Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2439: Golden Fruit Shadow Crossing Tribulation

The plane near the plane of Qiongwen,

   Once out of the barren mountains,

   A nebula winds around, but a few miles!

   Within a few hundred miles, the thunder is rolling, the power of the thunder,

   is like huge mountains,

   A flash of thunder and fire,

   Within a thousand miles, the whole shining is transparent.


   That nebula has been exploded, and within the nebula, a cyan light burst and swirled,

   turned into a tens of thousands of swords and shadows, already crushing this thunder and fire!

   A few hundred miles away from this nebula, hundreds of monks have already stood,

   Most of them are golden core monks, and there are also Yuan Ying monks.

  "Choose to cross the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation in this barren mountain, it should be a casual repair,

   It’s not easy for casual repairs to survive the Yuanying’s catastrophe. "

   said a monk who passed his armor.

   "His nebula is powerful enough, and the Yuan Ying Flower God robbers thunder.

   But blast a little. "

   A muscular man next to him said that he was also a golden core monk.

  In the distance, a few monks, away from these golden cores,

   has traveled more than a hundred miles.

   These monks are all Yuan Ying flower gods.

  "Just now that sword, ruled Taoism, with this nebula magic weapon, I have already cultivated regular Taoism.

   This Yuanying Heaven Tribulation is over for him. "

   A middle-aged monk said, his face is majestic, his eyes are like electricity.

   "This casual cultivation is so powerful, the Yuan Ying Tian's Tribulation is about to pass. You can make friends without much trauma."

Beside   , a green-robed Yuanying Flower God said to a white-robed monk beside him.

   A few of them are all Yuan Ying flower gods, naturally they know,

   Yuanying’s catastrophe went smoothly,

   Heaven descends Yuan Ying Hua Shen fluctuates, can absorb all,

   In the future, the path of cultivation will be much smoother than the average Yuanying Flower God.

   There is a monk's face that is cloudy and sunny,

   In the midst of casual meditation, another Yuan Ying, the four-diamond flower **** peak, has already used the rules and methods.

   Yuanying’s catastrophe, passed smoothly,

   This face, there is another strong man.


   There was a thunder fire that was more than ten feet thick. With a radius of thousands of miles, it seemed to be stopped by this thunder fire for several moments.

   Thousands of stars, rush from the nebula!

   whirled towards the thunder fire that was more than ten feet thick!

   The thunder fire, which is more than ten feet thick, has been scattered by a third of these tens of millions of stars.

   Thousands of swords light up,

   welcome the thunder fire that is more than ten feet thick!

   In an instant, tens of thousands of swords have been cut!

   "Boom. Boom, boom---"

   Tens of thousands of loud noises erupted in an instant,

   This thunder fire was cut in half again!

   Tens of thousands of sword lights have exploded suddenly,

   The remaining thunder and fire suddenly violent, and blasted at the monk who was urging the sword light.

   On the monk, a ghost of the landscape appeared.


   With a muffled sound, the phantom landscape and thunder fire suddenly exploded into countless fragments, shooting toward the sky!

   This monk, was blasted back into the nebula formation by this thunder,

   But, the cyan brilliance spins,

   He is already standing above the nebula formation,

   on the armor, but there are a few more cracks.

   Immediately, a wave of fluctuations descended from the sky towards the monk!

   Within a few moments, this fluctuation ended.

   This monk entered the nebula,

   After a while, the Nebula formation closed, and the monk urged him to escape.

   has flew towards the distance.

   Among the Yuanying Flower God, there are talents who speak out, in an instant,

   This monk has disappeared.

   "This monk's battle armor is so powerful, how many monks have been blasted to pieces by this last thunder."

   Qingpao Yuanying Flower God said,

Several monks beside    felt the same way.

after a few days,

   In a valley, Commissioner Qian met with the monk who had survived the Yuan Ying's catastrophe.

   This monk who has survived the Yuan Ying’s catastrophe,

   is the shadow of the golden fruit.

  Jinguo's Shadow pointed towards Committee Member Qian,

   A message was shot over, which was the entire perception of Yuanying's Heaven Tribulation.

   "You go to Huodui Pass first, you can use the method of combining different rules, and it is not too late to walk around."

   Member Qian said,

  Golden Fruit Shadow nodded: "I wanted to see the mysterious interaction between the starlight and mysterious river planes by the pond.

   What is the magic that can make the reincarnation powerful, so hard. "

   For Ikebe, the integration of several rules has already been mastered.

  What you need by the pond is to practice spiritual thoughts,

  Go up through the divine mind cultivation, and the powerful Dao law combining several rules can be used immediately.

   I didn't think that Chibian turned to Taoism.

  Golden Fruit Shadow Technique urged, went to the teleportation array.

  If it was before, the Qian Committee would let the shadow of the golden fruit to experience it,

   Look at that plane with many treasures, make friends with monks,

   However, Commissioner Qian himself, in the Celestial Star Joint Committee,

   is almost marginalized and becomes a dispensable decoration,

   How can the Qian Qian committee have the mind to worry about it?

   Let the shadow of the golden fruit go to the firedust pass, and feel the fusion of the starlight mystery and the plane mystery that even the pond has to cultivate.

   The communication circle sounded.

   At a glance, it was Wanli Dao, the chief of the fire.

   "Master, those monks in the Qi-training period around Tiejing Mountain are not willing to plant the essence and blood. But more than half, about 100,000 people."

   Wanlidao said.

   Hundreds of years have passed since the Battle of Tiekong Mountain.

   Those one million monks during the Qi training period, more than ten thousand people built the foundation,

   Other people, have died,

   Tieguanshan are the descendants of the monks during the Qi training period.

   They continued to practice the exercises of the demons and the exercises taught by the pond,

   However, there are only more than 300,000 people who can enter the Qi training period.

  "The demons are cruel, let them plant the essence of blood, they are very good,

   We are very good to them, let them transfer their skills towards the essence and blood, which has been reduced by more than half.

   They refused to plant it,

   Back then, the demons caught them from all over the plane,

   Our Shanhua plane is a benevolent and righteous sect, not overwhelming,

  Since they refused to plant the essence of blood, let them go back to their original place,

   Anyway, the place of ordinary people, the demons also look down upon. "

   Qian Qian said.

   "But, these people have practiced the exercises taught by the elders by the pool---"

   Wanlidao said.

  "What the elders of the pond taught were only the qigong methods during the Qi training period, which were used to ease their mana.

   Talk to Chibian. "

   Qian Qian said.

   "The elder by the pond is retreating."

   Wanlidao said.

"wake him up-----"

   Qian Qian said.

   After a while, the communication circle sounded, it was Wanli Dao: "The elder Chibian said, of course."

   "Then do it."

   Qian Qian said.


   Wanli Knife arched his hand at the image of Commissioner Qian.

  'S face changed: "Come on, gather the patrol!"

   is Cambrian.

   "Old money, I know a mountain range with a lot of herbs. Now, it is in the control area of ​​the demons.

   I have some monks, I can invite a Yuan Ying over,

   You brought the Jindan team over and captured the mountain range, I built a resident there,

   How about you take one third? "

   Cambran said,

   "There are many kinds of medicinal materials, so there should be a place where spiritual energy gathers. There may be Yuan Ying Hua Shen guarding it."

   Qian Qian said.

   "The mountain range is five thousand li, but there is no place where spiritual energy can gather.

   I have read the classics, and the aura in that place has been scattered throughout the mountain range.

   is indeed a good place to grow medicinal materials. "

   Cambran said.

   "There is such a place, that's ok."

   Member Qian said,

   Thousands of years, Cambran has become the vice president of the business association everyone praises.

   With these extensive knowledge, Commissioner Qian is no longer as good as Cambran.

  The mountain flower plane is missing the medicine garden,

   even if it is near Huoduiguan and Tiegang Mountain,

   is not every place, it is suitable for planting good medicinal materials for cultivators.

  "Cambran, it’s easy to occupy that mountain range, but it’s difficult to hold it.

   At least, you have to prepare a large defensive formation, and then you have to send a considerable amount of gold core patrols----"

   Qian Qian said.

   This Cambrian is amazing, once it is shot, it is five thousand miles in radius.

   the jurisdiction of the Qian Yuan committee on the planet,

   is only 11 million square li, so it is not even five thousand li.

   "For so many years, I have made people refine a large-scale prohibition that can control a radius of three thousand miles.

  Manpower, I can convene at any time. "

   Khenpo Lan said.

   "Okay, how many gold cores do I want to bring over."

   Qian Qian said.

   "Sixty golden pellets are enough-----in the future, 30 golden pellets will be fine for those who will stay in the mountains."

   "Okay, I'll bring Jindan here."

   Qian Qian said.

   "Come on."

   Qian Qian said.

  The waiter came in and bowed his hands.

   "Which golden pills are on the plane of mountain flowers?"

  The waiter immediately took out a piece of jade slip, and gave it to the committee member Qian.

   Committee member Qian took a look,

   Yuantie and Red Wolf, if they want to preside over the affairs of the mountain flower plane, they must not go.

   Wanlidao became the supervisor of the Huduiguan,

   Langchao Dao became Biqiushan's supervisor,

   "Let the Red Wolf, Yuan Tie, and the Sky Sword come over."

   Qian Qian said.

  . After a while, Red Wolf, Yuan Tie, rushed towards the sky sword, and bowed their hands at Committee Member Qian.

   "Sky Sword. Go order sixty golden cores and go with me."

   Committee Member Qian talked about the specific situation with Sky Sword.

  "Red wolf, Yuan Tie, this time are just some mountains suitable for planting medicinal materials,

   You will host the Mountain Flower Plane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ no need to go. "


   Red Wolf and Yuan Tie hand over.

   The mountains with a radius of five thousand miles, there is no place where spiritual energy can gather.

   Even if this mountain range is suitable for planting medicinal materials,

   Even if there is a gathering spirit formation,

   The medicinal materials used by the golden core monks are not a hundred years old,

   has no effect.

   After the medicinal materials have an effect, there is no way to exchange martial arts contribution points from martial arts.

   In other words, the sect sent you to patrol and plant medicinal materials,

   gives you less contribution points.

   Red Wolf and Yuan Tie are too lazy to go.

  This mountain range, even if it is knocked down,

  The golden core of the mountain flower plane will only go there if assigned by the martial arts.


   arched his hand at the sky sword.

   You can also host Jindan team.

   Once hosted the Jindan team, the grade in the Shanhua plane,

   is different.

   Soaring to the sky sword thinking, should call those golden cores to join the team.

   after a long time,

   The soaring sword brought sixty golden cores and fought in front of Commissioner Qian’s hall.

  The Qian Qian member stretched out his hand,

  An array map appeared: "Enter the array map."

   Qian Qian said.

   "唰, 唰, 唰---"

   Brother Jindan, all rushed into the formation.

   Qian Qian waved his hand, the formation was put away,

   stepped on, has entered the teleportation formation. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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