Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2601: Sponsored by the Department of Agriculture

in the afternoon,

In the wing room of the office lobby on Zhancan Road,

The War Participation Record came out,


An official,

I walked quickly from outside the prefect’s office,

He bowed his hand towards the Zhanfenlu.

"Master Zhan, the official of the Yueting Office, went to Yuanshan County to inspect the Deputy Captain Jian Xianke of the Yuanshan County Patrol Team.

The result of the investigation,

Yuanshan County officials and Yuanshan County patrol captain said,

Jian Xianke, the deputy captain of the patrol team, performed well in his official duties.

The bigger the person said,

This sword cyclist is a suitable candidate to be hosted by the Department of Agriculture. "


The War Participation Record suddenly stood up,

The Yueting Office is the chief official of the Agriculture Office.

I want to promote myself,

First of all, the government official must agree,

The Yueting official did not agree,

How do you ask Tianzhifu to approve?

The prefect said that day,

Yue Ting has other candidates

Participation in this battle, I can't even say.

The Zhan Shenlu said that the sword cyclist is a suitable candidate to be hosted by the Department of Agriculture.

The sword cyclamen, hosted by the Department of Agriculture,

But with great confidence.

"You, go to the Yueting Officer in the evening."

Zhan Shenlu looked at the officials in front of him who came quickly,

This official,

It’s recommended by War Participation Recording,

Those who go to serve as ministers in the Department of Agriculture,

As soon as I heard that the Yueting Office had proposed a new candidate,

He immediately ran over to find the battle and join the recording.


The official gave his hand,

Go back to my office room and sit down,

Looking forward to the sky getting dark quickly.

Let's go to the official Yueteng.

Talk about it.

The sky seemed to pass slowly.

When it got dark, he had eaten,

Picked up a few money tickets and walked out of the house,

When we arrived at the Yueting Official Residence,

The servant of the Yueteng official knew him,

In order to be promoted to this host.

He has been here several times,

When I saw him coming,

One said,

Asked to see the Yuet minister,

The servant of the Yue minister,


He bowed his hand at this little official:

"Sorry, Lord Minister asked me to tell.

Promote the sword cyclist to sit on the official position of this sponsor,

Mr. Xuan said hello. "

This little official listened.

It's cold all over,

Mr. Xuan said hello.

Isn't that the prefect greeted him.

This official is standing,

The servant of the Yueteng official went in,

This official turned around and walked back,

Walking slowly,

Host in the hall,

For people like Tianzhifu and Zhan Sanlu,

But a small official,

For such ordinary officials,

It can take a certain number of years,

Walked for a long time,

He gets faster,

Arrived at the gate of the house where the war participated,

He bowed his hand to the servant who participated in the war,

"Master Zhan asked me to do things during the day,

I will reply.

The servant went in to report,

After a while,

The servant came out,

Arched his hand towards him,

This official went in,

In the hall,

The war participant is sitting.

This official enters,


He bowed his hand towards the war participation record,

Tell me about the record of the visit,

A record of war participation,

Has an angry face,

Stood up,

"Then Tianzhifu wants to promote the sword cyclist?"

Tianzhifu took office,

The first refuted,

But it’s the recommendation of my own promotion,

This is simply a slap in the face of Zhan Sanlu,

I walked back and forth for a while,

Waved at the official,

"You go back first, I think of a way."

This official bowed his hand towards the war participation record,

Walked out of the War Participating House,

He has served as a small official in the state capital for many years,

The prefects have met several times,

Needless to say,

His promotion this time,

Can't get up.

Sure enough, the next day,

Yueting Officer,

Just wrote an official document,

I'm afraid that people will send it to the war participant record,

Open the Zhancang Road,

The content is,

In view of the excellent performance of Jian Xianke, the deputy captain of Yuanshan County Patrol Team,

Suggest a post hosted by the Gu Songzhou Agriculture Department,

Jian Xianke, the deputy captain of the Yuanshan County Patrol Team.

Although knowing,

This official document will come sooner or later.

The record of war participation is still squeezed!

Yue Tingguan is a counselor,

I usually nod my head to say hello,

Now, working against me,

Cursed in my mouth for a long time,

He took this official document,

Give it to the little official standing beside,

"Send it to Tianzhifu in a few days."

The little official took the official document and nodded.

he knows,

This is Zhan Zhifu regaining some face for himself.

In order to be displayed in front of the officialdom of the state capital,

He fights the prefect,

It is not a corner that can be circumvented casually.

the next day,

A small official came again,

He bowed his hand towards the war participation record,

This little official is in the prefect's yamen,

Serving the prefect,

He looked at Zhan Zhifu,

Blinking eyes,

"Master Zhan, Tianzhifu asked me to come over and ask about things hosted by the Department of Agriculture.

What's going on. "

"Under discussion."

The War Participation Record said.

This official babbled for a long time,

Only then came out,

"Tianzhifu said, Master Zhan, hurry up.

Don't delay official business. "

"Got it!"

The War Participants were furious!

The little official turned around and left,

If the prefect wants to tell, can you not say?

The more I thought about the record, the more angry I got,

After a long time,

It's just a promotion of a small official,

If it can't be done,

Zhan Sanlu sat down again.

He has this official rank.

There are so many people who come up to please.

There is no need for promotion for a small official.

Go and compete with the prefect.

The next day, Zhan Sanlu sent the official document of the Yueting Office to a person,

Send it to the prefect.

On the official document of the Yueting official,

The War Participation Record did not oblique any opinions,

Ang Tian hammer swipes a big pen,

Do the same, a few big words,

It has been written on the official document.

After a long time,

This official document,

It has been transferred to the desk of the vice prefect.

Lord Jun looked at this official document,


Of course he knew the whole thing.

"Whether it's so easy to record the war with the prefect, how can it be so easy?"

With a stroke of his pen, he wrote in agreement,

In a few days,

The sword cyclist has reached the state capital.

The office started at the seat sponsored by the Agriculture Department.

this day,

"Mr. Xuan. Do you want to take the entire Gu Songzhou, a county suitable for planting fruit trees,

Which fruit trees are commonly planted? "

Ang Tian Chui said to Mr. Xuan,

"Tian adults, a county suitable for planting fruit trees,

Just those few mountain counties.

The grown-up’s plant hall is not suitable to be taken out.

The state capital is no better than the county,

There are people from all walks of life.

People in the temple, I heard in the state government, there are stationed. "

Mr. Xuan said.

Mr. Xuan said,

Ang Tian Chui was surprised,

He thought of the Garden Wave Plane Joint Committee,

Garden Wave Plane Joint Committee,

To the officials of the mortal country,

It cannot be interfered.


If you are near the state capital,

Using the plant hall, this kind of magic weapon with the power of ordinary Yuanying Taoism,

Garden Wave Plane Joint Committee,

You can ask.

Ang Tian Chui, the prefect, was well appointed,

He didn't want to deal easily with the people of the Yuanpa plane official committee.

"Mr. Xuan, Daqingshan County, in Gu Songzhou,

The only counties left without official roads,

I think the road leading from the state capital to Daqingshan County should be built.

What do you think Gai does? "

Both Ang Tianchui and Mr. Xuan knew,

The roads in Daqingshan County are not so simple.

"Master Tian, ​​this is a good decision.

All prefectures build passageways,

It can be reported immediately, and the relevant department should be sent to investigate. "

Mr. Xuan said,

"Master Tian can hand this matter over to the War Participants Recorder.

The Lord of Heaven has already decided, and it's okay to record the war participation. "

Mr. Xuan said,

Ang Tian Chui was happy,

"That's right, Mr. Xuan, write an article and send it to the deputy prefect.

Then send it to the war participant record. "

After a while,

Mr. Xuan wrote an official document,

In the official document,

Whether the roads in Daqingshan County are repaired,

It is related to the well-being of the people in Qingshan County.

Up and down the state capital,

All should work hard to build roads through Daqingshan County.

Ang Tian hammer took a look,


"Well, this official document, the writing is magnificent."


Write your name on the official document.

this day,

The young official on duty in the prefect lobby came again.

Holding a copy of the official document to record the war participation,

Take a look at the record of war participation,

I want to jump up!

"Want me to ask Daqingshan to build a road?

In the state capital, who doesn’t know,

Daqingshan, there may be powerful monks,

The master of the state patrol department,

I went to Daqingshan several times,

Most of it changed----"

The war participant's face was distorted.

The official next to him gave his hand,

"Master Zhan, implement the decision of the prefect,

But your duty. "


The decision made by the prefect,

Need to participate in the implementation,

In this way, the benefits of participating are absolutely indispensable.


This big green hill builds a road,

Is it a good place?

"You organize people to go to Daqingshan to implement road construction."

The War Participation Record said to the official next to him,


How did this official think,

He arched his hands and said a few words,

War Participation Record gave himself this glorious task!

As prefect,

I have sent people to Daqingshan County for more than a dozen inspections!

of course,

As long as you don’t build roads in Daqingshan,

To investigate, take a stroll,

Generally it is relatively smooth.


As soon as the War Participants Record said something,

He has only one hand,

Turned and walked out of the hall,

Organize manpower,

The inspection items are arranged.

The war participant is sitting,

Distorted face,

I can't stand the official documents anymore,

As the prefect,

He just built roads for this great green mountain,

More than 30 masters of the state patrol department were killed in battle,

Received a lot of punishment.

The incumbent prefect responded to inquiries,

Write an official document,

The record of war participation is unfavorable,

This sentence,

Participating in the war took a certain responsibility.

The prefect’s decision,

Not all decisions are implemented,

Can bring benefits to participating in this position.

This time,

The prefect of Gu Songzhou didn’t get it.

And this thing,

There is no small relationship.

War participation records are already active,

Ready to go to other states,

Served as deputy prefect.

Participate in the record as deputy prefect,

But he was promoted to half a level.

The hopes of participating in the war and being promoted are all lowered.

The strong in Daqingshan County~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Whether it is a human or a demon,

He didn't want to control his participation in the war.

Where did you think,

It has only been a few months since Tianzhifu took office,

He took Daqingshan to build roads,

Come out and say something.

Daqingshan road construction,

If, this time, something happens again,

He has to take responsibility for participating in the recording!

Send them a few inspections first,

Put this matter aside,

I'll be promoted to deputy prefect as soon as possible,

Issue an official document to the county official of Daqingshan County,

Notify state officials,

Will come to investigate.

The palindrome of the county official of Daqingshan County is ready,

After half a month,

The expedition team from the prefectural yamen set off.

Only three days have passed,

This evening,

The War Participation Record considered,

The people who went to the event have returned,

Transferred to another state as deputy prefect,

Promotion to half rank,

This thing,

It’s said above, it’s very likely,


Of course it refers to the deputy prime minister.

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