Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2411: Yuan Ying screams


The sword light urged by the Yuanying Flower God has been shaken away!

There was a tremor in the body,

One after another thunder and fire burst out!

Bursts of thunder-like explosions,


Dozens of blood holes appeared!

After a stature, Yuan Ying had rushed out from the top door.

This Yuan Ying didn't rush out far,

Just saw,

Green light roll!

Yuan Ying has been involved.

The Yuan Ying who is fighting against the pool is horrified!

The power of such a strong rule has completely surpassed his understanding of cultivation.

A reminder of the sword!

Countless boulders, tumbling, howling wildly, blasted towards the water arrows,

Turns around, but wants to escape,

But saw,

In the hands of the pond, there is already an extra mysterious rune,


That Fu Culture makes a big net,

The countless boulders have been covered,

The boulder is covered by a big net,

In an instant, there was no conflict,

This Yuan Ying Hua Divine Sword Art is reminded!

Rushed to the big net,

Has turned into hundreds of huge thunders and exploded!

The big net turned into dozens of shots!

The apricot sword light flashed,

Turned into thousands of apricot petals, passing through the boulder.

It looks ethereal, but as fast as lightning!

Countless boulders,

In an instant, it has been provoked!

Thousands of apricot petals gather together!


There was a huge shock, and the Yuanying Flower God screamed,

A blood sword, a water sword, towards the boulder,

Cross cut!

There were thunderous tremors,

The boulder exploded like a thunder!

Thunder fire, water sword shot, rushed to more than ten thousand feet!

A Yuan Ying has rushed out madly!

The Yuan Ying Flower God who urged the Giant Stone Sword Art has fallen!

The blood sword, the water sword, at the same time move towards the Yuan Ying scroll,

The water sword is faster,

The Nascent Soul has been involved in Jianguang!

The Yuan Ying Flower God who fought with Quinn,

Just look at it for a while,

The Yuan Ying Flower God who has already passed Huo Dui Guan, only himself is left!

The magic trick is played,

Pounced towards the prohibition on the wall,

Has disappeared!

Several Yuanying Flower Gods fought at the same time,

But there are a few big pits on the wall!

"Huodui Pass, the four Yuanying Flower Gods have already killed three!

This fire is ours---"

The always calm pool side laughed wildly!

Within a hundred miles,

A dead silence!

I don't know how many people, locked in the wall, the battle of these few Yuanying Flower Gods.

The Huodui Pass has been breached, and all the magic weapons of the rules have been blown up.

Those artillery carts have the three-diamond flower god, and the four-diamond flower **** urges the sword to attack.

The battle of these few Yuanying Flower Gods decided the ownership of Huoduiguan.

Those Jindan teams,

Yuan Ying Flower God rushed with the monk who was behind the fire.

You can fight back immediately!

The four Yuanying Flower Gods at Huodui Pass were just assassinated by three!

No one dared to rush into these few Yuan Ying Flower God within tens of miles.

At this distance, Yuan Ying Hua Shen beheaded with a single sword!

On the nearby streets,

The monks rushed out of the building one after another,

She didn't even dare to urge her to rush,

Running on the street, retreating to the depths of the fire!

"Jiayu, Quinn, go and cut the three-diamond flower gods and the four-diamond flower gods fighting the artillery convoy.

Lao Qian and I, knock down the air center of these formations, immediately start refining the copper bricks, and start the formation! "

Said Chibian.

Where can those monks who run away manage so much?

Even the warehouse closed by the fire,

These few Yuanying Flower Gods can't make a move!


Hundreds of thousands of thunder and fire broke out on the wall,

Booming towards these Yuanying Flower Gods.

Bloody sword light, snowy sword light,

It rushed toward the gun cart that was more than a hundred miles away.

Hundreds of thousands of thunder and fire,

It is indeed not an ordinary Yuanying Flower God, who can handle it!

Those artillery carts were attacked by the three-diamond flower **** and the four-diamond flower god,

Just for a while, dozens of ships were lost!

Unless the monks in the artillery cart have Jin Dan level,

Otherwise, immediately blow to pieces with the gun cart!

Commissioner Qian and Chibian took a look,

It immediately turned into a sword light, but the glass was thick,

Walk through hundreds of thousands of thunder and fire!

In one thousandth of an instant, countless maneuvers have been made,

There is thunder fire and this sword light touch,

He was immediately bounced away by Jianguang.

Touch the thunder fire next to me,

Just a series of explosions!

I can only do this step by practicing the integration of water system rules, plant system rules, and soil system rules.

By the pool, but the rules of the same system merge,

But can also do this step,

Achievements in sword art,

I don't know how much stronger the pool side is?

Member Qian said.

But in a few moments, thunder and fire have been rushed out of the sky,

The apricot sword light flashed,

Floating like petals, but like lightning!

There are also several formation control centers,

Touch the apricot petals,

The runes on the surface immediately burst into countless fragments,

Thunder rushed,

Several big pits appeared.

These control centers,

With copper brick and rune protection,

Non-Yuanying Flower God's powerful Taoism cannot be bombed!

Huduiguan Center,

Within a hall.

The Yuan Ying Flower God who was fighting with Quinn stood,

There was a circle of Three Diamond Flower God standing around, one by one was stunned.

Three Yuanying Flower Gods were cut,

They three diamond flower gods go up,

Can't stop others with a sword!


This Yuan Ying Hua Shen waved his hand.

Now, in Huoduiguan, respect him.

"In this way, Qiongwen's plane will be divided into half."

This Yuanying Flower God thought.

Reaching out and pointing, there are several facilities in the fire gate, which are all shining brightly.

Immediately, dozens of thunder fires hit several buildings at the same time.

These are built on top of building,

Forbidden runes flashed!

Has exploded suddenly,

Exposed a large pile of materials in the building.

Some more materials,

Fall directly from the distorted space.

The teleportation arrays in several warehouses were all activated,

But it was broken by the powerful bombing of Yuanying Flower God!

Some materials have been sent away!

"Hold the warehouse, those monks, don't care about them."

Quinn said.

The artillery carts hovered over the warehouse.

Just now,

Quinn and Jiayu rushed over.

Several of the three-diamond flower gods and four-diamond flower gods who attacked the artillery formation were beheaded!

The artillery battlefield immediately urged the artillery to fire, facing several warehouses,

After a few shots,

Just now, they were attacked by the three-diamond flower god, the four-diamond flower **** circling,

It's worthy of self-preservation, how can you guard the warehouse.

Able to occupy the wall of Huo Duiguan, destroy the magic weapon of the rule,

Most combat missions have been achieved.

Materials in the warehouse,

Just be able to occupy some.

There are millions of people in this fire gate, how can they manage it.

After dozens of miles,

On the wall, Brother Jindan,

You can already see each other.

Inside the formation control center,

Part of the battle died and part of the escape.

There is no one to urge the entire city wall.

Between them, dozens of miles of city walls,

The demons gush out like a tide!

Brother Jindan's sword art is reminded,

Exploded a few miles wide corridors of flesh and blood,

However, it was immediately filled up by the fleeing monks.

"Stop, don't move forward."

Commissioner Qian said,

Opposite, Chibian also issued the same order!

"Let them go, we only need this building at the fire pass!"

Said Chibian.

Half a day passed,

The entire Warfire Pass was already empty.

"Yuan Tie, you took a Jindan team and searched in Huo Dui Pass.

The remaining Jindan monks immediately began to refine the copper bricks. "

Member Qian said.

Body shape shook,

Has come before a big pit,

There is already a huge copper pillar in his hand,

Ten feet high, several feet in radius,

Take a shot towards this city wall!

This pillar has penetrated into the city wall,

Step out,

Has come more than a hundred feet away, stretched out his hand,

It’s another copper pillar, piercing into the city wall,

But for a long time,

Thousands of copper pillars have been broken into the entire city wall!

Commissioner Qian urged him to issue a tactic and reached out!

Thousands of copper pillars rushed out of the mysterious runes at the same time,

These mysterious runes quickly connect,

Then, he went straight to the sky,

As if rushing into the unknown starry sky.

In the sky, thousands of stars descended,

Connect with each copper pillar.

Zhou Tian's star battle array, start!

Of course, this initial Zhoutian Star Fighting Array did not have many ways.

A golden core monk can enter and leave at will!

Another Jindan team dispersed,

Around the entire fire, take out the array pictures,

One by one, the array of pictures are displayed, turning into nebulae,

But for a long time, the entire fire has been surrounded by nebula!

"Shanhua plane, all the formations that can be produced are already here.

Part of the formation of Tieganshan Mountain was also drawn.

This defense should be stable for a while. "

Said the red wolf.

Reach out! A refining method, covering dozens of copper bricks,

After a while, the magic circle in these dozens of copper bricks,

All have been refined.

As long as the magic circle is all refined,

There is no need to rearrange the magic circle in the copper brick,

Of course it is much faster.

What these golden densors have to do is to refine all the magic circles in the copper bricks,

The entire Zhoutian star battle array at the fire,

All the decorations will be arranged by Commissioner Qian!

Look at the nebula~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to cover the entire fire!

Around the Huduiguan,

Hundreds of monks, only then confirmed,

The Hudui Pass with a radius of hundreds of miles was actually occupied by this faction called the Shanhua Plane!

Immediately, they took out the communication magic weapon almost at the same time and began to send out communication!

On the peaks, the formations are surrounded and densely covered,

This is the gate of the headquarters of the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee.

It’s generally calm here,

But now,

This mountain gate is boiling.

The monks rushed to and fro,

Talking to each other.

"Huodui Pass was captured-----"

"How is it possible, the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee, didn't see the battle----"

A monk who heard this conversation,

She was already surprised.

"That's right, after the battle thirty years ago, there was no big battle -----"

Said a monk next to him.

"The stop thirty years ago was mainly played by the mountain flower plane monk. Our Qiongwen plane joint committee, but it was cheaper."

Another monk came over and said disapprovingly.

"This time, it is the monk dispatched from the Shanhua plane to capture the fire."

Said the monk who spread the word first.


Hundreds of monks,

Already surrounded!

"That Shanhua plane has taken another shot, and it has captured the Fire Pass?

Impossible, Iron Basket Mountain, they only have more than 10,000 base-building monks.

This person is not enough for a battle.

Offensive fire? Ten times the number of people is about the same.

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