Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2602: Dao Fa Raid


The footsteps of camels,

It rang quickly.

Stopped toward the house where the war participated,

A person came quickly,

I said a few words to the porter,

This person has come in,

Walked towards the study room where the Zhan Participant was standing.

The man was standing outside the study,

Shouted towards the study room,

"Master Zhan!"

It was an official who participated in the recording,

Come here so late?

"Come in."

The War Participation Record said.

An official came in at the door,

It is the clerical staff who participated in the recording.

He bowed his hand towards the war participation record,

"Sir, please go to Daqingshan County to contact the road construction officials,

On the way back, three people died in a landslide,

One person runs fast because of the camel beast,

Has returned to the state capital, and now, in the state capital office. "


War Participant Record stood up,

The sweat on my face came out,

As prefect,

The road began to be built, and only then began to die,

This time,

But to investigate,

Casualties began to occur.

This time, there were casualties,

Is his subordinate,

He has to bear a lot of this responsibility----.

"Go---Go to the prefect Yamen."

The war participation record quickly changed into the official uniform,

Get out of the house.

The porter has drove a big car over,

The war participant was recorded on the car,

The officials who came to report followed on a camel.

Towards the government office, drove quickly.

Arrived at the prefect Yamen.

one look.

Officials working in the prefect yamen.

It's all here.

The war participant entered the lobby,

one look,

Tianzhifu and Jun deputy prefect,

Already sitting in the lobby,

Sit down,

Looking at the face of Ang Tianchui,

Appears more concerned.

"It's all your gods, good things mixed together!"

War participation recorded resentment thought.

The officials brought tea.

The Yueting officer walked in.

After a while, several other ministers walked in.

"When this happened, I am very sorry, everyone said,

What should be done. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

This is what Mr. Xuan said.

This kind of thing is handled collectively.

"I think, first send a patrol team on a floating airship to visit Daqingshan County."

Said the vice prefect.

No one can be happy when this happens.

"Yeah. The deputy governor is right.

First send a patrol team to take a look on the airship. "

The Yueting official said,

.We discussed for a while,

Let the patrol team take a look and write a general situation.

Report to it again,

Three officials died,

It must be reported to the above.

Gave an order to the patrol team,

The party in the lobby disperses.

Ang Tian hammer returned to his room,

Reach out,

Has urged the communication circle,

The influence of Aotian Sword appeared,

"You saw it there, how?"

Ang Tianchui said.

Three people died as soon as Ang Tianchui received,

Immediately let Aotian Sword and Jian Xuantian go to the scene to check,

This task was arranged by Ang Tian Hammer,

There is the peak monk of the diamond flower god,

Of course you need to.

"Brother Tian, ​​we saw it, it's rules and Daofa,

Taoism attainments are similar to yours. "

When Ang Tianchui heard this, his face changed.

Taoism attainments are similar to my own,

Isn’t that the four-diamond flower **** who has practiced the rules of Taoism?

Daqingshan County has four diamond flower gods who practice rules and Taoism?

Ang Tian hammer, the shock was not light!

It's not easy to be the prefect of ancient Songzhou.

Not far from the prefect Yamen,

Is the resident of the Patrol Department,

The patrol hall has a square with a radius of one hundred feet,

It was built for the flying craft.

A sixty-foot-long airship is showing off its wealth on the square,

Different mysterious runes flashed on the surface of the airship.

The patrol officer walked into the airship,

More than 30 patrolmen from the ancient Songzhou state capital followed,

The airship took off slowly,

Nearby, many people watched the airship take off.

Inside the airship, everyone looked serious.

After a while,


The patrol officer said.

He was the peak monk during the foundation period,

This three-diamond airship at the top of the flower god,

He urged it to go smoothly.

"Just look at the method of urging the airship.

We are the same on the airship. "

next to,

A monk in the early days of foundation construction said,

He is the deputy colonel of the Gusongzhou Patrol Team,

In this world of all kinds of monks,

The requirements for the patrol team's cultivation level,

Gradually improved,

This is a rigid requirement of the cabinet,

and so,

At the beginning of this foundation construction period,

The relationship is not extensive,

But he was able to become the deputy colonel of the Gusongzhou Patrol Department,

"College Gu, Deputy Colonel Qiu is right--"

next to,

Members of the Patrol Office,

Immediately go along.

Colonel Gu looked at him with embarrassment:

"Since everyone said that,

I won’t go down, launch the airship Dao method,

I have taken this responsibility for everyone. "

This said,

The members of the Gu Songzhou Patrol Department cheered,

Captain Autumn pouted,

I made this proposal,

These patrolmen,

But cheered for your ancient school officer.

The ancient school officer urged the post with both hands,

On the airship,

Dao Fa began to flicker.

the next day,

An official document has been submitted,

Landslides are natural causes.

of course.

The chief official of Gu Songzhou. One end.

Just report according to this official document,

Within a few days, the official document issued by the staff,

I have participated in the battle,

He verbally reprimanded the Tianzhifu and the Jun and deputy prefects.

Other ministers,

Regardless of their business,

No processing.

Tianzhifu and Jun deputy prefect,

Sure enough, there is a background.

Oral reprimand, count as a ball.

The officials of Gu Songzhou said.


The war participation record is miserable.

I remembered it, but it was written in official documents,

It’s completely different from verbal reprimand.

Zhan Sanlu felt depressed,

he knows,

The staff, but the emperor is in charge.

Not the deputy prime minister’s territory,

This punishment. Had to suffer.

He sent another servant out,

After half a month,

The servant came back,

Holding an envelope in both hands,

I gave it to the war participation record,

Take a look at the record of war participation,

This is a reply from Mr. Deputy Prime Minister.

Open the envelope and take a look,

This time there is a vacancy in the deputy prefect of a state,

Someone else has been appointed,

Deputy Prime Minister, can't speak.

Because of this punishment,

The transfer of deputy prefect,

I'll talk about it in a year.

War participation recorded in my heart,

I just roared wildly,

He has been participating in the recording for such a long time,

Official affairs,

of course I know,

There is a shortage of deputy prefects in a state,

Several forces are staring at it,

This year the deputy prefect is vacant,

The deputy prime minister has arrived,

He can be appointed to participate in the recording,

After a year,

If another deputy prefect is vacant,

This prime minister may not be able to get it.

Even if the deputy prime minister gets another deputy prefect position after a year,

The deputy prime minister’s doorman,

There are many,

This prefect,

It’s not necessarily possible to come here for his participation in the war,

War participation record thought,

Within a few years,

I can’t be promoted to deputy prefect,

The prefect of the state, not to mention.

Sky Hammer------

The faces of the war participants were distorted,

Disturbed the rank of his deputy prefect!

That's annoyed during the war.

The officialdom of the ancient Songzhou state capital,

all know,

There may be powerful monks in Daqingshan County,

and so,

For Daqingshan County,

You can't be blamed for participating in the war.

He was angry,

The blame is on the prefect of Tianhammer.

Sat for a long time,

It's getting late,

War participated in the recording and walked out of the house.

after a few days,

Ang Tianchui was looking at the Taoist book he took from Cai Lizhu Bo.


An official came in quickly,

Ang Tianchui took a look,

This official,

But it was the official next to the deputy prefect,

Helping the deputy prefect.

This official,

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer.

"Master Tian, ​​yesterday, the dam constructed by Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan collapsed.

Ten young men died,

It is said that,

By this morning,

The dam was repaired. "


Ang Tianchui stood up,

"Where is the craftsman responsible for supervising the repair of the dam?"

The official said: "The craftsman responsible for repairing the dam is fine."

Ang Tianhammer nodded: "That's good, thank you, the deputy prefect, for wanting to tell."

The official gave his hand,

Out of the lobby of the prefect of ancient Songzhou.

Ang Tian hammer thought,

Has urged the communication circle,

The image of the golden fruit shadow of Ang Tian hammer appeared,

Ang Tianchui told the story again.

"You go there and have a look."

Ang Tian Chui said,


He wanted Aotian Sword and Jian Xuantian to take a look,


In Daqingshan County, there is a four-diamond flower **** who practices the Taoism

The cultivation base of Aotian Sword and Jian Xuantian,

But the pinnacle of Flower God.

With a thought,

Let your own golden core and golden fruit shadow dispatch.

The shadow of Golden Core and Golden Fruit of Ang Tian Hammer,

Although it is an ordinary Jindan cultivation base,

However, the realm of Taoism,

But it is the same as the main body of Ang Tian Hammer.

A big river flows,

one place,

Crowd surging,

Various construction materials are transported to the dam,

This place,

Within a few miles,

It's all swampy.

Transport materials must be detoured,

far away,

A bush,

A wave of fluctuations,

A middle-aged man has walked out of the grass,

This person,

It is the shadow of the golden core and golden fruit of Ang Tian hammer,

He walked quickly towards the construction site,

Let go of God's mind fully,

Within tens of miles,

All the fluctuations,

All have been incorporated into his spiritual thoughts.

"The river and the sea are no better than the land----"

Walked a few miles,

From this blue river, Ang Tian hammer,

I really didn’t notice the fluctuation of Dao Fa's casting,

Ang Tianchui’s water system skills,

But far inferior to the wandering knife,

His mind turned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and simply turned to the swamp formed by the gap.

The water system fluctuations and water system fluctuations throughout the swamp,

All included the image of the shadow of the golden fruit,

In an instant,

A picture appeared in the palace of the shadow of the golden fruit,

This picture,

As if all painted by various fluctuations,

Ancient Songzhou Prefecture Yamen,

The servants of Uncle Xuan’s house and Uncle Quan’s house,

I have finished talking about the breach of the embankment,

"The wave was too strong, for a while,

We can't stop it at all.

Those craftsmen who supervised the river craftsman,

It was the congenital warriors of several supervisors who rescued the embankment with all their strength. "

The servant of Uncle Xuan said,

"Understood, you go down and talk to the people from the vice prefect."

Ang Tian Chui said,

After dinner,

Ang Tian hammer returned to his room,

Dao Fa urges,

Has escaped from Gu Songzhou.

The defensive method on the ancient Songzhou city wall,

Unless there is a big battle,

Generally not open,

After a while,

Ang Tian Hammer has obtained all the information seen by the Golden Core and Golden Fruit Shadow Painting.

Back to my room,

"It should be water system law."

Ang Tian Chui said,

However, the shadow of the golden core and golden fruit of Ang Tian hammer,

Can't see at all,

Where did the Dao Fa of the water system come from?

The landslides in Daqingshan County,

Ang Tian hammers away,


The dam on the clear water bank collapsed,

Ang Tian Hammer can't ignore it. (To be continued...)

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