Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2633: Promotion is not easy

"The Tianda man-made fields have done a great job to Gusongzhou.

Not even a deputy governor was promoted.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Several nearby states in Gu Songzhou,

But there is no such good political performance as Tianda. "

Wandering knife looked impassioned.

Just like a newcomer.

"You new veteran, take care of the official affairs,

It's too simple to see. "

The deputy host said.

"The governor, deputy governor, that's a powerful official.

The cabinet, of course, is the key control,

Back then, I thought the same as you.

If you are in the Ministry of Rites, you will have talents and achievements, so what? "

The deputy host said.

"Oh, what should I do if I want to be an official to deputy governor? Ask the host to teach me."

Xuan Qianhe said,

Sponsor Hai glanced at Xuan Qianhe,

There is no shadow of the actual officials,

I came to ask how to be a deputy governor,

This man is an earnest man.

one look,

The new jinshi on this table,

Listening attentively,


When it comes to promotion,

Nothing uninterested.

"At least, with the senior members of the cabinet,

There is a very close relationship. "

Said the sea sponsor.

Xuan Qianhe continued to ask,

Sponsor Hai said nothing,

He and these newly promoted scholars,

Not much friendship,

It’s just a meal,

Arranged by the Ministry of Etiquette, understanding.

In the whole hall,

The most lively place is Lang Zhuangyuan's table.

The assistant servant, deputy assistant servant,

Where are you all sitting?


Facing the real bureaucracy,

New jinshi,

One by one is much more restrained.

This banquet,

By the end of the afternoon.

Back to the premises,

"Talk to Ang Tianhammer.

He does not seek out cabinet officials for activities,

This advanced deputy governor is not that easy. "

Wandering Knife said,

"Okay, I told Ang Tianhammer."

Xuan Qianhe stretched out his hand,

Opened the communication circle.

really. Xuan Qianhe got a Jinshi,

Especially enthusiastic about being an official.

The communication circle emerged,

The image of Ang Tian Hammer did not surface,

"I'll talk in the lobby, please."

Ang Tianchui said.

"Me and Wandering Knife were hit by Jinshi,

Hold an apprentice banquet in the Ministry of Rites.

I asked for you,

A host of the Ministry of Gifts said,

You want to be promoted to deputy governor,

At least one of the cabinet members should be the backer. "

Xuan Qianhe said.



Ang Tian Chui was taken aback,

Said to the people sitting in the lobby:

"Today's meeting ends here,

Continue to open tomorrow. "

Where does Ang Tianchui want to have a meeting?

Everyone stood up and folded their hands: "Yes----"


It's the same for a few days faster and a few days slower.

"Tell me in detail."

Ang Tianchui said.

"Next to me, there was a Hai Sponsor from the Ministry of Relations----"

Wandering Knife explained the matter in detail.

"Member of the Cabinet, how can we get along well---"

Ang Tianchui became worried when he heard it.

In an instant, from worry to anger!

"In order to attract rivers to create fields, how much work I have spent,

In the battle of Kunwenjiang, I called all Jindan cultivators in Huoluoshan to fight.

At this station,

Daren State spends a million catties of gold,

Can’t invite all Jindan monks from Huoluoshan,

The fields on the banks of Bihe,

Ten years of production.

It's not worth a million gold.

Until now, I want to worship a mountain,

But don't know how to get started? "

Wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe laughed.

"Ang Tianhammer, this is diverting the blue river to create fields,

Ordinary people can’t do well,

You are not an ordinary person, you do it well,

Will suffer more than ordinary people's temper. "

Wandering knife said.


Xuan Qianhe laughed.

"Damn, smile, help me find a way."

Ang Tian hammered his eyebrows,

Roared at the Wandering Knife and Ang Tian Hammer.

"You don't become the prefect through the official minister,

Find a way to find a maid,

Let the calendar attendant introduce you to the cabinet officers. "

Wandering knife said.

Ang Tian Chui think about it.

"These people will never be introduced by officials outside the faction.

Regardless of up or down,

When an official reaches their rank,

For factions,

It's very important to look at, definitely not as open as a monk. "

Ang Tian Hammer said to Wandering Dao and Xuan Qianhe.

I have been in the officialdom of Daren for many years,

Can get into the position of the prefect,

Understanding of people in official circles,

It's not comparable to the previous monks.

"Then, you have to come to worship the mountain yourself."

Xuan Qianhe said,

Ang Tian Chui suddenly remembered,

In the past,

How did you step into officialdom.

He thought for a long time,

"Do you think this will work -"

Ang Tianchui said.

"In this way, you can let the Shanhua plane stationed in Daren to do the investigation."

Xuan Qianhe said.

"You don't know, when I chased the wave knife to become an official under me,

I didn’t work under Zongbianhan,

Responsible for exploring the longitudinal cold of the wave plane in the garden,

He sent a golden core monk to Daren,

Responsible for the exploration of the entire Daren Kingdom,

Now, this person does not know where to move around.


The chasing wave knife has become the master of Cang Wuzhou,

This person in charge of the exploration of the Daren Kingdom has a similar relationship with us,

Find him,

Maybe Meng Dali would know about it. "

Ang Tianchui said.

"Well, Yan Pang Dao wants to participate in the imperial examination.

The monks on Huoluoshan know that we have been among the Juren,

Several people already want to participate in the imperial examination,

This thing,

Even if you want to report the mountain flower plane,

the best,

The monks on Huoluo Mountain,

If you are willing to be an official, we will arrange it.

But there are so many official ranks in a big country. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

The monks on Huoluo Mountain,

how to say,

The relationship is already good,

To be able to arrange for Ang Tian Hammer to be an official,

The relationship is better.

Today, the apprentice banquet is held,

Jinshi in high school,

Can already go home,

Arrange official positions,

Open chūn next year and come again.

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Knife,

Early in the morning,

Has left the premises,

The two went to an alley,

come out,

He is already a person with completely different clothes and looks,

Wandering knife walked to a house yard,

This house,

Half a mile,

It says the University Scholar's House.

This is one of the cabinet, bachelor degree.

Of course, the position in the cabinet is not high.

However, in the cabinet, the high status,

There is definitely a master to protect it.

A few miles across this house,

Wandering knife into a shop,

Ordered a plate of dim sum and ate a plate of side dishes.

A plate of snacks,

After eating a small dish,

In the side door next to this bachelor,

Out of a man dressed as a servant,

This man walked across the street,

Walk towards the city center,

This area,

But there are not many restaurants and shops.

The wandering knife made this man go far,

His mind is placed on this person,

This person is hundreds of miles away from the capital,

The same can be found.

The wandering knife walked for ten miles,

This person has walked into a small house,

In this house, a woman,

Several maids.

This woman has a slender figure,

The face is charming.

A pair of peach eyes,

Looks watery~www.wuxiaspot.com~ saw this person come in,

The woman nodded,

It seems,

The status of this woman,

Higher than the servants from this university.

The man bowed his hand at the woman,

"Miss Luo, the housekeeper, send me to send jewelry."


Took out a box,

Once opened,

On a hosta,

Inlaid with several gems.

It looks very luxurious. )

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