Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2622: Jiangzhongdongfu

"Well, if there is no strong Yuan Ying to enter Bihe,

Within three years,

I will definitely be able to keep the Bihe River stable. "

The water beast said,

Ang Tianhammer really sighed the strength of this ancient alien beast.

A flood season maintains a stable river for hundreds of miles,

Ang Tian Hammer couldn't do it himself.

King Guan Dao,

With a dozen golden pills,

It’s only a few hundred miles away from Tianbi Cave,

The water beast could safely occupy the Tianbi Cave.

"You plant spells are good,

The effects of those centuries-old fruits of water mystica have increased. "

Said the water beast.

The cultivation base has reached a certain strong monk,

There are quite a lot of medicinal materials needed.

I have to practice,

If there are not many apprentices,

You need to search for medicinal materials on various planes yourself,

How can there be so much time,

of course,

Planting medicinal materials is indispensable.


Ang Tian Chui looked,

Inside the Bidong this day,

Except for those water mystic grasses, there are not many other spiritual grasses planted.


The plants of this water trap are so mysterious.

Ang Tian hammer thought,

Bring out a book,

Toward this water-splitting beast.

"This is a plant book, you hold it."

The water beast is equivalent to a casual repair among humans,

Taoism is not easy to get.

As soon as I got this plant book, I read it,

Not bad.

I can definitely make my own plant Taoism,

Improve a lot.

Then a smile appeared on his face,

Thanks again and again.

This book,

It’s just a part of Ang Tian Hammer’s perception of the battle spirit root planted on the mountain flower plane,

It is a synthesis of some Taoisms written in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion on the Shanhua Plane.

Ang Tian Hammer walked out of Tianbi Cave Mansion,

Dao Fa urged, the space appeared, and he returned to the prefect of Gu Songzhou.

This time,

From spring to autumn.

The officialdom of the prefect of ancient Songzhou is relatively peaceful.

There is no new gold core on the plane of mountain flower,

Go to Ang Tian Hammer to be an official,

Ang Tian Hammer is not needed, so he will arrange officials to worry about.

The rank of deputy captain in the county,

It's not so easy to free up.

Don't give Brother Jindan, worry about the position of deputy captain in the county.

The official field of Ang Tian Hammer team Gu Songzhou,

No need to toss.

Brother Jindan on Huoluo Mountain,

All of them are monks above the middle stage of the Three Diamond Flower God,

There are a few three-diamond flower **** middle-term monks,

Applied for the talents,

This is for Ang Tian Hammer.

It is easy to arrange.

These three-diamond flower **** monks,

Want to take the road of imperial examination.

Self-holding identity,

Not willing to be a small official,

They and Ang Tian hammer,

Time to worship the flower plane of the mountain.

But decades later,

They all caught up with the battle of the Shaking Sword Sect back then!

Ang Tian hammer is not reluctant.

With the ability of the Three Diamond Flower God.

Pass the talent exam,

In a word, it's not difficult.


The entire Gu Songzhou officialdom is staring at the autumn flood season.

Once the autumn flood is over,

The newly-built field next to Bihe this year,

It must be a bumper harvest.

Big increase in production this year,

Is a political achievement,

There are political achievements to be divided,

Officials in the officialdom of Gu Songzhou,

Transfer, promotion,

There is a certain hope,

Have access,

Thinking in this direction.

of course,

Xinzaotian beside Bihe River in Ancient Songzhou,

It’s been a bumper harvest,

Newly sown crops,

The growth is good,

The autumn season is good, and the harvest is good again.

Of course someone is watching.


The rain is getting bigger and bigger.

The autumn flood began,

Rest this day,

Ang Tianchui once again left the prefect’s office,

Escape towards Bihe,

Upon entering Tianbi Cave,

Once again, I confessed to the water beast.

Out of Tianbi Cave,

After a month,

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Knife,

It's going to be a palace test,

I don’t know how sure they are,

It is said that,

Huoluoshan, in the Kunwen River,

I found five places where water system auras converge.

Come here today,

Just take a look.

Divinely reminded,

This space advances along the river.

Traveled more than six hundred miles,

A rock protruding from the river bank,

The river rolls through the rocks,

On the side of the rock, the water flow is relatively slow,

At the junction of the rock and the river bed,

The rock becomes a gentle slope,

On the gentle slope, there is a flat ground several feet wide.

There is a cave,

This is the cave where Xuan Qianhe cultivated.

Xuan Qianhe cloned his golden fruit shadow,

In Renhefang City,

I ran to this cave by myself.

Ang Tianchui shouted towards the cave mansion: "Xuan Qianhe."

Dongfu prohibition opened,

"The prefect of Ang University, come here today if you have time..."

Xuan Qianhe said. Came out of the cave,

"Come and see your water mansion."

Ang Tian Chui said,

As soon as I walked into the water house,

It's only ten feet wide,

Next to the cave house, three feet wide, plant these medicinal materials,

These medicinal materials are fine.

There is a huge rune floating in the air,

This rune seems to be intertwined by thousands of flames,

In the waves, there are thousands of branches,

Flames and branches,

But around a mountain,

A golden aura,

Emerging from the center of the cave, rushing into this rune,

Rune performs this mysterious operation.

This is the fusion of the fire element, the plant element, the earth element, and the gold element.

Generally speaking,

This is the highest secret of a monk.


Xuan Qianhe and Ang Tian Hammer,

The Taoist books seen from the plane of Shanhua are almost the same.

Ang Tian hammer came in,

Xuan Qianhe didn't put away the rune.

"You're not talking about fusing the water system mystery, how can you merge this gold system mystery?

It seems that the fusion of the mystery of the gold system has made some progress? "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Look at this rune,

The fusion of the mysteries of these lines, but a little progress.

Xuan Qianhe Advanced Four Diamond Flower God.

Not more than thirty years.

The four elements of the mystic fusion, have this progress,

It's already pretty good.

This is the mountain flower plane,

For the Taoist book with the fusion of the four elements,

These three diamond flower gods, four diamond flower gods,

Use certain contribution points.

Can be exchanged for.

Xuan Qianhe spent thirty years,

It's already a little progress,

If it is ordinary casual repair,

Fusion of four elements

You can't even get started.

"The fusion of water mystery and fire mystery is the most difficult mystery fusion in the mystery fusion.

It must be merged with the four elements of mystery,

If I merge the mystery of the water system, there may be no progress for a long time,

In this way, it is better to first merge the gold element.

Integrate the mystery of the water system, and then consider the advanced Yuan Ying Flower God! "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"In this way. Even if the gold system is successfully integrated,

Your Dao Fa is biased towards offense. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Once a few lines of mystery are merged,

The same four-diamond flower divine realm,

The combat power showed a difference.

Xuan Qianhe merged with the mystery of the gold system,

To Qianhe’s method of cultivating plants,

no help,

Correspondingly, alchemy ability,

Will not improve much.

For Xuan Qianhe's crafting ability,

A lot of help,


Whether it’s combat power, or the ability to refine alchemy, plant, or refine tools,

With the different fusion of mystery,

There are quite a few differences.

"How can it be, the fire system mystery and the water system mystery merge,

In the entire mountain flower plane, those Yuan Yingxiu elders are integrated,

Among the disciples, the fire system mystery and the water system mystery are well integrated,

How many people are there? "

Xuan Qianhe said,


"This cave can only let you practice alone.

It is almost the same place where I found a spiritual gathering in Gu Songzhou. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Xuan Qianhe nodded: "These are these cave houses that can only be used for one person's cultivation.

Supports most casual repair golden cores. "

Casual monk,

If you can advance to Jindan,

The place where the spiritual energy gathered,

Most of them are this kind of cave house for one person to practice.

Ang Tian Hammer doesn't say this anymore.

Ang Tian Hammer did not practice the fire element mystery,

Fusion of the mystery of the water system,

Much easier.

"How are you preparing for the exam?"

Ang Tian hammer asked Xuan Qianhe,

"I used a Golden Fruit Shadow to study the imperial examination books,

it should be OK. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

The shadow of the Golden Fruit of the Four Diamond Flower God,

It should be similar to ordinary people.

It was more than enough to prepare for the imperial examination.

"Where is the wandering knife?"

Ang Tian Chui said,

"His cave mansion is three hundred miles away from here."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Let's take a look at his cave house."

Ang Tianchui said.

"it is good."

Xuan Qianhe said.

With a wave of his hand,

Collect the deduction rune in the air.

"Don't walk fast, walk slowly in this water,

I happen to be free to enjoy the scenery in the water. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

"Do you worry about things in the prefect?"

Xuan Qianhe.

"Things in the prefecture are nothing but profit.

Since you and Wandering Dao can't take up positions in Gu Songzhou,

I'm going to worry too much about those looks? "

Ang Tianchui said.

Xuan Qianhe nodded: "Yes, as this prefect, for us, we can obtain a place where spiritual energy gathers.

Several manors planted medicinal materials, which is already satisfied. "

Reach out,

A flame shot out,

In the river with a radius of tens of miles,

All photos are clear.

Ang Tianchui and Xuan Qianhe are walking in this water,

As fast as ordinary people,

But also leisurely.

All kinds of fish swam over,

Around this flame,

Monster beasts with oblique training period,

Watching from a distance,

See the power of this flame,

Did not dare to come over at all.

Out of thirty li,

It has been used for a long time.

Suddenly, "click, click----"

the sound of,

Came from a distance,

one look,

This team of motorcades, running from a distance,

Where this convoy went,

One minute of the river,

It seems to become a avenue,

The motorcade is racing on this avenue,

It's like Mercedes-Benz on the wide avenue in Daren.

There is a big car,

In front of this big car, the one pulling it is a few deer-like animals.

As big as a camel beast,

There are three bright colors in his eyes,

The head has horns, like a gem.

You know at a glance,

This deer is a rare monster.

next to,

There are more than thirty guards,

Each guard, riding a different monster,

Some ride water wolves, some ride water snakes, and some ride big fish.

"Brother Jindan, there are ten!

All are monster monks,

It's not as small as Guan Dao Wang. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

"This Kunwenjiang in Daren,

Not under the jurisdiction of the Great Sword Hall,

How come such a strong man? "

Ang Tian Chui said,

"I don't know, maybe I passed by."

Xuan Qianhe said,

I was talking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this team,

Running towards Ang Tian Hammer and Xuan Qianhe,

Take the lead in a big man,

Towards Ang Tian Hammer and Xuan Qianhe,

With a thunderous shout.

"Where are the Terran monks,

Set fires in this Kunwenjiang,

Don't you know that it disturbed the aquarium! "

With this loud shout,

Ang Tianchui and Xuan Qianhe were very upset,

This person, but the cultivation base of the second diamond flower god. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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