Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2637: Top grade in general

Ang Tian Chui was promoted to prefect,

It’s the relationship between the official servant and the official servant,


The staff, they all dispatched the assistant servant Zai, who was not able to deal with Ang Tian hammer,

They host,

It has nothing to do with the Tianzhifu of ancient Songzhou.

Of course he won't help the prefect this day.


It is derogatory words.

The newly created fields on the riverside to divert water,

Just over a year ago,

Already almost like ordinary Tian.

According to the standards of Nishimura,

It's already pretty good.

After saying this,

Officials of Gu Songzhou,

All faces are unhappy.


I thought it was an improvement in political performance,


It's a level!

Hosted by several other ministries,

Be prepared to speak up.


As soon as Deputy Chief Officer Zhai turned his head,


"By the standards of new crops,

This field is good!

How do you learn business standards!

Can't even see this?

Here comes the game! "

Said Deputy Chief Sai,


The sponsor of the Ministry of Agriculture is speechless.

On the way to Gu Songzhou,

Eat together,

Deputy Chief Zai himself,

The tune of this inspection was set long ago,

Sponsored by these other ministries,

Say one by one,

Resolutely obey Lord Zhai's intentions.

and so,

Sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture,

In order to make a good impression on Master Zhai,

This is the first to stand up and denounce this ancient Songzhou diversion river for farming,

The fields created are general.

To know.

He was the first to stand up and denounce,

But it bears a certain risk.

I had wanted,

After saying this,

The Lord Tian of Gu Songzhou might turn his face.

After saying this,

Tian Daren from Gu Songzhou.

The face is taut.

However, it was Mr. Lang Zhai who turned his face!

All the sponsors from the Ministry stayed!

The deputy prefect of Gu Songzhou, the record of war participation, the officials,

The sponsors of all halls stay!

Just before the banquet.

The officials of Gu Songzhou,

Everyone has seen this deputy assistant magistrate,

Is here to denounce.

I can't see this at all,

You don't deserve to sit in this banquet hall.

Why did a big turn suddenly come,

The derogatory change is appreciated!

Is it just those boxes of gold and raw yellow?

It seems,

The deputy assistant magistrate of this staff member.

Not demanding.

It's totally different from the legend.

The officials of Gu Songzhou thought so,

Sponsored by the ministries,

Think the same way.

The organizer of one ministry whispered to the organizer next to him:

"Just eaten, the gift they gave, but three thousand catties of gold!

Could it be. The price of the original yellow has increased,

I haven't heard of it. "

The host next to him nodded: "Yes, those original yellows,

I haven’t heard of the price increase--"

After saying this,

This host in a blink of an eye,

Step forward immediately.

A smile appeared on his face,

"This field, I think, not bad,

This diversion canal. Neatly opened,

The regularity of the distribution really echoes the Ministry of Industry

Construction specifications. "

This hosting,

It was hosted by the Ministry of Industry.

The design and construction of this diversion channel.

Let him evaluate,

of course,

Ministry of Industry,

Good or bad for Tian,

Of course, there is a certain evaluation ability.

He said,

The new fields here,

In terms of diversion channels,

It is qualified.

"Well, you, the host of the Ministry of Engineering,

Well done in business. "

Deputy Chief Sai said,


Here is Deputy Chief Zai with a mouth,

He said whoever does it will do,

He said whoever can't do it, whoever can't do it.

When he said this,

It can be said,

The banner of approval is already on the Gu Songzhou side.


Sponsors from other ministries,

I spoke immediately,

This said,

By the river here, this rule of farming is OK,

That said,

The fields built by the river here,

Meet that specification.

Even hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture,

I quickly changed my mind,

Call this field a good field.

After a few words,

This field, among the people,

It has become a good field.


Various materials sent from above,

Arriving in Gusongzhou,

Just a little more than half of the official document.

Ang Tian Hammer did not urge many large-scale Dao law rectifications.

He doesn't bother to worry about it,

and so,

Despite the river,

More fertile than ordinary places,

This field, but the ordinary field is better.

Check it down,

Let's go back to the ancient Songzhou state capital together,

Continue to have dinner.

Now that everyone has agreed,

This dinner is open until midnight.

Deputy Chief Zhai, there is a big box,

Sponsors from other ministries,

One more small box.

Once opened and opened,

It is a specialty of ancient Songzhou that is more expensive than gold.

Raw yellow,

This raw yellow,

Yuanshan County, Nantuo County, Daqingshan County, and Dun County are the main producing areas.

In other counties of Gusongzhou, there is not much production.

One person gave another box,

Definitely sent.

Everyone is happy.

After a day,

To investigate other Bihehe districts in Gusongzhou,

The tone was set yesterday,

This day, of course, will follow yesterday's tune.

Most of it is praise,

The results are the main ones,

Disadvantages, one thing,

But not much,

It does not affect the output of the new farmland from Bihe River.

Four days passed,

Xinzaotian beside Bihe River in Gu Songzhou,

Read it all again.

this day,

The inspection team writes an inspection report,

This inspection report,

Write it,

The prefect and deputy prefect of ancient Songzhou,

All ministers must sign,

Indicates approval of the report.

The report is written,

Send it to Ang Tian Hammer,

Mr. Xuan took a look,

Team Gu Songzhou’s evaluation of the new field next to Bihe,

"Quite average Tanaka's Shangpin Tian."

Mr. Xuan clapped his hands.

"Good, good, good.

Lord Tian, ​​he used the blue river to build fields, but for more than a year,

The materials allocated above went to Gusongzhou, but half.

Can have such an evaluation,

It can already be said,

Tian Daren’s evaluation of this farming,

It's a top grade political achievement. "

When Ang Tian hammer listened,


"Hurry up and let the Jun and Deputy Prefects come to sign."

Mr. Xuan walked out happily.

After a while,

Jun and deputy prefects, the war participating in the record, the various halls and offices come in

Take a look at this report,

Happy one by one,

This report,

Report to the staff,

To them,

Everyone is a big political capital.

Maybe, promotion,

It depends on this report,

Only war participation is recorded,

Take a look at Ang Tianchui,

The complex look in his eyes flashed past.

Ang Tian Hammer,

But in the eyes.

Participate in this battle,

Sure enough, it is not a simple character.

Officials of Gusongzhou finished signing.

The record of war participation seems to be casually said,

"This report is for Deputy Attendant Zhai and the others to bring it back together.

Or, flying thousands of miles and sending it back to the staff? "

Ang Tian hammered a meal,

"I see, talk to Deputy Chief Zai,

Let them fly thousands of miles today,

Send this report back to the staff department. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Ang Tian hammer said,

Participate in the war,

It feels like a tacit understanding.

This report, as long as it is sent to the staff,

Both he and Ang Tianhammer ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have a lot of achievements.

"Let’s talk together."

Ang Tian Chui said,

"Good," said Zhan Shenlu.

Ang Tian Hammer and Zhan Shenlu nodded,

Of course, the deputy prefect of the king followed,

Three people together,

Walked towards the room where the deputy magistrate Sai was resting.

That afternoon,

There are ten camel beasts,

Like rolling thunder,

Rushed out of the prefect of ancient Songzhou. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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