Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2623: Jiangzhong Motorcade

"Where are you from? This is the responsibility of King Guandao.

Do you have any suggestions?


Xuan Qianhe said,

Ang Tianchui has been an official for several years,

The tone of speech is not as strong anymore.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Hearing the other party, the Flower God, speak like this,

A meal,

Xuan Qianhe was already angry.

Ang Tianchui frowned: "This person seems to have a background.

Don't make trouble here please. "

Xuan Qianhe thought,

These few years,

Ang Tian Hammer wants to keep the water in Bihe River stable,

Don't want to conflict with this team.


Of course I don’t want to give in,

Ang Tianchui and Xuan Qianhe just stood like this.

For a while,

There was only one flame burning in the river.

This group of people, ten golden pills,

But I know the goods,

A little progress has been made in the fusion of the four elements of Xuan Qianhe's profound and mysterious.

This flame is released,

It has greatly surpassed the Taoism of any one of them.

With diamond flower god, every time you advance,

The power is several times, a tenfold increase!

At this flame,

Among these ten golden core monks,

No one has put me next.

After a long time,

A shout came from inside the cart,


The cart turns,

These demons crowded the carts,

Go to the distance.

Xuan Qianhe and Ang Tianchui walked towards the cave where the wandering swords were practicing.

Just walked out of a dozen miles.

.Xuan Qianhe saw a water wolf jīng,

Probe the brain aside.

This water wolf is jīng. But in the main hall,

The strongest of the Jindan Brothers,

In the last battle between the monks of the mountain flower plane and the monks of the Great Sword Temple,

This water wave jīng,

Fight against the monks on the plane of Shanhua,

However, he was slightly injured.

"Knife mad, come here."

Xuan Qianhe said to the water wolf.

This water wolf jīng,

Know Ang Tianchui.

But it was the water wolf who went back to Tianbi Cave Mansion last time.

This water wolf reminds me of Taoism,

Ran over quickly,

Arched his hand towards Xuan Qianhe,

"Big Brother Xuan."

‘You have a good relationship with this water wolf. "

Ang Tianchui said to Xuan Qianhe.

"King Guan Dao will stay in seclusion for a few years. The Kunwenjiang in Daren will belong to these Dadao Palace

Jin Dan Yao Xiu Guan,

They don't have a good relationship with us.

Is it another shot? "

Xuan Qianhe said,

"Last month, the Jindan in the Great Sword Hall, invited us to have a meal.

Several of us gave them some shields for export,

They brought a lot of water-based medicinal materials. "

These water-based medicinal materials.

It must be good.

Kunwen River in Daren Country,

13 thousand miles long,

I don’t know how many water-based medicinal materials grow,

This counts as Xuan Qianhe, wandering around the knife. Sweeping sword, Yan Pang sword. Hongpao guest,

The welfare of these people.

"Where did the monster pull the cart just now?

It doesn't matter how you are nearby. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"That is the princess of King Water Eel in the lower reaches of the Kunwen River!

It’s the Gunwen River in Qiushan Country, a neighboring country of Daren,

I often visit this Kunwenjiang River,

See you, King Guan Dao,

All have to make a smiling face and say hello.

How dare I step forward to stop it. "

The water wolf said madly.

"Oh-it's no wonder that you take ten golden pills for travel,

The general Yuanying Flower God can resist. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

Nodded towards the water wolf,

Water wolf turned and left.

After going out like this,

Xuan Qianhe and Ang Tianzhu didn’t want to visit the Kunwen River anymore.

A reminder of the escape method,

After a while,

Has arrived at the cave house of the wandering knife,

Outside the cave of the wandering knife,

Planting medicinal materials with a radius of one hundred zhang,

A prohibition is set.

As soon as he entered the cave house of the wandering knife,


It is about the same size as Xuan Qianhe's cave mansion.

"This cave house in the water is not easy to expand.

Not much medicinal materials are planted. "

Wandering Knife said,

Planting medicinal materials is the strong point of Wandering Knife.


In the water cave,

But it is difficult to open a large plantation.

A few people sat down in the cave house where the wandering knife,

Drinking tea,

Talking about the mystery of setting up a cave house in the big river,

After talking for a long time,

The three said they were happy,

Suddenly I heard,


As if from far away,

The booming sound that came,

The three of them are the cultivation base of the Four Diamond Flower God,

This listen,

Where this voice came from,

It has been hundreds of miles.

"It seems to come from Bihe."

Wandering Knife said,

Ang Tian Hammer's face changed,

Of the three,

He is most concerned about Bihe’s affairs.


In the past few years,

Bihe can't go wrong.

Ang Tian Hammer’s communication array sounded,

one look,

It was sent by the water trap beast,

Ang Tianchui took a look,


"The princess of the water eel king we met just now,

When he arrived at Tianbidong, he said that he wanted to be the general of the water eel king!

Where is the water beast willing, it has already started fighting. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

"Just now Dao Kuang didn't say that the princess of the water eel king,

I usually go to the Kunwen River to play,

How do you think of subduing the water trap,

That water beast, an ancient alien species,

May succumb to the water eel? "

Xuan Qianhe said disdainfully,

"Fight among demons,

That is, the members of the Yuanbo plane will not control


They fight like this,

Beware of Bijiang, but it is quite unfavorable. "

Wandering Knife said,

"Yes, they are fighting,

It's not good for Bijiang to beware. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Do not care about the plane of the garden wave, we take care of it!"

Ang Tianchui said coldly.

"Battle Armor Conversion---"

Ang Tianchui said,

The robe on him,

In an instant,

The shape starts to change,

Has turned into a battle armor!

Only see,

a pair of eyes,

Like cold electricity,

But I can't see that Ang Tian Hammer is a peacemaker.

"Battle Armor Conversion!"

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Dao said at the same time,

In an instant,

The robes on them,

Chemical combat A.

The three escape methods!

On the armor,

Guanghua flashed,

As if there were thousands of water waves coming over.

In a few moments,

Has rushed in from the mouth of the junction of Bihe and Gunwenjiang,

I saw the front,

The waves rushed hundreds of feet high!

The embankment around Tianbi Cave,

Under the huge aftermath of this battle,

It's almost broken,

Ang Tian hammer was furious,

Reach out,

The deep yellow sè brilliance burst out one after another,

Swirl towards this embankment,

The embankment that was already shaking,

Has stabilized,

In an instant,

It has become stronger than the original levee several times!

The rules of the Four Diamond Flower God,

It's not average.

This method is exhibited,

Soaring water waves,

Fell immediately,

one look,

I just saw a few gold cores surrounding the cart,

It is besieging the Divide Beast.

The four-diamond flower **** cultivation base of the water divider,

Make a tie with these golden pills!

When I saw someone using such a powerful earth system,

Several people stopped immediately.

The water trap immediately recognized it,

Who are these three people,


At first glance, the armors of these three men are fierce as gods!

Divide beast immediately pretended not to know ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ evildoer, dare to fight in the river, where will the people be? "

A monk in a fiery armor roared,

Xuan Qianhe was unhappy just now.


With a loud shout,

Dao Fa urges,

In an instant, there seemed to be thousands of flames and sword lights flashing,

Every flame,

They all seem to come from outside the sky,

With a frenzy of burning everything!

In an instant,

Swirled towards the several Jindan monks who were besieging the water divider. (An.) an. reading. )

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