Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2032: Fight again

Haven't set up yet--

Gao Yang Yuanying's hu **** frowned, and reached out his hand to point to these four-diamond hu gods, "You follow me."

Gao Yang Yuanying Hu said.

The four diamond hu gods were shocked.

"This... how to follow it."

Four diamond hu gods, maybe they have cultivated a powerful Taoism.

However, when it comes to escape, it is a real cultivation base, realm, and it is not comparable to the practice of the powerful way.

God Gao Yang showed off his sleeves and wrapped these four-diamond hu gods. These four-diamond hu gods felt that the sky had become countless lines.

As if in a blink of an eye, the teleportation array of the Tu plane had already appeared in front of his eyes.

"Damn, three thousand miles, it will be there in no time."

The four diamond hu gods sighed!

"Let's go to the plane of the cloud, the abyss monsters, and set up the teleportation array."


These four-diamond hu gods stayed one by one.

"My lord, where the teleportation formation of the abyssal monsters is erected, there is more than one Yuan Ying hu god."

There is a four-diamond hu **** said.

"Yes" Your lord, you are not one of the Eternal Origin..."

A four-diamond hu **** said.

"Less wordy--!"

In Gao Yang's eyes, the divine light flashed, and the four diamond hu gods shouted in their hearts one by one, so they had to follow the Yuan Ying hu **** and set foot on the teleportation formation!

The transmission array brilliance flashed, and the cloud plane arrived.


The aura of so many masters made the monks guarding the teleportation array stunned!

Seeing the green sword light wrapped up!

A group of people rose into the air, but in an instant, they had gone to the horizon, guarding the teleportation formation cultivator, and then recovered.

"Here is the master" "The monsters of the abyss, have a good look" one"

"In a blink of an eye, Qianli must be Yuan Ying Hu God"..."

A middle-aged monk said.

"A Yuan Ying Hu God, I don't know if it is enough"..."

Some monks shook their heads.

"One Nascent Soul is not enough... one"

Countless blue sword lights rushed wildly!

Booming on the opposite side of the thunder fire, this thunder fire is also ten thousand feet, fierce and cruel!

As if there was endless thunder rolling, in the midst of a huge shock, the thunder fire rushed to the heights!

In the distance, hundreds of millions of white sword lights, as if covering the sky, rolled in!

Between Jianguang and Jianguang, there are countless thunderbolts!

"You have to deal with this Yuan Ying."

God Gao Yang Yuanying Hu pointed at the countless white sword light and said.

Then, pointing to those four diamond hu gods.

"You guys are blocking the abyss monsters coming out of the teleportation array!"

After speaking, the figure shook, and the green sword light roared like countless thunders, facing the billions of thunder dozens of miles away!

The Four Diamond Gods, with sympathetic eyes, took a look at the Four Diamond Gods.

The magic tricks were all opened, rushing toward the abyss monster that came out of the teleportation array, rushing forward!


Commissioner Qian shook his hand, and there was already an extra stream of water, sword light slashed diagonally!

The incomparable water sword light, reflecting the entire sky, rushed towards the countless white sword light!

Hundreds of thousands of white sword lights went straight to the green sword light bombarded, but this water sword light came out!

Amidst the billions of white sword light, there was a surprised "Huh..."

In the air where countless thunders rolled through, I heard clearly!

Although the Zhanhai Sword lacked changes, once it was slashed, the ordinary Nascent Soul Hu God would not feel good.

Hundreds of thousands of white sword light rolled towards this dazzling water!

In the huge earthquake, the sword light was white, and the water sword light was like a volcanic eruption, soaring to a great height!

It was a match.

Commissioner Qian slashed again!

However, the hundreds of millions of sword lights of water revolving in the air, it is simply incomparably elegant, flowing like weaving, seemingly slow, but it happened in a few tenths of an instant, the sharp water of sword light, Hurricaneously passing by, the sword light of water and white sword light, each other shining!


Commissioner Qian was shocked, this Zhanhai Sword was really not easy to use against Shang Yuanying Hu.

Do not speak, throw an iron whip!


With a radius of a hundred miles, the waves are rolling!

Amidst the billowing waves, countless white sword lights are just a stagnation!

"Huh... One"

Amidst the countless white sword lights, a sound of shock came over.

Obviously, this Yuan Ying Hu **** was surprised, "Interesting, four diamonds Hu **** has a magic weapon like you, this is the first time I have seen it."

Commissioner Qian was surrounded by stars, and thirty-six figures had already slapped a palm!

Thirty-six palm shadows, united in the air, like a huge thunder, blasted!

Countless white sword qi, just shocked!


The ocean of Baili exploded! There are countless stars flowing in the palm of dozens of feet, it is already booming!


White sword aura, countless stars, intertwined and rushed wildly, soaring to a great height!

Countless explosions sounded like a thunder, and the Commissioner Qian had already stepped back tens of feet. With a wave of his hand, the iron whip was recalled, and he saw that it was damaged a lot.


Countless white voices were in the air, and their voices were fierce.

Hundreds of thousands of white sword qi rolls have covered the entire sky, and slammed down, as if boundless, without beginning and end.

Commissioner Qian Jiubao shows off the tree already in his hands.

Just a swipe!

Hundreds of thousands of white sword auras have been brushed away by this nine treasure show-off tree!

The Nine Treasures Show Off Tree has already released the white brilliance and was wiped out with more than 10,000 sword lights with the power of Yuan Ying hu divine power. The power of this technique is also stagnant!

"This magic weapon is stronger!" The Yuan Ying's voice became serious.

Then, there was a flash of fire, which had turned into countless scarlet sword energy, layered on top of each other, endlessly, blasting!

"Boom, boom...", countless scarlet sword auras had been dissipated in the countless thunder tremors.

However, countless white sword lights also stopped in the air.

With this move, Commissioner Qian and this Yuan Ying Hu God, once again matched!

At this time, the shouts shook the sky!

The abyss monster that came out of the large teleportation array was violently attacked by the 14-diamond hu gods, blood splashed, and a large piece of it fell!

Stepping back actually prevented the teleportation formation from being urged again!

Commissioner Qian shook his hand, and a thunder had already appeared in his hand. Then, this thunder had turned into countless thunders that stretched hundreds of feet, like a sea of ​​thunder.

Bai Jianguang circled, "You have a lot of magic weapons."

In the sword light, the voice was cold.

With the level of Yuan Ying Hu God, it is natural to see that the billions of thunder that Feng Lei Jian turned into cannot be smashed by a single move.

Commissioner Qian waved again!

Surrounded by a golden light, the scenery in the golden light is boundless!

"My lord, I'm sorry."

In front of Yuan Ying Hu, Commissioner Qian was still very nervous.

"What are you talking about"..."

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, the blue sword light and the thunder fire violently fought, and a voice was heard clearly among countless thunder rolling.

"Hum" one"

In the endless white sword light, he snorted coldly!

Like a nine-day galaxy, madly rolling toward the Qiang Committee!

Nine Treasures show off the tree, brush it again!

Thousands of sword auras!

Countless flames, just like countless firebirds!

Countless thunders seemed to cover the entire sky, a roll of golden light, countless scenes blasted fiercely!

The white sword light, swept away wishful thinking, endless, countless firebirds flying, countless thunder explosions, countless scenery fluttering!

Commissioner Qian retreated a hundred zhang, but he blocked Yuan Ying's move!

In the star mist around Commissioner Qian, thirty-six golden fruit's shadows suddenly blasted out a palm, dozens of zhang shadows, and hurriedly arrived!

"You also take me a trick", Committee Member Qian yelled!

"Am I still afraid of you four diamond hu god?" Yuan Ying hu **** was furious!

Companion and the opponent’s Yuanying hu are fighting together, this is normal!

I can't even fight a four-diamond hu god, which is hard to say!

Countless white sword lights have already blasted toward these dozens of zhang palms!


The thunder fire raged, and both sides backed away again.


Hundreds of millions of Daoqing sword light slashed within hundreds of miles, and a voice came over.

"Master Lu Yuan, what time has it come?"

Committee member Qian shouted!

"I'll be there soon!"

In the countless blue sword light, this voice answered!

"Rely on..."

Commissioner Qian only spoke out a brilliant, infinite white sword light, surging from the sky!

Hundreds of miles around the space, at the same time there is a tendency of distortion!

Commissioner Qian waved his hand, and a crimson shield was shot out. This was a magic weapon used by the monks of Longmen Inn. In terms of material and refinement level, there was nothing to say.

It has been refined by the Qian Da committee.

Commissioner Qian wanted to see how powerful this Dragon Inn monk's magic weapon was against the ordinary Yuan Ying Hu God!

The crimson shield flickered in the air, and it had turned into hundreds of feet.


There was a huge shock.

The crimson shield has been bombed out half of it!

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yuanyinghu's attack was still blocked.

"it is good"…"

Among the countless white sword lights, there was a sound!

This Yuan Ying Hu **** is already very angry!

Commissioner Qian waved his hand, and the crimson shield had been put away.

The magic weapon refined by the monks of Longmen Inn is really good.

Commissioner Qian said.

In the distance, the four-diamond hu gods who came with Commissioner Qian, while sending out various magic tricks and magic weapons, had already started to speak in surprise.

"Look at the old money of the Galaxy Fleet, not Yuan Ying Hu God, in Dang Tu plane, and Yuan Ying Hu God recklessly fight so many tricks, in this cloud, there is Yuan Ying Hu God recklessly, God..."

"Yes, I am a four-diamond hu god. Compared with him, I can't say... one"

The four diamond hu gods said.

Some four-diamond hu gods have already spoken to the gods of the Galaxy Fleet.

"Dude, the old money of your Galaxy Fleet, what kind of Taoism you practice, is so powerful...

What Taoism? how could I know?

The cultivator of the Galaxy Fleet couldn't answer at all, so he had to hesitate.

An extremely powerful divine mind, from a distance, toward the battlefield, hurriedly come!

A cloud of deep yellow sword light with a radius of a hundred miles has appeared in the distance.

It seems that only the palm is big, and in a blink of an eye, there are already hundreds of miles!

"Master Lu Yuan is here" "", the four diamond hu gods shouted loudly. @.

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