Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2438: Practice progress

Commissioner Qian first gave Cambran a sword and a shield, using the most common materials and the least precious materials.

   is the strongest among these magic weapons.

   Watching Commissioner Qian walk out of the hall.

   after a while,

   Cambrian picked up a shield and looked at it.

   "Old money, the head of the mountain flower plane, in three years, he has refined these 30 sets of shields and flying swords in the world of Taoism!

  The skill of refining technique is unimaginable. "

   Mountain flower plane, of course he has heard of it,

   has handled many magic weapons of the mountain flower plane!

  The magic weapon of the mountain flower plane is indeed stronger than the general magic weapon.

   However, Shanhua has its own equipment shop,

   part of the magic weapon sales to Kun Mihui,

   Very few shipments are made to these external channels.

   However, he did not expect that the head of the mountain flower plane is Qian Xing!

   Everyone likes me, Chairman Fu of the Business Association. Compared with the Qian Da committee, it's far worse.

   is refining and equipped, there is a hotel called Dragon Inn,

   Selling equipment is more mysterious,

  Ordinary business associations can’t even catch up with them.

   thought for a while, he walked out quickly,

   Entering the lobby, Commissioner Qian is walking leisurely.

   "Old Qian, can you send me some of the equipment of your mountain flower plane."

   Cambran said.

   "It's okay to ship part of your equipment. Do you have any high-level Taoist books collected here? Yujian, I can comment for you."

   Qian Qian said.

   Cambran thought for a while: "Senior Taoist books, I really have them here. There are some books that I really don't understand. Old Qian, then you can comment them for me."

  Chan Qian is already a monk Yuan Ying,

   Cambran seems that Commissioner Qian is much stronger than the average monk he has ever seen.

   Cambran took out a pile of jade slips, a few books,

   to the committee member Qian.

   The Qian Qian committee accepted,

   Sweeping the mind, these jade slips and Taoist books have good content.

   "I will send someone to contact you."

   Qian Qian said.

  Walk out of the Corridor of Beast Beasts on the Ancient Grass Plane, and urge the magic trick.

   turned into a blue light and ran quickly.

   In the Palace of the Great Commissioner,

   This reflects the figure,

   stood in front of a dozen golden fruit shadows.

   These dozens of golden fruit shadows, everyone’s cultivation base,

  Four Diamond Flower God Mid-term!

   There are several cultivation bases of the Shadow of Golden Fruit, which have reached the peak of the Four Diamond Flower God!

   is almost the same as Datou's cultivation base.

  Commissioner Qian’s understanding of Taoism, compared with ordinary four-diamond flower **** peak monks,

   I don’t know how much higher it is.

   Committee member Qian’s perception of Taoism,

   is the shadow of the golden fruit, the perception of Taoism.

   "How is your perception of Taoism?"

   "There is a lot of progress, but you have to practice more at the spiritual veins of the Qingxu Upper Profound Water System."

   said a Jin Guozhi Ying wearing a green robe.

   Qingxu Upper Profound Water Spirit Vessel compared with the Fire Element Spirit Vessel of Biandan Mountain, for the shadow of Jin Guo, the benefit is greater.

  The shadow of the golden fruit,

   is indeed very different from the human body.

   A high level of cultivation is reflected.

   "Okay, I will go to Qingxu Upper Profound Water System Spirit Vessel more."

  The shadow of golden fruit, similar to plant monster repair,

   Member Qian thought, what happened,

   also want his own Golden Fruit Shadow, one or more, to survive the Yuan Ying's catastrophe.

  The problem comes again,

   These golden fruit shadows, like Commissioner Qian, know the fusion of several rules.

   However, several sets of rules are integrated and cannot be used.

   is like the poolside!

   can reincarnate, may know more rules and mystery,

   However, in order to use these rules together, one's own spirit must be correspondingly strong.

   To reincarnate with great power, you must also take the pill for increasing spiritual mind step by step and practice the exercises for increasing spiritual mind.

   If these golden fruit shadows are to use the Dao law of the fusion of several rules, they must also use their own spiritual thoughts,

   reached the current strength of the Qian committee.

   Such a calculation,

  Medicines and treasures needed to increase spiritual consciousness -------

  The head of the flower plane of the mountain, Committee Member Qian couldn't even think about it.

   The Qian Qian committee returned to the plane of Shanhua,

   called the red wolf over.

   "Red Wolf, I have a friend who works in a business association,

   You go talk to him, get some equipment, and ship it to him. "

   Qian Qian told the Red Wolf about Cambran’s contact information.

   Red Wolf smiled: "Master, I wanted to talk about this a long time ago.

   The equipment we gave Kun Mihui, the medicinal materials and treasures that increase the spiritual consciousness and reconcile the yin and yang mana,

   It’s not as good as our own equipment store, which exchanges medicinal materials and treasures.

  Equipment shops of various planes can find some precious medicinal materials every year. "

   Red wolf used to be hard to say,

   Qian Da and Kun Mihui are both core members of the Celestial Star Joint Committee.

   Now, Commissioner Qian is looking for other business associations to ship goods.

   Of course the Red Wolf said it.

   Qian Qian nodded and said nothing.

   The Red Wolf arched his hands and backed out.

   called a few gold cores and went to the teleportation array,

   The various medicinal materials and treasures that I bought this time,

   The head must occupy a considerable part.

   Mountain Flower Plane can have today,

   There is no Zhoutian Star Fighting Array set up by Committee Member Qian, or Longmen Inn’s craftsmanship taught by Committee Member Qian,

   Mountain Flower Plane is the general kind of martial art.

   occupies a territory where aura is scarce, and a magic weapon of the four-diamond flower **** peak is regarded as a treasure.

   The Commissioner Qian began to comment on those jade slips and Taoist scripts.

   Refining the pill to increase spiritual consciousness, refined by the shadow of the golden fruit.

  50 million middle-grade immortal stone, jade slips bought,

   can really pile up into a mountain.

   Qian Qian, a piece of jade slip, and a piece of jade slip felt.

  The simple sentences and the profound sentences all jump with the circulation of the apricot light and the mysterious,

   More than ten years have passed,

   The apricot color is brilliance, and it looks deeper and deeper.

   makes people look like the sea.

  The sea that is as shiny as jade.

  The jade slip like a mountain has been annotated more than half.

   I don’t know how long it has been, these jade rooms have all been annotated.

   The Commissioner Qian walked on the plane of Shanhua.

   like an ordinary person,

   This is more than thirty years!

   Datou has already survived the Yuanying Tribulation in Tiegang Mountain, but he has suffered serious damage and needs three hundred years of cultivation!

   not only lost a dozen four-diamond flower god’s peak magic weapon,

   Even the flying swords and shields of the Taoist world used by the big head itself are all used to block the thunder.

   blasted to smash.

  The armor of the Taoist world that    wears,

   seriously damaged!

   The flower plane of the mountain is a craftsman,

   An elder, equipped with flying swords, shields and armor are all the magic weapon of the Yuan Ying Flower God in the Taoist world,

   This treatment has reached the top.

  Chibian and Qian, Commissioner, Quinn, the golden core of the mountain flower plane,

   looked at the catastrophe of Datou Du Yuanying.

   The monks of the Heavenly Earth Star Joint Committee, please do not ask.

   Chibian very willingly told Commissioner Qian,

   Within tens of thousands of years, it is impossible to integrate multiple rules.

   Yuanying Huashen has a life span of 190,000 years,

   The big head can at most cultivate to the middle level of Yuanying Flower God and the level of cultivation level between Yuanying Peak monk.

   "After the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation, the sky drops the fluctuations of Yuanying Flower God's perception, and the big head can no longer realize it.

  If the big head can practice diligently, he can practice up to the integration of the five rules.

   Most of the Yuan Ying Flower Gods have cultivated for a lifetime, which is at this level. "

   Chibian said,

   After the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation, the sky descends from the Yuanying Flower God's perception fluctuations,

   The big head has been hit hard,

  'S perception of the fluctuation of Yuanying Flower God's perception,

   I know at a glance, not complete.

  Queen, thank you,

   Fortunately, Chibian taught him his insights. Look at the big head who has cultivated for three hundred years.

  The golden cores on the mountain flower plane stopped talking one by one.

   If they cultivate to the top of the four-diamond flower **** and cross the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation,

   is not necessarily better than the big head.


   A cyan light flashed on the top door,

   A shadow of golden fruit jumped out,

  "From the realm of Jindan monk entering the Yuan Ying Flower God, I have understood it completely,

  Rules and Taoism are already available,

   Go to the Great Mengguan Pass for a while, cross the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation, you should be sure. "

   The pill to increase spiritual consciousness, the shadow of the golden fruit, I took a lot.

   Four-diamond flower **** peak cultivation base, you can already use the rules of Taoism.

   Use the rules and methods to survive the Yuan Ying's catastrophe, that's different.

   Qian Qian nodded: "Okay."

  The medicinal materials brought from Cambran have all been refined into pill.

   Qian Qian went to Biandan Mountain,

   I practiced in Piandan Mountain for more than ten years,

   However, over the past ten years, the rules of the water system, the plant system, the soil system, and the fire system have merged without any progress.

   The Qian Qian committee went to Da Mengguan again,

   At the Great Mengguan Pass, one sitting is sixty years!

   The operation of apricot brilliance has become more and more mysterious.

   Flames grow in the water, and plants grow in the flames,

   Water system rules, plant system rules, soil system rules, and fire system rules are integrated, which is a step further.

  I ate the pill to increase spiritual consciousness again.

   Commissioner Qian woke up from his enlightenment.

   From the last retreat to now,

   More than one hundred years later, with the help of the spiritual veins of the Qingxu Upper Profound Water System,

   But some progress has been made!

Next to   , several other Yuanying Flower Gods, the rules of the water system and the rules of the earth system, failed to integrate successfully.

   Snow innocent people merge with water system rules, river soil system rules,

   How many years have passed.

   It seems that among these few Yuanying Flower Gods,

   Just Snowy, the real person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ does have something extraordinary.

   The Qian Qian committee went out of the Da Meng Pass, and took a break,

   After a while, it has flown more than 10,000 miles,

   picked a mountain, stopped,

   reached out and pointed, a cave mansion appeared among the peaks.

   The Qian Qian committee entered into the cave and stretched out his hand,

   Rotation is prohibited, so let the cave house cover it.

   The Qian Qian committee took out ordinary precious materials,

   began to refine the runes that merged with the same rules.

   Water system rules, plant system rules, soil system rules, and fire system rules have made further progress.

   When practicing, I don’t feel much about this progress.

   Once I refine the device,

   The refining of the fusion runes with the same rules has become much easier.

   a few months,

  The Qian Qian committee refined a rune that blended the rules of the water system.

   Several years later, Commissioner Qian has refined more than 30 runes that merged with the same rules.

   These runes combined with the rules of the same system form a core magic circle.

   Once the core circle was refined,

   The structure of the magic weapon is much easier to refine.

   More than half a year passed,

   An apricot armor has been refined.

   The shadow of the golden fruit walked out, stretched out his hand, and the armor was already upper body.

   Fa Jue urged, apricot brilliance flowed.

   "Yes, you can cross the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation."

   said the shadow of the golden fruit. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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