Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2363: Tragedy at Da Meng Pass

What, the power of this divine mind is about the same as my own, at least, it is quite at the level of integrating water system rules, plant system rules, and soil system rules with myself.

Secret and powerful!

Xuetian, for hundreds of years,

Haven't been here a few times. It is impossible to break through the integration of the three series of rules.

A foreign master?

Commissioner Qian was shocked!

It had already broken through the surrounding mountain protection formation, and the Jindan masters at the Great Meng Pass were unaware of it.

The mountain guarding formation could not stop the masters of the three-line rule fusion.

Commissioner Qian turned around,

Walked towards the practice secret room,

Just like an ordinary golden pill.

At the Great Meng Pass, the Golden Core cultivator cultivated the mystery of the water system, progressing faster than the general water system spiritual energy gathering place.

There are more than one hundred golden pills at Dameng Pass.

However, the entire Da Meng Pass has all been banned, and it is all made of refined copper bricks.

The progress of this divine mind was not so smooth.

Commissioner Qian entered the secret room, the tactics hit, and the prohibition emerged.

Commissioner Qian had already arrived next to the real person Sajian and Qianfeng.

They woke up from the practice as soon as the magic formula was hit.

"A master is here, and he has passed the mountain guarding formation, and the three lines of rules have merged."

Commissioner Qian said,


Sword Master and Qianfeng Master's Fa Jue urged them, and they have collected their merits.

Get off the seat,

Fa Jue urged, Jian Jue brilliance shined.

"Do you want to call Xuetian and Luanpo over."

In the Great Meng Pass, a plane teleportation array was set up, but. Never used it.

"Okay. Send a message right away."

Member Qian said.

Spread the sword real person flashed. Has rushed into the ban,

This restriction, only a few of them, the Yuanying Flower God, can pass freely,

Entering this restriction, the master mind of the three-line rule fusion,

It cannot be easily detected.

As if thousands of mountains rushed over,

In an instant. Real Sword Sword is already standing in a secret room,

The plane teleportation array is already standing in the center of the secret room.

In a short while, the three-line rule fusion master invaded and passed the information of the guardian formation.

Immediately sent to Xuetian Zhenren and Luanpo through the teleportation array.

After a while, the brilliance of the teleportation array flickered,

The figure appeared, but it was broken.

Luanpo walked out of the teleportation formation: "A master of the three-line rule integration? Where is the old money."

"In the valley of cultivation."

Said the real Sajian.

After a while, the transmission array brilliance shined again.

The real Xuetian appeared.

The real Xuetian walked out of the teleportation array.

Dozens of tricks were played continuously, and Guanghua flickered.

A three-dimensional structural diagram of Da Mengguan appeared,

In a room, a faint figure appeared.

"Call the old money."

Xuetian said,

After a while, the ban on Guanghua flashed, and Commissioner Qian and Qian Feng walked out of the ban.

"After a while, I will launch a ban. I, Lao Qian, Luanpo's main attack, spears the sword, and Qianfeng assists in the attack."

Xuetian said.

"it is good-----"

Member Qian said.

Like his opponent, the three series of rules are fused, and all the magic weapons are transformed into a rune core magic circle fused with the same series of rules.

Opponents can't hurt Commissioner Qian.

Main attack or auxiliary attack, either.

Mr. Xue Tian is their leader, and Commissioner Qian does not want to conflict with Mr. Xue Tian over this arrangement.

"Okay, let's set up combat positions."

Xuetian said,

They are all Yuan Ying's flower gods, and I will finish in a few words.

A few people urged the law and had already rushed into the ban.

In a room, a brilliance flashed, covering the wall!

In an instant, Guanghua has shone millions of times.

It is made of copper, with a forbidden copper wall arranged, and the ripples are generally separated.

A figure walked out,

Has entered Da Meng Guan, a master of the fusion of three series of rules,

. Don't dare to walk away swaggeringly.



Like a huge thunderstorm, thousands of sword auras blasted towards him!

"The prohibition here is good, to be able to find me."

This person said.

Ten thousand swords, he doesn’t care,

A cyan light rushed out of his body,

Thousands of sword qi and this blue light touched, immediately exploded and shattered!

This man stretched out his hand and waved,

A cyan brilliance shot out, shining with a deep and distant cyan color.

"Boom, boom, boom---"

There was a loud noise like a huge thunder,

This man has already collapsed several walls with one sword!

Outside, all restrictions surfaced,

Now that there is a trick, sneaking, it is no longer possible,

This man urged his sword tactics and rushed toward the outside of Da Meng Pass.

"Wh, eh, eh---"

Like thunder and lightning,

An apricot sword light, a snowy brilliance, a deep yellow brilliance, slashed towards this person!

Jianguang cut out, as if thunder sound came from thousands of miles away.

It seems that the sound is not high, but it feels like passing through thousands of rivers and mountains, feeling indefinitely.

This snow-colored sword light, deep yellow brilliance, and the integration of different rules, he can deal with it completely,

However, this apricot brilliance is just like him!

Three-line rule integration!

This cyan sword light slashed, it was different.

Here are the masters of the fusion of three rules!

His sword tactics, he urged, cut out thousands of swords with all his strength, and there was an extra shield in his hand, the tactics urged,

A phantom appeared on the shield, push forward!

The snow-colored sword light, the deep yellow sword light, has suddenly collapsed into countless fragments!

But this apricot brilliance, and cyan sword brilliance,

In an instant,

The apricot sword light and the cyan sword light have blasted hundreds of thousands of times!

The ripples sway,

Dozens of rooms around have been shot into fragments in an instant!

Several Jindan monks. The magic weapon has been urged. In an instant.

One touch with this ripple, even with a magic weapon, exploded.

The golden core in the distance, Fa Jue urged, has rushed into the restriction.

The large formation arranged in the Great Meng Pass was to provide protection for the Golden Core monks in the Great Meng Pass.

The cyan sword light retreated continuously,

Feel it immediately. The cultivation base of the apricot sword light is higher than that of the cyan sword light.

The cyan sword light spun and rushed outward.

The real person Sajian and the real person Qianfeng rushed,

The magic weapon quickly rotates the protective body, rotating around them,

Sword Jue made every effort to urge it to squeeze towards this blue sword light!

If you don't have a sword, your position in the Great Meng Pass will be even worse.

The cyan sword shines, violent and weird,


Spread the sword light of the real sword and Qianfeng real person. Has been easily blocked!

The magic weapon and the cyan sword flashed, and they were already spinning rapidly.

Amid the loud noise, screams sounded,

The real man Sajian, Qianfeng real man, has been hit by the sword!

Just like Commissioner Qian confronted the Yuan Ying Flower God who was fused with the same rules,

Simply easy.

However, the apricot sword light flashed, and the mysterious was like the stars in the sky!


There was already a thunder flame on the figure that urged the cyan sword light!

Yijian, the armor was smashed by the apricot sword light, the injury was not serious!

"The magic weapon of rules----"

Commissioner Qian thought, this monk's flying sword and battle armor are all rules and magic weapons.

Fortunately, it is not the magic weapon of the same system of rules and runes fusion.

Otherwise, the apricot sword light has broken through the cyan sword light.

Whether it can break the magic weapon of the same system of rules and runes fusion is a question.

The monk who urged the cyan sword light received a sword and charged even more!

The cyan sword light seems to shine for nine days!

The snow-colored Jianguang River was dark yellow and rushed up suddenly.

The loud noise was like thunder, strangling towards this Nascent Soul monk!

The monk Yuan Ying roared!

A shield, waved at the snow-colored sword light,

With the touch of the shield and the snow-colored sword light, the snow-colored sword light suddenly turned into countless fragments and shot!

The cyan sword light shook, turned into ten thousand swords, and slashed towards the mountains!

Luanpo felt as if thousands of mountains were crushed down!

The urging sword art has been suddenly shaken away,

The shield is blocked, the cyan sword light spins around the shield,

The broken shield has suddenly been swung open,

There was a thunderstorm, and Luanpo had already hit a sword!

But immediately, another thunderous thunder sounded,

With a glimpse of the apricot sword light, this monk has already scored another sword!

With this sword, the armor was cut open, and the damage was heavier than the previous one!

This Yuan Ying Flower God roared, and the sword tactics urged with all his strength, and backhand slashed a sword towards Commissioner Qian!

The master in this fierce pass completely exceeded his expectations.

The cyan brilliance flashed, and a warhammer rushed towards him with this sword.

Cyan sword light and warhammer touch! "Boom----" A ripple waved away,

The warhammer has been picked up!

"Hurry up!"

The real Xuetian roared at the real swordsman and Qianfeng real person!

The power of the fusion of the three series of rules has completely exceeded Xuetian’s expectations.

The real person of Sword Sword and the real person of Qianfeng, the tactics are reminded, and the whole body armor is swollen!

Slash towards this Yuan Ying Flower God with all his strength!

Xuetian and Luanpo, the sword tactics forcefully urged, suddenly cut out!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

As if there are thousands of thunder explosions,

This Yuanying Flower God has been broken by the real Xuetian, hitting a sword!

The ruled armor of the Yuan Ying Flower God was hit by Commissioner Qian.

Long no longer the power of the original!

Xuetian and Luanpo Jianguang cut!

There was another thunder and fire on this Yuanying Flower God, and the blood had suddenly burst out!

He roared wildly and his sword tactics shook,

The sword tactics of the real man Sword Sword and the real man Qianfeng have been blocked!

"Boom, boom, boom---"

The real person Sajian and Qianfeng once again hit the sword,

Sword Jue urges to send, the body shape is a lot slower!

Apricot shine!


There is another thunder flame on this Yuan Ying Flower God!

He has already rushed out of the Great Meng Pass, and has already rushed to the guardian formation!

When he came in, it was easy to come in and protect the mountain, in his opinion at the moment,

It's like a moat.

As Commissioner Qian said, Commissioner Qian is not a god.

This Yuanying Flower God, even though the three-line rules are integrated, is the same!

Was continuously cut by Yuanying Flower God,

Whether it can overcome this restriction is a question.

He turned around and rushed towards the real Xuetian!

Jian Guangyao shot for nine days!

Touch the snow-colored sword light,

The snow-colored sword light burst out suddenly, like huge fireworks~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boom----"

The battle armor mixed with the flesh and blood on the real Xuetian shot! The apricot sword light swept again!

However, one shield and one block had blocked the sword of Commissioner Qian.

The shield swirled in the air,

This Yuanying Flower God has already rushed into the restriction!


Commissioner Qian said that his figure was shaken and he had already rushed into the ban.

I won the sword of Yuanying Flower God that combines the three rules,

The real Xuetian, only then knows how powerful the three-line rules are integrated!

However, he shook his body and rushed into the formation!

Luan Po Dao Fa urged him and rushed in! (To be continued...)

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