Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2603: Wandering knife shot

Ang Tian Chui thought for a long time,

Only to find the Wandering Knife shot,

Among the four diamond flower gods set up in Renhefang City,

Wandering Knife's water system Taoism attainments are the highest.レm♠思♥路♣客レ high quality update

Ang Tian Hammer urged the communication circle,

The influence of the wandering knife emerged,

Drinking tea leisurely.

"Ang Tian Hammer, it's been a few years,

What is your chance looking for? "

Wandering knife said with a smile.

Ang Tian Hammer flickered,

Has been replaced by a prefect,

"Look for yourself."

Wandering around the knife,

stand up,

The eyes widened.

"You look like an official uniform?

Haven't seen an official in a few years? "

"Prefect, manage a state, not bad."

Ang Tian Hammer flickered,

I set up to look at thousands of miles of rivers and mountains,

The look of pride in his hand.

"Manage a state? Then, find a place suitable for the golden core monks to practice,

It's totally possible. "

Wandering knife said.

"I'll talk to you."

Ang Tian Hammer took the situation of Gu Songzhou,

Speaking about the Wandering Knife,

"A state, there are so many masters?"


Wandering knife was surprised,

"I will talk to Xuan Qianhe and come over immediately."

The wandering knife closed the communication circle,


Did not ask the wandering knife,

How much of the mysterious iron ore has been collected?

Ang Tian Chui thought.

"Ang Tian Hammer has become the prefect.

I said, he became the prefect. The person who can drive.

A lot more than the plane of mountain flowers. "

Xuan Qianhe listened.

Stand up, eyes light up. High quality update

The Wandering Knife walked around Xuan Qianhe a few times,

"Xuan Qianhe, I usually look at you as a hermit,

When I heard of being an official, I became interested. "

Wandering knife said.

Xuan Qianhe smiled: "Wandering Knife, you are a real master hermit,

The three of us. Your heart is the lightest,


After such a long time, even Qiu Xian hasn't gotten soaked. "

Xuan Qianhe said like this,

Wandering Knife's face was chattering.

"Where did I know that Qiu Xian has advanced to Jin Dan,

The requirements have increased a lot. "

Wandering knife said.

Xuan Qianhe's mouth moved,

I didn’t say anything,

The wandering knife grabbed Xuan Qianhe and pushed it out.

"Go, help Ang Tian Hammer to get that thing done.

Don't mention my business. "

Under the starlight,

A fiery red escape light. A burst of green light,

Fast in the air,

Has flown more than a hundred miles,

The sky through which this escape light flies,

Only then came the thunderous knock.

However, thousands of feet in the air,

Ordinary people can't see it at all,


But a mortal country,

How can I block the escape of the Four Diamond Flower God from entering?

"Ang Tianchui became the prefect, not bad.

It would be great if I could be a county magistrate,

In the past few days, it’s normal to buy black iron ore containing white gold,

It is perfectly possible to put the shadow of Jindan Jinguo in Renhefang City for collection. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Xuan Qianhe, can't see,

You are quite interested in being an official. "

Wandering Knife said,

"You saw the Antian hammer,

Manor planting medicinal materials that increase spiritual thoughts and harmonize yīn yang mana,

There are several places. High-quality updates are here

Gain a lot,

Of course I want to be an official,"

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Well, even the advanced Nascent Soul Flower God,

There are more medicinal materials that need to increase divine consciousness and harmonize yīn yang mana. "

Wandering knife said.

It's past midnight,

The flaming escape light and the green sè escape light,


The state capital of Ancient Songzhou,

Has appeared in front,

"Tell Ang Tian to hammer out."

Xuan Qianhe opened the communication circle,

After a while,

A deep yellow escape light,

Has rushed out of the ancient Songzhou Mansion.

In an instant,

Has rushed into the air.

Xuan Qianhe looked at Ang Tian hammer,

"Ang Tianhammer, okay, it's only a few years,

The prefect became a beauty and married,

If you have time, help my county official. "

"If you want to be a magistrate, at least you have to start from the staff below.

are you going? "

This said,

Xuan Qianhe shook his head.

"I'm with you, you become a prefect, and I'm a clerk?"

"You don't want to serve others as a small official?"

Ang Tian Chui said,

Is already the four diamond flower god,

Of course there is this spectrum.

"In this way, in a few days, Gu Songzhou will have a child examination.

I will help you arrange, you go to test a talent,

When you become a talent, you can test your candidates.

Are you sure? "

Ang Tian Chui said,

I have been in officialdom for a few years,

Got into the prefect,

Of course, many things in the officialdom are clear.

"The Taoist books are more mysterious than mortal books,

Is it a ball? "

Xuan Qianhe curled his mouth.

Said towards the wandering knife,

"Wandering Knife, you also come to test a Juren from Gu Songzhou,

It is much easier to have Ang Tianchui as the prefect of Gusongzhou.

To the officialdom of other countries,

It's not so easy. "

The wandering knife nodded: "Okay----"

"That's it, let's go to the breach."

Ang Tianchui said.

The figure is vertical, turning into escape light,

Speeding towards the distance.

After a while,

The three have reached the breach,

The construction team organized by Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan,

Under the regulations of the craftsman,

Still continuing to build dams.

The three of them checked the swamp a few miles around,

"Yes, this is a powerful water system Dao magic cast.

However, the casting distance is very long,

It looks like a natural big wave. "

Wandering knife said.

One step,

Has walked into Bihe,

Bihe separated immediately,

To make a space,

"The rushing river flows against the flow---"

Wandering Knife said,

My hands turned into mysterious magic arts,

Hit a mysterious rune,

This mysterious rune,

There are three hundred thousand strokes.

Once this rune is played,

Turned into thousands of waves,

Rushed towards the distance.

After a cup of tea time,

Wandering Knife put away the tactics,

"The cast distance is four hundred miles away, but a few days have passed,

I only know the approximate place where the spell is cast,

The caster himself,

Hard to find. "

Ang Tian Hammer and Wandering Knife knew,

This is already the limit of the Wandering Sword Water System Dao Law.

The river water rushes every moment.

It is not comparable to land.

"Four hundred miles away, isn't that in Nanxuanzhou anymore?"

The terrain of ancient Songzhou,

Near a third of the place, a small plain,

There are rivers on the plains and the crop yields are high,

The state capital of Ancient Songzhou,

Is located on this plain,

From the state capital to Nanxuanzhou,

Just small hills,

Other places are all mountains.

From this place where Uncle Xuan and Uncle Quan were constructing,

In the past four hundred miles,

Has left Gu Songzhou,

Arrived in Nanxuanzhou.

"I'm here as the state capital, Nan Xuanzhou will make trouble!"

Ang Tianchui said,

His face was distorted.

"Let's go to Nanxuanzhou to see---"

"it is good---"

Wandering Knife reaches out for a reminder!

The space where the three people are,

Move quickly in the Bihe,

The more you head towards Nanxuanzhou,

The wider the river channel.

Out of Gusongzhou,

Bihe is already ten miles wide,

The space where the three people are,

I stopped at one place~www.wuxiaspot.com~here,

Deep place,

There are already hundreds of feet!

"The place to cast the spell is here,

There may already be a big demon here,

It is completely possible to cultivate the water system and the mystery of the earth system. "

"If the cast is the big demon of the Four Diamond Flower God,

We can find it nearby,

If it is a human monk,

I can't find it,

As soon as they came out of the water, they didn't know which country to fly to. "

Wandering knife said.

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