Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2362: Various treasures

"This time, the battle that is decidedly on the plane of the park, it's over like this, not bad. レm♠思♥路♣客レ"

Quinn said.

The demons are also masters with different rules,

"The other party has already been knocked down ten airships, and more than a thousand were killed.

A place like Tieguanguan will not send out a few cultivators with rules to fight. "

Member Qian said.

"The old money is already a three-line rule fusion. If you want to deal with the old money, you must dispatch a master of the four-line rule fusion.

The master of the fusion of the four rules can change a battle direction.

In that way, the masters of the four-system rule fusion of the garden wave plane, or the five-system rule fusion, will play.

If you continue to send monks, it may involve the monks of the Flower God Stage. "

Said Chibian.

The monks of the Flower God stage generally presided over the battle of a plane.

"Quin, this treasure in the iron plate, how many of our Shanhua planes have?"

Member Qian said.

"There are a lot of treasures in the iron brand. There are many treasures in the soil and water systems. We have some of the mountain flower planes, all of which are purchased.

Used to cultivate various spiritual things. "

Quinn said.

Various spiritual things, how can they be cultivated so well,

Various harsh growth environments cannot be created by Taoism,

At least, every monk on the mountain flower plane can't make it.

You have to buy all kinds of natural treasures.

"Many of those spiritual things are for increasing gong power and reconciling yīn yang mana. Take some spiritual things out, and we will exchange them for medicinal materials that increase spiritual consciousness."

Member Qian said.

"In this way, the production of those spiritual things will be reduced, and those treasures. Even the Chamber of Commerce. It will not be there every day!"

Quinn said.

"The production of those spiritual things has decreased. You can continue to buy treasures. Those big chambers of commerce have a much stronger ability to collect these treasures than us, but they delay some production.

Our spiritual consciousness should be improved as soon as possible. "

Said Chibian.

"Well, those treasures. If you don't have enough funds for Kun Mihui, go to Cambran to buy. The price of the Beast Corridor is higher than Kun Mihui, but there are many treasures."

Member Qian said.

"Well, I'll go to the plane of Shanhua and bring those treasures."

Quinn said,

Stepped onto the teleportation array.

The super plane teleportation array consumes a lot of immortal stones.

The mountain flower plane stipulates that the general monk changes defense. To start the super plane teleportation array.

After a long time, Quinn came over.

The three of them didn't even get out of the ironclad barrier, so they urged.

Rush directly into the mountains.

After a while, I had already escaped thousands of miles and entered the valley,

In this valley, several monks arranged formations,

Reached out and pointed out the method,

Commissioner Qian Hechi, Quinn entered,

It was discovered that the Mozu monk wearing a red armor was already in this valley, holding an iron medal, and was planning to urge him to issue a magic trick.

Seeing Commissioner Qian and a few of them, the monk nodded.

Commissioner Qian and several of them also nodded.

"It seems that this monk wearing a red armor also has a secret technique in his cultivation."

Chibian said to Commissioner Qian,

Each took out the iron card for a reminder!

The prohibition swiftly, they have arrived in the square.

Immediately, several growers appeared in the square,

The monk wearing red armor, Commissioner Qian took out a storage bag and gave it to him.

These growers took out these storage bags and took a look.

"Yes, tell me about the type and year of the medicinal materials you want to change,

The higher the age, the fewer medicinal materials can be changed. "

"I want to change the five thousand year old"

The monk in red armor said the names of more than forty kinds of medicinal materials.

A planter, with a round face, nodded.

"These medicinal materials you mentioned, we all have them here. For five thousand years, only three can be replaced."

The monk wearing the red armor nodded: "Okay, these medicinal materials are five thousand years old. In general auctions, I have not seen a single medicinal material in more than ten years."

The grower looked at the storage bag that the member of the Supreme Court Qian took over again,

Member Qian said the varieties of medicinal materials to be changed.

More than one hundred!

Commissioner Qian, by the edge of the pool, Luanpo has to change the medicinal materials.

"The medicinal materials you mentioned are five thousand years old, one for three."

Said the grower.

The treasure brought out by the mountain flower plane is compared with the treasure brought out by the monk in red armor.

But more than doubled.

"Then, replace these medicinal materials with 3,000 years old."

Commissioner Qian named more than 30 kinds of medicinal materials.

The grower nodded: "Well, these medicinal materials, three thousand years old, can be replaced by six."

There is such a big difference between the three thousand years and the five thousand years.

The cultivation world has been around for many years. Five thousand years of medicinal materials can appear in the market and auctions.

How many are there?

That good medicine,

Commissioner Qian and several of them went out of the restriction and returned to the plane of Shanhua.

Refining these medicinal materials, everyone has their own secret alchemy method.

Commissioner Qian, however, planted three medicinal materials of each type in the imitation Achong Cave Mansion array.

Hundreds of years later, the magic circle in Achongdong Mansion was indeed useful.

Commissioner Qian refined these medicinal materials into pill to increase spiritual consciousness.

Go to Da Mengguan again.

Inside the Dameng Pass, Commissioner Qian asked, "Sword Swordsman, Qianfeng has been here for several years."

When I arrived at the place where the spiritual energy of the Upper Profound Water System of Qingxu converged, he saw that the real person Sword Sword, the real person Qianfeng was meditating.

Commissioner Qian also sat down and began to meditate.

In the sacred mansion, the scenery of mountains, water, plants, and flames appeared,

Take a pill to increase spirituality,

Commissioner Qian runs the tactics of increasing spirituality,

It took more than ten days for the efficacy of this pill to be completely absorbed.

Sure enough, medicinal materials used for thousands of years have different effects.

The pill obtained from the Tiedingguan secret realm was enough to cultivate for decades.

Cultivation is ordinary. Commissioner Qian took the fluctuations of those star maps,

Flashed all over, and started to pass through the priest again,

With the progress of cultivation, in the past, some star charts fluctuated, and the rules and laws in the divine palace

No image can be produced.

However, as the cultivation progresses, the fluctuations in these star maps can produce images of the fluctuations in the divine palace.

Rule deduction has found a new direction.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been deduced in this new direction for a long time.

Commissioner Qian found that the rules of water system, plant system, soil system, and fire system were deduced.

However, some progress has been made.

In a blink of an eye, another forty years.

If it weren't for continued progress, Committee Member Qian would like to be like the real Xuetian and Luanpa, after more than a hundred years, he would continue to practice.

Every game makes progress,

Apricot sè brilliance, all have mysterious changes.

Not to mention thousands of tempers, after so many years of cultivation, there are thousands of tempers.

Commissioner Qian went out of the place where the spiritual energy of the Qingxu Upper Profound Water System converged,

As soon as it came to the Great Pass, Committee Member Qian let go.

Already felt the fluctuation of Ruoyuowu.

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