Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2436: Ancient grass

Like the loss of six Yuanying Flower Gods in the first battle on the plane of autumn,

Ajan and the others also want to expand their influence.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand: "Azhan, Biyou Temple, the monks of Longmen Inn are not allowed to establish sects on the plane under the jurisdiction of Biyou Temple. You also know this.

I can't say that. "

How strong is Longmen Inn?

In those days, when fighting against the Void Protoss, in a casual battle, dozens of Yuan Ying Hua Shen fought.

The Rako Protoss has never been near the Longmen Inn.

How many Yuanying Flower Gods are there in Longmen Inn?

Commissioner Qian has no idea about this.

Commissioner Qian only knows that there are many Yuan Ying and Flower Gods in Longmen Inn.

Biyou Temple does not allow monks of Longmen Inn to establish sects on the plane under the jurisdiction of Biyou Temple.

Yuan Ying Flower God, generally knows.

"This is the intention of our three private individuals, and has nothing to do with Longmen Inn."

Ajan said.

"Sorry for the favor, I really can't help."

Member Qian said. God knows who wants to open a sect?

The atmosphere became deserted, and it seemed more embarrassing.

Commissioner Qian sat for a while and left.

Cooperative adventure is easy to talk about. How can this kind of open sect be so easy to talk about?

To several planes nearby,

I took the spiritual things that increased my mind, these spiritual things that increased my mind,

The king of the river mad lion and the **** of flowers have already taken it.

There is not much left.

Commissioner Qian returned to the plane of Shanhua.

Call the red wolf.

"Master, recently, it is better to increase the acquisition of Shennian medicinal materials."

Said the red wolf.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Red Wolf, send three Golden Core cultivators and bring a few cultivators during the foundation period to open an equipment shop on the plane of Ruqiu."

Member Qian said.

Originally, on the plane of Ruqiu, there was a night market opened by Ajan and their three Yuanying Flower Gods.

The equipment refined by the Yuan Ying Flower God is better than the equipment refined in the Heavenly Palace of Mountain Flower Plane.

Commissioner Qian didn't plan to open an equipment shop on the Ruqiu plane.

However, talking to Ajan,

Commissioner Qian decided to open an equipment shop on the plane of Ruqiu.

"Send three golden core monks?"

The Red Wolf was a bit surprised. To open an equipment shop, just send a Golden Core monk.

"Bring more materials that have been tempered by the Zhoutian Star Array."

Member Qian said.

The Red Wolf arched his hands and walked out of the hall.

Commissioner Qian went to Huoduiguan,

Now, from the wall of Huoduiguan, it extends more than ten miles,

Are already shrouded in starlight, looking deep and far away,

It is a powerful formation.

Arrived at the medicine garden at Huoduiguan,

Dao Fa urges, the river in the medicine garden has an extra stream,

After a while, another puddle appeared.

And the original growth environment,

The difference is far.

This is the only way to urge Dao Fa with all your strength.

Commissioner Qian planted those fruit trees and called the monks to guard the medicine garden,

I talked about the growth environment of these fruit trees in detail.

The Qiongwen plane is relatively large,

The quality is better than that of the mountain flower plane. Committee member Qian hopes that,

The growth of these fruit trees is better than those planted on the mountain flower plane.

Commissioner Qian took a few other artifacts he brought,

Those that can be planted and cultivated have created a corresponding growth environment.

After doing this, Commissioner Qian went out of the fire, and flew towards the Qiongwen plane.

From Huo Dui Pass, a dozen planes of teleportation arrays have been rotated,

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the plane teleportation array,

On the Great Hall of the Teleportation Array, the words on the ancient grass plane looked straightforward and simple.

Commissioner Qian walked to the monk guarding the teleportation array.

"Excuse me, how can I get to the ancient grass fighting beast corridor?"

This monk himself is a golden core monk,

When I saw the monk of Commissioner Qian, I couldn’t see through it at all. I was surprised.

The way to the ancient grass fighting beast corridor,

Say it in detail again.

The Corridor of Fighting Beasts was all in the starry sky before.

Some monks who trade in the Corridor of Fighting Beasts are unwilling to go to some planes,

However, along with the battle of the demons, these beast corridors have all moved to everyone.

Commissioner Qian reminded him of the law, and in an instant, the blue light rushed to the horizon.

But a cup of tea time,

Has flown more than 10,000 miles,

A building with a radius of tens of miles appeared in a valley.

It has been missing for many years, Beasts Corridor.

A Corridor of Beasts, in general,

Similar to Da Mengguan.

Looking far from the sky, the crowd was already surging.

Commissioner Qian put away the light, and the crowds walked into the corridor of fighting beasts.

In the hall, there have been hundreds of monks who have been receiving reception,

Each is wearing a uniform uniform.

Commissioner Qian called for a monk to build the foundation,

"Excuse me, everyone praises how the business association goes."

The monk heard: "I am the business association that everyone praises. Everyone praises the business association. It is the largest business association in the ancient grass fighting beast corridor.

Do you need to buy items, or buy items? "

"I want to find Vice President Cambran."

Member Qian said.

In the past, for the triangle monster Xuanxuan,

The Red Wolf took some golden cores and fought a battle with the Bitian faction on the ancient grass plane.

Several more Jin Dan were injured by Bitian faction.

The Red Wolf heard that,

On this ancient grass plane, there is a corridor of fighting beasts,

Of course I have to take a look,

The general situation of this ancient grass plane battle beast corridor was in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian took a look, the largest business association in this ancient grassland arena Corridor, Renren Chan Business Association,

One of the vice presidents is Cambran,

Commissioner Qian was taken aback.

Of course, for Cambran’s early exit adventure that year,

Commissioner Qian was a little unhappy doing business in the Fighting Beast Corridor.

I didn't come to the Beasts' Corridor to see Cambran.

However, after Kun Mihui advanced to the Yuan Ying Flower God,

From Kun Mihui, there are fewer and fewer medicinal materials purchased to increase spirituality.

Commissioner Qian faintly mentioned,

Kun Mihui said that these medicinal materials that have been used for more than a thousand years to increase spirituality,

In the Joint Committee of the Planet Earth,

Several other Yuanying Flower Gods also need it.

In the future, Kun Mihui will be able to provide to Commissioner Qian,

There are only so many medicinal materials that have grown spiritually over a thousand years.

Commissioner Qian thought for a while,

I'm stupid* isn't it,

In the eyes of Kun Mihui, the background of Li Yaoshi and the others,

Don't have to be harder?

Cambran took the same path as Kun Mihui,

However, Kun Mihui was lucky and got the formation of Zhou Tian's star battle array.


No, Commissioner Qian came to the ancient grass plane.

"Vice President Cambran, you are----"

The monk looked at Commissioner Qian.

The vice president of the business association is not someone who wants to meet.

The mountains and rivers on the green robe of Chairman Qian appeared,

In an instant,

The spirit of this monk has been inhaled by the landscape,

At first glance, there are thousands of miles away, as if there is no edge in sight.


The monk’s divine mind retreated to the palace,

Looking at the monk who was in charge of the reception next to him, there was nothing unusual.

"Yuan Ying magic weapon."

Of course, those who can serve as monks have considerable vision.

I heard Commissioner Qian say: "Just say that the old deceased from that year visited."

The monk's expression has become quite modest.

Throwing his hand towards Committee Member Qian: "I will report."

After a while,

The monk walked down,

Throwing his hand towards Committee Member Qian: "Vice Chairman Cambran invites you."

Commissioner Qian followed the monk onto the corridor,

Walked a few miles and turned a few turns.

A hall appeared,

"Please, Vice President Cambran is inside."

This monk can be said.

Commissioner Qian walked into the lobby,

A monk inside, when he saw Commissioner Qian, he was shocked for an instant.

Standing up with a smile on his face: "Sure enough, it's you, old money, sitting and serving tea."

"Cambran, he has become the vice president, not bad."

Member Qian said.

Commissioner Qian sat down, and after a while, tea was served.

Cambran waved, the waiter withdrew.

"Back then, I went to this fighting beast corridor to do business to improve my cultivation. Now I have finally cultivated to the Four Diamond Flower God.

Thinking of it, it's not easy.

Of course, taking risks everywhere is even more difficult. "

Cambrian looked reserved, drinking tea.

Sure enough, I tuned with Kun Mihui, shaking in front of me!

When he speaks, he is looking at his cultivation.

If the cultivation base is high, there will be no shortage of immortal stones.

Commissioner Qian gave an impulse to his body.

Cambran felt that what was in front of him was a blue sword aura.

Go straight to the sky! The grand power is beyond words!

They have all become the vice presidents of the Renzan Business Association, the largest in the ancient grass plane and Beast Corridor.

Don't know where?

"Yuan Ying Flower God, old Qian, have you advanced to Yuan Ying?"

Cambrian's mouth opened wide,

The expression on his face was unspeakable, lost, unbelievable, jealous.

However, this soaring sword aura is true.

"Generally, I think of you here. It takes more than a thousand years to buy some medicinal materials that increase spirituality."

Member Qian said.

"You really are the Yuanying Flower God, the medicinal material that increases your spirituality ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Yuanying Flower God will only use it for more than a thousand years.

Brother Jindan, a few hundred years old will do. "

Cambran said.

"Cambran, your armor is average, there are some magic weapons here, how many medicinal materials do you have, take it out first."

Raise your hand,

A flying sword and a shield have been suspended in front of Cambran,

Flying swords and shields released thousands of brilliance, brilliance circulating, and indescribable beauty, the entire hall was reflected by colorful brilliance.

Cambran's Spiritual Mind turned towards the flying sword, peeking in the armor.

The color of his face changed: "Eight thousand miles in the world of Taoism? This is a good thing."

Some Nascent Soul Flower Gods, their equipment is almost inferior,

The world of Taoism inside the equipment,

Only at this level.

Of course, the advanced Yuanying Flower God, the level of refining equipment, can be refined into more magic circles,

The world of Taoism inside can be increased.

Cambran looked at the formation in the equipment,

At first glance, the material can't be seen.

Even more surprised, the refining technique of this equipment is already quite high.

Cambran took out a jade slip and reminded him of his spirit.

A lot of medicinal materials have been added to that jade slip.

"Come here."

Cambran said.

The waiter came in and gave his hand to Cambran.

"Go to the warehouse and bring these medicinal materials."

This waiter walked out,

After a while, he walked over with a storage bag.

Give this storage bag to Cambran.

Cambrian reached out and tossed.

This storage bag has been in the hands of the Chief Qian.

"Most of the medicinal materials that increase spirituality are here."

Cambran said.

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