Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2006: Black fire

The dark blue giant sword shattered, this formation was just a few moments of time, "Boom..."

Countless thunders have drowned these dozens of people, leaving only a series of screams.


With a thunderbolt, a thunder fire of hundreds of meters long swayed in the air, and an abyss monster had already brought magic weapons to people and was blasted to smash!

After being swallowed by this hundreds of feet of thunder fire, there is nothing left!

The hundreds of feet of thunder fire shook, and it was already in the hands of the big head, turning into a thunder whip several feet long.

Looking at the Feng Lei Sword, he had already killed dozens of abyssal monsters in one attack, and his saliva flowed out.

"Old Qian, you used to be very active in killing the monsters in the abyss, how do you look at the excitement now."

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

"It's still useful to use your cultivation base to refine the abyss monsters. With my current cultivation base, refining the abyss monsters below the four diamond hu gods is completely useless for me!"

"But it's useful for us, the abyss monsters can be refined, and there are many materials, which are also useful for the mountain hu plane."

The turtle said.

"Yes, it's useful for you, but I defeated Yuanying Hu, it's interesting enough. You have the magic weapon I gave in your hands. Whatever you can do." Just so. "

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

The seized magic weapon of the monks of the Dragon Gate Inn was of a fairly high standard. I gave it to you, and you still came to me, not even the magic weapon.

"Mountain hu plane needs these materials. You know, so many monks make magic weapons for you. The materials needed are difficult to collect."

Now that you are back, those magic weapons need to be revised again, which requires a lot of materials! "

Turtle was a little hot, and said to Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian looked at the turtle.

The turtle turned into a sword.

"Well, turtle" you are right. Committee Member Qian "pop" snapped his fingers.

The star mist emerged from the body of Chairman Qian, only a few tens of meters in radius. In an instant, countless stars burst out from the star mist, as if the entire sky was filled with this kind of starlight."

Every starlight hurried away toward a speeding abyss monster!

The preservative of "Stars Hurricane" ignores the obstacles of space.

The sky is full of stars." These abyss monsters all urged their magic weapons and flying swords with all their strength to reveal their various phenomena.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

Countless huge thunder exploded in the air.

"Abyss monsters, falling like raindrops"..."

After a long time, the turtle still sighed.

Within hundreds of miles, the stars are constantly shooting!

It’s a long while” before this Taoism stopped.

"More than seven thousand"..." The big head said dullly.

"Old money, this method is really..." Turtle was a little bit naive, and his words were incomplete.

"I'll give you half, but it's not all yours. For most of them, you take back to the Mountain Hu plane and use them as various refining materials."

Commissioner Qian said.

Reaching out his hand, the countless stars flew towards the palace of Commissioner Qian!

After more than 3,000 abyssal monsters were refined, it was also a great help to the sacred mansion of Commissioner Qian.

The turtle started to clean up these abyss monsters, but the big head, Xiange, and the pool immediately hurriedly arrived!

"Turtle, these have to be distributed to the mountain hu plane, we will do you a favor!", these people said.

The speed of Jianguang is faster than that of a turtle.

"What's the specialty of Black Volcano?"

Member Qian asked.

Having said that, Commissioner Qian's expression became a little more interested.

"I heard that black fire grass grows on a cliff in the black volcano. It blooms every five hundred years and produces a result every five hundred years. This is a famous specialty in the entire southern tide plane."

Oh... The one-money commissioner swept away his thoughts and found the jade slip given to him by the blue beard and four-diamond hu **** Gullit. "Sure enough, the black fire grass is ranked above the specialty.

"Well, some of the characteristics of this black fireweed are not bad, and they can be used for alchemy."

Commissioner Qian nodded and said, "Go"...Lan was transformed into a green mountain and water, as if extending to the horizon.

Divine Sense came out wildly, and after a while, he found a lava river, above the magma river, burning black flames, black fire grass, growing directly on this magma river.

Commissioner Qian looked at it for a while and frowned.

"The growth conditions of this black fireweed are very demanding. If they are transplanted into our divine palace, I will spend a lot of mana and time" to create an appropriate environment. "

Luanpo frowned and said.

"What you want to say is exactly what I want to say." Qian Daweiyan said.

"It's better, we let your men occupy this place and guard these black fireweeds until they mature, then come pick them."

Luanpo said.

"Well, here, just set up a formation, turtle, how many formation flags do you have now?"

Commissioner Qian said.

Hundreds of miles away, at this time, the turtle was still cleaning up on the battlefield. "I have a dozen sets of flags here." To be honest, the monks in the Tiangong Temple have improved a lot over the years.

Refining the formation flag is already commonplace for them, and they have also produced the magic weapon of multi-layer formation. "

The turtle said.

"I think you should teach them more knowledge of refining tools."

"I know this. You bring a set of formation flags and are sending some people to guard the black fire grass here."

Commissioner Qian said.

"it is good…"

After a while, the turtle came over.

Take out a set of flags and hand them to Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian looked at it and nodded: "Yes, their refinement level has really improved. I don't need much improvement anymore."

As he said, stretched out his hand and pointed, the formation flag has been set up, surrounded by a cloud of stars. "These black fireweeds, we only picked some mature, and you send someone to guard the others.

It only takes a few decades. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Well, you can send someone, if the masters of the abyssal monsters come over... one"

Turtle said, Commissioner Qian waved his hand, "If the master of the abyssal monster comes over, you can just notify me.

Now within more than a thousand miles of the black volcano, there are no more monsters in the abyss. They have cultivated in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation for so long, and they have a formation here. Could it be that they can't even perform the task of guarding? "

Commissioner Qian waved his hand, a little irritable.

"Okay, I will make arrangements!"

The turtle said.

Commissioner Qian and Luan Po did not stay too much on this southern tide plane, but went straight back to the mountain and hu plane, "After spending so many years in the Longmen Inn, I must conduct a submersible repair."

Commissioner Qian said, "Me too."

Luanpo nodded and hurriedly returned to the plane of Tianpeng Mountain.

"Master head is back."

The monks on the mountain hu plane saluted to the member Qian.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Step in the air"

Has come to the palace of heaven.

"The head is back."

"It just so happens that I have a lot of refining problems, and I need to ask the headmaster for advice." The monks in the Tiangong Temple were very happy.

"This is some knowledge of refining art."

Commissioner Qian sat down and waved his hand, dozens of jade slips were already placed in front of the monks in the Temple of Heavenly Work.

"Now ask your questions, and I will answer each of your questions in detail!"

Commissioner Qian said.

The monks in the Tiangong Temple raised their own questions one after another, and Qian Yuan gave them detailed answers.

I kept talking for days and nights.

The monks in the Temple of Heavenly Work, one by one, were full of energy and felt that their level of refinement had been greatly improved.

Then, Commissioner Qian gave a part of the magic weapon he picked up on the Void Battlefield to the masters of the Mountain Hu plane.

He began to fully realize the innate Daoism on the Shui Yuanzhu.

Only to realize more innate Dao faculties, use these innate Dao faculties to strengthen one's own Dao Fa and magic weapons, so that their power and power will be continuously improved.

This is the sentiment of Commissioner Qian after the battle in Black Volcano.

It is the Yuan Ying Hu God, who has realized the innate Dao Ji and has not realized the innate Dao Ji"

The difference in combat effectiveness is really huge.

In the leisure time of comprehension, give pointers to the refining tools of Tiangong Palace.

Now, the only thing that Commissioner Qian can give pointers is the refining tools of the Tiangong Temple.

As for the monks on the plane of mountain hu, they have established contact with various stars over the years. From these stars, they have realized Taoism. All they have to do is from these stars. , To realize more Dao Ji, in order to make your Dao Fa stronger!

On this point, Commissioner Qian could only guide them. Commissioner Qian had no choice but to compile some of his cultivation insights into books and put them in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion ~www.wuxiaspot.com~for ten years. Time passed.

Many monks under the jurisdiction of the Giant Rock Shrine have been transferred, and the war with the abyss monsters has once again entered the confrontation.

On this day, Commissioner Qian received the message.

"Old money, come here quickly, the people of Canglang Lord God, who want to occupy Black Volcano, the black fire grass protected by the formation, they also want to occupy, come here for this matter."

The turtle said in the message.

Comprehending the innate Dao Ji, in ten years, in the eyes of Chairman Qian, progress has been average.

Several magic weapons are still being refined.

When the turtle said so, Commissioner Qian was angry.

"I'll come here at once!"

Commissioner Qian stood up," he stepped on his feet, he was already in the teleportation formation, and then he had reached the southern tide plane.


As soon as the monk guarding the teleportation formation arched his hand, he saw a blue light, hundreds of miles away!

"Damn, I saw the escape method of the Yuan Ying Hu God, and it is also the escape speed!" The monk guarding the teleportation array also participated in several battles on the plane of the Southern Chaos. When I traveled a hundred miles away, I was shocked!

Black volcano, there are cultivators dressed in the clothes of Lord Canglang everywhere. Commissioner Qian doesn't care about this. All he wants is Black Fireweed.

Blinded by starlight, covering thousands of square meters, this is the location of the black fire grass.

Before Xingguang, a dozen monks and a hundred monks were facing each other.

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