Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2384: Top and best

This is the Taoist book written by Commissioner Qian, who summarized and annotated the jade slips of those ancient monks,

Quinn took it, happy in his heart,

But I saw a few eyes, and looked over.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Commissioner Qian took out a Taoist book, but asked these three-diamond flower **** peak monks to share it.

Quinn smiled and said to these three-diamond flower **** peak monks,

"Let's see it together."

Commissioner Qian stayed here for another few months.

The monks of the Suyun School have never come.

On their side, the three-diamond flower **** peak monk lost several, and along with other golden cores, lost more than ten golden cores.

I dare not send anyone here.

Meng Dali became the supervisor of Tiedingguan.

Meng Dali, very happy.

"It's not a big deal. However, the cooperation between Tianpeng Mountain and the Shanhua plane is not bad, and it will be able to develop a little in the future. I am the pinnacle of the flower **** with three diamonds.

Meng Dali went to find the three-diamond flower **** peak monk at Tianpeng Mountain, chūn by the river,

Let the waiter set up a table of wine and dishes and start the banquet.

The chūn by the river, it seems, is only in his thirties.

"Chūn by the river, in the future, you and I will stay here for a fixed pass. What are your plans?"

Meng Dali said.

Chūn by the river nodded, he and Meng Dali felt the same.

Although Tiedingguan is not big, it is a general manager.

"This is an ironclad, if you want to expand, you have to go there"

The river chūn pointed in the direction of the Mozu.

Turning his head in the opposite direction: ‘over there, it’s difficult for us to get in, it’s too complicated. "

Chūn said by the river.

Meng Dali nodded, "I feel the same way."

While drinking. I started talking again.

Commissioner Qian went back to the big hurdle. Continue to practice.

The wandering knife looked at the white gold in the storage bag. There are already a thousand or several hundred catties,

For a few months,

The black iron ore purchased has all been refined.

These white gold may be enough for Tiangong Temple to refine a ruled magic weapon,

However, Du Yuanying's catastrophe. A magic weapon is not enough.

Wandering Knife knew that in the Tiangong Hall, the more than one hundred golden cores that refined the rule runes were based on the cultivation base during the foundation period. They have been working in the Tiangong Hall. The hall is promoted to Jin Dan.

The monks who joined the Temple of Heaven later did not have a high level of refining techniques. You can't get into their group.

Refining the rules and magic weapons, they first refined it for the more than one hundred cultivators themselves.

Want those more than a hundred golden core monks. The magic weapon for refining rules and sufficient materials must be produced.

Those more than one hundred cultivators will take some materials by themselves, and the rest will be used to refine equipment for you.

The Wandering Knife found Xuan Qianhe,

"I said, these mysterious iron ore, we have to get some, these are not enough to refine the rules and magic weapons.

To the people in Tiangongdian, they will definitely take some away. "

Wandering Knife said,

"My shop for refining materials has been closed. Otherwise, you are not looking for that Yanfu to try."

Xuan Qianhe said,

"For the Yanfu piece, Director Meng asked Aotianjian to take over and give us some of the profound iron ore he bought back."

Wandering knife said.

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Knife were silent, and the Xuan iron ore they bought back,

I want to give a few dollars.

"You haven't looked at the materials brought back from the Qiu Kingdom faction. Those Yuanying Flower Gods on their side knew that the mysterious iron ore contained white gold in the mysterious iron mine. They also extracted it."

Xuan Qianhe said.

Give a piece of jade slip to the wandering knife.

"I haven't read a lot of these materials."

Wandering knife said.

I watched it for a while: "It turns out that the Yuan Ying Flower God used a thousand catties of profound iron ore to extract less than half a catty of white gold after more than a dozen days.

The Yuan Ying Flower God urges Dao Fa for more than ten days. The mana used is supplemented with middle-grade immortal stones, and the price is ten times more than the refined white gold! The Yuan Ying Flower God has no ability to refine it. Therefore, most ordinary monks do not know that these profound iron ore contains white gold. "

Wandering knife said.

"Their craftsmanship of the Yuanying Flower God is just like that. It's better to open up the shop in the Fangshi, while crafting forging and planting.

Just take those iron ore. "

"They know that we belong to the mountain flower plane, and they are afraid of the power of the master's fusion of several elements. I think that we can go to that market.

After reading Master’s Taoist book, some of the problems in cultivation have become clear. This is an ironclad pass, and we can come to practice anytime. "

Xuan Qianhe nodded: "Go, find Ang Tian Hammer."

They found Ang Tian hammer, and Ang Tian hammer slapped his thigh.

"I wanted to say that there are not many people who know that we are the three diamond flower gods in that market.

We open a shop there, forge forging and planting. "

Several people talked with Meng Dali,

After a day, I went straight to the market.

The guards in Nafang City were surprised when they saw Xuan Qianhe and Ang Tian Hammer.

Obviously, these guards have more accurate news.

I know that these are the three-diamond flower **** pinnacle masters who fought against the Qiu State faction.

"I have a friend who wants to open a planting shop."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Okay. Please pay one hundred middle-grade immortal stones."

The guard said in a modest tone.

It’s not that there is no such thing as a good master.

Many casual repairs take this path.

The Wandering Knife took out a hundred middle-grade immortal stones and gave them to the guards,

The guard arranged a nice shop for Wandering Knife.

The Wandering Knife took out some tools used by the planter, and with a stroke, this shop was already open.

The wandering knife placed a pill furnace,

He took out dozens of jade bottles, and marked the xìng energy of various pills.

He had prepared these medicines at Tiedingguan.

Among them, there are some jīng products.

During the foundation period, monks at the summit can be used by Golden Core monks.

Wandering Knife hung a sign: planting alchemy shop.

After a while, the monk came again and took out some medicinal materials. Request to refine the pill.

Wandering Knife told these monks. If you use the mysterious iron ore produced in the mysterious iron mine of the Xuan Gu faction or use the magic weapon made from the mysterious iron ore to pay for alchemy and planting costs, you can get a 30% discount!

Since those Primordial Flower Gods know that there is white gold in those profound iron ore, but according to their Primordial Flower God’s Taoism. It is more difficult to extract white gold.

Wandering Knife simply publicly purchased the ore produced by the mysterious iron ore and used the magic weapon refined from those ore.

"These medicinal materials can be refined into pill in a day."

Wandering Knife took a look, these medicinal materials are a simple pill for Wandering Knife.

These monks nodded and walked towards the jade bottles that were placed.

I saw, "Here, there are more than ten kinds of good medicines."

He turned to the Wandering Sword and asked, "How effective is this cold plain pill used by the monks during the foundation building period?"

The wandering knife brought the jade bottle over. Take out a cold plain pill, these monks took a look.

There is a cloud pattern on the cold pattern pill taken out by the wandering knife!

"The cold pattern pill between the top grade and the best grade?"

These monks were surprised!

The best pill, even if it is the best pill used by the peak monks in the foundation building period, most monks in the foundation building period will never see it in their lifetime.

The best cold pattern pill is more effective in reconciling yīn yang mana,

The possibility of success for advanced Jindan is even greater.

Only the success of the advanced golden core can attract the golden core catastrophe.

The cultivator took out a flying sword and said, "This flying sword, I used more than 6,000 fast profound iron ore in the profound iron ore to make it. How about replacing it with your bottle of cold pill?"

Profound iron, the most common material used by monks in refining magic weapons.

The Wandering Sword took this flying sword,

I took a look at it. Although I have already refined the treasure, it is of the same quality as the iron ore produced in the Xuangushan Xuan Iron Mine.

"it is good"

Wandering knife said.

This wave of monks walked out of the shop. After noon, they wandered around and ate lunch.

Some monks have walked into the shop,

At first glance, the other elixir used by the monks in the foundation-building period were all the elixir that was among the top grades of the river.

He also took out the mysterious iron produced from the mysterious iron ore, the magic weapon that was refined, and exchanged a bottle of the elixir used by the monks at the peak of the foundation stage.

"Wandering knife, why don't you take out the best medicinal materials used by Brother Zhujidan?"

Xuan Qianhe asked.

"The base-building pill between these high-grade he After Tiangongdian has been improved, it is not easy to sell it.

Seriously, use ordinary pill recipes to make the best pill,

I am a three-diamond flower god, it is difficult to do it."

Wandering knife transmits the sound past.

"Using ordinary base-building period pill prescriptions, refining the best pill, and refining the pill with the rules of the Taoist method, it may be refined, and the master will use the rules of the Taoist method to make the pill, and you should be able to."

Xuan Qianhe said,

"I practice rules and Dao Fa, in order to survive the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation,

Yuan Ying hasn't passed the Tribulation, how can he use the rules and methods to refine the pill for the basic monks.

The pill that I use myself is refined by fusion of mystery and Taoism. "

Wandering knife said.

After dinner, the Wandering Sword began to refining the magic weapon in the white gold.

In half a day, he finished refining.

The voice was transmitted to Xuan Qianhe and Ang Tian Hammer: "Xuan Qianhe, Ang Tian Hammer, this magic weapon made with profound iron, white gold can also be refined, but it is far inferior to the one made from profound iron ore. Bai jīng is so gold."

"Indeed, I forged a lot of magic weapons, and received some magic weapons.

The profound iron refined into a magic weapon contains not as much white gold as imagined. "

Ang Tian Chui, he opened a forging shop to refine and collect magic weapons.

Among the mysterious iron magic treasures collected, white gold is no longer as much as mysterious iron ore.

"Received the magic weapon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I was very happy at the beginning. Those magic weapons were made from thousands of pieces of mysterious iron ore.

Refining those magic weapons and refining white gold is far less than imagined. "

Ang Tianchui said.

"If you want to refine a few rules and magic weapons, here, it will take a few years."

Xuan Qianhe said.

However, for more than ten days, all the medicines used by the cultivators during the foundation construction period that were laid out by the Wandering Knife have been sold out.

On this day, a monk, covered in a cloak, arrived in front of the shop of the wandering knife.

It was evening, and there were not many monks in this city.

"Planting or smelting alchemy? Use black iron ore for a discount."

Wandering Knife said, this monk lifted his cloak.

jīng color recommendation:

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