Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2414: 9 turn galaxy

This ten-thousand-person team has a little more than half left.

"Old Qian, is this the real power of the Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array?"

Luanpo's face changed.

For a time, many thoughts!


The monks on the mountain flower plane are happy!

300 thousand people are facing each other,

Covered the entire sky,

Don’t be nervous,

That's impossible.

"The ten thousand team is just a big egg---"

Someone said something.

In the entire Zhoutian star battle formation,

An uproar!

In the battle against the demons,

Immediately there was chaos,

However, this chaos soon calmed down!


A Yuan Ying flower **** gave the order.

"The distance is very far, and the ten thousand team is not able to exert all their power."

next to,

A three-diamond flower **** stepped forward.

"Forget it, the 10,000-ton team that was bombed has lost most of its combat power!"

The Yuanying Flower God roared.


On the water mirror, there is another piece of 30,000 feet, and the starlight flame rushes up!

The sky within thousands of miles is like the distant starry sky.

A three-diamond flower **** walked in and bowed his hand to the square-faced Yuanying Flower God: "Report, it is estimated that the three thousand people who have been bombed are open to the battle.

At least half of the combat effectiveness is lost. "

That square face Yuanying Flower God,

Some surprise and joy flashed across his face.

"So. The ten thousand team formation that was bombarded by that powerful Dao Fa. We sent a complete formation.

Fourteen shots can be solved! "

Fang Lian Yuanying Flower God said,

"Fourteen shots, almost."

Three Diamond Flower God said.

Half of the combat power was lost, and compared with the intact 10,000-person battle map, the defensive power and offensive power were too far apart.

Dozens of thunder fire across the sky.

Every thunder and fire is tens of feet,

In the thunder and fire, raging and destruction are rolling!

In the deep nebula,

Hundreds of starlight thunders blasted out,

Every thunder and fire is only ten feet thick, a few feet thick,

In every thunder and fire, there seems to be this infinite mystery.

Hundreds of thunder fires exploded from the Xingguang River Ten Thousand Ten Thousand Team. Hit in the air!

Countless sparks, thunder fire burst for more than a hundred miles.

Up to ten thousand feet!

A big pit with a radius of hundreds of miles appeared!

Yuanying Flower God’s mighty naval gun, if it’s a single one,

Far inferior to the ten thousand team,

However, hundreds of Yuanying Huashen powerful naval guns were launched at the same time,

The Dao Fa issued by these ten thousand people against the battle,

Was immediately broken up!


This Yuan Ying Hua Shen fought.

Ten thousand team formation,

Once again, thunder fire of tens of meters was blasted out,

Hundreds of starlights of several feet thick, once again passed the sky,

As if thousands of thunder sounded,

Starlight flames, fragments of thunder fire, burst out!

There was another starlight tens of meters thick, flying through the bursting starlight flame and thunder fragments,

Those shards of thunder fire bursting into starlight, flame, river,

With a touch of dozens of feet of thick starlight, it immediately turned into nothingness.

This tens of feet of starlight touched a tens of thousands of people,

All the lines on the formation of the entire ten thousand team have emerged,

In an instant,

This starlight of dozens of feet thick,

It turned into a huge fireball and spread out.

. This ten-thousand-person team has one third or more,

It burst into thousands of pieces. Go straight to the sky!

The monks in the formation, watching their companions turn into pieces,

Shooting everywhere,

They shouted this, or ran towards a safer position,

Or a reminder of the law,

Run toward the outside of the ten thousand matchup chart.

"On this mountain flower plane, the combat power is not much worse than the human alliance on the Qiongwen plane."

Within ten thousand battles,

The Nascent Soul Flower God simply didn't want to see the Starlight Flame River tens of thousands of people facing the sky together!

"How far is the human race team on the Qiongwen plane?"

Said the Yuanying Flower God.

"Four thousand miles away."

A three-diamond flower **** stepped forward,

He bowed his hand towards the Yuan Ying Flower God.

"It seems that the human coalition forces on the Qiongwen plane do not want to enter the battlefield of this fire pass."

Said the Yuanying Flower God.

The three diamond flower **** next to him did not speak.

who knows,

But one month,

This Hudui Pass established such a strong defense formation.

Three thunder fires tens of feet thick,

Blasted on the deep nebula.

Compared with He Yuanying Huashen naval gun,

The immense power of the artillery fire of the ten thousand team took advantage.

A volley of hundreds of Yuan Ying Hua Shen's mighty naval guns,

They have not been able to completely intercept the tactics of the ten-thousand-ton team.

Three huge eddies appeared on the nebula,

A big wave of more than ten feet appeared,

Spread to the surroundings!

In an instant,

All the Zhoutian star formation control center,

The copper bricks with Zhoutian star formations are all shining!

A mysterious wave,

Swirling towards this big wave of more than ten feet!

A big wave more than ten feet high,

After a few moments,

Has subsided!

However, the resulting astral phase is damaged,

The formation pattern in the formation control center and the formation pattern on the copper brick were not damaged.

Commissioner Qian knew immediately.

As soon as the formation pattern rotates, the magic phase can be restored.

Sure enough, this large magic circle was set up on these hundreds of miles of copper bricks,

Compared with arranging a large circle on the plane,

Don't say anything else,

Defense power, at the beginning,

A lot stronger!

Three dozens of feet thick thunder fire hit directly.

But where he was hit,

More than a dozen monks were killed during the foundation period.

"Xinghe Nine Turns, launch!"

Member Qian said.

Another starlight tens of feet thick floated.

To that room. It has already hit a 10,000-person team.


There are no tens of thousands of lines in this ten-thousand-thousand team's formation. In an instant, it has emerged

One-third of the pattern or more,

Shot into countless fragments,

Flew up to 30,000 feet!

"Full launch!"

In the ten thousand team formation,

The leader of this battle roared.

All the ten thousand team formations,

All urged Dao Fa to its limit, suddenly burst out!

This time. Hundreds of Yuanying Huashen naval artillery fires and dozens of thunder fires of tens of meters thick,

There was a collision in the air,

Hundreds of miles of thunder and fire, stars burst out!

That big hole is already hundreds of miles wide,

Thousands of feet deep!

Four waves of thunder fire tens of meters thick blasted onto the nebula.

Big waves rise on the nebula!

Near the hit,

Dozens of screams from the foundation-building monks were too late to issue.

Become to pieces immediately!

Thousands of formation control centers, together with a hundred meters wide near the formation control center. The copper bricks with a thickness of one hundred feet shining immediately!

A mysterious wave was produced. Roll towards that big wave!

The big wave has subsided.

The leader of the ten thousand team, looking at this, stayed!

"Four thousand people were hit by the artillery fire and it was so calmed down.

And the defensive position of Tiewangshan,

How strong is it-----"

Said the Yuanying Flower God.

"We have already been hit in six formations."

The three-diamond flower god, clinging to the side.

"This Nebula formation has been hit more than a dozen times by the Dao Fa of the Ten Thousand Ten Thousand Formation, and there has not even been a gap."

Ordinary ten thousand team formation,

Hit by the opposing 10,000-strong team more than ten times,

At least part of the pattern was damaged and gaps appeared.


Said the leader of the ten thousand team.

Bena's starlight hit him,

Thousands of ripples spread,

Touch these thousands of ripples,

Brother Jindan, fully urged the flying sword magic weapon,

I can't escape,

Immediately turn into countless fragments and shoot!

After fighting for a long time, they have killed 30,000 people!

This is thirty thousand monks, more than ninety golden core monks!

The formation of the ten thousand team began to turn in the air.

Hundreds of naval guns of the powerful flower **** Yuan Ying,

Another volley!

Hundreds of starlights cross in the sky!

A tens of thousands of people face off, as if thousands of stars burst and rise!

In the thunderstorm,

Large pieces of fragments, burst from this ten thousand confrontation,

After a while,

This ten-thousand-person team has lost half!

"It's time for us to go out for a stroll."

Member Qian said.


Jiayu's face was shining with rage.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

Nebula formation can be opened,

Five Yuanying Flower Gods, one reminder of the law,

Turned into five swords of light,

In a tenth of an instant,

Has rushed to a complete ten thousand team formation!


The thunder and fire burst out,

These five sword lights,

Has rushed into the ten thousand team formation.

"Five Yuanying Flower Gods?

The leader of the ten thousand team was not surprised,

"It's just a battle, Yuanying Flower God, gather!"

It seems that thousands of calendar lava appeared in front of the five Yuan Ying Hua God.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand and played a trick,

Yuan Ying Hua Shen Dao Fa reminded,

I immediately saw that thousands of lava were turned into thousands of Dharma runes,

They passed through this lava rune!

The formation of the tens of thousands of people lost a lot of them on Tiebasun Mountain.

The mountain flower plane monk has made great progress in the research of these fragments.

Commissioner Qian reminded him of the law,

In a few moments,

A large hall appeared in front of him.

More than ten guard monks,


The sword light flashed!

More than a dozen monks have been shattered!

Yuan Ying Hua Shen's figure flashed,

In the main hall,

A Yuanying Flower God stood up in surprise,

A shield emerged from him!

Sword Jue urged, the flames lingered.

Just saw,

An apricot sword light, a water sword light, a blood sword light, a snow sword light, a yellow sword light

Shine at the same time.

In an instant, in this hall, it seemed as if the sun was rising!

It seems that there are thousands of mountains, pressed over,

The entire hall has been shot into countless fragments!

Countless sword shadows cross and cut,

In an instant,

The thunder-like loud noise, roar, resounded through hundreds of miles!


This Yuanying Flower God, the whole exploded!

"Give me this Yuan Ying."

Jiayu shouted,

The Scarlet Sword Rainbow whirled, and Yuan Ying was already involved in the Scarlet Sword Rainbow.

The five Yuanying Flower Gods flashed,

There are countless array patterns passing by,

In a short while, there was already a 10,000-strong formation,

A rush to the next intact ten thousand people!

Another burst of thunder and fire!

These five Yuanying Flower Gods ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have rushed into the battle,

Similarly, the magic tricks!

But in an instant,

Has rushed into a hall, but this time,

In the hall, the transmission of brilliance has already shining!

With the roar of huge thunder,

A few figures,

Pounce toward these five Yuan Ying Flower Gods!

These figures, all of which were Yuan Ying, the Flower God, were teleported from the other tens of thousands of people!

Commissioner Qian yelled,

A cyan light flashed,

The warhammer moved towards a Yuanying Flower God, and thundered down like a thunder! (To be continued.)

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