Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2393: Teleportation array

Thousands of sword light with thick fingers,

In the corridor, he turned back into a mysterious turn.

Waves on the shield are released,

But he couldn't hit that sword light!


A monk next to the red wolf,

Bleeding blood!

Ten Jindan monks of the mountain flower plane,

Although holding the shield in hand,

But back again and again!

They urged the sword tactics,

The sword light is interwoven into a big net, but,

. But there is no sword that can cut the light of this thick finger!

The Dafa Cannon on the shoulder fired,

A reminder!

Several starlight crossings,

This sword light with thick fingers,

Countless turning points have been made!

In the loud noise,

Count the stars, blast the corridor to a large area!

But still can't hit this sword light!

Really play against the Three Diamond Flower God!

These three-diamond flower god's sword art accomplishments are urged to send sword light with their gods. These golden cores, they simply can't keep up, they can't compare at all!

The flames rushed, and the landscape shot!

Multiplayer in a row!

If it weren’t for the shield, the heavy sword, it’s really strong,

The three diamond flower gods blasted continuously!

Just cut one person!

These more than ten golden pills,

It's all lying down long ago.


Apricot brilliance flashed, I don't know where to escape from!

As if from a distant starry sky,

The sword light with thick fingers,

Showing a human form,

This human figure exploded suddenly,

Exploded into countless pieces!

The apricot brilliance flashed, revealing the body of the member Qian.


The Red Wolf and more than a dozen monks hand it over!

"A Nascent Soul Flower God has arrived through the teleportation array, please take a moment."

Member Qian said.

Reached out and opened the communicator.

"All teams, if they encounter the Yuanying Flower God, they will immediately report to me, and I will rush over immediately."


The voices of the leaders of the teams came.

Countless runes, brilliance flashed,

This is a space,

The restricted space within the entire Da Meng Pass!

A Yuanying Flower God, one Yuanying,

Watching, inside the hall,

Xuetian Zhenren Refining and Chemical Control Center.

"They want to occupy Da Meng Pass for a long time?"

The Yuan Ying said in surprise.

"Control center, it can't be refined for a while, call other Yuanying Flower Gods to come over!"

.One of them was cut off physically, and they were injured in a few strokes.

Seeing the snowy sky, throwing swords, Qian Feng’s real person refining the air center,

How dare they rush out from the restricted space.

"Call the other Yuanying Flower Gods to come over, this spiritual vein, they must be cultivated!"

Said the Yuanying Flower God.

"Once the control center is refined, this prohibition will not hurt us, and this fierce barrier will not be ours."

Said this Yuan Ying!


Said the Yuanying Flower God.

The real Xuetian said with a solemn expression: "I found the teleportation formation, here, let the old money go to the teleportation formation and cut it."

The shrunken violent shut, a place of brilliance flickered.

Real Man Sajian, immediately take this image and pass it to Committee Member Qian.

"Old Qian, this is where a teleportation formation is located. Go and cut him down."


Member Qian said.

He also didn't want a new Yuanying Flower God to emerge.

Apricot brilliance flashed,

Jumping in the corridor.

Whenever a human figure appeared, Apricot Guanghua rushed over.

In a flash, Apricot Guanghuahao did not stay, and burst into flesh and blood!

Not long after, I came to a large room,

Apricot brilliance flashed,

The door has been blown to pieces!

A fiery red sword light is extremely dazzling,

More shining than the sun in the sky,

Slashed at Committee Member Qian,

It seems that there are countless sparks, bombing!

Between the sparks, they are scattered and orderly, very mysterious!

It is the Yuan Ying Flower God who just cut and wounded the real Sajian!

A red robe swells,

Look fierce,

The apricot sword light vibrated, and the starlight turned thousands of stars!

Countless sparks exploded!

Just like a huge firework bursting out!

Commissioner Qian took a look,

A teleportation array inside,

A Yuan Ying is opening the communication circle and is saying something!

Seeing countless sword lights bursting,

This Yuan Ying immediately shouted hello to the communication array.

The transmission array shines,

The transmission is about to begin.

Commissioner Qian Jianguang urged,

Ten thousand stars shine,

Shining apricot brilliance!

The Yuanying Flower God Sword on the opposite side reminds you!

Turned into thousands of fire waves,

It's necessary for Commissioner Qian to block this sword!


There seemed to be countless big waves coming from Fanxing.

Dozens of stars have already blasted above the teleportation array!

The teleportation array suddenly exploded!

With a cry of surprise, Yuan Ying had already rushed into the restriction.

The red robe soul infant flower **** retreated towards the restriction,

Apricot sword light flashed, as if traveling through time and space!

Countless sparks shot in the huge earthquake!

Sprinkle the entire room.

This red robe Yuanying Flower God screamed and hit another sword!


Countless pieces of battle armor shot!

. Has rushed into the prohibition!

Commissioner Qian opened the communication array and recounted the battle just now.

"Can your refining control center hurry, if there are other Yuanying Flower Gods coming over, it will be difficult to deal with."

Member Qian said.

"We have tried our best to refine the control center."

Said the real Sajian.

Commissioner Qian opened the communication array.

"Red Wolf, Yuan Tie, Wanli Dao, listen, you are in a group of thirty people,

Expand the array map. "

Member Qian said.


. Answer inside the communication device.

The Thirty-used array map refined on the mountain flower plane is not very powerful.

However, when I meet Yuanying Flower God,

Able to support it for a while.

It won't be smashed by Yuan Ying Hua Shen with a few swords!

The Golden Core cultivators on the mountain flower plane converged one after another, expanded their formations, and rushed in.

In Dameng Pass, nebulae appeared one after another!

Within the nebula,

The Jindan on the Mountain Flower Plane breathed a sigh of relief.

"It should have been like this long ago, just now, I met with a few of Xuetian's subordinates.

They have killed a quarter of them. "

Said the soaring sword.

From Yuanying Huashen rushed to Da Mengguan,

But half a day,

Jindan team has already killed a quarter.

"This big fierce pass has already occupied most of it."

Langchao said.

"The other party really came out with a Yuanying Flower God, we can't cut it enough!"

Yuan Tie said, everyone is silent.

Nebula reminded,

The shards shot and rushed into a room,

Thousands of swords abound,

There was a scream in the room,

Countless fragments burst out!

Within the prohibition,

Hongpao Yuanying Flower God's face is distorted!

"This sword is more traumatized than the one just now!

Go to that teleportation array over there! "

Hongpao Yuanying Flower God said.

Xuetian Yuanying Huashen played one by one!

. Seeing this control center, most of it will be refined!


A reduced control center,

A spot of light shone sharply!

"There is another teleportation array, which has already been activated!

Hurry up, let Luan Po and Qian Ren rush over! "

Xuetian yelled.

The real Sajian immediately spoke to the Luanpohe Qianjin committee member.

"I'm going there---"

A reminder of Qianfeng Real Sword Art,

Has turned into a sword light, turning between the corridors!

But in a few moments, the blue light flashed!

A door,

Has been blasted to pieces!

Thousands of flames flicker!

A Hongpao Yuanying Flower God swooped up.

"Oh it's you."

Qianfeng was surprised,

The Red Robe Yuanying Flower God's combat power has dropped a bit.

A reminder of the sword!

Countless cyan sword lights passed by like lightning!

Thousands of flames burst into countless sparks,

This red robe primordial infant flower **** has stepped back!

The transmission array brilliance flashed!

A figure appeared.

Haha smiled: "Fire knife cut, don't panic, I'll help you."

The Red Robe Yuanying Flower God roared!

"Come here quickly, don't be wordy."

Next to the real Qianfeng, the apricot sword light flashed!

As if swooping down from a distant starry sky!


Hongpao Yuanying Huashen Fire Knife cut an arm and exploded, shooting!

On his arm, he is still holding the flying sword!

Three Yuanying Flower Gods, one Yuanying,

All were shocked by this sword!

Another brilliance flashed!

Luan Po rushed in,

"I said, after walking outside for a long time, I didn't see anyone.

It turned out from the teleportation array. "

The monk on the teleportation formation took a look,

Three Yuanying Flower Gods vs. Three Yuanying Flower Gods.

However, on my own side,

One has been beheaded to death, leaving the Nascent Soul,

One arm and one flying sword were chopped off by others!

How much combat power is left?

"Quickly enter the prohibition!"

The cultivator who was sent over shouted at the Nascent Soul!

Immediately, the three Nascent Soul Flower Gods rushed into the restriction.

"I think this fierce barrier is not their opponent. If you order to retreat, I will come here for nothing!"

This sent Yuan Ying Flower God.

This Yuan Ying cursed angrily!

At this fierce pass, he was stationed with a Yuanying Flower God.

Hongpao Yuanying Huashen Huozhan is his friend.

This Yuan Ying Flower God sent over was invited by him at a price!

It can be said that within a few days, there will be no Yuan Ying Flower God coming over.

This Yuan Ying gave an order to retreat.

The demon monks, either walked through the teleportation formation, or hurriedly moved directly outside the Great Meng Pass!

The golden core monks breathed a sigh of relief and did not stop them!


Several Jindan team leaders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shouted!

"Fully open the protection!"

Jindan monks, all magic weapons, flying swords, Taoism, and formations are open!

Countless fire swords rushed towards each Jindan team.

Wherever the fire sword passed, a muffled thunder sounded!

Countless rolling thunder exploded!

Jindan team’s method of urging, countless thunder and fire burst,

Daofa fragments and countless sparks burst out!

After a while,

There seemed to be hundreds of thousands of fire swords shooting madly.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Loud noise!

The magic weapon of the flying swords urged by the Jindan cultivators has begun to explode!

"Who is attacking in this control center, why hasn't it been taken down after so long."

The monks of Jindan team complained.

"It's Master Xuetian!"

The golden core monk next to him said, Immediately, the golden core monks are trying their best to urge their magic weapons, tactics!

One by one magic weapon exploded,

Turn into brilliant fireworks and fireballs!

Brother Jindan, there are not so many magic weapons!



The screams sounded,

A Jindan monk, half of his body has been blown up.

More fire swords rushed over,

In an instant,

This golden core monk has been blown to pieces!

Countless fire swords shot down,

Brother Jindan, casualties began to appear, more and more!

In an instant, for these golden core monks,

It's as long as a year!

"If you don't enter the battle plan, Ten Thousand Armor can't hold it."

Within the nebula formation,

The golden cores on the mountain flower plane also became nervous.

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