Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2139: Law Cannon

Fight against Yuanying Hu,

In the distance, many abyssal monsters immediately turned their heads to flee.

Everyone can see clearly that the sword light thunder is fighting in a radius of a hundred miles.

Yuan Ying Hu God turned around and walked away, these four diamond Hu God, three diamond Hu God, where dare to stay here?

Along the way, a lot of clean.

When he arrived at Tiezhang Mountain, Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, and a magic formula rushed into the starlight. After a while, the starlight was divided, and Le Yayuan was already standing here.

"Old money, ten years have passed, you only come here one... one"

Le Dayuan said.

"This starlight array, you have made a lot of improvements."

Member Qian said.

"Of course, my refining level is not worse than ordinary monks..." Le Dayuan said, reaching out his hand, the space turned, everyone had arrived at Tiezhang Mountain, outside Le Dayuan Dongfu.

"This is Master Le Dayuan." Commissioner Qian said.

The disciple of Shanhu plane immediately stepped forward to salute.

Le Dayuan nodded.

"Ten years, you gave me this magic circle, and I refined the law circle, but it only expanded a little bit." Le Dayuan said.

"There is a mine more than four thousand miles away from here, you can go there, and I can go there if something happens." He said, "I will go with you." Le Dayuan said.

The two came out of the starlight array, together with Xiaoguang, rolled towards the mine field.

Soon, they arrived at the mine.

As soon as Xiaoguang landed in the mine, the abyss monsters were already lined up.

Leading an abyss monster with four diamonds, Hu God, when he saw it, Le Dayuan.

"A real iron rod?"

It turned out that in recent years, Le Dayuan had been on the plane of Transcy, and the starlight formation had added a Yuanying hu **** and abyss monsters, and abyss monsters suffered a lot of casualties here.

Everyone knows that this is a real cave with iron rods.


Le Dayuan said.

Commissioner Qian took a step forward.

"This mine is mine, you can go."

These four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters, look at Commissioner Qian.

I only saw the starry sky scene intertwined with radiance, boundless.

Take three steps immediately.

"Enter the mountain protection array..." the four-diamond hu **** abyss monster shouted.


The abyss monster turned and ran into the formation.

However, half of the abyss monsters ran into the formation, only to see a scene, which was scrolling endlessly, just a scroll!


This scene has already blasted into the mountain guarding formation, just a whirl of the abyss monster and this scene have been shattered!

The entire guarding mountain shook, and it had begun to collapse!

These abyss monsters rushed out one by one.

The four-diamond hu **** abyss monster had already been urged by the magic formula. Seeing this scene, the whole body was full of mana and it was chaotic.

"Okay, this mine belongs to you. Later, I have a master to come..."

This abyss monster four diamonds said hu.

Waved: "Withdraw!"

A group of abyssal monsters set up flames and rolled away.

The disciples of Shanhu plane immediately rushed into the mine.

"Human miners, come here!" A group of human miners came over after a yell.

For human miners to lift the ban on monsters in the abyss, it is natural for the disciples of the plane of the mountain to do it.

After a while, the restriction on these human monks was lifted.

Together at the mountain hu plane disciples bowed their hands.

"This kind of vein has very little material, but it is two thousand miles long. It will be enough for you to mine for a while."

Le Dayuan said.

"North Tower Sword, you are stationed here."

Member Qian said.

The sword of Beilou led the disciples of Shanhu plane and began to lay out the formation flag.

In a quarter of an hour the flag has been set up.

"Abyss Demon Yuan Ying Hu God is coming, and should be here."

In a short while, a fire light from the horizon had already surged over, and the entire sky was shining red!

After more than a hundred miles, the two sides have seen their faces clearly.

"It means..."

In the flames, the abyssal monster Yuan Ying hu **** shouted!

No one else, it was Commissioner Qian who came to Tiezhangshan Road and fought against the abyssal monster Yuan Ying Hu.

"Yes, this mine is yours?"

Member Qian said.

"This mine is yours."

The abyss monster Yuan Ying Hu Shen said, turning around and leaving without even looking.

"This abyssal monster Yuanying hu **** is called Kurt, how do you know each other?"

Le Dayuan said, "I met him on the road to Tiezhangshan."

Member Qian said.

"It seems that Kurt has failed miserably, otherwise, turn around and leave..."

Le Dayuan said.

"How do you feel about the law?" Committee Member Qian said.

"Ten years have passed, and I have only realized a thousand law runes, a total of one thousand six hundred law runes." Le Dayuan said, "Compared with the advanced Yuan Ying hu, the speed of comprehension of this law has increased. Less, but, much slower than I thought." "If the law rune is so comprehensible, its power will not be so great, and it will not be so dominant against ordinary Yuan Ying Hu."

Member Qian said.

"However, compared to the law of the plane and the law of starlight, each has its own advantages."

The two stopped here for a few days, and no Yuan Ying hu **** came.

"I'm here to get a sense of the law of the Tracy plane."

Member Qian said.

This perception is one year.

Tie Zhangshan, Le Dayuan looked at Old Qian: "Why, are you going to travel to the plane of Transyl?"

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"In a year's time, I have been able to perceive the Tracy plane, and I have almost felt it."

Member Qian said.

Suddenly, the super plane communication array rang.

"Old money... come here." Turtle's face appeared.

In a loud bang, it passed through the communication array.

Thousands of miles of starry sky, shaking after another.

"That's it..." "The turtle said.

It turned out that more than 20 years had passed since the turtle had been stationed in the mine, and the mine had already been mined.

No, the turtle fell in love with the abyss monster occupying a mine, and led his men to kill it.

Unexpectedly, in this mine, the four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters lined up, and they fought with the turtles.

After a while, there were four more diamond hu gods, the abyss monsters arrived, and the Yuan Ying hu **** abyss monsters did not come.

Turtle and they have already retreated.

Originally, if you retire, you retire.

"Their treasure is good, put the treasure down..." "The abyss monster shouted, chasing it fiercely.

The turtles relied on the mountain hu plane to refine the treasures, and they used the teleportation array to return to the formation.

"Huamen came to more than 5,000 people, five and four diamonds."

Yuan Tie flickered and stood beside the turtle.

"The two of you are four-diamond hu gods, and there are Yuanying hu god-level floating airships, and there are starlight arrays for protection. Not to mention five four-diamond hu gods, even ten four-diamond hu gods. It can break through this starlight formation "..." Committee Member Qian said.

"Abyss monster driving a very powerful airship, our Yuanying hu **** level airship, has been blown up..." Yuan Tie said.

"What? The Abyssal Monster also has a floating airship of Yuan Ying Hu God level, so powerful?" Committee Member Qian said.

"Our sky-breaking artillery burns 10 million immortal stones at a time, and the Yuan Ying Hu Shen's mighty airship has already destroyed one. This array is not yet crossed."

An abyssal monster stood in a floating spaceship.

The starry sky in front of me is only about a hundred miles in radius.

The starry sky formation urges a hundred-meter-long magic sword to be issued, and the magic sword flicks, and more than three thousand sword lights are still flying in the air!

Cross a boom.

The magic sword exploded!

"Five thousand people, coupled with such a powerful airship, lost more than one thousand six hundred people, a four-diamond hu **** abyss monster sighed.

"The starry sky formation of firing six shots in a row is not crossed"..."In the formation, the member of the teleportation formation Guanghua flashes Qian Qian is already standing in the formation.

"What, the starry sky formation is only so small?"

Thunder flames fluttered all over a floating spaceship, and only one floating spaceship continuously fired artillery fire.

Commissioner Qian was surprised.

The soft-shelled turtle pointed!

An image emerged, only to see a thunderbolt, as if nothing existed, only this thunderbolt.

A floating spaceship, protecting the starlight from exploding, and on the floating spaceship, a thunder and fire rose.

Then, another thunder blasted over, and the entire airship, together with the monks inside, exploded into countless fragments, splashing around.

"The law of artillery..."

Member Qian said.

"Sure enough, it is a law cannon. No wonder, I feel that this cannon fire is somewhat similar to your five magic weapons."

Said the turtle.

"However, the rune of this law is very complicated. How can it be possible to drive the power core of a normal airship?"

Member Qian said.

The law contained in this thunderbolt is almost the same as the rune contained in the tower of the tower refining law.

The turtle said: "However, they fired six shots, and now they are attacked by the abyss monster."

"It seems that this kind of airship artillery fire is not easy to fire."

Member Qian said.

The figure shook, and he had stepped into the space. The next moment, the abyssal monster floating spaceship, twenty miles around, shook!

Thousands of thunders fired crosswise, and a figure appeared among countless space fragments.

Commissioner Qian was surrounded by five magic weapons and was surprised.

Twenty miles away, countless mysterious runes appeared on a floating spaceship.

"The whole airship is protected by law runes?" Committee Member Qian was surprised. He could not refine this kind of airship.

However, his own five magic weapons require countless materials to refine. How can he have the time to refine the law and Dao Fa floating spaceship...

He stretched out his hand!

A flame of sword light blasted!

In the flames of sword light, the entire sky was red!

In the airship, the five four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters were shocked!


The entire sky flashed, and a blue thunder blasted out, and the entire thunder seemed to have a mysterious structure.

The thunder is blue, as if there is infinite distance.

Sweep in the air!


In the midst of thousands of sparks shooting, this green thunder blasted towards Committee Member Qian, but it was quite dim.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand again, and a purple thunder shot out, touching the already dimmed blue thunder!

The green thunder exploded suddenly!

The purple thunder swept through the air as if it had passed through countless restrictions in the air.

Boom on the airship.

This floating spaceship, the law of runes, in an instant, there was already a flow of lightning.

"Boom... one by one"

A thunder and fire blasted away!

This airship is just a pit blasted on the surface.

"With one shot, this airship is even more powerful than the master's magic weapon..."

Meng Dali was surprised.

Meng Dali was commanding the monks on the mountain plane to fight. Hearing that Commissioner Qian came, Meng Dali rushed over and Commissioner Qian had already fought in a starry sky.

"Yeah, since the master has practiced those five magic weapons, he has been invincible against Yuanying Hu, at least, in the several battles we have seen"... "Yuan Tie was surprised.

"Why is this man's magic weapon so powerful?

I heard that the Lord of the Mountain Hu plane has a very powerful magic weapon. This person is the Yuan Ying Hu god, and the magic weapon is so powerful?

Could it be him? "In the airship, five four-diamonds were stunned.

"Didn't the sages of Yuanying Hu God say that this floating airship is enough to contend with the power of the Lord of the Mountain Hu plane?

Shoot me! "A four-diamond hu **** roared.

Thousands of miles away, two abyssal monsters, Yuan Ying, you look at me and I look at you.

"I haven't seen the lord of this mountain's hu plane for thirty years, and the magic weapon's power has increased again..." said an abyssal monster Yuan Ying Hu.

"This power has increased a lot...

The abyss monster Yuanying Hu **** said.

"This cannon of law can contend with the lord of this mountain hu plane, but it can only contend with a magic weapon.

The lord of this mountain hu plane, but there are five magic weapons..." "This cannon of law..." Sure enough, another shot was fired on the abyssal monster floating spacecraft.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, a golden light blasted out, and there were countless scenes in the golden light.

Jin Guang and this green artillery fire suddenly exploded!

Amidst the thunder and fire, in an instant, a hundred thousand thunders, intertwined in the air into an extremely beautiful picture.

Commissioner Qian stepped on, and he was already standing next to the airship, beside the airship, protected by the law and runes, he was smashed by the sword of Commissioner Qian!

"The airship can't beat the same powerful monk....

Thousands of miles away, those two abyss monsters, Yuan Ying Hu, shook their heads.

Sure enough, thunder flashed nine flashes in a row!

As if traversing the entire starry sky, within the floating spaceship, the five four-diamond hu **** abyss monsters either urged the sword art, or the magic weapon, or urged the Taoism.

Immediately afterwards, on the floating spaceship, countless brilliances were released, floating flying swords, their swords, magic weapons, and Taoism, burst out!

In the hands of Commissioner Qian, the red and yellow sè brilliance was already wrapped in a treasure of tens of zhang. In addition to this magic weapon, an abyss monster was standing. The abyss monster was holding a storage bag in his hand, looking at Commissioner Qian, and was stunned.

The airship, at the moment the ship, was gone, only the power furnace and the human in front of him.

"How do you use this power furnace?" Commissioner Qian asked.

"You can invest up to 15 million middle-grade immortal stones at one time." The abyss monster immediately told Commissioner Qian the detailed usage of this power furnace.

Commissioner Qian is already sweating.

This can only be taken back and studied.

Member Qian said.

Only then did they react to more than 3,000 monsters in the abyss.

Everyone reminds everyone, go to all parties!

However, Commissioner Qian continued to stretch out his hand and the Thunder Sword rushed into the air!

In an instant, there were countless thunderbolts blasting from the air!

The abyssal monsters lined up outside the floating spacecraft, all below the four-diamond hu god, were bombarded by the thunder, and let them use their methods, tactics, and magic weapons to inspire them.

Dao Fa, Fa Jue, and Magic Weapon under this blast, the whole meal, and then, as if transparent, exploded!

Countless fragments, flesh and blood, within thirty miles, burst out!

These monsters of the abyss, the magic weapon is urged, the highest cultivation level. After a reminder, I haven't run 30 miles.

With countless thunders, the entire space was distorted.

Impunity no longer works.

"Go..." Thousands of miles away, an abyss Yuanying hu **** said.

"His five magic weapons, each magic weapon, has such power, we can shoot at the same time, and we may not be able to beat him..." said the abyssal monster Yuan Ying Hu.

Turtle, Yuantie, and Meng Dali came out of the battle.

Looking at the scene in front of them, one by one stayed.

"A floating airship was destroyed, and a floating joy ship was hit hard, leaving only one tenth of the starry sky formation.

As soon as the old money was released, the magic weapon was urged. In less than a moment, this abyssal monster floating spacecraft, four diamond hu gods, more than three thousand abyssal monsters, the entire army has been cut...? "Old money, your magic weapon is so powerful?"

Commissioner Qian said: "I'm not telling you, to understand the law, to refine the law."

"Oh... the refining of the law circle is really much harder than the general law circle..."

Said the turtle.

"In the past few years, I have transformed my magic weapon. The new magic circle has also refined some. I originally thought that my magic weapon is already very powerful...

Unexpectedly, compared with your magic weapon, there is no way at all."...said the turtle.

"Yes, in thirty years, it is really necessary to refine the law array, really not much." Yuan Tie said, "The law array is compared with the common law array, the refining materials are not much more, and the refining is difficult, but it is much higher. Times!

Without the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying hu god, it is really difficult to refine the law array. "

Oh one... oneself in the four-diamond hu **** cultivation base, refining the innate Dao machine array and the law array, the success rate is not very high ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Qian Da committee bottle "Here the mining is finished, Go to another mine on the southern tide plane."

Member Qian said.

"This Starlight Array, withdrawn... Chuan"

A happy light came from the horizon.

In an instant, he stopped in front of Old Qian and them.

"Gullit, you only show up after every war... one"

Turtle glanced at Gullit and said coldly.

Turtle came out of Fenghuo Pass, and its cultivation base was higher than Gullit.

"Oh...one by one"

Gullit couldn't answer the turtle's words at all.

Turning around, he bowed his hand to the old money.

"Old Qian, there is a gathering on the plane of the Southern Chaos. The leaders of all factions are there. They all invite you to participate, how about it?"

Gullit said.

"The Southern Tide Plane, the leaders of all factions will participate, I will tell you, the Southern Tide Plane, the human monk mine, I haven't taken it at the moment..."

Member Qian said.

"Oh... we are going to regain some sect resident sites, can you participate?"

Gullit said.

"I'm not interested... one"

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

"It's up to me to regain the sect station. Besides, you monks of the southern tide plane, after so many years, you should have a lot of strength. To regain some sect station, you can go by yourself. Don't call me for everything. "Qian Dawei

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