Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2394: Enter


Countless flame swords are gradually becoming scarce!

"The control center is refined."

Brother Jindan thought, breathed a sigh of relief.

For a while,

The flame sword shoots wildly!

Some Jindan teams have nearly one-third of the casualties.

Xuetian Zhenren refined the control center,

In an instant,

The spirit of Xuetian Zhenren has extended to every place that is prohibited!

In the forbidden space,

Did not find the figure of the few Yuanying Flower Gods.

"The demons have been withdrawn from the Great Pass,

A few of us lead people to set up the prohibition, you tell the old money,

Let the monks on the plane of Shanhua quickly transform the copper bricks of Dameng Pass. "

Mr. Xuetian said to Mr. Sajian.

With a finger, all the prohibitions of Da Meng Pass stopped.

Real Sword Sword opened the communication array.

"Old money, let's go outside to arrange restrictions, your monks on the mountain flower plane, quickly start the transformation of the copper bricks at Damengguan."

Said the real Sajian.

I have seen the combat power of Qian Da Committee,

The words of Master Sajian are quite polite.

Commissioner Qian flickered, and he had already arrived in front of a Jindan team.

This Jindan team was led by Wanlidao.

"Begin to transform the copper bricks of this great pass."

Member Qian said.

All the Jindan teams received orders to come outside the Great Meng Pass.

One by one urges the refining technique, stretch out your hand!

One after another Guanghua released, covering a piece of copper brick,

The magic circle in the original copper brick immediately began to change shape.

The magic circle within each copper brick,

Not very complicated,

The drawings given by Xue Tianzhen,

The magic circle within each copper brick,

It's much more complicated!

Brother Jindan, it took a while to transform a piece of copper brick.

At the end of the day,

The periphery of Dameng Pass is more than 100 miles in radius,

Clouds and mist,

The battle of Xuetian real people,

The layout has been completed.

Shanhua plane Jindan, the reconstruction of the outermost copper bricks of the city wall, one-third has not been completed.

"Can you hurry up."

The real person Sajian had a golden core, and said to the golden core of Shanhua plane.

"Your array map has been refined long ago. Just find a place and arrange it.

Our copper bricks need to be rebuilt piece by piece. I don’t know how much harder it is than you. Otherwise, you can try it yourself. "

Said the soaring sword.

The guarding of the mountains has been completed.

The transformation of these copper bricks is naturally the top priority.

Other Jindan monks also joined in.

Brother Jindan, he has some refining ability.

However, in the beginning, these copper bricks were refined,

Everyone found out,

These copper bricks are all refined copper spirits,

To reform their inner circle,

How could it be that easy.

After a few days,

The cultivators of other Jindan team refine copper bricks and add up,

It is also far behind the Jindan team on the mountain flower plane.

"Master, we found a few warehouses, and the refined copper spirit is 90 million jin.

There are many other materials, such as fire mysterious iron. "

The Red Wolf stepped forward and quietly said to Commissioner Qian.

In this battle, these materials can refine many magic weapons above the three-diamond flower god.

"Master, we should also build such a large magic weapon similar to Da Mengguan in cultivation sites like Biqiu Mountain.

Look at this fierce pass, their few golden core teams, a total of dozens of golden cores died! "

Yuan Tie came over and said.

"Well, you are right, our cultivation site on the outer plane is going to build such a large magic weapon.

Of course, there is no need to build so big. "

Member Qian said.

Da Meng Pass was occupied by a group of human monks,

It spread quickly across the Fanshuang plane.

There are surprises.

Going deep into the area occupied by the demons for thousands of miles, a large-scale war magic weapon was occupied.

Some people disdain to occupy the Great Pass, and even compare their recent combat operations.

Fanshuangguan’s recent combat operations were not as brilliant as this one.

However, several days passed,

But I did not see the messengers sent by the monks of Occupy Da Mengguan,

Nor did they receive a request for joint combat from these monks.

Let the excitement of some people look forward to it, and it was empty.

after a few days,

The magic circle outside the Da Meng Pass has been improved.

"Even if the Nascent Soul Flower Gods in Da Mengguan come back, don't even think about entering the restriction easily."

The real Xuetian was finally relieved.

A Jindan monk came in,

He bowed his hand at the real Xuetian.

"If they dare to come, just let them see, I'm so powerful."

The real Xuetian stood up.

Said to the Jindan team at hand.

"Okay! Give them a wink!"

Xuetian's Jindan team clenched fists one by one, and his expression was grim!

They lost more than a dozen golden cores after they captured the Great Pass!

The Jindan monks entered the battle, each in their positions.

After a while,

More than one hundred airships appeared on the horizon.


. On top of a huge airship,

Three monks are standing.

Beside, more than a dozen golden cores stood by hand!

Of these three monks, one was cultivated in the foundation period, and the other two monks were cultivated in the Yuan Ying Flower God!

One of the Yuanying Flower Gods has only one arm!

"If this floating ship can't regain the Great Meng Pass, I have to transfer back to the Demon World."

Said the monk during the foundation period.

This is the master of Da Meng Guan,

The one who was killed by the real Xuetian, the sword-spreading real person, and the real Qianfeng!

His Nascent Soul found a monk during the foundation-building period and took away his home.

This body in the foundation period,

Needs to be remodeled,

Only then can it be restored to the Jindan cultivation base.

It will take hundreds of years to recover to the Yuan Ying repair base ~www.wuxiaspot.com~,

If he can't win the big fierce level, he will definitely be transferred back to the demon world.

"One hundred airships are equivalent to one hundred four-diamond flower **** masters,

I don't believe it, they can stop it! "

Said the Yuanying Flower God with only one arm.

He caught fire when he saw Da Mengguan.

"Hundreds of search airships, can Xuetian's formation be able to hold it?"

Member Qian said to the real Sajian.

"Probably it can be, but it is a fierce hurdle, with a circle of more than 100 miles.

How come a hundred airships come. "

The face of Real Sword Sword,

Somewhat unnatural.

Turning his head, facing his own Jindan team: "Enter the position in the formation and preside over the formation."

Seeing Qianfeng,

Also gave orders,

Let your men,

Enter the battlefield.

The real Sajian looked at Luanpo: "Luanpo, let your subordinates enter the battle."

Luanpo nodded.

He gave an order to his Jindan team.

Luan Po's men entered the battlefield.

It seems that Luanpo's men also know how to urge this formation.

There are only one hundred and fifty people in these Jindan teams.

About fifty people were killed in the battle.

‘Old money, let your golden core also enter the battle. "

Said the real Sajian.

Commissioner Qian shook his head, "No need, if necessary, I will naturally urge me to fight."

Member Qian said.

Although the battle set by the real Xuetian is mysterious, it is compared with the Jiuqu Qinghe battle.

Offensive power is far behind!

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