Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2632: Apprenticeship

Xuan Qianhe took out half a fist of gold and gave it to him.

"You said, this imperial examination is really difficult.

Our rankings are similar. "

Xuan Qianhe spoke to the wandering knife.

"This is only a three-year exam."

Wandering Knife said,

After another cup of tea,

Another good news came,

This time,

I won over fifty.

After another half day,

The sun slanted west,

In this building,

No Announcer arrived.

I was beaming with the palace exam,

Those who didn't, looked sad.

Seeing that the sky has dimmed,

Among the entire premises, those who have won the imperial list,

But six people!

"It's a dinner. Officials invite you to sit in."

The buddy came forward,

Shouted happily.

Let's go to the banquet hall together.

Just sit down,

A few squires came in,

I bowed my hand at everyone,

The owner of the premises,

Let me introduce to you immediately,


He rewarded all good newsmen for gold,

Where did it come from?

These squires dressed up,

He greeted Juren enthusiastically, who had passed the palace exam.

I can see that


Juren, the one who won the palace exam,

Smiling at the faces of these squires,

But not much,

Just have a few words.

In the palace exam, the identity is immediately different,

Serious officials.

Here, but the place where the elites of the Daren Kingdom gather,

Regardless of how many squires dress up,

I don't know which adult is involved.

These are among the people who have made the imperial list.

Some people already have their own faction,

Of course I don’t associate with these squires,

There is no faction in the officialdom,

To learn more about factions in the officialdom,

That faction can easily take refuge in the past.

What are the prospects of taking refuge in the past,

Not even with these squires,

Make friends easily.

A banquet went away,

The faces of these squires,

Did not see much disappointment.

once three years,

Juren in the imperial list.

They watched a lot,

The banquet broke up,

In the morning,

Juren who didn’t take the central palace exam,

Goodbye has already begun.

In this building,

Juren in the imperial list.

Had breakfast,

gather together,

"Brother Xuan, when will you go to worship Master Xie?"

. Said a Juren who had won the imperial ranking.

This spinner has the highest ranking,

Before everyone officially took office,

The six ranked Juren in this building,

Headed by this rotation.

Things are hard to do.


These people who have passed many exams,

It is definitely not a problem.

This is the same as the world of immortality,

The realm of cultivation sees cultivation base,

Here, the ranking of the exams you see,

Whoever ranks high will take the lead.

Became an official,

Whoever has a high official position will take the lead.

Wandering knife thought.

"The Ministry of Etiquette should be notified uniformly.

Shall we visit Lang Zhuangyuan? "

This spinner said.

Jinshi. You can visit the champion,

You don’t need to visit the champion,

This is due to their own political considerations.

The Ministry of Etiquette has no regulations.

"I am not familiar with this officialdom.

Visit the champion, just to go and see. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Well, like me, ordinary people,

If you are not familiar with officialdom, you can go and have a look. "

Nanyuan said,

Nanyuan is among the top scholars here,

The second highest ranking,

He said this,

Spin Jinshi nodded.

"Since everyone is like this, then go visit Lang Zhuangyuan."

Several people ordered to go down,

Prepare the cart,

Got in the car,

Walked towards the hall where Lang Zhuangyuan stayed.

Once you win the champion,

Then the whole city is known.

The convoy drove for ten miles,

Stopped in front of a building.

In front of this building,

The cart is full,

A big car is more expensive than a big car.

"The champion is so hot----"

A few Jinshi got off the car,

Of course there are servants going,

Hand over the greeting card,

After a while,

A servant came over,

Arched his hands at everyone,

"The champion, please."

A few jinshi followed this servant into the hall of the building,

In the hall,

Several seats have been placed,

Full of people.

These few Jinshi arrived,

A new table was placed in the hall.

A few Jinshi sat down,

A man in his thirties came over,

Although dressed as a scholar,

Looks peaceful,

But in both eyes,

But it has a toughness that cannot be concealed. ,

On the body,

It is the red robe worn by the champion.

He handed over to several people: "Lang has seen you all the same year.

Please forgive me for poor hospitality. "

A few jinshi who came in handed over together,

Specifically to visit the champion,

But there is not even a dedicated interview,

Sitting with these many guests.

There were so many people in the guests,

An official official did not,

Most of them are gentlemen.

These few Jinshi,

Somewhat unpleasant.

Several people sat for a long time,

Although Lang Zhuangyuan came to talk enthusiastically,

Sat for a while,

Xuan Jinshi said goodbye.

A few Jinshi, stand up,

Towards Lang Zhuangyuan, he bowed his hand,


"Sorry-there are so many people today."

Lang Zhuangyuan said sincerely.

Several people walked out of the premises and got into the car.

When I arrived at the house where I was staying,

Let the waiter arrange a box.

"This year the Lang champion is okay.

See him at ease among many gentlemen. "

Mr. Xuan said.

"If this Lang Zhuangyuan holds an official position,

It must be a powerful character. "

Nan Yuan said.

They rank high on the imperial list.

There is hope for a higher official position,

For the performance of the champion,

Very concerned.

However, several other Jinshi,

Think about it.

They did not rank high in the exam,

Even as an official,

I can't be a high official,


Based on their origin,

No special assistance.

It is difficult to be a high official.


There is some help to this champion.

"This champion is really powerful."

next to,

A Jinshi said,

"The middle monk of the foundation period."

The wandering knife pointed at Xuan Qianhe's voice transmission.

"This Lang Zhuangyuan has a smooth and orderly operation of mana.

The exercises are rigorous, definitely from a certain school. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"It seems that the monks are not the only officials.

Other schools have thought of this trick. "

Wandering knife said.

"However, Brother Jindan is an official.

The four diamond flower gods are county officials,

I see, on the wave plane of this garden,

Absolutely not much.

Monks in the middle of the foundation period,

There are good exercises, some people give pointers,

There are good medicines,

Monks with better qualifications,

It can be cultivated in thirty years,"

Xuan Qianhe said.

"There are not enough Yuanying Flower Gods,

Our monks on the plane of mountain flowers,

Want to find a place to stand,

It's really hard. "

Wandering knife said.

Regarding the conversation of this champion,

Wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe said a few words.

After some conversation.

Brother Spinner saw,

These few Jinshi,

It is not self-centered.

Those who show fear of the champion,

Just myself and Nanyuan,

Can't help but have a good impression of Nanyuan.

And Nanyuan is getting hotter and hotter.

Until noon,

After eating in the box,

Everyone just dispersed.

The other two Jinshi,

But came together with Wandering Dao and Xuan Qianhe.

"There is no official appointment, there has been a huge difference,

Granted an official position, that's even more. "

A Jinshi said to the wandering knife,

This person is the one who won more than fifty scholars,

Hyun Qianhe is not much different from Wandering Knife,

In the future,

It must be of the same level.

one look,

For the evaluation of this champion,

Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe agree with Xuan Jinshi's statement,

Echoed a few general words,

Who are the wandering sword and Xuan Qianhe,

How can you recognize this Xuanjinshi as the leader?

Immediately talked with the wandering knife.

Official relations,

There is a prototype here.

"If officials are awarded according to the rankings of the imperial examinations, we are definitely not better than Nanyuan in the officialdom.

It seems that in the officialdom,

If we want to surpass Nanyuan,

Ang Tian Chui used those Taoist methods to increase political achievements,

It seems we need to use it. "

Wandering knife said.

"Well, we are born in Jinshi,

If you can make political achievements,

It is more influential than those officials who are not of Jinshi background.

Better promotion. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"I think the official position of Ang Tian Hammer,

It’s hard to be promoted after being a prefect.

The governor is usually a jinshi background. "

Wandering Knife said,

"Ang Tianhammer, at most he can be deputy governor."

I have lived here for a long time,

The career career of their team Ang Tian Hammer is not very promising.

Is not a scholar,

The relationship with the leaders of several major forces is normal,

Despite Ang Tianchui’s political achievements,

In several nearby states,

The best.

However, even if the political achievements of diverting the blue river water to build the land can be recognized by the ministries,

It's not bad to be a deputy governor.

after a few days,

The monks on the list this time,

Received a notice from the Ministry of Etiquette,

Went to meet the chief examiner,

of course,

This kind of open call to the chief examiner,

Bring gifts,

Is a bargain,

Everyone prepare gifts,

Go to the ceremony department together,

Visit the chief examiner.

This time the chief examiner is the assistant assistant and assistant assistant assistant of the Ministry of Rites,

Jinshi stood neatly,

Towards the assistant assistant of the Ministry of Rites, the assistant assistant gave his hand.

Shouted: "Thank you for your cultivation."


In officialdom,

They established the protégé relationship with the staff assistant and deputy assistant assistant.

After visiting the teacher,

Everyone chatted in the hall,

of course,

Attendant and Deputy Attendant of the Ministry of Rites,

Explain some outlines of being an official to Jinshi,

After speaking, it’s time for lunch.

Everyone went to the restaurant to eat together,

Officials of the Ministry of Rites,

Let's go together.

On every table,

Jinshi sat with officials from the Ministry of Rites,

While eating,

While chatting,

It’s a way to get closer,

Like Ang Tian Hammer,

Advanced purely by gift giving.

To bring influential officials of a ministry,

Shouted to eat together,

I don't know how much work it takes?

Which is like here~www.wuxiaspot.com~The officials who are a little influenced by the Ministry of Rites,

All came here.

"You are from Gusongzhou, Gusongzhou, this year, you will use water from the Bihe River to build fields,

nice. "

Hovering beside the knife,

A deputy sponsor of the Ministry of Etiquette said.


As for the deputy sponsor of the Ministry of Etiquette,

The highest rank.

Regardless of whether someone is the deputy host,

In the imperial examination rankings of the Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe,

You are not eligible to stay in the Ministry of Rites!

"Yes, Lord Tianzhifu, for this to draw the blue river water to make fields,

But with great effort. "

Wandering Knife said,

Use Ang Tian's hammer to divert the water from the blue river to make fields,

Say it well.

"This year, we have had a bumper harvest!"

The host nodded at hearing,

"We already have official documents forwarded by the officials.

The prefect this day is really good,

It's a pity, it wasn't from a palace exam.

To get the idea of ​​joining the cabinet,

It's not easy. "

The host said,

Wandering Dao and Xuan Qianhe looked at each other,

Sure enough,

Similar to what the Wandering Dao and Xuan Qianhe knew.

................................... ........

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