Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2625: reward

"I don't think, they hit my idea,

Want me to be a general in the water eel palace.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Today, it was my robbery. "


This water diversion beast deeply arched his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer.

"Thank you, let me get through this disaster."

The water beast said,

The water trap knows,

No matter why the princess of the water eel palace came,

For playing, or for other things, the first thing to do is to deal with his water trap.

This is the robbery of the water divider!

There are no such people as Ang Tian Hammer,

This is a monk,

The water trap may be,

He became a member of the Water Eel Palace.

These people are in Hanoi under the jurisdiction of King Guan Dao,

Take a few cave houses.

It seems that you have to have a good relationship with these people.

"you are welcome."

Ang Tian hammer waved his hand,

All the strong people in Qiushan have come,

This made Ang Tian Hammer even more hopeful of Yuan Ying's cultivation base.

It is impossible to call out the monks of Huoluoshan every time,

The monks of Huoluoshan,

There is no such time.

If you advance to the Nascent Soul,

Water Eel Palace,

Dare to charge alone.

"Even if the princess of the Water Eel Palace came here for the farm next to Bihe,

People say they want to subdue the water-splitting beast,

What can you do? "

Xuan Qianhe came over.

"First roll back to Wenjiang's Dongfu and refine the golden core."

Wandering Knife said,

Ang Tianchui thought for a while, that's the only way.

Three people reminded me of Dao Fa,

The water waves are enthusiastic,

In a few moments,

He has arrived at the cave of Kunwenjiang Xuanqianhe.

Several people sit cross-legged,

The golden core seized by refining,

But in one day,

Already got the memory in the golden core,

"These golden core monks. But following the orders of the Lord Water Eel,

Why did Princess Water Eel come here?

Only he knows. "

Wandering Knife said,

"Now that's the case, I will go back to Gu Songzhou first,

You are going to prepare for the palace test. "

Ang Tianchui said.

With the monks of Huoluoshan,

Although it is already the jīnghua on the plane of Shanhua,


Captured Huoluoshan,

Defeated the Great Sword Palace again,

Occupy these several water cave houses.

Already their limit.

If you let the monks of Huoluoshan,

Continue to attack Water Eel Palace,

It has exceeded the strength of the Huoluoshan monk,

Jin Dan master, it is not enough.

The three-diamond flower **** master of the mountain flower plane,

Over the years, I have advanced a bit.

However, these three diamond flower gods,

Red wolf, Yuan Tie, they are holding on tightly.

Last time,

Attack the hall of swordsmen,

Not captured,

But I took some water-based medicinal materials,

Such conditions,

It is impossible for the other three-diamond flower **** masters of the mountain flower plane to come here to attack the water eel palace.

Ang Tian hammer. Wandering knife, Xuan Qianhe, talk about these situations.

Several people realized that

Attack the water eel palace,

For the monks of Huoluoshan.


Open the communication circle,

Sent a message to the water beast,

If a master comes to Bijiang,

Let the water divider tell Ang Tianhammer,

"Okay, Lord God, with you masters,

During your tenure,

Let Bihe be stable, it's totally possible. "

What the water divider said,

Have more confidence.

Ang Tian hammer returned to the prefect of Gu Songzhou,

In the lobby of the prefect of ancient Songzhou,

I just sat down soon.

The Yueting officer came in,

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer: "Master Tian, ​​a few days ago,

On the Bijiang River, soaring into the sky,

Sound like thunder! "

Ang Tianchui was surprised: "What is the result?"

"The big wave, the loud noise, it subsided by itself."

Yue Tingguan said.

"It's good to calm down by yourself, don't worry about these things."

Ang Tianchui said.


The Yueting official gave his hand,

Exit the lobby of the prefect of Gu Songzhou.

The soaring waves and water column of this Bihe,

So that people in the entire state capital are frightened,

They have already asked the colonel of the prefect patrol department,

This is Bihe, where powerful monks are fighting,

The embankment of Bihe,

May breach,


Not long after,

This big wave and loud noise,

Has subsided.

Since Tianzhifu said so,

There is no need to report to the governor’s office.

Ang Tianchui watched the Yueting Officer walk out,

In order to stabilize the Bihe River in the ancient Songzhou,

The battle fought by the monks of the mountain flower plane on Huoluoshan,

Put it this way,

The celestial stone purchased with one hundred thousand catties of gold,

Not enough to supplement.

The water divider maintains the stability of Bihe,

That's different.

The water trap is an ancient alien species,

Naturally, you can get Dao Fa supplements from the water!

For the stability of Bihe, pay such a high price,

Does anyone know?

Fortunately, there are some spiritual gathering places in Huoluo Mountain, Gu Songzhou, and Kunwen River.

The mana consumed by the Huoluo Mountain monks,

It can be supplemented from these training seats.

Ang Tianchui understood,

The general metaphysical power,

He doesn't want to care about the human world.

Another month passed,

The autumn flood is almost over,

Ang Tian Hammer's communication array sounded

At first glance, it was Xuan Qianhe.

: "The water demon in the Great Sword Hall sent someone to inquire,

Water Eel Palace, did not respond to the battle of Bihe,

As if nothing happened. "

Xuan Qianhe and Ang Tian Hammer are going to the palace to try,

Ang Tian hammer nodded: "You go to the palace test,

Here are the Sword of Sweeping, Yan Pang Dao and Hongpao Ke. "

In a few days,

A big car drove into the small town next to the prefect of ancient Songzhou.

Stopped by a house,

I saw this house,

It has been renovated,

"South Park, come out quickly."

Xuan Qianhe said.


The Juren Examination held in Cangwuzhou,

Wandering Knife, Xuan Qianhe, and Nanyuan all passed the test of Juren,

Of course, the South Park is at the top,

The ranking of the wandering knife,

Forward than Xuan Qianhe.

Juren in the first exam in Nanyuan,

Although there is no real shortage,

Immediately a flattering squire came up.

Not much money, all kinds of supplies came up,

living condition,

It's a lot better already.

Nanyuan has been able to participate in the hall test by himself,


Nanyuan still agreed with Xuan Qianhe,

Take part in the palace exam together.

He looked at Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Knife,

Juren can pass the exam,

Have considerable talents,

Of course, the conditions are better,


If you can join the high school gold list.

In the future, in officialdom,

There is an Austrian aid.

Nanyuan walked out of the house,

It's already a piece of luxurious clothes.

Take a look at Nanyuan,

This big car is the best one,

A few camel beasts pulled,

There is a stove in the car,

You can cook in it,


Get into the car with a smile.

The cart drove out of the town and onto the pipeline,

It's already sunny,

The autumn flood has passed,

After ten days,

The autumn harvest is coming!

Along the Bihe River,

Are all ripe crops,

It's a pretty good scenery.

"Our county magistrate, it's amazing.

Over the years,

The prefects did not succeed in diverting rivers to create fields,

This day, the adults are done. "

"Being able to get out of this field early is the busy state of Gu Songzhou."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Qianhe's words are reasonable,

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Bihe has been in steady water for more than a year.

This day, the prefect, good luck. "

Nanyuan said,

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Sword are funny,

These mortals,

I really thought Ang Tian Hammer was lucky.

The battle that took place steadily around the Bihe River,

Say this,

Several big mountains can be removed.

After half a month,

Mr. Xuan walked into the Gu Songzhou lobby,

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer.

"My lord, congratulations, this year's new crop has a great harvest!"

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