Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2385: Autumn fairy

A delicate face was exposed, with a faint sadness in his eyes. .

It is the maid of the Red Hairpin Villa.

"Qiuxian, is it you?"

Wandering knife said in surprise.

This maid is called Qiuxian,

"The majesty of your Shanhua faction, the first battle at the Qiu Kingdom Villa has cut the Qiu Kingdom Yuanying Flower God.

No wonder, I asked you to be a planter, you are improper, so confident-----"

The maid said, her eyebrows were slightly raised,

Wandering Knife smiled: "Your expression is not less than that of your young lady. It just so happens that it's inconvenient for dinner?"

"Our lady asked me to come, you say, is it not convenient?"

Said the maid.


Hearing Qiuxian's answer, Wandering Dao felt a little disappointed.

Wandering knife closed the shop, and said to the maid: "Qiu Xian, please----"

There are several restaurants in this city, and wandering into one restaurant,

This is set up by a few congenital warriors, but the food is good.

The dude hurriedly greeted him, Xuan Qianhe, Ang Tianhammer, and the shop of Wandering Knife were newly opened.

But it is the most prosperous in this market recently.

The nearby monks in the base construction period, refining materials, refining tools, alchemy,

As long as you have the ability, look for these shops.

Several nearby organizations, Xuangu Mountain and Hongshi Mountain, did not send anyone here.

As a man, he is quite passionate about the Wandering Knife.

"I want the best box."

Wandering knife said.

The man walked into the box with the wandering knife and Qiuxian.

The maid looked at the box. Frowned.

"This kind of small place is not luxurious, but the food is really good."

Wandering knife said.

Man serving,

Qiu Xian took a bite: "Well, yes, this kind of small place has such good dishes."

Just saw it. The wandering knife has already eaten with guts.

"Can you be more refined and elegant? How can you chase after our lady?"

Qiuxian said.


The Wandering Knife smiled: "Qiu Xian, don't you miss me the Wandering Knife?"

"Why don't you think that you are a master at the top of the three-diamond flower god------"

Qiuxian said. .

The wandering knife stopped talking, and continued to eat.

"Master. Why don't you present flowers to our lady? This time, if you go and present flowers to our lady, our lady must be very happy."

Qiuxian said.

"Qiuxian, look at me, I am a planter of medicinal materials. Those who refine medicinal pills have a bit of Taoism and mix with food. You see, this is already the best place in the city, and you feel bad."

Wandering knife said.

"Don't tell me. The flowers you gave to Miss that time are the best flowers I have ever received."

Qiuxian said.

"If you like those flowers. I can also give you some flowers."

With a flick of the wandering knife, a dozen more flowers came out in his hand,

As soon as these flowers came out, the whole room seemed to be vivid, with an indescribable vividness.

"This flower is really good. It can be said that it is the best flower I have ever seen.

Only a hall built with jade can be worthy of this flower. "

Qiuxian took it in surprise.

"The vividness of flowers is not comparable to jade. No matter which building it is placed in, it is the same."

Wandering Knife said, needless to say, this flower was planted by Wandering Knife using Taoism.

Qiu Xian nodded, took out a jade bottle, packed the flower, and collected it with Taoism.

Wandering Knife shook his head, what he said just now is indeed the realm of Taoism.

If Qiu Xian can carefully comprehend, he must have some insights into this flower story.

However, looking at Qiuxian, I admire this flower.

"Master, how useful are you collecting such profound iron ore----"

Qiuxian said.

"This is what your lady asked you to ask?"

Wandering knife said.

Qiuxian said nothing.

Fortunately, Qiu Xian didn't ask him.

Wandering in the knife's heart, I felt a turn.

"Collecting profound iron is of course used to refine formation patterns. Most of the formation patterns of magic weapons use profound iron as the basic material."

Wandering knife said.

"Can you say something new."

Qiuxian said.

"I'm the one who runs a shop. How can I compare to your villas-I just collect some materials to refine magic weapons."

Wandering knife said.

Qiuxian's eyes rolled: "Eat----"

Qiuxian ate it.

"Can you give me your communication rune..."

Qiuxian said.


Wandering Knife gave Qiuxian his communication rune.

After a meal, Qiuxian said goodbye.

Wandering Knife returned to his refinery shop.

Ang Tian Hammer's voice came over immediately: "It's amazing, Wandering Knife, you have only opened the shop for a few days, and that beauty is considered fresh, who is it?"

Xuan Qianhe's voice also came over: "Wandering Knife, a few of us, you are the best. I can't see where the beauty is. Next time let her bring a few beauties over, treat me, please!"


Wandering Knife said: "A meal in a shop opened by a mortal is worth dozens of immortal stones at most! It's worth your request,

She is the maid of the Red Hairpin Mountain Villa, and the Red Hairpin Fairy sent her. "

Wandering knife said.

"Oh-that's the case, why did the red hairpin fairy send someone to come to you again."

Xuan Qianhe.

"Ask me what is the use of a lot of magic weapons."

Wandering knife said.

"I wanted to explore the refining technique--"

Ang Tianchui said.

After a few months, the three collected a lot of platinum,

The monks nearby, many of the monks’ magic weapons were smelted from the mysterious iron produced in that mysterious iron mine.

Wandering Knife has opened a shop here for a year,

These magic weapons have gained a lot.

The communication circle sounded, and at first glance, it was Qiuxian.

"Master, can you help me."

Qiuxian said.

"Go ahead. If I can help, I will definitely help."

Wandering knife said.

"There is a precious plant. It is very important to my cultivation. The fruit of that plant is already ripe. Can you help me regain the three fruits."

Qiuxian said.

"Then plants have this effect?"

Wandering knife said.

"Eating those fruits can increase people's perception."

Qiuxian said.


Wandering Knife stood up.

He has cultivated to the top of the Three Diamond Flower God, although the level of Taoism on the Shanhua plane is quite high,

However, his own perception ability. Also improve.

Otherwise, even if the Taoist book clarified those realms, he might not be able to fully understand it.

Realm perception is not complete, and the power of that law is far behind.

"There is such a fruit, Yuan Ying Flower God is also interested-----"

Wandering knife said.

He knew the existence of this plant.

Last time, during the battle on the blue plane, Biyou Temple gave out this kind of fruit reward.

The plants of Biyou Temple were not cultivated from these plants.

"Only a few golden core cultivators know, these golden core cultivators. They are already there."

Qiuxian said.

"Really?" said the wandering knife.

"Do you think that I've been here for so long here, for nothing?"


"Okay, I'll come over."

Wandering knife said.

"I tell you where the fruit grows, and you take the fruit."

Qiuxian said.

"The fruit belongs to you. The plant belongs to me."

Wandering knife said.

"Then you have a few golden pills. If you can take the plant. Then take it and give me one more fruit."

Qiuxian said,

"it is good----"

After a while, the Wandering Knife pointed at Xuan Qianhe and Ang Tian Chui, "I'm going to have something to do, and I will be back in a few days."

Walked towards the Fang City.

Qiuxian said, this kind of fruit blooms every three hundred years and bears every three hundred years.

One result, but nine fruits,

Giving four fruits to Qiuxian, he wandered around the knife, and he didn't know how many fruits he could get.

There are already several golden core monks guarding there.

The next result will be 600 years later. Wandering Knife estimates that in less than 600 years, he will be able to survive the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation.

The monks of the three-diamond flower gods on the mountain flower plane are almost the same,

In less than 600 years, you can cross the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation,

The perception of the realm of Taoism, the magic weapon of rules, but the key to survive the Nascent Soul Tribulation.

Otherwise, his three-diamond flower god, opened a shop in such a small market, and gave a bunch of foundation-building cultivators refine tools.

Those monks in the base-building stage on the Shanhua plane, he wandered around with swords, and never gave them refining tools or alchemy.

In a boulder in a valley, the ripples swayed, and the wandering knife came out,

As soon as he walked out, the wandering knife took out a magic weapon like a mirror,

The wandering knife stretched out his hand, a magic trick, penetrated into this magic weapon,

The magic weapon turned into a water mirror, and a valley tens of miles away appeared,

In the valley, a few human figures were initially shown.

"Sure enough, there are four Jindan brothers."

The Wandering Knife played several tricks in succession!

A figure in the water mirror has faintly turned green!

"Probably the Four Diamond Flower God."

The Wandering Knife was startled, the magic weapon in his hand was already the best detection magic weapon made by Tiangong Palace.

The Four Diamond Flower God has converged his cultivation base. This magic weapon can only barely be detected. This person may be the Four Diamond Flower God cultivation base.

"I don't know if I can get four fruits."

The wandering knife smiled, no matter how many fruits he got ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he would definitely keep one.

It must be close to the valley, otherwise, the fruit is ripe, but I don’t know if it is far away.

On the water mirror, the wandering knife chose a location,

The escape method urged, but the whole body mana was collected, and it has rushed into the mountain.

In the mountains, the Wandering Knife moved forward slowly, holding up the magic weapon, a brilliance, releasing from the magic weapon.

Within a few miles, under the light of the magic weapon, a prohibition appeared,

This is the restriction placed by those golden cores,

Being covered by this magic weapon's Taoism, this prohibition doesn't move at all!

The Wandering Knife bypassed the prohibition and moved forward slowly.

After traveling a few miles, I found another restriction, which was different from the restriction just now.

After bypassing more than thirty prohibitions in a row, the wandering knife arrived at the predetermined location.

Slowly peeking out of the grass, and looking at the middle of a valley ahead,

A plant is standing, but three feet high, and the surrounding plants seem ordinary,

On the plant, there are six fruits.

Each fruit is light red, but without aroma, it looks like it is not fully ripe.

This kind of fruit, even if you cultivate the mysterious power of the plant, you don’t know when it will be ripe.

The wandering knife can only stay in this bush.

Look at the hidden place of the four diamond flower god, it seems that he did not find himself.

Wandering Knife looked at it while preparing various treasures.

If you want to take a few fruits from these golden core monks, among them there are four diamond flower gods,

It won't work without preparing a few magic weapons. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

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