Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2033: Battle in the Cloud

You get out, leave it to me here! The voice of the **** Hao Lu Yuan rang in the ears of Commissioner Qian.

The deep yellow sword light in a radius of a hundred miles seemed to be in an instant, crossing a distance of hundreds of miles, violently violently!

"Yes, my lord.

Commissioner Qian said.

This was originally called Lord Lu Yuan.

The figure flickered, and it turned into a clear light in an instant, already dozens of miles away.

The Flame Sword has changed into countless fire beasts, fighting frantically!

A four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, a azure blue sword swayed, and the indestructible rage suddenly broke out, the infinite blue brilliance sputtered, and a monk’s jasper hook was thrown out hundreds of meters, countless fires The beast has already pounced wildly!

With a flash of the blue sword, it has turned into a mountain of swords, as if boundless!

"Boom, boom, boom... one"

In an instant, there seemed to be countless explosions of thunder!

This fire beast pounced!

The sword light of the azure blue exploded!

"Stone", these four-diamond hu **** abyss monster roared, azure blue sword light, but his Taoism was where it was hit by this fire beast, it was bursting.

This can only be said that the magic formula that urges the fire beast's magic state has far exceeded his own magic formula in the mysterious, and the blue sword light has already exploded thousands of feet.

However, countless fire beasts fluttered in the air, just for an instant, thousands of feet away, as if there was no such thing, these four-diamond hu gods' abyss monsters, the sword tactics used all their strength!

The sword mountain of azure blue turned into countless sword energy hurricanes, "Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

A burst of thunder blasted.

These four-diamond hu gods' abyss monsters have been shattered by countless fire beasts!

"Old Qian, your tactics and sword tactics are indeed far ahead of us."

In the distance, Panagar slammed a sword and flamed a thousand feet, and shook an abyss monster back!

Looking at Commissioner Qian, just before meeting, he had already killed a four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, and felt unspeakable emotion in his heart!

"Fighting against Yuanying Hu God is really stressful!" Committee Member Qian said.

A magic weapon formally used by the monks of the Dragon Gate Inn was refined by himself, and the Yuan Ying hu slammed it halfway!

There are a lot of magic weapons for Committee Member Qian.

Fighting against these ordinary four-diamond hu gods, the member of Qian’s magic weapon can be used to the fullest!

Not much to say, the release of the Nine Treasures Show Off Tree is just a show!

A huge sword with a length of one hundred feet, with countless demon gods spreading teeth and dancing claws on it, was brushed by this colorful brilliance, and countless demon gods roared and were brushed in by the Jiubao Show Off Tree!

After another ten years of tempering, the Nine Treasures show off the power of the tree and increase it again!

The treasures of these four diamonds from the abyss monsters of Hu God, just a brush, have been taken away!

This abyss monster was shocked to see the countless fire beasts, it was galloping!

With a flick of his hand, another shield appeared, with countless monsters on it, flying around a volcano.

Just a flash, the shield has become hundreds of feet in size.

Shop with countless fire beasts!

On the shield, countless monsters roared and rushed forward!

As if a thousand thunders rang in an instant.

But in a blink of an eye this shield has already burst!

The four-diamond hu god's abyss monster turned and ran!

The golden light flashed, a golden light, there were countless scenes inside, it came!

These four-diamond hu gods' abyss monsters were already dozens of miles away in an instant, in the midst of a huge shock, they had already been hit!

Commissioner Qian’s magic weapon, if it hits the Rako Protoss, the Rako Protoss will go back dozens of miles at most.

However, this abyssal monster has already exploded!

Commissioner Qian was startled, only then did he remember that the Abyssal Monster is not the Rako Protoss!

The innate magic circle, facing these ordinary monks and abyss monsters, can be said to be terrifying!

However, after a while, the four diamond hu **** abyss monsters have already noticed Commissioner Qian, "Quick, stop him"..."

The four diamond hu gods of the combined fleet swooped forward, but in an instant, they had already killed thousands of ordinary abyss monsters!

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monster that came out of the teleportation array, of course, also rushed forward.

However, there are more and more four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters coming out of the teleportation array!

Seeing that the four diamond hu gods of the combined fleet have already failed step by step.

Unexpectedly, when the Chief Qian came, the magic weapon was released, it was to kill the four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, such as cutting vegetables and melons!

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters shouted, angry and frightened!

A burst of thunder and fire blasted like a thousand thunders and thousands of thunders, and thousands of black swords were unfolded, violently rolling, as if thousands of miles in an instant.

Countless shadows of hammers, rising flames, shining with thunder, four diamonds of the way of the monsters in the abyss of hu god, as if to smash this day!

Look at the treasures officially used by the monks at Dragon Gate Inn. How do you treat these ordinary monks?

With a sway of his hand, a clear blue shield was shot out. This shield swayed in the air, and within a hundred miles, there were huge waves rolling!

Thousands of thunder and tens of thousands of thunder, the black sword light violently curled up wildly, with flames rising, and numerous hammer shadows shining with thunder, blasting into this huge wave of hundreds of miles around.


Among the countless thunderstorms, this huge wave rushed thousands of feet!

"Fortunately, although the magic weapon was huge, it blocked the attack of these four diamonds."

Commissioner Qian said.

With a wave of his hand, countless fire beasts rushed towards thousands of thunder and thunder, and the wind and thunder sword shook, turning into billions of thunders, just like hundreds of millions of horses training, rushing by.

The Nine Treasures show off the tree and wave it again and again!

Thousands of thunder and tens of thousands of thunder, madly rolling black swordlight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Numerous shadows of hammers, all of them are brushed by the Nine Treasures Show Off Tree!


Amid the screams, a hideous figure flew back!

However, the huge waves are overwhelming, and this hideous figure is swept by the huge waves, with hundreds of thunders, cross-cut!

The huge waves have already been bombarded, but thousands of thunderbolts are already rolling in like a horse!

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monster, the magic weapon flying sword, has exploded under thousands of thunders!

The other monsters in the abyss flew out of these countless huge waves in the full force of the magic formula.

"With... One"

Commissioner Qian shouted!

The golden light flashed, with countless scenes, already hit an abyss monster, "Ann"

This abyssal monster is already swinging thousands of swords backhand, but, with the touch of this golden light, it will all be shattered!

This abyssal monster, flying sword, magic weapon, and arm were all shattered!

Within the shadow of the hammer with a radius of several hundred meters, an abyss monster with six horns was shocked. The magic trick was urged, the shadow of the hammer with hundreds of meters, the speed increased, dozens of lightning flashes!

Every time the Thunder flashes, the space seems to have stopped! Hundreds of feet of hammer shadow, hurriedly in the air, was a "boom", and then suddenly exploded!

The monsters of the abyss that were surrounding were taken aback!

Several four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters, that's it, the battle only lasts for a while!

For a moment, the monsters in the abyss surrounded Qian Dawei from a distance.

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