Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2415: Fierce battle

=== The blue light casts a shadow on the Yuan Ying Flower God,

Yuan Ying Hua Shen felt that the blue light was as heavy as a mountain.

The sword art was urged, turned into thousands of swords, and slashed towards that blue light!

Thousands of swords,

Touch with cyan light,

Like a huge thunder,

This Yuanying Flower God had a meal,

This meal is only a hundredth of an instant,

I saw Monk Yuanying in Tsing Yi opposite, with an extra shield in his hand,

On the shield, countless mountains and rivers appeared,

This monk in Tsing Yi, reminded him of the law,

Urged the shield to be issued and rushed over!

This Yuanying Flower God has a shield around him,

Sword Jue fully urged,

One spin, one cut diagonally!


There was another thunderstorm,

On this shield, thousands of mountains and rivers turned into a wave,

This Yuanying Flower God was hit by the ripple,

Even if it is a magic weapon to protect the body,

Also stagnated for an instant,

Apricot sword light flashed!

In a thousandth of an instant,

How many swords were out?

The silhouettes of the two sides crossed over,

In Quinn’s view,

Just exchanged a trick!

On that Yuanying Flower God,

Suddenly dozens of blood arrows came out!

There are more than ten big holes in the magic weapon!


The whole person suddenly exploded!

The Yuan Ying Flower God who rushed from the hall were all shocked.

Commissioner Qian Xingshi urged,

Even this Yuan Ying Flower God, the Yuan Ying that rushed out, doesn’t charge,

Jianguang turned into tens of thousands of stars,

Snatch towards the Yuan Ying Flower God who is fighting against the pool!

This Yuanying Flower God, wearing a battle armor, surrounded by thunder and fire.

The warhammer hovered in the air,

Turned into a blue light,

Smash at that Yuanying Flower God!

This Yuanying Flower God immediately took out a mountain, on which lava rushed,

Smash towards the blue light!

I saw that Commissioner Qian had already taken a shield and charged over!

A roar!

There is a Yuanying Flower God next to him. Sword Jue is reminded!

The flame flashed, as if across the entire sky in an instant!

Slash towards the Qian committee!


The warhammer glowed blue and touched the mountain peak, which had already retreated step by step.

Commissioner Qian’s shield touched the sword light emitted by Yuanying’s Flower God.

The Nascent Soul Flower God immediately stagnated for an instant,

The apricot sword light, the water color sword light, immediately crossed towards the Yuan Ying Flower God!

The sword is like a dragon!

Refining the magic weapon of the same system of rules and runes fusion,

But let this Yuanying Flower God stop for an instant,




Member Qian,

Apricot shine!

A touch with the flame sword light, forcibly a sword!

The Yuanying Flower God armor in battle armor is surrounded by thunder and fire,

However, with a touch of apricot sword light and aqua sword light,

The thunder fire has burst into countless fragments!

The Yuan Ying Flower God wearing a battle armor has already splashed with more than a dozen blood!

Commissioner Qian and Chibian, several thousand swords cut across,

The armor of this Yuanying Flower God has been cut.

The magic weapon refined by Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

For Brother Jindan,

Vast and powerful.

For Yuanying Flower God,

Taoism, mystery, spirituality,

Once it reaches one thousandth of an instant, it can cut thousands of swords,

The magic weapon of Yuanying Flower God is not so strong anymore.

Just look at Quinn,

The armor, shield, flying sword,

All have a world of Taoism,

The magic weapon of Yuan Ying Hua Shen's power.

He has been beaten back a few miles by the opponent!

The stimulus Dao Fa, splashes, and ice splash everywhere!

If it weren’t for armor, shields, flying swords, these three Yuanying Flower God’s mighty magic weapons, Dao Fa, urged them all,

Blocking the opponent's Yuanying Flower God many powerful swords,

Quinn had no idea how many swords he had hit.

The flame sword is shining like thunder, and it has suddenly rushed into the apricot brilliance.

Countless flames, apricot brilliance burst into the sky,

Flame sword, the power has been reduced a lot!

Member Qian,

The landscape is floating again,

This flame sword touched the river thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

It has exploded suddenly!

Commissioner Qian insisted on a sword,


A reminder of the shield technique,

A ripple blasted past!

This Yuanying Flower God is indeed well prepared,

A reminder of a magic weapon,

In an instant,

Tens of thousands of flames erupted,

This Yuanying Flower God did not receive much image.

Commissioner Qian's swordsmanship strikes!

Ten thousand apricot lights blew past!

In an instant,

Apricot brilliance flame intertwined and slashed!

The Yuan Ying Flower God who urged the flames and swords of light had already retreated hundreds of feet in a row!


However, during the huge earthquake,

The magic weapon is shaken,

This Yuanying Flower God has already hit a sword,

A cyan battle armor,

Burst a big hole,

People are not seriously injured!


A scream,

Fighting against the Yuanying Flower God by Hechi,

A roll of rune released by the pool,

A reminder of the sword tactics by the pool,

She has been chopped into pieces,

Yuan Ying rushed out,

A volume of aqua sword light,

Yuan Ying has been involved!

The entire hall, with a radius of tens of miles,

Although it is all made up of dense formations,

The aftermath of the battle with these few Yuan Ying Hua Shen smashed!

Yuan Ying Flower God, if you want to continue to teleport to this hall, it is impossible.

From the other ten thousand team formations, teleported to this hall, but the five soul infant flower gods,

The array near the teleportation river in this hall,

It has been shaken by the aftermath of the battle between Yuanying Flower God and cannot be used.


Quinn let out a scream and was already injured!

"Quin, I said you will take the least spoils of this battle, you don't believe it."

Luanpo shouted,

The yellow sword light turned,

In an instant, the Yuan Ying Flower God who had already fought against He Kui'en cut over!

The sword light burst into a thousand peaks!

The thunder is rolling,

The Yuan Ying Flower God who was fighting with Quinn had no choice but to turn his sword.

Rushed towards a thousand peaks,

A thunder shock immediately exploded!

Before the war,

The Qian Da committee members were planning to fight Yuanying Flower God.

Of course, Yuan Ying’s flower god,

There must be a lot of good things.

Of course, whoever gets the most results will have the most loot distributed.

This Quinn, the level of performance, the loot, must be the least.

Commissioner Qian reminded him of the law,

With a cyan light, the warhammer smashed towards the Yuan Ying Flower God who was fighting with Quinn!

This Yuanying Flower God,

Immediately urge to send a shield to one block!

One touch of the Warhammer River shield,

A thunder-like violent blast!

Cyan ripples!

This Yuanying Flower God is just a flash!

Luanpo and Kui En immediately urged the swordsmanship to issue, cross and cut!

A burst of sword shadow swept in the air!

The yellow sword light has rushed into the opponent's sword light,

One spin, one cut!

This Yuanying Flower God has already screamed!

Has been slashed by Luanpo!

Body shape retreats!


Apricot sword light swept from a distance!

It seems to have passed thousands of miles in the sky in an instant,

The apricot sword shines into the sky,

One cut!

The shield of the Yuanying Flower God has been opened,

One arm is already rushing up, spinning in the air!

Luan Po Sword Art is reminded,

This Yuanying Flower God has even scored the sword,

Blood splattered wildly!

This Yuan Ying Flower God rushed towards a huge stone in the distance!

Everything here is manifested by the formation.

Plunged into the boulder,

This Yuanying Flower God can escape!

Just saw,

A rune flashed,

Boom above this boulder!

This boulder is rippling like ripples.

This Yuan Ying Hua Shen fluttered,

Has rushed above this ripple,

Swing a sword!

The ripples have been cut away!

A water-colored sword light, yellow sword light, and snow-colored sword light have already surged over.

Sword Jue urges,

Cross cut!

As if turned into a thousand swords, ten thousand swords!

The Yuanying Flower God screamed,

Suddenly burst!

Luan Po Jian Jue urged, the Yuan Ying who had soared to the sky swept away.

At first glance, the opponent’s other Nascent Soul Flower Gods had already escaped into the battle.


"Have fun this battle----"

Luan Po said with a big smile.

"Let's go, the opponent has a team of 300,000 people,

Other Yuanying Flower Gods will arrive soon. "

Said Chibian.

"Yes, it's okay to behead the opponent's four Yuanying Flower Gods in this battle."

Jiayu said,

Only then did he fight his opponent,

Also at a disadvantage,

Of course, battle armor, shields, and flying swords are all at the level of Yuanying Flower God.

Not as embarrassed as Quinn.

However, other magic weapons,

You can't even remind you!

Fortunately, please bring Luanpo over,


Just this battle,

Quinn was suspended.

Commissioner Qian thought, and said, "Back to the fire."

Jianguang rushed from the battle,

In an instant, it has rushed into the nebula!

"Four Yuan Ying Flower Gods were beheaded?"

The leader of the ten thousand team stayed for a while,


I fought several times with this mountain flower plane,

Several Yuanying Flower Gods were beheaded!


What he considers is whether he can hold the rolling iron barrier.

"Rewind the iron gate......"

He said.

Inside the fire gate,

In a hall,

Several Yuanying Flower Gods on the plane of Shanhua are sitting.

The red wolf came in,

He bowed his hand to everyone: "The Demon Race's 10,000-person team has already marched towards the Juantieguan.

The Ten Thousand Thousand Team on the Qiongwen plane ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has accelerated,

The tens of thousands of people facing the demon race quickly moved closer. "

"Occupying Huodui Pass is already the limit of the Shanhua Plane.

Juan Tieguan, let Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee fight. "

Said Chibian!

"Old money, that's the only way. There are no more than 30,000 monks in the foundation construction period of the mountain flower plane.

It’s just one tenth of others,

Occupy the fire stack at most. "

Luanpo spoke.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

To the edge of the pond, he said, ‘So, from the immortal stones seized this time, that is not part, buy 30,000 Jidan,

Those one million cultivators are talented, let them build the foundation. "

The pool side nodded: "Yes, among these people, there are still more than 10,000 talents, but the elixir in the foundation period---"

As Chibian said this, Commissioner Qian shook his head repeatedly.

"By the pond, you have been in charge of the Mountain Flower Plane for so many years, and the monks of the Mountain Flower Plane during the base-building period don't use enough medicine."

Member Qian said.

"Well, I choose the monks in the foundation period, and choose the best qualified as possible."

Said Chibian.

After a long time,

The red wolf came in to report,

"The Demon Race's 10,000-person team formation and the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee's 10,000-person team formation have begun to fight!"

Tens of feet of rolling, thunder and fire, across the sky,

Brought up countless huge thunders in the sky!

In the thunder and fire,

As if the entire sky began to shine!

There is no more than a cup of tea time,

The formation of a 10,000-person team, the whole exploded, turned into a dozen huge fragments and fell.

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