Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2624: Should robbery

Xuan Qianhe merged,

It’s the fire system, the soil system, and the plant system.

This flame cut!

These monks felt,

This flame,

It seems to be crushed down like a few big mountains,

The sword light method that I urged,

Being illuminated by this flame,

As if there was a feeling of collapse.

This person's Taoism is really strong!

Several Jindan monks,

Immediately urged the sword art,

As if there are thousands of swordsmanship overwhelming the sky,

Shoot towards the flame sword!

Although Xuan Qianhe has practiced the rules of Taoism,


After all, it is the four diamond flower god,

The other monks,

.Sword Jue Dao Fa with every effort!

Thousands of sparks have erupted in the sky!

On a golden core monk,

Already hit a sword,


There was a loud noise,

Like a thunderstorm.

A thunderfire burst out of the armor on this man,

Splashing blood!

The flame suddenly burst,

Thousands of flames,

Towards the surrounding,

Splash at lightning speed!

Can't see at all,

Take a flame inside,

Is the real Xuan Qianhe,

This is the power of Xuan Qianhe’s Taoism and Sword Art,

This golden core monk,

In an instant,

Has been surrounded by flames,

Walked around him,

This monk has turned into a few pieces!

In the blood splashing,

Jin Dan has been taken away by this flame!

Xuan Qianhe alone faced several golden pills,

One move against,

Has prevailed.


In the cart,

There was another female voice surprised.

The guards next to the cart were all surprised!

There was tension on his face.

Ang Tian hammer thought,

The water eel palace of the water eel king,

In Qiushan Country,

The princess of the water eel king.

Playing in the Kunwen River is normal,

How come to Bijiang,

Keep saying that you want to subdue the beast,

This battle,

The water trap did not subdue,

Bijiang spoke first.

If not arrived by yourself.

At the beginning of this autumn flood season,

The newly-built field beside Bihe,

To be submerged by half.

The princess of the water eel king,

It's for the water divider,


It's directed at the new field beside Bihe.

Thinking of this,

Ang Tian hammer suddenly became furious.

You said how comfortable your brother princess lived.

The Gunwen River in Qiushan Country,

Eight thousand miles long,

However, the Gunwen River in Qiushan Country,

It's nearly three hundred miles wide.

The production there,

Definitely more than the Kunwen River in Daren,

Bihe and Kunwenjiangbi in the territory of Qiushan.

It's just a creek!

Whether it is a monster that survives,

Various outputs,

How can it be compared with the Kunwenjiang in Qiushan Country.

You princess,

Run Bihe to join in the fun.

The more Ang Tian Chui thinks, the more angry he gets,

Take out an iron whip,

Fa Jue urged all his strength

On the iron whip,

In an instant, an incomparable rune appeared,

Like the distant starry sky,

It also seems infinitely deep.

This iron whip flashed,

It turns into a deep yellow light in the air,


Fight towards a golden core demon repair,

This golden core demon repair.

A machete in his hand,

A dozen towards this deep yellow brilliance,

The light of the knife seems to be swept by the sky,

Extremely fierce!


There was a thunderous explosion,

A thunder fire blasted thousands of feet!

In the air, flying swords, magic weapons, and flesh and blood fragments splash!

This demon repair,

Dao Fa urged by Ang Tian Hammer together with magic weapons blasted!

With a flying sword,

Smashed by meditation!

Even his golden core was damaged,

One punch,

Has washed into the river water!

Ang Tian hammer nodded,

Toward these golden core monks,

The cart screamed,

"You monks, come here to fight,

Aren't you afraid of Bihe's breach?

In this way, I will send you all to be robbed. "

The sound of Ang Tian hammer,

It seems to be the coldest snow in that cold winter!

The water beast, the man in the water eel palace,

All were stunned by the whip of Ang Tian Hammer!

"You have to be close to the mid-stage of the four-diamond flower god."

The Wandering Sword was as stunned as Xuan Qianhe,

Ang Tian Hammer made every effort to urge Dao Fa, magic weapon, this blow,

Has surpassed the early stage of the Four Diamond Flower God,

It is close to the mid-stage of the Four Diamond Flower God.


Among the three of them,

Ang Tian Hammer’s Taoist realm is the worst,

Don't think,

Break through the realm of the flower **** with four diamonds,


Only a few years have passed,

He has broken through the early stage of the Four Diamond Flower God,

Marching towards the mid-stage of the Four Diamond Flower God.

Dao Fa rune drawn by Ang Tian Hammer,

The purity and power of mana,

There will be a relatively large growth.

several years,

For the Four Diamond Flower God,

It's almost like a day for ordinary people.

"Ang Tianhammer must have had an adventure as the prefect.

This will soon break through. "

Xuan Qianhe said to the Wandering Sword,

However, this is a personal adventure.

Ang Tian Hammer does not have this obligation,

Said to Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Sword.

Several Jindan monks next to this cart,

His face changed and changed,

This monk stood up,

With one whip, he smashed the Golden Core monk on his side,

These three monks together,

Other people’s cultivation bases, magic weapons,

It won't be too bad!

Really fight,

The nine golden cores on my side,

Not necessarily the opponent of these three.


Of course, you can't easily take part in the battle.


. The princess did not speak,

These golden pills,

How can you turn around and leave?

"Where did you come from. Be nosy at this Bihe,

This is a battle between monsters,

You don't need to interfere! "

A big man,

No eyebrows on the face,

Yelled at Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe,

but. Everyone can hear it,

This shout is flat!

"If the road is not flat, let's help.

We are kind-hearted.

Righteous spirit,

How can I see you doing such a mess! "

Wandering Knife stood up,

In the water,

The brilliance of the armor rushes into the sky,

This talk,

Like a god!

"Human monk, retreat quickly.

We are from Qiushan Domestic Water Eel Palace,

Have you heard of it?

Quickly retreat,

The previous matter was held accountable. "

Next to this big man,

A monk covered in carapace stood up and shouted!

He took out the signboard of Water Eel Palace,

The Kunwenjiang in a country,

A king is in charge,

In the garden wave plane,

No one knows, no one knows,

Even the demons.

Take the monster race in the big river,

I fought several times,

Don't come to fight anymore.

"Qiu Shan country came from this great benevolent country,

More time to fight! "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Looking at the wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe.

Wandering Knife and Xuan Qianhe are of course clear,

Ang Tian Hammer,

Today is going to have a good time,

The wandering knife reached out and took out a ball,

Toward the Ang Tian Hammer: "Ang Tian Hammer,

For your political achievements,

I took out my strongest magic weapon,

You have to thank me. "

With that said, Dao Fa reminded,

On this magic weapon,

As if a whirlpool appeared,

one look,

This whirlpool,

As if thousands of miles away,

Below this sphere,

Five lotus petals appeared again,

The five-petal petals, with the rapid rotation of the distant vortex,

In an instant, it turned into a lotus flower,

It is similar to the lotus cover of Ang Tian Hammer,

Wandering Knife reaches out for a reminder!

This magic weapon has turned into a whirlpool,

Suspended on a lotus flower,

This magic weapon flew into the air,

Face the monk next to the cart!

Brother Jindan next to him,

In an instant,

Already directed at this swirl lotus,

Thousands of swords blasted out!

Thousands of sword lights hit this vortex,

Touch the whirlpool,

Has turned into thousands of fragments splashing!

This lotus,

In an instant, a ripple was shot,

Towards this golden core monk!

This golden core monk is already unable to move,

The swirling lotus drops!

This magic weapon fell,

This golden core monk will be crushed to pieces,

This golden core monk,

It was already full of panic,

The monk beside,

Continuously urge Feijian,

In an instant,

A few sword lights are like mountains and rivers,

One block toward this swirl lotus!

It has actually blocked this swirl lotus!

Just saw,

A turquoise sword light swept away,

Like a flying fairy from the sky,

This golden core monk,

Already heads up,

The blood rushed ten feet high!

His golden core rushed out,

The aquamarine sword light flashed,

The golden core has been taken away!

A reminder of the Wandering Knife Technique,

This magic weapon has been recovered.

Watching everyone,

When several Jindan cultivators next to each other tried their best to urge the sword light,

This golden core monk was released by the Wandering Knife with a magic weapon,

Didn't survive a single move,

Beheaded by the Wandering Sword!

The convoy of Water Eel Palace,

Water trap,

Already dumbfounded.

The ball that the monk took out,

For example, the magic weapon of talent,

More powerful!

Several Jindan cultivators could not stop them from joining forces!

"You, the ten thousand water lotus ball, have been able to fully exert their power."

Ang Tian Chui said to the Wandering Knife,

They went to the plane of the garden to perform exploration missions,

One person went to the Tiangong Hall and took a magic weapon of the power of Yuanying Flower God,

This Wanshui Lotus Ball was chosen by the Wandering Knife!

This ten thousand water lotus ball,

The same is to detect the magic weapon that can penetrate and attack power,

At that time, they had the summit of three diamonds,

Can’t use all of this power,

Now, the cultivation base has reached the Four Diamond Flower God,

Has been able to use the power of this ten thousand water lotus ball,

All urged.

Outside Tianbidong Mansion,

I can only hear the rushing of the river,

These three monks in battle armor,

One person, one move!

Cut the gold core of three water eel palaces,

Easy to shoot, casual,

It's like a walk!

The little demon in Bihe,

Seeing the strong men of Jindan level fall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ one by one was shocked!

The monk of Water Eel Palace,

The water trap that has left,

Going around the main station of Princess Mizue Palace,

Every body is surging,

The whole person seems to be shrouded in hundreds of miles of Taoism,

Thirty demon cultivators in the foundation period

Even more dare not to do it!

"Let's go-water trap, you are lucky."

Inside the cart, there was a cold voice,

It seems to be colder than the voice of Ang Tian Hammer!

Cart, Brother Jindan, thirty attendants,

Back slowly in the water,

Have been walking for more than ten miles,

A crystal-like avenue appeared in the water.

"Let them go, it's enough to kill them a few golden cores."

Ang Tianchui said.

Seeing that these three powerful monks did not make a move,

The team turned around,

A crystal-like avenue,

It extends towards the mouth of the junction of Bihe and Gunwenjiang,

But in an instant,

This team,

It's gone.

"The beasts they were pulling carts can separate waves,

The same can send water. "

The water trap came over,

Team Ang Tianhammer said.

"You said, the princess of the Water Eel Palace is here

Is it to subdue you, or for other? "

Ang Tian Chui said,

"I have lived in Bihe Tianbi Palace for hundreds of years,

The princess of this water eel palace,

Have been to Bihe a few times,

I never said hello. "

Said the water beast.

(carry out)

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