Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2011: A ugly

"How about it, Boss, my look is powerful enough."

Ah Chou's wings blow!

"Yes, your practice, the cultivation time is much longer than mine" one"

Commissioner Qian patted A Chou on the shoulder.

"It's really prestigious, and I feel much more proud."

Commissioner Qian is a little proud.

"A Chou, you have been practicing in retreat for so many years, so you should cultivate a powerful way."

Datou said, Commissioner Qian rebuilt the Zhoutian Star Array, the center of the Zhoutian Star Array, and a new Milky Way was established.

All the big brothers of the mountain hu plane, the monks of the Tiangong Temple, all came to watch.

Seeing that Ah Chou was out, the big head suddenly felt a little emotional.

A message appeared in Commissioner Qian’s Shenfu, and Commissioner Qian was shocked.

This information came from A Chou, including A Chou's newly cultivated supernatural powers.

"A-Chou, how much effort has been spent in cultivating to the present level... Once you are here, once you have been there for decades, you will have such magical powers. It is simply unreasonable... An old money is simply howling with jealousy. Up.

"That's the star power in Zhou Tian's star battle array. It's really strong.

Thank you, boss...

A Chou salutes to Committee Member Qian.

"If there is no boss Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation, I will cultivate to the present level, at least more than six hundred years on an ordinary plane.

A Chou said.

"Six hundred years?"

The turtles around them were all surprised.

Before A Chou entered the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, his strength was already stronger than them. He also had various cultivation methods to cultivate on an ordinary plane.

It will take more than 600 years to reach the current cultivation base!

How strong is A Chou's current strength?

"Well, this is as it should be."

"A Chou, your consciousness can enter the center of the galaxy?"

The big head is interested in the fact that Ah Chou's consciousness can enter the center of the galaxy.

"Well, my consciousness has only been able to enter the center of the galaxy in recent years. There are many powerful beings there, but they are simply to me"..."

A Chou shook his head and said nothing.

"How are they treating you?"

The boss dare not ask any more, but Commissioner Qian doesn't care about so much and keeps asking.

"They are still friendly to me, but "They treat me like a child... one by one"

A Chou said.

"Oh"...what's in the center of the galaxy? "

Member Qian said.

"I didn't see it clearly, it seemed to be a very beautiful scenery" could not be expressed in words, they waved their hands and sent me back. "

"What are those powerful creatures?"

The turtle asked.

"Oh, they are all humanoids, but I feel that the breath of many people, like me, is a very powerful animal."

Commissioner Qian was sweaty on his face: "A Chou, you have been in seclusion for decades, and you have not learned anything else. With a mouth, you are a powerful animal."

"Ah...A Chou is a beast?"

All people "except for the old money" have their mouths open.

In Tianyangxing, everyone saw that A Chou and Commissioner Qian were staying together every day.

A Chou's strength is considered to be amazing in their eyes, but the distance from the beast is a bit far.

"Why don't you believe me, boss" There is no fight, I let them see, I am great! "

Ah Chou was furious, as it was decades ago.

"Well, go to the plane of the South tide, there is a battle there..."

Commissioner Qian said.

Reaching out his hand, all the things that happened in the past few decades have been passed on to Ah Chou.

A Chou flapped his wings, and boomed... "With a sound, the thunder fire raged, and the clear light of Qian's bodyguard was a slight shock. The turtle head and the others had already taken a step back, and the bodyguard Dao Fa issued.

The other monks had been shaken out by this violent fire thunder a few steps away, and some even rolled dozens of steps away.

Yi Gan stood up, his face extremely embarrassed.

In front of Commissioner Qian, I ate such a big flat!

However, it's hard to say that when Ah Chou's wings fluttered back and rushed up, the fire and thunder raged.

"Ha, there are so many abyss monsters!

I can just have a big meal.

A Chou grinned and opened his big mouth, it turned out to be sharp teeth, like a beast.

"No problem, you, go to the Nanchao plane with A Chou."

Commissioner Qian reached out his hand and pointed at several monks.

"Yes, Master A Chou, I don't know when to get up."

The monks said.

"It's now!"

A Chou stretched.

Dozens of people around were shocked.

Seeing A Chou walking towards the teleportation formation, Commissioner Qian nodded: "Now that the Galaxy is established, everyone is going to cultivate."

"Old Qian, don't you worry about Ah Chou at all?"

The bulk of the question was directed to Commissioner Qian.

"Yes, the Nanchao plane, but there are monsters of the Yuanying hu god..."

The turtle said.

"Oh, Ah Chou, now, the escape method is fully activated, one wing is three thousand miles away, and he can slap ten times in a row, faster than me!" Ah" ""

It turned out that Ah Chou's escape method urged, and he could escape 30,000 miles!

Turtle and Big Tou looked at each other, and in each other's eyes, they saw a deep shock.

Commissioner Qian sat in the center of the galaxy and began to realize the endless galaxy. This time, he wanted to realize more galaxy mysteries in order to make the magic circle in the God's Mansion stronger!

The starlight stretched from an infinite distance, and Commissioner Qian was attached with divine thoughts, as if he was flying towards the distant starry sky. He felt the vast and boundless stars, flying according to a certain mysterious law, as if ever since ancient times, It was all like this. Commissioner Qian only felt that a huge and incomparable coercion was truly endless. Commissioner Qian seemed to fly across countless planes and starry sky in an instant.

Countless stars flicked in the thoughts of Commissioner Qian"

Some are hot, some are cold, some are honest, all kinds.

As if it were just a few moments, the superintendent Qian's thoughts had already withdrawn from the endless sky.

I knew immediately that it had been a few months.

The information collected is even harder to count.

Commissioner Qian only knows now"

The Zhoutian Star Array in my own God’s Mansion is set in the form of a galaxy. If you want this Milky Way to exert its greatest power, you must make every star in this galaxy correspond to a real galaxy. The star is transformed into a real projection of a star, and only then can it exert the full power of the Milky Way.

Commissioner Qian is the presiding officer of the Star Dou Array this week, able to absorb the most star power and the most insights in the Star Dou Array this week.

But in a few months"

But with this information, insights, and refined projections of hundreds of stars.

In the previous operations, the galactic image used by Commissioner Qian looked like countless stars." In fact, it was only a projection of ten thousand stars.

Ten thousand stars, each one has a different mystery.

Use Zhou Tian's star battle array to remind you!

There is such a power!

This is because Commissioner Qian felt that "the refinement of Yan Xing projection is much faster, if it were in the past," after he realized the innate Dao machine and reached a certain level.

The projection of these hundreds of stars, "Commissioner Qian" also takes three years to complete.

After a year, Commissioner Qian has refined the projections of thousands of stars.

However, before refining the entire galaxy's dynastic aspects, just like this, Commissioner Qian sat in the center of the galaxy, mainly to comprehend the innate Dao mechanism and refine the galactic dynastic aspects.

Other profound cultivations have been delayed.

More than three stars have been refined from the stars in the Milky Way!

However, the progress of the fusion of the Fire Element Xuan'ao and the four-type apricot brilliance has been pretty good, and the perception of Innate Dao Ji has also improved a lot.

Committee member Qian felt that since the moment Shui Yuanzhu, the world manifested, the innate Dao mechanism was released, and there was more insight into the innate Dao mechanism. Then, Committee member Qian's perception of the innate Dao mechanism became slow.

However, after returning from the Longmen Inn, my understanding of Xiantian Daoji was still faster.

"Could it be because of the Rako Protoss."

For the specific reasons, Commissioner Qian and Luan Po also discussed several times.

However, it can only be attributed to the Rako Protoss.

As for the specific reasons, Commissioner Qian and Luan Po know nothing.

For a monk of the level of Commissioner Qian, such a progress in cultivation has far surpassed the average four-diamond hu god.

At this moment, the communication circle sounded.

"Master, the southern tide, the war is on again!

There is an abyss monster of Yuanying Hu, carrying thousands of abyss monsters, attacking this black volcano! "

Oh...When I set up my own formation, I said that this formation can only block Yuan Ying Hu God for a moment.

As soon as the simplified version of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array was set up, it could continuously absorb the star power and become more and more powerful. After a few years, it was only an extension of time.

"Luanpa, hurry, there is Yuanying Hu, who is attacking the black volcano, let's go quickly!

Commissioner Qian was unceremonious and greeted Luanpo.

You are broken, and you are greeted here every day. Of course, you must be called to go with you in this battle.

"Oh, the last time the Yuanying Hu god, no, the power of Shui Yuanzhu, he is promoted to the middle stage of the Yuanying Hu god, and he can't hold it at the level of his cultivation!

In just a few years, he has cultivated to the middle stage of Yuan Ying Hu God? "

Luan Po said, however, he immediately ended his training and walked towards the teleportation formation with Committee Member Qian.

"It shouldn't be, this southern tide plane, the battle is back, the abyss monster, is attacking again."

Commissioner Qian said.

The two are already standing on the teleportation array, and they stretch out their hands!

The teleportation formation is activated.


Luan Po sighed."

"Old money, where are these many abyssal monsters? After so many years of fighting, these abyssal monsters" have come one after another.

Tianpeng Mountain, in the past few years, there have been a lot of abyssal monsters. They have come to attack. It is better for your mountain. As soon as it approaches from the starry sky, it will be blasted by Zhou Tianxing. "

In the past few years, there have also been dozens of floating spaceships of abyssal monsters, from among the stars, approaching the plane of the mountain.

But "Shanhu plane, after so many years, the starlight **** thunders!

All these floating ships are turned into ashes!

There is no need to use the other Dao methods in the formation!

The floating spaceship of the abyss monsters attacked the plane of Tianpeng Mountain and the plane of Tianpeng Mountain, and it is necessary to organize the monks" floating spaceships to fight hard to repel the attacking abyss monsters, and the loss is avoided. No more.

"You Tianpeng Mountain has a long history. In important areas, there are not many formations for protection. Although these formations are not comparable to my Zhoutianxing formation, they are also powerful. "

Member Qian said.

Tianpeng Mountain, the formations that are taken out have their own mysteries." The power is also huge.

They are the strongest protective arrays everywhere.

Commissioner Qian is very rare in the Arena of Fighting Beasts.

If you don’t have Zhou Tian’s star battle array"

If you want to ask for one of these formations, I am afraid that people will not give it.

Guanghua flashed, and the black volcano arrived. He was still standing inside the teleportation array, and the sound of the earth-shattering roar outside came over.

The whole formation was trembling constantly.

"Where is Ah Chou?"

Luan Po asked.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

Immediately, the situation outside the battlefield was clear. Thousands of abyssal monsters are using magic weapons and techniques to attack this battle. The Yuan Ying Hu God mentioned in the report has not seen the move.

However, the attack of thousands of abyssal monsters has surpassed the power of an ordinary Nascent Soul Hu God.

I saw a scarlet shadow, hundreds of miles away, flashed past, as if at the same time, already hundreds of miles away!

The distance of nearly a thousand miles was an instant matter for this red Caizi.

Red Caizi swept away, and the abyss monsters that were attacking the formation were already missing.

Until this shadow appeared hundreds of miles away, the abyss monster next to it screamed, urging his magic arts and magic weapons to the maximum!

Amidst the brilliant brilliance, the red Caizi had already been hundreds of miles away.

With the cultivation base of Luanpo, and the innate Dao Ji, I can only barely see that this red Caizi just flickered when passing these abyss monsters.

There are already a few of the abyss monsters!

A white skyfire chased the red Caizi closely, but this red Caizi stopped hundreds of miles away, and it flickered again. This white skyfire can only roar with anger, like thunder!

"Stop... Give me a stop" ""

A proud voice came from among the red Caizi.

"I just won't stop, what can you do with me?"

It was Ah Chou's voice!

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