Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2005: Slaying

The red and white ring spouted countless red and white sparks. This four-diamond hu **** monster battle robe was sprayed by the red and white sparks. Numerous talismans emerged and turned into various forms. Law phase.

However, these various phenomena, under the red and white sparks, melt quickly!

At this moment, a red flame swept away, just a turn, the head of the four-diamond hu **** monster was already skyrocketing!

Commissioner Qian turned his attention to the eight-sided gold and bronze. The countless purple sword lights were still struggling to support them in the thunder and magma.

Those countless purple sword lights are strong!

Commissioner Qian didn't care, the four diamond hu gods were no longer on the battlefield.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

The wind and thunder sword whizzed out, dozens of miles away, a three-diamond hu god's abyss monster transformed into an infinite shadow in the air, but it only felt the endless aura of destruction, tracking it, but it was impossible to get rid of this terrible Thunder.


Thousands of ice cones are pouring out!

The sky is like thousands of stars, destroying the world!

As if the cold from Henggu, it has spurted up wildly!

"Boom... One"

Countless wind and thunder blasted in!

Ten thousand stars, together with the three diamond hu gods, stopped abruptly, and then burst.

A circle of brilliant magic light burst out, soaring up!

Three diamonds on the face of the **** hu, with a face full of disbelief!

Feng Lei Jian dived and swept!

Three diamonds hu **** and his magic weapon, swallowed them all.

"It's a waste of time for you to manipulate it like this!", within the Wind Thunder Sword, the King Swallowing Sky said with dissatisfaction.

It is Hanhaike who controls Fengleijian now.


"Look at me!"

King Swallowing Sky said.

Thunder show!

Countless wind and thunder have turned into a waterfall of thunder and hurricane, as if connected to the sky, they don't know where they come from or where they are going!

A team of abyssal monsters hurriedly, it seemed that the establishment was still intact.

There are more than sixty people.

In the midst of the black fire rolling in the air, he still maintained a complete formation.

As long as it stops, it can be transformed into a complete formation.

"Damn, what lord-level adult, compared with the human Yuan Ying Hu, is the slightest disadvantage, vulnerable, and was cracked by the two four-diamond hu gods. The husband who had only been so long was beaten away. We can't run the road," said an abyss monster with white scales. Dark blue magic patterns gleamed on the white scales.

"Master Splitting Sky fought against the human Yuan Ying Hu God in the previous years of battle, and he was also at a disadvantage." said the red monster.

Before he finished talking, he just yelled!

"Ah" what is that? "Countless thunder hurricanes, connected to each other, swam, forming a huge net and suddenly crashed!

How fast Thunder is, the formation of more than sixty people can't reflect it at all, and it has been covered by this Thunder!

The azure blue, blue, white, and red thunder is like a torrential rain. The abyss monsters only feel that there is a dazzling brilliance, violent and devastating before their eyes, "I rely on...", "How to find us "One"

The monsters in the abyss in the scolding sounded their flying swords and magic weapons with all their strength to greet the fury and destruction!

The respective flying swords, the magic weapon and the magic power are all blazing!

Countless bangs rang out!

Dozens of flying swords and magic weapons were broken and shattered in the loud noise!

Among the countless talismans, some of the abyss monsters have already issued new magic weapons, and some of them are still in the process of urging them. However, their fate is the same, with a face full of horror, watching. Lei Ting broke through his flying sword magic weapon, and then shattered his own body protection magic tactics!

After blasting through his body, he flew away like electricity!

More than sixty monsters in the abyss, in an instant, have been stranded into a mass of flesh and blood stumps, drawing out strange and **** tracks in the air!

In the air, he composes a picture with cruel blood as the main body.

Cooperating with the monsters of the abyss, the various howlings are simply complete.

"Hahaha" One"

King Swallowing Sky is very satisfied. In the past, he was a four-diamond hu **** and a gladiator type existence. Now, seeing more than sixty abyssal monsters, there are three-diamond hu gods, two-diamond hu gods, and one diamond hu god. Under his own sword, he was destroyed by the sword. Although he was also forced to capture and preside over this flying sword, he felt a kind of wanton arrogance and pleasure.

"Hahaha, this is a good method, I also urged the law jue like this." Han Haike also reminded the law jue!

With the four-diamond hu god's mana, urging with all his strength, Han Haike urged tens of thousands of lightning flashes, slashing away!

The huge lightning waterfall swept hundreds of miles, and there were thousands of monsters in the abyss. They were swept by the thunder and twisted into countless flesh and blood. Then, they were swallowed by the thunder.

"You can't run away anymore, if you run away, you will be killed by the thunder sooner or later..."

A team of dozens of abyss monster leaders yelled frantically toward a team of abyss monster leaders not far away! A team of dozens of abyssal monsters could not stop the thunder net while fleeing.

"Well, so many of us, being chased by them, I'm already upset!"

Over there, dozens of people in the abyss shouted loudly.

The main reason is that the two monks who defeated the **** hu of the cracking sky yuanying didn't come after him.

Hundreds of abyssal monsters are arranged together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A formation picture swayed in the air, and in an instant, it has become thousands of meters large, facing the hundreds of abyssal monsters!

A deep blue giant sword thundered and formed over this formation. It was more than sixty feet long and surrounded by countless deep blue talisman seals. There were countless talismans, and it was flying fiercely!

An imposing momentum, straight into the sky.

Just a turn!

The thunder nets that have been connected by countless thunder and lightning are coming!

"Boom... one", with a sound, the thunder talisman, like a volcanic eruption, went straight into the sky.

The thunder net formed by countless lightning connections has been divided into two!

"Ah... the power of this formation is really strong... One", King Tuntian stood up, "Ao "One"

With a roar.

As soon as the method was urged, the thunder net turned into thousands of thunders, and in an instant, it had covered the entire air and whizzed down!

"Boom, boom, boom—"

Countless thunder explosions, countless blue, white, and red brilliance rushed up!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of the earthquake resounded across the sky.

The dark blue giant sword blocks the left and the right!

However, the infinite thunder is transformed into infinite, and the deep blue giant sword is powerful, but it can't stop the infinite thunder!

In the formation, it was not the loud noise and screams of the magic weapon flying sword being broken by the concubine.

In less than ten seconds, the deep blue giant sword had been shattered! ! ~!

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