Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2138: Iron Cane Mountain

"This mine is owned by our Nub faction. I heard that the monks had driven away the monsters in the abyss.

Said the monk.

Suddenly, speechless.

He came, naturally to receive the mine, a large pit with a radius of four hundred miles appeared in front of him.

The abyssal monsters occupied the Sandong and they did not finish the mining. These two, regaining the mine, finished mining in three days.

"Oh...Recover this mine. I will mine some mines by the way. Unexpectedly, your mine is only four hundred miles away." said the member of the committee.

"Only four hundred miles? Brother Jindan, it takes a month to refine a catty of materials... One"

Said the monk.

"According to the regulations of the Tracy Plane Committee, recovering the mines from the abyss monsters can earn a quarter of the benefits."

This plane is called the Tracy Plane.

"Then you ask the Transcy Plane Committee to go to this mine."

Commissioner Qian was very impatient.

"Before the mine was recovered, I didn't see the shadows of these monks. As soon as I recovered the mine, all came... said Le Dayuan.

"The martial arts... the committee... all came." While talking, there was a flash of light from the horizon, hurriedly over.

"Abyss monster Yuanying hu god..."

These four diamonds were shocked.

"Go and talk to him..." Le Dayuan pointed at the Abyss Nascent Soul Hu God, the human four-diamond Hu God, with embarrassment on his face.

Looking at the two of them, Chairman Qian, they are not nervous at all.

A bright red flame, in an instant, has reached everyone's eyes.

In this red flame, each Buddha is thousands of miles away, and in the flame, there are countless monsters walking on the mainland.

"This Yuanying hu god, there is no enlightenment law, the Taoism is ordinary." Committee member Qian said to Le Dayuan.

"Now that Bu's enlightenment rule Yuanying Hushen, you are not going to take action"... Le Dayuan said, taking a step forward.

"Who is the one coming?" After the flame flickered, one person appeared.

Similar to humans, but with horns on the head.

"For more than a month, we have been mining everywhere on the plane of Transyl, are you?"

Le Dayuan nodded.

"It's us, what's the matter?" Le Dayuan said.

"What's the matter? This mine is owned by my Cangwu subordinates. You have cut off my subordinates and finished mining the mine, then fight!" said the abyss monster.

He gained a lot from this mine.

Commissioner Qian and Le Dayuan came, only three days before they had finished mining.

He can do the same with his Nascent Soul hu **** cultivation base. He didn't do it, occupying the abyssal monster army on the Transcy plane, and there are many internal factions.

Oh... It turns out that Commissioner Qian killed the four-diamond hu **** abyss monster and more than three hundred men with a single sword, and it was this Yuan Ying Hu god.

Reaching out, a fiery rainbow flickered.

A hundred miles in radius, the flames are churning!

Le Dayuan stretched out his hand and raised the sword rainbow in his hand. Within a hundred li, there was another continent, and above the continent, the starry sky was enveloped.

The flames burned around the starry sky of the mainland, which was just shaking.

The two magic weapons are comparable, but Le Dayuan is slightly better.

Le Dayuan Jianhong had already been cut down in one fell swoop!

I only saw flames burning around the starry sky of the mainland!

On the mainland starry sky, there are countless sword lights bursting!

The flame sword slashed lightly, rushing into the sky, and the explosion sounded like thunder.

That anger b sent the four diamond hu gods, who had withdrawn hundreds of miles away, and the flame sword light blasted at him from time to time.

His method was urged with all his strength, and the flame sword light slashed above his Dao. The four-diamond hu god's figure was shaking for a while, which was nothing more than his blessing.

Amidst the flames and thunder, Commissioner Qian was surrounded by scenery.

Flame Thunder, within ten feet of Commissioner Qian, touched Jing Sè, it was already blasted to pieces!

But in a blink of an eye, the flame sword light, there have been tens of thousands of times!

These four diamond hu gods have stepped back ten miles.

"The Terrancy plane is fighting against the abyss monsters, and Yuan Ying Hu God has also seen a lot.

This level of fighting, but only two or three times. "


With a loud roar, a flame burst from the flames, the continent, and the stars!

But in an instant, it was already far away, far away!

"It's not going well today..."

The voice came from far away.

Ah... the Yuanying hu **** abyss monster ran away...

The starry sky of the mainland is closed.

Le Dayuan turned around and faced the four diamonds.

The four diamond hu gods arched his hands, turned around, and hurried away!

"This Transy is a good plane, and that Iron Rod Mountain is good. We will drive away the Iron Rod Mountain monster. You will bring me a flag and I will open a cave there."

Le Dayuan said.

"You are the eternal in-situ monk, besides, this Transcy plane is half-occupied by abyssal monsters... one"

Member Qian said.

"You are not the eternal in-situ monk?"

Le Dayuan said.

"I feel that this Iron Rod Mountain is very suitable for me..."

"Oh... one"

Member Qian said.

Le Dayuan took out a Taoist book and gave it to Commissioner Qian.

"Your Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Formation, until now, there is only one Yuan Ying Hu God, your protective formation is a simplified version of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation. For me, in addition to the protective effect, it can make those Yuan Ying Hu Gods The monks below the gods, come a little less, just absorb a little more star power.

This Taoist book is a Taoist book related to Advanced Yuan Ying, let's go"...Le Dayuan said.

Commissioner Qian took a look at the aisle, and he took out a set of flags and gave it to Le Dayuan.

With this Dao book alone, it is certainly not possible to advance to the Nascent Soul, take this Dao book back, but let the disciples of the Shanhu plane understand it.

This protective formation is only a small part of the Zhou Tianxing Niu formation.

It's okay to change this book.

The two arrived at Tiezhang Mountain.

Since Le Dayuan wanted to open a cave in Tiezhang Mountain.

Naturally, large areas of Taoism cannot be used.

The two first came to the main peak of Iron Rod Mountain.

But I saw a cave mansion on Tiezhang Mountain, and abyss monsters coming in and out.

Seeing Erdao Xiaoguang, quickly flew over and stopped in front of the cave.

Xiaoguang seems to be one after another, and there are thousands of miles long.

As soon as Xiaoguang stopped, these abyss monsters stopped and "call your great king over..." Committee Member Qian said.

"Yes..." The leader of the abyss monster has already ran into the cave.

After a while, a flash of thunder and fire had already shining on half of the sky.

An abyss monster in armor was already standing in front of him.

"Both human beings are Yuan Ying hu gods?" This armored abyss monster was taken aback.

"You two, what's the matter with me at Iron Rod Mountain?"

This is wearing armor, said the abyss monster.

"This Iron Rod Mountain Cave Mansion is good, I want to open a cave mansion here..."

Le Dayuan said.

Yuan Ying Hu God has great power, this iron rod mountain is five thousand li, and there is a Yuan Ying Hu God opening a cave here, which is enough.

"Oh, good, let's have a try."

This abyssal monster Yuan Ying Hu God did not get angry.

Tiezhangshan, he originally grabbed it.

The two shook, they were already in the air.

Le Dayuan stretched out his hand, and there was already a sword rainbow in his hand. The starry sky in the sword rainbow shone on the continent of thousands of miles, and he swung his sword!

It's like a continent pressed down.

The flame in this abyss monster's hand was like a flame of thousands of miles, in which there were countless fire beasts fluttering, and when they pounced on the mainland, they immediately took a bite of the mainland.

As soon as the mainland turned and the mainland was hit, hundreds of flame monsters immediately exploded to pieces!

Thousands of stars blasted down in the starry sky, and hundreds of flame monsters were blown to pieces.

The flame monsters roared, tens of thousands of stars shot, and the continent revolved. It was the two sides' efforts to urge the swordsmanship.

Within a radius of three hundred miles, there seemed to be countless starbursts, the continents rotating, rushing, and bombing.

Countless flame monsters pounced again.

Starlight, the mainland was hit by the behemoth of flames, and it had been blown to pieces!

Vigorously, the two sides have been fighting thousands of miles away. I don't know how many people are watching the battle.

After fighting for a long time, the continent was spinning, and the flame monsters swooped down, less and less.

Starburst, but it is getting stronger and stronger!

"Still the old money starlight array is strong..."

Le Dayuan said.

Commissioner Qian used the rules to refine the Starlight Array, which was much more powerful than using his own perception of the plane Array.

Suddenly, thousands of flame monsters pounced.

The Abyssal Demon Yuan Ying's figure shook, and he was already a few miles away. "Your magic weapon is more powerful than mine, so I won't fight anymore." The abyss monster said.

He waved his hand at those abyss monsters: "Withdraw... Chuan, your human plane, for our abyss cultivators, it’s not as good as imagined."

"However, within two thousand miles of Tiezhang Mountain, it is under my jurisdiction."

Said the abyss monster.

"A radius of two thousand miles is enough, I just need a cave mansion to practice."

Le Dayuan "Starting from the monk in the Qi training period, fighting all the way to the Yuan Ying Hu, I am tired of"... Le Dayuan said.

Seeing the **** of the abyss monster Yuan Ying Hu, leading his subordinates, the thunder billowed, and he had already gone.

Commissioner Qian Xiaoguang together, swept in the distance, and returned.

"Le Dayuan, there are human settlements within six hundred miles of Tizhang Mountain." Le Dayuan waved his hand.

"You can cover as many li as possible with this formation. "Well, my formation can cover a radius of 1,200 li. "Commissioner Qian said.

Together, Xiaoguang hurried in the air.

In a short while, within 1200 miles of Tiezhang Mountain, he went wild in a row, and in a short while, it had risen to a thousand feet high.

A starlight spread, and within a short while, there was already a starry sky within one thousand two hundred miles of Tiezhang Mountain!

Le Dayuan realized the starry sky formation and nodded.

"Now, the battle line between the abyss monster and the giant rock divine palace has stabilized."

Le Dayuan said.

"Well, Iron Rod Mountain is suitable for you, and it is also a fate... One"

Member Qian said.

Commissioner Qian returned to the plane of Shanhu.

Outside, in a few years, the materials of the mountain and hu plane have been much more.

Commissioner Qian sat cross-legged in the Zhoutian Star Array. After a few years, he had different perceptions about the Law Array and the Xiantian Dao Ji Array.

Especially, for the runes on the giants and monsters, and the fusion of the law array and the innate Dao machine array, Qian's senior committee level has taken a step forward.

Commissioner Qian began to reform the innate runes and law formations, and reformed the innate runes and law formations again.

Reconstructing these innate runes and magic circles, this has been more than two years for Commissioner Qian.

After more than two years, Commissioner Qian began to reform the magic weapon.

However, as for the innate runes and magic circles, some great power innate runes and magic circles must be created by the member himself.

In the past six years or so, these five magic weapons have been transformed, it can only be said that there has been some progress!

However, the materials were used up again.

"Master, you refine the magic weapon, the materials are really used"..."

The monk in Tiangong Palace looked at Commissioner Qian.

The monks of the Mountain Hu plane can now produce a large number of astral materials, but all these astral materials are refined by the Mountain Hu plane and sold as magic weapons.

The magic weapon of the mountain hu plane has been very good for sale.

However, the monks of the mountain hu plane always only need materials to sell magic weapons, not immortals.

The material in exchange for this is hard to count.

Half of the materials were used by Committee Member Qian.

"You magic weapon, take a look."

Member Qian said.

That day the palace monk brought the magic weapon over.

Commissioner Qian looked at it: "That's right, the three-diamond hu **** monk has three thousand li in the magic realm. It is not a problem to confront the four-diamond hu god."

"Your magic weapon is now in the realm, expanding from two thousand miles to three thousand miles, how long has it been?"

"It took fifteen years," the monk said.

"Oh, my magic weapon."

Commissioner Qian made a sword in one fell swoop.

"Twenty thousand li in the realm. Ninety years have passed and it hasn't expanded to 30,000 li.

Member Qian said.

Part of it is the magic weapon of the Qian Yuan committee to reform.

However, the more reason is that Caizhou is not enough.


"Then my magic weapon, if it is refined to a 20,000-mile circle, it needs the same amount of materials?"

Said the monk.

Right now, the monks on the mountain and hu planes, like Commissioner Qian, concentrate on refining one or several magic weapons.

Shanhu plane refining technique can now support the precious world.

"It's still early, after you have realized the law, you need to re-improve this magic weapon. It will take a long time. Now, you don't want to refine this magic weapon very much." Committee member Qian said.

Monk of the mountain hu plane, everyone refines the inner world of this magic weapon to ten thousand li, how much material is needed... one oh...

Commissioner Qian, I don't know what to say.

Over the years, there have been six more disciples who have successfully practiced the Four Diamond Hu God.

Among the thirty three-diamond hu gods on the Qiuyuan plane, and the four-diamond hu gods, there are seventeen.

There are also thirteen three-diamond hu gods, and the cultivation base has reached the peak of the three-diamond hu god.

However, cultivation has been very slow.

"You go to the plane of Transyl, I will take you to get some mines, and you will stay there."

Commissioner Qian said, with two four-diamond hu **** cultivators, and a bunch of two-diamond hu gods, set foot on the teleportation array on the Transcy plane.

Arriving on the plane of Tracy, within these ten years, the plane of Tracy, the forces of humans and the abyssal monsters, have not changed much.

"In these ten years, there has been no major battle. After all, in the battle of the planes, the two sides have lost too many cultivators..."

Outside the teleportation array, Four Diamond Hu Shen Beilou Sword asked a monk, and the monk answered with a lot of emotion.

The North Tower Sword is the first advanced four-diamond hu **** among the monks of the mountain hu plane. After the advanced four-diamond hu god, he went to the temple of Tengwen.

Now, seventy years have passed and I have returned from the Temple of Tengwen.

The mountain hu plane, in the Transyl plane resident, is presided over by the north building sword.

Regardless of the specific situation on the Tracy plane, Commissioner Qian didn't care, so North Tower Jian asked.

More than a hundred monks, together with Xiaoguang, flew towards Tiezhe Mountain as if covering the sky.

Iron Rod Mountain is already within the control of the abyss monster.

More than forty Dao Xiaoguang leaned forward and asked from a distance: "Humanity, stop!"

In Xiaoguang, more than a hundred sword lights flashed!

In an instant, it has spanned more than thirty miles!

More than thirty monsters in the abyss are shocked, and the magic trick is reminded!

Jianguang, the magic weapon Guanghua flashed!

More than 30 miles away, the sword light, the magic weapon Guanghua and the more than one hundred sword lights suddenly exploded.

"A hundred and four diamonds?"

An abyss monster was shocked!

He wanted to send out the magic trick, but he had already exploded in a sudden, before the magic trick was sent!

More than a hundred swords light spin!

It has exploded in the air into brilliant fireworks and turned into ashes.

Far away, a four-diamond hu **** abyss monster was shocked!

These more than a hundred sword lights, all have four diamonds, the power of God.

A Nascent Soul Hu God is here, and before the hundreds of sword lights, he will run away in embarrassment.

This piece of Xiaoguang rushed in the air.

Whenever an abyssal monster comes to block the way, it will be cut in one stroke!

A four-diamond hu **** abyss monster came, more than a hundred sword lights, burst out!

With a spin, the four-diamond hu **** abyss monster only saw a huge galaxy spinning towards itself.

Before the vast and boundless galaxy, these four-diamond hu gods and abyss monsters, the magic arts are all used!

With a scream, the sword art, magic weapon, and the Milky Way collapsed immediately!

Already twisted into gray by this vast and boundless galaxy, it walks 2,000 miles in the air and rushes up to the abyss monster ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has become less and less!

A beam of light, twenty miles long, came quickly "Yuan Ying Hu God!"

In Xiaoguang, more than a hundred disciples of the mountain hu plane, with a nervous look on their faces, swordsmanship, magic weapons, they have already tried their best!

Sword in the north building, his face relaxed.

At Fenghuo Pass, he had seen many Yuanying Hu gods, and he himself was able to block Yuanying Hu **** Erfeng's tricks on ordinary planes.

After more than a hundred miles, Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

A flame of sword light has been shot out!

In an instant, the entire sky was shining red!

This Yuan Ying Hu **** only felt that his entire divine palace was radiated by flames!

Sword light rushed forward for a hundred miles, can he still lock my Yuan Ying hu Shen Yuan Shen?

This abyssal monster sword art urges the peak, a thunder and fire, as if connected to the horizon, with all the violent destruction, and the power of traversing thousands of miles in an instant!

In the thunder and fire, it seemed that there were countless runes transforming, towards this flame and sword light, slashed, and in an instant, within a thousand miles, the whole sky flashed, shocked, and stopped!


A burst of thunder fire!

A hundred miles away, a scream came over.

A thunderbolt, in an instant, has escaped thousands of miles away!

The sword in the north building was stunned, this thunderous might, with his own feelings in the beacon pass, he tried his best to make a move, unable to survive ten moves, the master's move, this Yuan Ying Hu, has already escaped with injuries. @.

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