Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2437: As it was

Ordinary master refiners need to refine one sword and one shield, all possessing the world of eight thousand miles,

   at least thirty years!

   The medicinal materials in this storage bag, Cambran, can be purchased only after more than a year of purchase.

  Chan Qian looked at the storage bag, the medicinal materials in it were piled like a mountain.

   Some medicinal materials, although they are hundreds of years old,

   But, there are enough.

  When refining the pill, put in more, and it can be used according to the alchemy of the Qian Committee's rules.

  The Commissioner Qian is satisfied.

   This sword and shield, he refined it, and it took only one year.

The medicinal materials    has replaced have surpassed the medicinal materials purchased by Kun Mihui for ten years!

   "Old money, this kind of armor in the world of Taoism, how much you have, I will charge.

   In this world, the Golden Core cultivator is increasingly inclined to leapfrog with magic weapons. "

   Cambran said.

   "All these medicinal materials that increase spirituality will be exchanged, how much do you want."

   Qian Qian said.

   "As long as you can get them out as soon as possible, I will adjust these medicinal materials from other people. How about 30 sets of these shields and flying swords in ten years."

   Cambran said,

   There are many magic weapons under him that are in urgent need of this kind of cultivation.

   "In three years, I will give you 30 sets of magic weapons ready, you try to buy these medicinal materials."

   The Qian Qian committee took out a jade slip,

   Many medicinal materials in the jade slip are the medicinal materials in the secret realm of inheritance.

   Cambrian took the jade slip and looked at it and nodded: "Okay, I will try my best to help you buy these medicinal materials."

   Qian Qian nodded: "Okay, I'm leaving."

   "Jiayu, how is he."

   Cambran asked.

   "Also advanced to Yuanying."

   Member Qian said,


   Cambu opened his mouth wide, and Commissioner Qian left for a long time.

   Cambran picked up the tea and drank it.

   Commissioner Qian left the ancient grass fighting beast corridor and flew hundreds of miles in the air.

   lowered the escape light, and walked in the forest.

   I haven't felt this way for a long time.

   One sword and one shield, the medicinal materials exchanged from Cambran are several times the medicinal materials exchanged from Kun Mihui!

   Such a big gap!

   At that time, Gao Yu advanced to Yuanying Flower God,

   Member Qian and Kun Mihui discussed,

   Their position in the Joint Committee of the Planet Earth is embarrassing.

   Now, it seems that most of the medicinal materials that Kun Mihui acquired to increase spirituality,

   may have been supplied to the other core committee members of the Celestial Planet Union.

  When I thought of this, Committee Member Qian was in the same mood as Cambran.

   Kun Yahui, with the supply of materials and medicinal materials, maintains the status of the joint committee of the planet earth star.

   What about yourself?

  The Commissioner Qian thought, there are enough gold cores on the plane of Shanhua, and the level of refining is high enough, and his cultivation is considered a master!

   The Gripen Army and the Taibai Army, after many battles,

   already has a lot of aura gathering places.

   But, Brother Jindan, it’s not a place where spiritual energy converges.

   After a few hundred years, you can cultivate.

   After hundreds of years, the number of Golden Cores in the Gripen and Taibai Legions is slightly more than they were hundreds of years ago.

  The Commissioner Qian thought.

   was originally a dispensable role in the Celestial Star Joint Committee.

   broke through the rules of the water system, the rules of the plant system, and the rules of the soil system, and it will not change much.

   It’s not bad to continue this situation.

   On the way, Commissioner Qian didn’t rush back.

When    stepped out of the teleportation array, Commissioner Qian bought a drawing,

   flew directly at the most extensive square city.

   After a while, it has flown nearly ten thousand miles.

   The Qian Qian committee entered a barrier,

   walked into a larger shop.

  Guy came up: "Objective, what kind of item do I need?"

   "Take a look at all the jade slips of the ancient monks."

   There was a joy on the man's face.

  The jade slips of the ancient monks are usually chosen by Jin Dan when they come to buy them.

   Over the years, many jade slips of ancient monks have been left in the shop.

   This guy turned around and entered the store, took out a storage bag,

   patted towards the storage bag,

   "Wow, wow -----"

   in the storage bag,

   Thousands of jade slips poured out,

   The Qian Qian committee member did not release his spiritual thoughts, and nodded: "I bought them all, let's say a price."

   "400,000 middle-grade immortal stone."

   buddy said,

   If the Qian Yuan committee offers a tenth of the price, he will do the same.

"it is good."

   Qian Qian nodded,

   took out a storage bag,

   One shot, "Wow, wow, wow----"

   The middle-grade immortal stones are piled up a lot.

   Dude thoughtfully let go: "Yes."

   Today is a lucky day, I made a lot of money.

  The Commissioner Qian walked into the next shop again.

   A fat man greeted him.

   "Bring up all the jade slips of the ancient monks."

   Qian Qian said.

   This guy has seen the movement of the shop here.

   immediately turned around and took out a storage bag,

   patted toward the storage bag, and the jade slips piled up.

   "I want it all, how many fairy stones?"

   Qian Qian said.

   "Three hundred thousand middle-grade immortal stones." The guy said,

   This pile of medium-grade celestial stones is less than the pile of medium-grade celestial stones just now.

   The money committee member took out the storage bag and shot,

   "Wow, wow, wow--"

   Celestial stones, there are more.

   The buddy was so happy that he didn't even need to introduce it.

   The Qian Qian committee spent one day in all the markets in this pass,

  All the jade slips of the ancient monk have been purchased.

   This is a square city, and it took more than ten days for Commissioner Qian.

  The magic weapon refined for Cambran,

   The shadow of the golden fruit in the palace of the Commissioner Qian,

   Use the apricot brilliance to urge the refining technique, which can already be refined.

  Dang, the speed of refining is much slower than that of the main body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Along the way, a dozen or so planes of Xiuzhenfang City, Commissioner Qian almost all walked through it.

  Don’t say anything else, to buy these ancient monk jade slips, the member Qian spent 50 million middle-grade immortal stones!

   Back on the plane of Shanhua, Commissioner Qian began to comment on these jade slips.

  The cultivation base is high. From these jade slips, Commissioner Qian,

  , I realized a lot of mysteries.

   Three years have passed,

  The Taoist book written by the Qian Qian committee is already nearly one person tall.

   In the Palace of God, thirty shields and thirty flying swords are all made.

   also added a certain amount of star power, allowing the monk who holds this flying sword to take a look,

   It can be seen that the world of Eight Thousand Miles Taoism has already shown its shape.

   Of course, most of the aura needs to be supplemented by Cambran.

   The Commissioner Qian has reached the ancient grass plane again,

   Everyone praises the business association,

   Cambran took out his shield, flying sword, and looked at them one by one.

  , all the flying swords and shields,

   Cambran was happy: "Old money, these shields and flying swords are not only strong, but also use a lot of precious materials, not bad."

   took out a storage bag and gave it to committee member Qian,

   The member Qiang looked at it, yes, it is a thousand years old, and the medicinal materials for increasing spirituality are much more!

  These shields, flying swords, use a lot of precious materials tempered on the plane of mountain flowers,

   This is because the refining level of Jin Guo Zhiying is far lower than that of the main body! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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