Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2638: Impeachment

at night,

Ang Tian Hammer opened the communication circle,

Let me tell you the story of Deputy Chief Officer Zhai's visit to Gu Songzhou.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

"Well, it should be solved by Taoism.

This matter involves factional struggles,

Gifts can no longer be solved.

Unless you can send a half ride to Jinshan.

You are a four-diamond flower god, and there are a few golden mountains. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Xuan Qianhe, you know so much about being an official.

But you are really right. "

Wandering knife looked at Xuan Qianhe and said.

He found,

Xuan Qianhe has a better understanding of officialdom than himself.

It seems that Xuan Qianhe is facing the official,

It's really interesting.

"You help me pay attention to the staff, as soon as Li Shilang opened this report,

Just tell me. "

Ang Tianchui said.

As soon as Li Shi Lang opened the report,

The Ang Tian Hammer will release the Soul Dao technique that was performed on the Deputy Servant Zhai.

Ending communication with Wandering Sword and Hyun Qianhe,

Yamen came in,

Arched his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer,

"Master Tian, ​​deputy prefect of the emperor, Zhan Shenlu, Mr. Xuan, has accompanied Shangguan to the karaoke hall,

Please go over. "

Ang Tian hammer nodded.

"Okay, get on the sedan chair."

That night,

In the cabaret,


Everyone is very happy.

The officials who came to inspect,

One person has an extra box of raw yellow.

Give gold every day,

The prefect of ancient Songzhou could not afford it.

the next day,

It was another kind luncheon,

in the afternoon,

Inspect the convoy,

Only then began to set off.

This time the inspection was successfully concluded.

The convoy did not go fast.

It took a few days to get out of more than a thousand miles,

this day,

Over the convoy,

As if high in the sky.

A starlight swept like lightning,

There is no cultivation base of the Four Diamond Flower God,

It is hard to detect.

Deputy Chief Zhai was sitting in a big cart himself,

At this time,

Looking at the scenery outside the big car window.


Deputy Chief Zhai was shocked!

For a while,

The past few days,

As if dreaming,

Flashed before my eyes.


Deputy Chief Zhai stayed,

Those who come to denounce, become praises!

The task assigned by Qing Shi Lang, Prince Shan's Mansion.

It seems to be dropped by myself!

Deputy Chief Zai couldn't believe it.

To the attendant outside the cart, he said, "Please sponsor it from the Ministry of Agriculture."

Immediately, one person got out of the cart in front,

Ride a camel,

When I arrived at the cart where the deputy magistrate was sitting,

Throwing his hand toward the deputy assistant minister Zhai: "I have seen Master Zhai!"

Sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture,

On the way to Gu Songzhou,

But all the way, he actively moved closer to himself.

and so.

Deputy Chief Zhai came to ask him.

"How do you feel about this visit to Gu Songzhou."

Said Deputy Chief Officer asked,

The host of the Ministry of Agriculture is overjoyed,

Deputy Chief Zai asked himself to express his thoughts,

Maybe I want to cultivate myself.

Can be hosted by the ministry,

Team these inspections,

To report back,

I thought about the general report a long time ago,

At this time,

Just use it.

Immediately said: "This time the Gu Songzhou inspection.

We followed the adults and walked all over the new fields of Bihe in Gu Songzhou,

The river diversion in Gu Songzhou is really good.

Experience worth promoting. There are the following points---"

Sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture,

With a happy face,

I just said three points of experience.

one look,

Deputy Chief Zhai's face became ugly.

The sponsor of the Ministry of Agriculture stopped talking.

Deputy Chief Zai waved his hand.

The sponsor of the Ministry of Agriculture drove to the cart he was in.

It's hard for this deputy chief to serve.

The sponsor of the Ministry of Agriculture thought,

It seems that I want to be promoted,

You have to find a way from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Deputy Chief Officer Sai leaned on the cushion,

All this is true,

Not dreaming.

Gu Songzhou,

How dare to use Taoism!

Prince Shan greeted him,

Coming over with the momentum of Mount Tai,

The sponsors of several ministries agreed,

Originally thought,

This day the prefect’s contribution,

Not only not,

Pick the bones in the egg,

There may have been.

Don't think,

Being practiced by others,

It is resolved.

Able to perform such a powerful Taoism,

Deputy Chief Officer Sai,

Thinking of these is useless.

The anger of Deputy Chief Zai,

But it lasted a while,

It calmed down.

The monk entered the officialdom,

Added a lot of changes to the officialdom.

Deputy Chief Zhai considered the relationship with Prince Shan.

The things that Qing Shilang confessed,

I completely turned it over.

Regardless of the reason,

The faction of his kind prince,

Bye bye myself.

at the moment,

the most important,

It is to keep his position as deputy assistant minister of the staff.

Deputy Chief Zai thought for a while.

Over the years, many activities have been done,

But Keishilang's intention.

One thought,

Before the current emperor abdicated,

My own deputy assistant magistrate,

Still reliable.

Assistant Assistant Officer, Deputy Assistant Officer,

This is the position of the emperor’s attention,

Not a prince,

You can move if you want.

A few days later,

This team,

Entered the state capital of Daren.

Deputy Chief Zhai did not even return to his house.

I went directly to the office of the staff,

Upon entering the Yamen,

After each hosting,

This Deputy Chief Officer,

Just feel

In the offices of each sponsor,

The sponsors looked over with extremely surprised eyes.

Deputy Chief Zai had no expression on his face.

There was a wry smile in my heart,

he knows,

This trip to Gu Songzhou,

In this staff,

Definitely stunned many people!

He walked into the office hall of the official minister.

Li Shilang stood up,

Smiled haha,

He took the hands of Deputy Chief Zai,

"Deputy Attendant Zhai, this trip has been hard.

Someone has already played the memo. Impeachment of Tianzhifu of Gu Songzhou

Introduce Bihe River water to regenerate crudely.

Now, as soon as the report of the inspection team comes,

Just to solve this problem,

I have put this report,

Play the emperor. "


Deputy Chief Zhai, just think.

Blank in front of me,

For a long time,

To move,

When he arrived, he sat down on the hospitality chair,

Shaking constantly.

did not expect,

Shi Lang Qing is so fast,

Arranged for the performance of the ancient Songzhou Tianzhifu.

Want to come.

Shi Lang felt,

Deputy Chief Officer Zhai made this trip,

The team made farmland in Gu Songzhou and issued a derogatory inspection report.

Ten to nine are stable,

What's the identity of Deputy Chief Officer Zhai,

Sitting on the expedition team,

Open your mouth and say a few words,

This inspection report,

Hosted by other departments.

It can definitely be done properly.

and so,

Deputy Chief Zhai did not return to the capital,

Qing Shilang sent people to go to impeach the ancient Songzhou Tianzhifu.

Don't think,

This inspection report,

He Qing Shi Lang thought.

Turn it over completely!

This Tianzhifu of ancient Songzhou,

It was recommended by the clerk for promotion,

Li Shi Lang,

Of course, the Ministry hopes that Gu Songzhou will divert the water from the blue river to make fields,

From credit to fault!

This is not,

Immediately transfer the report sent by the deputy magistrate to the emperor.

Deputy Chief Zhai hurried back to the capital,

I just want to stop the impeachment of Qing Shilang against the prefect of Gu Songzhou.

In this way, things are not up to the emperor,

Although the faction of his kind prince has turned his face,


This matter is not too big!

However, the performance of Keishi Lang,

Li Shilang took his own report this turn,

This matter has happened-----.

The attendant ordered a cup of tea,

Send it to the deputy assistant magistrate Zhai,

As soon as Deputy Chief Officer Sai came in,

He immediately let the waiter out.

one look,

Deputy Chief Zhai was in a daze,

There is no response.

Today, for the chief minister,

Is a good child,

For this deputy chief,

Not necessarily a bad rìzi,

Seeing the deputy magistrate Zhai,

Shocked by this incident.

The deputy maid of Li smiled,

Put the tea cup down,

Reached out and shook his hand at Deputy Chief Sai!

"Deputy Minister Zhai,

This matter has been decided by the emperor,


Can't call the shots anymore.

For you, this is not necessarily a bad thing. "

As soon as Deputy Chief Officer Sai heard,

Thought for a while,

His face eased.


As soon as Deputy Chief Officer Sai thought,

This thing,

It may affect the emperor’s view of the good prince faction-----,

from here,

Involved in the fight for the knife and the king.

Kick yourself,

What a terrible whirlpool might you have stepped into?

this matter,

It is possible to set off a terrible political storm!

As a deputy assistant minister like him,

Go to the following state,

Everyone worships, everyone gives gifts,

Once involved in the battle for the king,

It's just a follower.

Deputy Chief Zhai spent half a day,

Only then stood up.

Walked out of the office hall of Li Shilang,

My eyes are dull,


As Li Shilang said,


The emperor has been played.

Go back to your office and sit down,

But a cup of tea time,

A deputy sponsor of the staff came in,

Associate sponsor, in the staff department,

But it's just entering the grade.

Counted as an "official".


.This host,

Walked into the office lobby of Deputy Chief Zhai,

He doesn't even arch his hands.

Said coldly towards the deputy assistant magistrate Zhai,

"Master Qing told you,

Play to the emperor quickly,

The report sent earlier,

All lies!

This time,

Master Qing doesn't care about you. "

Deputy Chief Officer Sai,

It's cold all over!


this matter,

Has involved the emperor,

Regarding the views of the Prince Shan faction,


Qing Shi Langzao started to fix himself,

Where would you send someone,

Spread a message to yourself.


Deputy Prefect of Zhai,

Knowing that this person is from the Good Prince faction,


did not expect,

This person is so awesome,

Contact Qing Shi Lang directly.

No wonder,

See myself,

Don't even give gifts.

Oh, my last memorial,

Said his original inspection report,

All nonsense,


The emperor will send others,

Went to Gu Songzhou for inspection,

Where is Qing Shi Lang,

It may not be able to restore the impact.

This memorial to myself,

May be beheaded!

Deputy Chief Officer Zhai remembered the words of Chief Minister Li,

Said coldly to the person coming:

"Of course, the emperor is in charge of this matter.

I was in Gusongzhou, and I saw what I saw and said,

Seek truth from facts.

As the deputy assistant servant of the staff,

How can you tell me a memorial that is inconsistent with reality? "


Deputy Chief Officer Sai,

Take out an official document and read it,

It seems like working hard.


This host is furious.

However, when it comes to playing up,

He dare not say one more thing!

Turned around,

I have walked out of the office of Deputy Attorney Zhai,

I went directly out of the bureaucratic office,

Arrived at a teahouse,

Just sit down,

Someone has come forward,

Say hello to him,

He talked to the deputy magistrate Zhai,

The face is serious,

"Okay, I immediately said to Shi Lang Kei."

This man walked out of the teahouse,

After a while,

Has entered the Prince's Mansion,

Deputy Prince Shan,

In a hall,

Shi Lang Qing is sitting.

A look of anger!

To impeach a prefect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For him,

Just like playing,

Don't think,

The report of Deputy Chief Sai,

Turn it over completely.

Not only was the impeachment missed this time,

Caused the emperor’s discomfort,

No, just now,

The Prince Good to him,

Angry with thunder! . . )


3wc high-speed first release the latest chapter of Unlimited Cultivation. This chapter is Chapter 2638. The address of the impeachment of Tianzhifu is. If you think this chapter is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ group and Weibo!

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