Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2012: beat back

"A Chou, those abyss monsters, aren't you eating righteously?"

Qian Da looked at the flame on A Chou's body.

After practicing for so many years of his own Five Suns Starfire, the profound mystery in the starry sky has also learned a lot. The power of his own flame, the attack of Yuan Ying Hu God, is absolutely unbearable.

The problem is, the core of the galaxy, my own spirit, just like turtles and others, can't get in either.

A Chou can't be lazy sitting here.

Within this formation, there are hundreds of monks on the plane of mountain hu.

Only Ah Chou was outside the battle, attacking the abyss monster.

These hundreds of cultivators suddenly looked ashamed when they saw the arrival of Commissioner Qian.

"It's been three years, I'm tired of eating." A Chou said.

"Oh, but, after three years, you have grown a little longer." Commissioner Qian continued.

"Oh... Boss Shenwu, my cultivation base is not worth mentioning in front of the boss." Ah... I can't even help.

Commissioner Qian was furious.

"A Chou, you're disobedient!"

A violent chestnut banged on Ah Chou's head!


The chestnut knocked in a phantom, A Chou was already sitting on a chair dozens of feet away.

"Boss, think about it, I can fly three thousand miles with one flap of my wings. Here, it's like teleporting."

A Chou said.


If this burst of chestnut hits A Chou's head, it will take some effort.

"I drove away these abyssal monsters, and I'll knock you again!"

Commissioner Qian went out first!

Luanpo followed closely.

Together with the clear flame, it has come into the air.

The two looked at Yuanying Hu, happy and not afraid!

That momentum is to fight Yuanying Hu God.

"Want to fight me? Complete you"..."

The figure in the white flame gave a grin, and the white flame had been intertwined into a flame sword, and white flames shot out, as if in an instant, and as if for eternity.

Today, it was all mirrored as white.

An indescribable sharp and unparalleled, in an instant, across dozens of miles, the attacks of thousands of abyssal monsters, in the face of this unspeakable sharp incomparable, are inferior.

At a distance of tens of miles, in front of the attack of the Yuan Ying Hu God, it was almost at hand.

With a wave of Chairman Qian’s hand, dozens of miles surrounded by the sea"

However, in front of the incomparable sharp edge of this white sword light, even the hu sea swayed before it was too late" and was easily penetrated.

In the eyes of Commissioner Qian, the light flashed!

This scene happened to someone else before, but at this moment, it happened to my own magic arts. This series of white sword powers far exceeded my own sword arts.

Even though he knew that there was still a gap between himself and Yuanying Hu," the moment the method was unfolded, and found that the gap was so large, Commissioner Qian sighed in disappointment.

Reaching out and pointing, an iron whip emerged, just a dozen!

The iron whip turned into a brilliance of a hundred feet long"

But there are countless waves among them, just like spring hastily come and gone.

There are only clear water and waves, flying all over the sky there, as if to retain the spring light.

The sword light that reflected the entire sky, cut into this hundred-meter-long wave "is a stagnation!

"This" one"

The figure in the white flame was shocked. This magic weapon "The magic image is only a hundred meters long, and it is a thousand meters long" he also cut away with a sword.

But on this hundred-foot-long wave, I felt an obvious blockage!

On this hundred-foot-long wave, there is not only power, but also a realm!

The figure in this white flame is a reminder of the law!

In the huge waves soaring into the sky, the white sword light blasted down!

It's like coming from the sky! However, a gleam of Meng Ji Guanghua blasted like electricity! The white fire sword that catches the sky splits several sword lights one after another, just a flyby! This misty brilliance has been twisted upright. However, unlike this Yuan Ying Hu God, what he imagined was that it was not this smug light, but the white fire sword that was shattered. At this time, he felt that it was like a world, coming fast. Power.

The white sword light roaring like a waterfall was just a turn. At the same time, a shield appeared in front of him with countless flames lingering.

A loud bang!

The shield was smashed. However, thousands of white flames were already slashed on this water elemental bead, and there was a loud noise like thunder. The water elemental bead had already flown out several miles away, this elementary infant hu **** was shocked, countless fresh hu, already It was a surge, as if countless thunders sounded!

The white flame had already receded more than a mile, but this kind of attack only made the figure in the white flame seem a little embarrassed.

Among the white flames, Commissioner Qian’s Shui Yuanzhu shot out, a misty scroll, "Boom..."

In the burst of the white flame, the misty brilliance, the figure in the middle of the white flame, and the loud noise, the Yuan Ying hu yelled, a white flame sprayed from him, blazing!

As Commissioner Qian and Luan broke, the understanding of Shui Yuanzhu became more and more extensive, and Xiantian Dao was no longer blocked by ordinary Taoism.

Even if it is the Yuan Ying Hu God, without the law of perception, it cannot be blocked.

Of course, by this blow, the Yuan Ying Hu God was only injured, but this is already something that the Yuan Ying Hu God of the same rank or higher rank can do.

This Yuan Ying Hu God immediately urged Dao Fa~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole person was in the white flame and rushed forward.

Commissioner Qian watched as the red flames bloomed like fresh hu. However, it was passing by!

Seeing Yuan Ying Hu God defeated, the abyss monsters screamed, turned around and the member of the happy money extended his hand!

Baizhanglang hu, in an instant, has spread to a radius of tens of miles. The monsters of the abyss were constantly involved in this hundred zhang waves, with swordsmanship, magic weapons, and full force to urge them, but the sword of the **** Yuan Ying Hu, in this law, felt obstructed.

These abyss monsters below the four-diamond hu **** are even more useless for the magic weapon manifested by the innate path. These abyss monsters feel that there are thousands of swords in this wave, and It's as if a big mountain is pressing down.

The proud magic swordsmanship, no matter how hard it is to urge it, a few waves have been smashed!

In just a while, there were already hundreds of abyssal monsters struggling in this clear water and waves.

Once involved, there will be countless water surging. The abyss monsters, being refined by these countless waters!

Having swept these hundreds of abyss monsters, Commissioner Qian did not pursue the abyss monsters that fled.

The monks in the black volcano formation rushed out wildly, and the flying sword magic weapon was fully urged, and it was just killing hundreds of abyss monsters. It was not as good as the magic weapon of the Qiang Committee!

"If an abyss monster comes again, you will notify me again."

Commissioner Qian said, he didn't speak any more, he was already in the teleportation formation! ! ~!

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