanpo , All the way hurriedly, caused by the effect of all blocking.

Only then did four four-diamond hu gods high-level magic generals at once.

There were more than 10,000 abyssal monsters, but they saw that these abyssal monsters, Qianxiu's banquet was not completed, and instead they roasted themselves under the opponent's magic weapon.

Half of the abyss monsters have already turned and hurried towards the black volcano! ! ~!

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