Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2621: Outlook

"Then you go talk to Mr. Xuan.

You and Mr. Xuan have the best relationship. "

The Minister of Industry said.

At that time, there was a meeting on diverting rivers to create fields,

To the different attitudes of Yinhe to create land,

Let each minister,

The relationship with Ang Tian Hammer has changed.

Some have got close to Ang Tian Chui,

Some have estranged from Ang Tian Chui.

"Well, I'll go talk to Mr. Xuan."

The Yueting official said,

Walked into Mr. Xuan’s office lobby,

He Xuan said,

Mr. Xuan thought,

The relationship with this person

Obviously there is no need to mess up,

This person from Tianzhifu,

Is a monk himself,

Rich again.

In Gu Songzhou, it seems that there is not much demand.

Ang Tian Hammer is in Gu Songzhou,

The manor where he bought medicinal herbs,

It was purchased by the Golden Core Golden Fruit Shadow of Ang Tian Hammer,

The shadow of Golden Core and Golden Fruit of Ang Tian Hammer,


In Gu Songzhou, he is already a small squire.

Mr. Ta Xuan,

In Gu Songzhou,

But there are a lot of requests.

Whether you can be the leader depends on the accumulation in Gu Songzhou.

Mr. Xuan contacted Mr. Nan,

Have talked with Mr. Nan several times,

I am a little hesitant about being the master,


Several prefects of Ang Tianchui,

What Mr. He Xuan got,

Not worse than being the master.

Mr. Nan, didn't he join the presidency?

He is different from the chaser.

These thoughts,

It flashed quickly in Mr. Xuan's heart.

Mr. Xuan walked towards the office lobby where the Zhan participated in the recording,

Walked into the office lobby,

Hand over,

Officer Ke Ting,

I'm talking about the treat.

Record the war participation.

Nodded: "Okay, let's participate together."

Since there is hope for the achievements of diverting water to create land,

War participation is recorded as participation.

Be able to get a share of this political achievement.

It is beneficial to the war participation record.


The oral reprimand received,

Compared with the merit of this point,

Of course, it’s the political achievements of farming that shine even more,

in this way. He won't let it go,

Will not have a drink with the ministers.

Everyone went to the restaurant together.

Good wine and good food served,

Eat well.

"Mr. Xuan, the fields built by the Bihe River in Gu Songzhou,

If it can maintain a three-year high yield,

The total output in three years is enough.

Report to the cabinet, raise the embankment of Bihe,

It is entirely possible to send monks to perform Taoism. "

The Yueting official said,

"Yeah. There are a lot of refugees from the area occupied by the demons.

An order from the Biyou Temple came from the Yuanpa Plane Committee,

each country,

Have to accept some,

The demand for crops has greatly increased,

If fields are built on the banks of the Bi River, crop yields will increase greatly,

The emperor and the cabinet will be very happy. "

Said the minister of engineering.

Once the cabinet is willing to pay,

Increase the embankment of Bihe River,

Send monks to strengthen with Taoism,

The field beside Bihe,

May become a permanent good field-----

"I don't know how the flood season of Bihe will be in the coming year----"

An official said,

The ministers here,

They all looked at Mr. Xuan,

I want to get from him, the gentleman of Tianzhifu,

Inquire about some situations!

The record of participating in the war was even more tempting when I heard it.

If this blue river flood season,

Can be stable for three years,

The crop has enough output,

Get the approval of the cabinet,

Appropriation to raise the embankment of Bihe,

No matter what happens to Tianzhifu,

He participated in the recording,

Promoted to deputy prefect,

absolutely okay.

"This, I really don't know,

I have to ask Tianzhifu to find out. "

Mr. Xuan said,

He really didn't know.

Seeing everyone looking over,

Looking at the vision of Zhan Sanlu,

Also became interested,

Mr. Xuan suddenly knew,

If the flood season of Bihe River can last for several years,

The benefits of this ------

Mr. Xuan himself,

never thought before,

The water in this Bihe is stable and can last for several years!

Mr. Xuan took a sip of wine!

This is just a small banquet,

Once the banquet is over,

Mr. Xuan quickly rushed to the prefect Yamen,

The servant immediately went in to report.

Mr. Xuan sat hard in the living room,

I feel a little excited.

After a while,

Ang Tian hammered into the living room,

Mr. Xuan bowed his hand: "Tian adults, may I ask,

The water in this Bihe is stable, how many years can it last?

The ministers are very concerned. "


According to the words of the minister of engineering,

Said it again.

Mr. Xuan looked at Ang Tian Hammer.

In this world of monks,

The Bihe River is rising year by year,

Suddenly one day,

No more water,

People like ministers,

Thought of it immediately

This may be related to a powerful monk!

"Three years of high yield, can you get the appreciation of the cabinet?"

Ang Tian Chui was surprised,

"It's mainly the newly added water diversion for farmland,

Once the dam is raised, it can be turned into a permanent field. "

Mr. Xuan said.

"In this way, do you buy a lot of these fields?"

Mr. Xuan shook his head.

"not much."

It turned out that Mr. Xuan found a lot of documents to watch,

I also asked several ministers in Gu Songzhou,

Everyone thinks,

This field,

It’s well built and can last for a few years,

That's hard to say.

Although the ministers, Mr. Xuan,

To take some of these newly created fields,



Mr. Xuan didn't take much.

"Okay, then let me tell you, you can definitely guarantee a three-year high yield."

Ang Tianchui said confidently to Mr. Xuan.


Mr. Xuan said,

Walking out of Ang Tian Chui's living room,

the next day,

But out of the state capital,

I bought some new fields by the Bihe River,

Mr. Xuan bought some new fields,

The news spread,


Among the officials of Gu Songzhou,

Only an official from the Ministry of Industry and Trade followed up.

I bought a lot of new fields by the Bihe River,

Other ministers, but bought a little bit more.

It's just a symbolic follow-up.

Maybe Mr. Xuan is confident,


Other ministers followed up symbolically,

It is to show the support of the prefect of the team.

This field beside Bihe,

Can it remain unresolved for three years,

These ministers thought,

It's not necessarily true.

After a few days, rest,

Ang Tian hammers the method to escape,

I have reached the Bihe River not far from the ancient Songzhou state capital,

Dao Fa urges,

The space appears in the Bihe,

Speeding towards Tianbidong.

But half tea time,

He has arrived at Tianbi Cave Mansion.

Once in Tianbidong Mansion,

The water trap greeted him,

Full of enthusiasm.

"My lord, a fierce battle broke out in Gunwenjiang!

I heard that a few monks under King Guan Dao were killed in battle!

King Guan Dao, he didn't come to me and ask me to send water. "

The water beast said,

A master of swordsmanship,

The water trap can't deal with it,

What's more, under King Guan Dao,

There are more than a dozen golden core monks.


It is said that,

A group of facade people rushed over,

Yuanying Flower God, the master of Guandao who practiced rules and Taoism,

With more than a dozen Jindan men,

Defeated by the opponent,

It is said that,

King Guan Dao's Jindan ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ killed five!

In the heart of the water beast,

The ability of Ang Tian hammer,

It has improved a lot!

"Oh, maybe King Guan Dao is in conflict with others, it has nothing to do with me."

Ang Tianchui said.

The water beast smiled.

"If your lord orders, just say it."

The water beast said,

"Well, in the past three years, we must maintain the absolute stability of Bihe in Gusongzhou."

Ang Tianchui said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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