Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2151: Hehan School

Commissioner Qian is considering that these five magical magic arrays can be transformed using the latest laws and the innate Dao-machine fusion array.

This time I went out to travel, and my realm improved.

I took a lot of materials in the Monster Wasteland.

While feeling the latest laws and the innate dao machine, Commissioner Qian combined these laws and the innate dao machine into a magic circle.

In a flash, three years passed.

"Boss, I have six hundred perceptual law runes for three years... One"

A Chou ran over and said.

Commissioner Qian was sweaty.

In three years, I have realized 600 runes in the starry sky. A Chou's perception of the runes of the law of starlight has already caught up with himself.

"How do you feel about the rune on the plane?"

Member Qian said.

"It's not so fast, it's much slower to realize the rune of the plane"..."

A Chou said.

"Maybe, it has something to do with your divine mind entering the center of the galaxy."

Member Qian said.


Ah Chou nodded, and went to feel the rune of the Starry Sky Law again.

Commissioner Qian began to reform the magic weapon.

Cultivation and refining magic weapons are the eternal theme in the life of monks.

"Report, on the Hundred Dou plane, we controlled five more mountain gates and mines, using 7,000 shots of the flag."

A monk stepped forward and reported to Committee Member Qian.

In the plane of Baidou, there are only more than one hundred schools and many places.

It is easy to occupy a gate, but to hold a gate, it takes a lot of power.

The mountain plane, the starry sky array, and the naval guns of the Yuanying hu **** power all use refined starlight as energy.

Therefore, these five mountain gates, mines, and mountain hu planes can be deployed in five positions.

Commissioner Qian nodded and said, "It’s not bad to be able to occupy these five places on the Hundred Dou planes... How many monsters are there on the One Hundred Dou planes?" Expedition, all ask to enter our battle to rest? "

Said the monk.

"Yes... one"

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Commissioner Qian thought of Longmen Inn, "set up an inn in those five places, and it's called the Starry Sky Inn"... Commissioner Qian said.

The Starry Sky Inn allows monks of all dimensions to rest there.

Commissioner Qian began to refining magic weapons again, comprehending the laws and innate principles.

In the palace, under the five hundred li cliffs, those monsters have been placed in the water pearl.

Committee member Qian felt that all the runes of the law of the face and the law of the stars were all refined into the water and pearls. In the past five years, the five magic weapons of the committee member Qian have already been transformed.

After the five magic weapons were transformed, Commissioner Qian did not participate in the battle against the abyss monsters.

Nor did he walk around, release magic weapons, and mine materials as before.

Commissioner Qian thought for a while and went to the plane of Baidou.

Baidou plane, Baguio Mountain.

A starry sky covered it.

The transmission array brilliance flashed, and a figure appeared.

The monk guarding the teleportation formation immediately gave his hand to the figure.

"Master Qian." Commissioner Qian nodded. "I'll come here to take a look." Commissioner Qian said.

Commissioner Qian walked into the Starry Sky Inn, which was almost full of people.

Commissioner Qian was surprised.

There are so many explorers to the plane of Baidou.

At a glance, these monks have served from all the main **** planes.

Commissioner Qian asked for a glass of wine, sat down, and began to listen to these monks from various main **** planes.

For Commissioner Qian.

This is also a kind of cultivation.

Commissioner Qian was cultivating next to that cave, which directly led to the appearance of Rebano cave. Commissioner Qian is now interested in exploring various caves.

Yuanying hu god, four diamond hu god, three diamond "This star battle array is good, put the power of the Yuanying hu **** main gun, I see those monsters, I dare not approach."

Said a monk in a purple robe.

"On the plane of Baidou, the runes on those monsters have really improved my understanding of the law. However, there are very few monsters that are fifty or sixty feet high. Runes on those monsters can be used. Culture is a monster of Taoism, which is difficult to grasp.

Otherwise, take more runes from those monsters to understand the law, and it may improve faster..."

Said a monk next to him.

"Those monster monks can turn those runes into their own Taoism, and their power will increase even more...

I heard that there are five starry sky inns here, all opened on the mountain plane.

"Said a monk with blue eyebrows next to him.

They talked about the starry sky formation, and they were not very surprised by the starry sky formation.

Both of them are Yuan Ying hu gods and have seen a lot of battles.

Suddenly, a monk in Tsing Yi came over.

"Just now the two said that there is a star carving on the Red Mountain plane, the main **** of flames." The Tsing Yi monk walked around, as if there was a boundless scene.

At a glance, you know that Yuanying is a god.

"Yes, that starry sky carving, many Yuan Ying hu gods have seen it, and I can't see any mysterious coming...

The monk with green eyebrows nodded.

"The star carving, where is it in Hongshan?"

Member Qian asked.

"The starry sky is carved in a cave."

Said the purple-robed monk.

He has also seen the starry sky sculpture. After watching it for more than 20 days, he can't see anything. Now, in this starry sky inn, his understanding of the law has improved, and it is just chatting.

That sculpture is in a cave on the plane of Red Mountain. That cave is very big and contains many treasures and Taoist books.

When the Red Mountain plane was a sensation, half of the monks of the Red Mountain plane participated in the fight for that cave mansion.

However, in that cave house, there are sculptures of the starry sky in a radius of twenty miles. It looks good. Many monks went to see it. Some monks stayed in front of the landscape of twenty miles in radius for a year. Can't see anything.

Yuan Ying Hu god, four diamond Hu god, for these sights, he will not take it.

Some Jindan monks, monks in the base construction period, moved back many of these starlight sculptures.

Now, that Dongfu is a large-scale resident on the plane of Red Mountain.

Only one-third of those starlight carvings.


Commissioner Qian nodded, very interested.

"Many of the cultivating Starlight Dao Fa Yuan Ying Jingshen can't see the profoundness." said the monk with blue eyebrows.

"Are you all from the Red Mountain plane?" Commissioner Qian said.

These two monks, click together.

Now on the Hundred Dou plane, all monks on the main **** plane can see it.

Ordinary monks, cultivating the starlight mysterious, are far behind Zhou Tianxing.

Commissioner Qian thought for a while, and has been sitting in the Starlight Inn for half a year.

You know a lot about the adventure experience of each main **** plane.

It can be said that most of the runes of the Hundred Fighting Plane are already known to the Commissioner Qian.

You can walk to the Red Mountain plane, and the space scene flashes past like a ten thousand barrel.

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the teleportation formation and said to the guarding teleportation cultivator, "How do I get to the plane of Red Mountain?" He had to transit some planes. "

Said the guardian teleportation cultivator.

Commissioner Qian paid the teleportation array fee.

Stepped onto a teleportation array.

In the teleportation formation, there were some other cultivators standing, and when Commissioner Qian heard, these cultivators were talking about this Hundred Dou plane.

The wave of monsters on the hundred fighting planes is now a hot topic on all planes.

The teleportation array was shining, and under the tremendous pressure, various scenes flashed by.

The Red Mountain plane has arrived.

Commissioner Qian walked out of the teleportation formation and asked a guardian teleportation cultivator.

"Hehan faction, how do you go?" Commissioner Qian asked.

The monk told Commissioner Qian how to get to the Hehan School.

Fire is the main **** plane, until there is no abyss monster invading.

Commissioner Qian did not rush away quickly, but slowly walked over like an ordinary monk.

He now has such a high cultivation base that he doesn't need to fly over as soon as he hears that there is a cave mansion.

Along the way, I traveled through the natural landscape of the Red Mountain plane, and I felt a bit emotional.

On this day, he is visiting a famous mountain.

Among ordinary tourists, Commissioner Qian is a Tsing Yi celebrity, and he can't tell at all how it is different from ordinary mountain tourists.

"Every time I go to a famous mountain, this scene is different. It is really natural fortune, endless." This scene is good, and it doesn't need natural fortune, infinite is so exaggerated. "

Said a middle-aged man in a purple robe next to him.

"This sir has a good vision..."

Said a middle-aged man next to him.

He has a rough face, but is dressed in a scribe's robe.

Commissioner Qian saw that this man was a **** of a diamond.

"Your Excellency is in good spirits, and you will come to visit the mountains?"

The middle-aged man in a purple robe immediately looked over in surprise.

"In the past year or so, you have traveled here more than 30 times. I never knew that you are a monk."

Said the middle-aged man in purple robe.

This rugged monk was shocked!

He is a one-diamond hu god, and he can't tell that Qian’s commissioner is a monk. "This person is probably a four-diamond hu god, so there is such a big gap..."

Said the monk with a rough face.

"Oh? Have you been here more than thirty times?"

Member Qian said.

This mountain, the scenery is good.

Take a tour three or four times and it's almost done.

One by one, I have visited more than 30 times?

Commissioner Qian glanced over, and found that among the tourists, there were many monks...

"what happened?"

Commissioner Qian asked the drill monk.

"Oh one..."

The drill monk did not answer.

"Five years ago, someone was on this mountain and discovered that there was a bright light rising to the height of ten thousand meters, which lasted only half a day.

Many monks came to this mountain and searched everywhere, but found nothing.

It has been lively for more than a year, and now there are far fewer monks in this mountain. "The purple-robed man said, Commissioner Qian saw that he was a mortal and a warrior.

"Where did this Baoguang charge up, can you take me there?"

Member Qian said.


The purple-robed warrior nodded.

He saw the red and yellow sè Guanghua scroll, and he was already flying in the air.

In the past, those peaks that seemed unattainable were vivid and clear.

"Over there……"

He pointed at a mountain peak.

In the blink of an eye, he was already standing on top of this mountain.

"It's here?"

Commissioner Qian released his spiritual thoughts, and this mountain seemed transparent.

"Huh? There is nothing unusual."

Commissioner Qian Lou "Oh... a lot of monks have seen it, they all said that."

Said the middle-aged man in purple robe.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed at the purple-robed middle-aged man, who was shivering.

In an instant, a surprise appeared on his face, "Ah...I'm already an Innate Martial Artist?"

My cultivation base in martial arts, I originally thought that I was about to reach the top, where I thought, this monk, with a finger, he has reached the peak of martial arts, the cultivation base of innate martial artist.

The purple-robed warrior, only saw his figure sway, already standing in front of the rugged monk.

"You are a mortal, can you teleport in space?"

Said the purple-robed warrior.

A warrior, in the eyes of the **** of hu, belongs to the ranks of mortals. He can't stop the pressure of space transmission at all. It needs the monk to carry the transmission.

That monk in Tsing Yi just now could easily allow this mortal to carry out spatial teleportation?

"Have you broken through the innate martial artist?"

Said the monk with a rough face.

"General monks can't be found, I am different." Committee member Qian said.

Reached out and pointed, a very mysterious rune appeared. This rune, in an instant, had already turned into a starry sky. Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed at the starry sky, only to see a piece of space flashing on this starry sky. Over.

A cave mansion appeared, vaguely, but it seemed that there were many people. In an instant, more than a dozen people looked over.

That vision seemed to have traveled through numerous spaces.


A monk stretched out his hand and pointed towards the starlight mirror!

On the starlight mirror, a heavy b pattern appeared, and the scene was gone!

He just used the Starlight Dao Method to pass through the numerous spaces.

The monk stretched out his hand and pointed, and it was not worse than his own Starlight Dao, and his starlight mirror was on the scene, but it was missing.

Commissioner Qian suddenly didn't know the detailed location of the cave mansion on this starlight mirror.

Just know the general situation of a space.

Commissioner Qian didn't know whether this cave was in this plane or not.

Let's go to the Hehan School first.

Within a valley, there was a radius of three hundred miles. Commissioner Qian walked to a cliff, which was three feet away from the red and yellow brilliance and immediately separated.

This kind of formation, for the member of the Supreme People's Court Qian, he didn't even need to pinch the tactics, and the red and yellow sè Guanghua was rolled. This kind of formation was already separated.

Commissioner Qian didn't go far and saw a monk approaching.

"Where is that starry scene?"

Member Qian said.

"over there……"

The monk stretched his hand and pointed, but saw Commissioner Qian move forward, restraining him along the way, and immediately separated by himself within three feet of Commissioner Qian.

"Ah...High-ranking monk..."

Said the monk.

In a blink of an eye, Commissioner Qian had already reached a scene.

Yes, a piece of starlight carving.

Beside the starlight sculpture, there are only some monks in the foundation period, Jindan monks, here.

Most people rest here, but only a few people feel the starlight carvings here.

Some people feel the starlight carving: "For more than a year, I have been here every day, and I have not realized the profoundness."

Some people say. ,

Commissioner Qian looked at it.

It seems to be an ordinary starlight carving...

After watching it for a long time, could it be that when I ran so far and sent the Immortal Stone, I was too humiliated, just to look at the landscape?

However, it was the gold core monks who did the carving. This starlight carving really couldn't be done.

Commissioner Qian began to urge the distribution of the Golden Fruit Shadow Array, deducing the changes in the Starlight Array. After running so far, Commissioner Qian was taken to visit.

There was one more person standing beside this starlight sculpture.

"These low-level cultivators still want to realize what peerless exercises are here"...some of the gods who passed by, said.

"I have been here for a year, and every day, I haven't found much mysteriousness."

There is a diamond said.

Commissioner Qian stood here for nine days, his eyes opened.

"Here, it's a formation, but it's just a remnant."

Member Qian said.

"It's also very mysterious for us to deduct it for so long..."

Member Qian said.

Turning around, he has already walked out of the Hehan School.

Commissioner Qian Xiaoguang flew towards a city.

Above this Fang City, it is very lively, and it is the same as the other main gods in the Fang City, with various materials, magic weapons, and Taoism.

Commissioner Qian bought some materials in this market, but the magic book is very ordinary.

Commissioner Qian bought a book that introduced this face, various caves and secret realms.

Take it aside and examine it carefully.

I didn't see it, I saw the cave in the starlight mirror.

From other cave houses, Taoist books, and ordinary planes, a member of Qian Qian flew towards a cave. One day later, Qian Qian was standing in a valley.

"The scenery is good and suitable for cultivation." Committee Member Qian looked at a school in the distance.

The scenery is good and suitable for cultivation, but for the member Qian, it is not as good as Zhou Tianxing.

Commissioner Qian collected some unique materials in this valley.

For Commissioner Qian, he traveled to some caves and secret places.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

A roll of red and yellow sè Guanghua!

A ten-year-old monster ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been involved in the red and yellow sè Guanghua. Commissioner Qian easily picked up a treasured material.

For Commissioner Qian, the materials are already easily available on this ordinary plane.

On this Taoist book, the secret realm of the Dongfu Mansion, Commissioner Qian has been around for a month.

"It seems that if you want to go to the cave, you have to take a trip."

Member Qian said.

Together, Xiaoguang flew towards the mountain.

For half a day, he has already arrived in that space.

The space in that cave is very complicated, and with the knowledge of Qian's space, it is only possible to enter the cave if he is above this mountain peak.

Like this kind of cave, it is difficult to enter without the Yuan Ying Hu **** cultivation base.

Commissioner Qian's figure shook, and the space was separated.

The red and yellow sè brilliance, circling around the member Qian!

After walking not far in the space, I saw thousands of spaces, like swords, smashing over.

These spatial powers don’t have to be the magic weapon of the four diamonds.

The red and yellow brilliance was blasted like a huge thunder.

Commissioner Qian has already walked more than a thousand miles in this space!

There are more than 100,000 spaces, cut above the red and yellow brilliance, as if endless, blocking these spaces.

To tell the truth, Commissioner Qian is in the Four Diamond Hu Shen cultivation base, in this space, he will definitely not be able to walk such a long distance! ! .

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