Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2412: Joint Committee

Inside the conference hall of the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee,

Already full of people,

In the joint committee, those with a little bit of power came here.

"The plane of Shanhua occupied the Fire Pass, and a gap has appeared on the front.

We just take advantage of this to attack! "

A four-diamond flower **** stood up,

His face was impassioned.

"I don’t know the specific situation of the fire, so I can’t attack rashly.

We have already suffered a lot from these Yuanying Flower Gods at Huoduiguan! "

A monk with a long face took a sip of tea and said slowly.

He is the Yuanying Flower God, so he doesn't have to stand up and talk.

"Five thousand miles next to Huoduiguan is Juantieguan, only one-third the size of Huoduiguan.

However, let you attack with a 100,000-strong team,

You are sure to capture the iron barrier. "

The tall monk next to him is also the four-diamond flower god,

. He spoke.

"Hundred-thousand-thousand people are facing fewer positions. Adding three million-thousand people to the battle can go to the Iron Pass."

The Four Diamond Flower God who spoke first said.

"The thirteen-thirty-thousand-thousand-man team is in formation, and you can't even pass the fire."

The tall four-diamond flower **** said,

A face of disdain.

Huoduiguan is an important center within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

It is an important fortress on the front!

A few hundred miles in radius, more than a hundred feet high, as much as one mile thick!

It is constructed entirely of refined copper bricks.

How much material does it need to build?

One plane is just a few bronze castles with a radius of hundreds of miles.

They attack any demons within a radius of thousands of miles,

Will be blocked by the fire.


This Huoduiguan was occupied by the plane of Shanhua.

It is not that they are occupied by the Joint Committee of the Qiongwen Plane.

The people of the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee, up and down,

So excited one by one.


They attacked the demons within a radius of thousands of miles,

Don’t worry about the team sent by Huoduiguan,

Give them a blow!

There are a few four-diamond flower gods and three-diamond flower gods next to them,

Suddenly there was nothing to say.

Three diamond flower god. Four diamond flower god, let you be talented,

When I met Yuanying Flower God, he was not an opponent at all.

"The specific battle situation at Huodui Pass is reported, and we can discuss it."

A big guy with a square face spoke,

There is a sense of majesty in the words!

"This mountain flower plane, the foundation-building monks stationed in Tieguanshan,

But more than ten thousand people!

How can it be possible to conquer the fire? "

The four-diamond flower **** who spoke first. His face is incredible.

"I don't know, I saw it. Suddenly, a piece of Taoism appeared.

One point of Dao Fa, a burst of thunder and fire rushed out,

The wall of Huduiguan collapsed suddenly. "

A three-diamond flower **** stepped forward and bowed his hand.


The monks in the hall said almost at the same time.

Who doesn't know,

The three diamond flower god, close to the fire for dozens of miles,

The Fa at Huoduiguan banged,

Ten in, and one out!

Did not cross the hurdle of Yuanying Flower God,

Divine Mind did not have a huge progress,

Tens of thousands of thunder and fire blasted over,

The three diamond flower god, if there is no powerful magic weapon,

It was blown to pieces immediately!

The large mountain guard array is not a display!

A four-diamond flower **** came in,

Facing the square-faced Yuanying Flower God, he arched his hand:

"The latest situation, the number of people at Huo Dui Pass, and the approximate number of people who retreated to Juan Tie Pass, are already clear.

The demons at Huoduiguan had lost 30,000 people. "


Members of the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee,

Make a sensation immediately!

"How is it possible? There were a million people in the fire pass, and 30,000 people were lost, so they withdrew from the fire pass?"

The tall four-diamond flower god,

I can't believe it.

"The monks have very poor combat power, one million people, with that power, they can also fight a battle and lose 30,000 people.

Withdraw from such a big city? "

The monks all said,

Everyone thinks it's incredible.

However, when the battle took place, the flames of war closed and the Taoism shrouded, and the thunder and fire skyrocketed,

At every turn, there are hundreds of thousands of thunder and fire!

Even with the detection method,

I can't see the specific situation of the fire.

The people of the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee only know,

The battle is over soon!

The three large magic weapons in Huoduiguan,

There is no decent large-scale Taoism issued at all.

You know, this kind of big rule magic weapon,

No more than ten shots can smash a 10,000-person team!

This four-diamond flower **** handed over: "There are four Yuan Ying flower gods at Huodui Pass. Only one Yuan Ying flower **** appears in Juantie Pass.

The other three Yuanying Flower Gods were missing,

Of course, the battle at Huoduiguan lasted only three days, and the three Nascent Soul Flower Gods might have gone to other places. "


Inside the hall of the Joint Committee of the Qiongwen Plane,

All the monks stood up!

"None of the three Yuanying Flower Gods appeared.

If the three Yuanying Flower Gods fall, and all 30,000 people are retreated from the Fire Pass, it makes sense. "

Said the tall four-diamond flower god.

"It's also possible that the three Yuanying Flower Gods went to other places.

That's not necessarily true, we will talk about it in a few days. "

Long-faced Yuanying Flower God said.

"Juantieguan, there is only one Yuanying Flower God guards----"

Said the tall four-diamond flower god.

"A few days later, three Yuanying Flower Gods were damaged in one battle. This is really amazing."

Square-faced Yuanying Flower God,

Qiongwen plane, said the chairman of the joint committee.

A few days later,

Members of the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee,

Guarding the hall every day.

Outside the hall, rows of floating airships are floating.

One by one monks, all dressed in armor, magic weapons flying swords to urge them,

Sitting outside the hall,

Among dozens of mountains,

The monks were already seated.

One by one, they looked serious and gave orders in battle.

Immediately board the airship to fight.

However, more than a month passed,

The combat command of the Qiongwen plane,

. Still not released.

The four-diamond flower **** walked into the hall and bowed to the members of the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee!

"The demon monk, mobilize from all over the Qiongwen plane towards the Juantieguan,

The three Yuanying Flower Gods at Huodui Pass had indeed fallen.

Therefore, the mobilization of the demon monks was somewhat slow. "

Although everyone was not in an uproar, they were shocked.

This is true, the three Yuanying Flower Gods just fell!

No wonder the demons are slow to mobilize!

The three Nascent Soul Flower Gods at Huodui Pass have been slashed. To counterattack at Huodui Pass, more powerhouses must be mobilized!

"How is the transmission of superplane astral power from the mountain flower plane going on?"

On the wall of Huoduiguan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Commissioner Qian waved,

The brilliance of the refining technique is released,

In an instant, hundreds of copper bricks have been covered,

After a while,

These hundreds of copper bricks are emitting stars,

The magic circle within the copper brick,

It has all been transformed into a magic circle of Zhoutian Star Dou Great Array!

In this way, the central copper pillar of the Zhoutian Xing Dou formation method laid down is the array within the copper bricks that are one hundred feet high and one hundred feet wide.

It has all been changed to Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array!

Just transform the magic circle within these copper bricks, without re-smelting the copper bricks,

It also took more than a month for the Chief Qian. (To be continued.)

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