Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2152: Zhengtian Pavilion

Two thousand one hundred and fifty-two chapters Zhengtian Pavilion

To walk a thousand miles in this space is quite a walk of more than six hundred thousand miles on an ordinary plane.

Commissioner Qian walked along a space canyon.

After walking through the space canyon, a cave mansion appeared in the distance.

Commissioner Qian walked towards the cave.

Countless spatial blades pounced.

One cut on the red and yellow scenery,

It exploded like a huge thunder.

If I didn’t practice many law runes in this law,

It's really hard to get here.

Member Qian said.

Seeing this cave from a distance,

But he walked more than a thousand miles.

In the gate of the cave,

There are six monks guarding there.

Seeing Commissioner Qian came over.

"Anyone who can walk here can come in."

Said the six monks.

"where is this place?"

Member Qian said.

"Here is the Zhengtian Pavilion, an ancient cave mansion. Only when a monk can come here, can he comprehend Dao Fa."

Said a monk.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

These six monks,

All are Yuan Ying Flower God.

"Able to withstand such a powerful space blade, come here to the monks, all of them are Yuan Ying Flower Gods,"

Said a monk next to him.

Commissioner Qian walked into this Zhengtian Pavilion and took a look.

The entire Zhengtian Pavilion is refined from one material.

This material,

I can't recognize it at all.

On the Zhengtian Pavilion,

Engraved with various shapes.

Many graphics, there are monks who feel in front of the graphics.

However, in front of many graphics,

No monk is there to feel it.

Commissioner Qian looked at the graphics,

I can't see why.

Some monks were talking about some graphics.

Commissioner Qian walked up to a starlight figure.

In front of this starlight figure,

There are already five monks feeling it.

Commissioner Qian also walked up to this graphic,

Started to look at it.

Seeing, Commissioner Qian seemed to have entered an infinite starry sky.

In the infinite starry sky,

Commissioner Qian now knows,

Nahe Han School Starlight Carving,

Where did it come from,

The Nahehan School starlight formation is part of the starlight formation in this figure.

Commissioner Qian flickered,

There was already a starlight shining all over his body.

The stars are spinning,

The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array has urged various changes.

Feelings about this starry sky immediately rushed over like a tide.

Now the starlight of Commissioner Qian's body is just his perception of Zhou Tianxing.

For this kind of starlight Taoism, Zhou Tianxing Dou was released.

I can feel a lot at once.

I don't know how long it took, when a monk came over with a square face and a firm face.

Watching the stars revolving around Qian Yuan.

He also released his own starry sky Dao Fa, and he was comprehending this starry sky Dao Fa.

A cultivator of the Starry Sky Dao Fa, reaching the level of the Yuan Ying Flower God, is the same.

By releasing one's own starry sky Taoism, you can feel other starry sky Taoism.

However, he looked at Commissioner Qian Xingkong Dao Fa, and compared with Commissioner Qian, it was obviously much worse.

"You are a good way of starry sky, I once entered a secret realm, in this secret realm,

There is a formation, a bit similar to your starry formation. "

Said the monk.


Yuan Ying Hua Shen said that this formation is a bit similar, that may be part of Zhou Tian's star battle formation.

"Where is this secret place? I'll go and see"

Member Qian said.

"You can find it when you go out of the gate of this cave"

Said the monk.

"Out of this cave mansion gate?"

Member Qian said.

"Yes, that secret realm appeared only once in three hundred years, and it drifted in this secret realm during the three hundred years.

Many caves only appear every three hundred years, and in three to four hundred years, they all drift in space.

If you can find this cave, you can also go in. "

Commissioner Qian nodded: "Oh this, I know."

On the plane of Akihara,

Commissioner Qian knew that many monks came in from space.

However, Commissioner Qian asked himself, in terms of space cultivation,

There is no such cultivation.

"I don't have the ability, where is that cave house?"

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

"On the plane of Karan, it's useless if I tell you it's not during the opening hours of the cave.

One hundred years later, you go to the plane of Karan,

Can see that the cave is open. "

Said the monk.

I saw a voice sounded.

"The guard mission starts and the teleportation begins."

In an instant,

A space canyon appeared in front of the two.

This gorge is entirely composed of space, which is tens of thousands of miles long.

Commissioner Qian used to walk a lot of distance in space.

I have never seen such a spectacular space canyon.

Commissioner Qian saw that there were already many monks around.

It was in that cave mansion that I felt various graphic monks.

More than one hundred Yuanying Flower God,

Look at their faces, one by one is normal.

"This one"

Commissioner Qian asked the monk next to him,

I was comprehending the Starry Sky Dao Fa, and I came here at once,

Based on the repair of Qian Yuan,

Can't feel this transmission.

"Catch up with the guard mission as soon as you arrive."

Said the monk.

"This cave can be entered as long as a monk comes over with his own cultivation base.

However, this cave mansion, how can it be so easy to enter, the monks in this cave mansion must participate in this guard mission. "

"Oh guard mission, in this canyon,

What will there be? "

"Space Protoss."

Said the monk.

"Lake Protoss?"

Member Qian said.

The monk looked at Commissioner Qian.

"It seems that you have fought against the Rako Protoss.

There are very few Rako Protoss here, and more Space Protoss"

"Oh other space protoss? I haven't seen it."

Member Qian said.


A group of beasts and humans,

From the canyon, rushed upward.

"In this gorge, monks below the transformation stage cannot fly"

Said the monk.

"Oh then, what if the space protoss of the transformation stage comes over?"

Member Qian said.

"The cultivator at the top of the **** transformation can't stop the thunder of the gorge."

Said the monk with a square face.


Commissioner Qian stayed,

Monk, how powerful is it?

Commissioner Qian met.

Yuan Ying, the flower **** monk, punched out

Can't stop the thunderous gorge

A flame flew across the sky, and in the flame, there seemed to be a scene of flames of thousands of miles,

These thousands of miles of flame sceneries are actually like real sceneries, generally no different.

The whole sky was reflected red.

Commissioner Qian looked surprised.

Member Qian Daofa, the magic weapon exploded,

The scenery is like a picture scroll.

Compared with this Yuanying Flower God blasting out Dao Fa,

Not much difference.

This person's cultivation base is taller than Qian's committee.

A Void Protoss has six hands simultaneously swinging a sword

There was a loud bang,

The whole person has exploded.

But that's it.

Some Void Protoss next to it, or six hands, or four hands,

All kinds of flying swords, magic weapons, one spin,

Exploded with flames,

Has turned into countless Mars.

There are three or four Void Protoss next to them,

Shaking and screaming

After a stature, he rushed up,

However, at first glance, the pace is obviously slower.


"This rushed to the Void Protoss, why is it so strong?

It’s much stronger than the Rako Protoss."

There is already an extra thunder in his hand,

Sword Jue urges,

More than a hundred purple thunders,

Boom above a row of Void Protoss.

This time, Commissioner Qian,

Did not use Dao Fa, and made every effort to urge.

At the beginning,

In the plane of Akihara, get those monsters that can emit purple thunder monster demon pill,

Among these purple thunder monster monsters,

Two hundred thousand runes, Commissioner Qian has successfully practiced,

In that ancient scene,

Runes on giants and monsters

Commissioner Qian didn’t feel much,

However, from those roads, you can blow up the entire plane of purple thunder,

Commissioner Qian felt over and over again,

I realized a lot of the operation route of Thunder Dao Fa.

Having cultivated the power of the purple thunder, Committee Qian has improved a lot.

The purple thunder flashed,

The three Void Protoss exploded.

The other four void gods,

Has rushed up suddenly.

Commissioner Qian was surprised.

At the Longmen Inn,

His magic weapon has innate Taoism,

For the Rako Protoss, it is more powerful than ordinary Taoism.

right now,

His magic weapons have been refined through the fusion of laws and innate Dao machine runes.

I felt the power of the purple thunder in the ancient scene.

The power of this Thunder Sword was greatly improved.

Slashed over with a sword,

Only kill three void **** races.

From this canyon, rushed up to the Void Protoss,

A lot more powerful than the Leko Protoss.

Commissioner Qian remembered,

In the Dragon Inn,

A Nascent Soul monk once said: "The Rako Protoss, in the Void Protoss, can only be average. It's far from powerful."


Here, I met other Void Protoss,

A battle,

That Yuanyinghua myth is pretty good.

The square-faced monk next to Commissioner Qian,

A cluster of rotating stars burst out

The arm of a void protoss,

Each has a flying sword, broadsword, warhammer, and battle axe

Starlight and flying sword, broad sword, warhammer, battle axe,

As if bombed by countless huge thunders

This Void Protoss burst open,

However, while the stars are spinning and flying,

The Void Protoss next to him, but it was hurt.

Like other Yuanying Flower Gods,

One move,

But only one Void Protoss fell,

With one move, six Void God Races and more than one hundred Yuan Ying Flower Gods were killed, only two of them.

Commissioner Qian killed three Void Protoss with one move,

Exactly ranked thirteenth.

More than half of Yuanying Flower God,

Turning his head to look at the magic weapon in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

"This newcomer Yuanying Flower God, not bad."

Yuan Ying Hua Shen said.

"It's because he has a good magic weapon. He is a monk and he can't rank in the top fifty."

Yuan Ying Huashen said.

Commissioner Qian looked at that move to kill six Void Protoss monks,

Just a while ago,

I am using the Starlight Dao Method to view this cave mansion,

Reach out,

The person who broke his own starry sky Dao Fa.

More than one hundred Yuanying Flower God,

At the same time, with one move, more than two hundred void protoss fell,

A piece of space was empty in the space canyon.

"In this space canyon, long-distance Taoism cannot be released, and it is the same when we enter the space canyon."

Said the monk next to him.

"No wonder, I see these Void Protoss, they haven't released the long-distance Taoism.

One Yuan Ying Hua Shen Dao Fa was released, only one could be killed. "

Commissioner Qian said,

In the distance of the gorge, thirty miles away,

Some Void Protoss, standing there,

Look towards this side.

Qian Qian waved his hand,

A thunder blasted out

This thunder is extremely powerful

But it only flew more than six miles in the air,

Has crashed above the canyon.

Above the canyon, a thunder and fire burst,

Commissioner Qian saw,

This gorge did not even leave scratches.


Commissioner Qian stayed.

"The cultivator at the top of the gods can't stop the thunderous rush of this gorge-this is our magic weapon"

The square-faced monk Yao Yao headed his head.

"Those Void Protoss can't come, so don't we have to stand here forever?"

Member Qian said.

"No, if within a day, these Void Protoss cannot rush out of this canyon, they will be teleported back."

The square face monk said.

After a day, those Void Protoss did not come,

Just saw,

They shook their bodies and were sent away.

Commissioner Qian only saw that the space flickered,

I have returned to that starlight space.

The square-faced monk was also nearby.

"This time I came to the Void Protoss, it was not particularly powerful"

The square face monk said.

Commissioner Qian felt the starry sky,

Another month passed,

The guard mission begins again,

This time,

There are six or seven Void God Races, bombarded by Yuanying Flower Gods,

Between the sword light magic weapon,

Has rushed out of the space canyon,

After rushing out of the space canyon,

A void protoss,

With a wave of six arms,

More than a thousand thunders have already blasted over

Thousands of thunders suddenly appeared,

Commissioner Qian has already felt a sense of vastness and eternity.

Commissioner Qian Huojian reminded

A scene of thousands of miles of flames,

Toward a roll of Thunder,

These more than a thousand thunders blasted towards the five or six Yuan Ying Hua God,

However, these five or six Yuanying Flower Gods,

Each of his faces showed serious expressions,

The magic weapon Dao Fa tried its best to urge it, and blasted at the thousand thunders.

Commissioner Qian faced more than a hundred thunderbolts.

The flame sword, plus his own full force to urge it.

More than a hundred thunderbolts should be blasted to pieces under their own flame scenery.


One thousand miles of flame,

A burst of thunder

The flames of Wanli exploded,

More than ten thunders,

Is already in front of Committee Member Qian

Commissioner Qian was shocked

I saw the red and yellow scenery swirling,

There are still thousands of miles of red and yellow scenery.


The thunder and the red and yellow scenery touched, this time,

It's a red and yellow scenery, suddenly exploded

More than a dozen thunders passed through thousands of miles of scenery,

There are five thunders,

Boom in front of Commissioner Qian.


The purple thunder flashed,

The whole sky seems to shine

In the thunder and fire,

A thunder fire,

Has been hit on the Qian committee.

Committee member Qian,

Starlight spins,

Thunder sparks

Commissioner Qian has been flying over a hundred feet away

At the same time, the light of the thunder flame was spinning

Five or six Yuanying Flower God urges Dao Fa,

Has arrived

This Void Protoss roared wildly,

Has exploded violently,

Six or seven void protoss rushed out of the space canyon, but in the blink of an eye,

Has been beheaded.

But there were six Yuanying Flower Gods who were beaten away.

One of the,

It is Commissioner Qian.

However, Commissioner Qian immediately stood up,

The stars all over,

There is nothing wrong.

"This Void Protoss, thunder and fire, the law of which is more like me"

Commissioner Qian was embarrassed,

Since the successful refining of five magic weapons,

After years of fighting,

Never run into this dilemma,

Looking at the other Yuanying Flower Gods, his body flickered, and he was obviously injured by the Void God Race.

Less than a moment,

Another Polecko Protoss rushed up.

This time,

Commissioner Qian is a magic weapon, and he does his best to urge the issue.

Reach out and even fingers,

Flames, thunder, golden scenery, waves, continuous waves of mountains

After understanding more ancient runes,

Cultivating artistic conception and making progress,

Commissioner Qian has been able to continuously urge these five magic weapons.

Everyone, Yuanying Flower God, dare not neglect,

Magic weapon, sword art,

Full urge

In an instant,

Canyon out,

Thunder and flames

Charged up with a group of Void Protoss, thunder flames, sword tactics, magic weapons with all their strength, but, soon, their sword tactics magic weapons trembled and exploded

After a while,

This group of Void Protoss were all killed in Taniguchi

However, among these Yuanying Flower Gods, four Yuanying Flower Gods were hit.

The exercises urged it, and it took a long time before I stood up.

Back into the stars,

"It's only been two months, and there has been a second guard mission. The key is that this rushed to the Void Protoss, and it became stronger and stronger.

How to practice this?

I have a fast level of cultivation, and it’s not like that."

Member Qian said to the monk Fang Lian.

It’s normal to practice one type of exercise for 30 to 40 years at a time.

Interrupt once a month,

How to practice this exercise?

The square-faced monk nodded: "So, many Yuanying Flower Gods have been cultivating here for some years, and they have gone back.

There are many guarding tasks. Since then,

Only before I realized some of the exercises, after a battle, many have to practice.

Thirty years, even a pair of graphics can't be completed. "

Oh this wall mountain graphic,

Divine Mind, like it, is indeed very mysterious.

I owe to the committee members, I think I am in the starry sky law,

Very high attainments,

As soon as Divine Mind penetrated into it,

Zhou Tian's star battle array runs at full capacity,

It's still too early to understand this picture.

"These Void God Races are so many, so strong, where do they come from?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"I don’t know, Yuanying’s Flower God Canyon, after entering this gorge, I didn’t see it coming back.

Over time, the Yuan Ying Flower God cultivated as a monk, and no one entered this canyon anymore. "

The square face monk said.

"In the space canyon, across thousands of miles, in ordinary planes, maybe one hundred planes, to be precise,

This tens of thousands of miles of space canyon spans a distance, which we dare not imagine. "

That is, Commissioner Qian nodded repeatedly.

Those Nascent Soul Flower Gods were beaten out of the way by Taoism,

In an instant, he has reached a distant plane,

Commissioner Qian has never heard of these remote planes. If Commissioner Qian is asked to set up a super-plane teleportation circle,

I don’t know how much work it takes~www.wuxiaspot.com~Chairman Qian, I started to feel the starry sky.

This time, the sentiment lasted for two months.

In the star battle of Zhou Tian,

Another galaxy appeared.

Member Qian found that different star formations,

It's actually easy to blend.

However, now, Commissioner Qian found that

Standing in this starry sky,

Is the star map on the wall,

I realized that one-tenth of it was not reached.

"This array is on the ordinary plane, and it's worse than Zhou Tianxing.

However, ordinary Taoism, cultivators, it is already difficult to break into this starlight formation. "

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