Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2670: Chunna

Within a few days, Commissioner Qian’s Jin Guo Ying had already received the formalities.

Next, hire construction workers,

Start construction of the manor.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

It didn’t take long to start,

"This person is a team member, there are several manors---"

The county government has talked about it everywhere.


It seems that that identity is at least the deputy captain.

Was thinking,

Ang Tianchui sent a communication to Commissioner Qian.

"Master, the shop I opened in Renhefang City,

The deputy prefect sent a servant to buy a medicine that can advance the Qi training period. "



Open for general team practitioners.


Ordinary warriors, who can take out immortal stones,

It is also possible to enter ordinary markets such as Renhefang City.

This monarch and deputy prefect,

Aroused the heart to refine alchemy and seek the truth.

The pill for advanced Qi training period,

It spread to ordinary people.

This thought passed in the shadow of Jin Guo of Commissioner Qian,

"How about the price?"

Member Qian’s Jin Guozhi asked,

"As soon as they are mortal, the price is of course higher.

New entrants must always pay tuition fees. "

Ang Tian Chui smiled,

Mortals, do not understand the rules of the team cultivation world,

The pill for the advanced qi training period of innate warriors,

Although it is the worst medicine,

At the peak of the non-qi training period, the monks in the foundation building period cannot refine,

For mortals,

Refining this pill.

It is an insurmountable threshold.

"Biyou Temple, the Giant Rock Temple allows mortals to hold Immortal Stone Mine.

In this way, the mortal who can get the fairy stone,

This is inevitable for a large number of monks in the advanced Qi training period. "

Member Qian Jin Guozhi said.

The conversation with Ang Tian Hammer is over.

Originally, Commissioner Qian wanted to give a fist-sized gem.

But on thinking,

Fist big gem,

Has exceeded three hundred catties of gold,

.A member of my own,

Thousand catties of gold were taken out.

As if effortlessly.

This one-----

at night,

Yunxian official mansion,

County Officer Yun looked at a pill in the jade bottle,

According to this patrolman.

This medicine was a gift from an expert.

Taking it, you can cultivate from ordinary warriors to the peak of innate warriors.

Although the monks were not interested in the flood of monks during the Qi training period.


Commissioner Qian learned what Yun County Officer’s husband and County Officer Yun said,

The promotion of county official Yun to deputy prefect has been decided.

But relying on the 13,000 fruit trees donated by Ang Tian Hammer,

After some operation,

This rhyme county official. Promoted to the post of deputy prefect.

What the county magistrate Yun paid, and what Ang Tian hammer paid,

It's really incomparable.

Commissioner Qian thinks that the county official Yun is related.

Sent this generous gift,

Of course, this is true for Yun County official.

In this world.

There are martial arts practice everywhere,

Like Yun county official.

Relying on reading to be an official, practicing martial arts,

Don't care,

It's just the level of an ordinary warrior.

The relationship between Yiyun County officials,

That high-level exercise is not difficult,

Congenital warrior,

That is several times the strength, prolonging life.

For ordinary people,

That's enough.

This time, this person asked for the position of a deputy captain,

County Officer Yun nodded.

I'm going to be promoted anyway,

Promote those who should be promoted.

In a few days,

A document is issued,

Tan Tian was appointed as the deputy captain of the Dun County Agricultural Team.

Several captains, the deputy captain came to congratulate,

Like the proud sword,

For Tantian, The shadow of this master’s golden fruit,

Like an ordinary colleague,

Although this person came with a letter of introduction from Brother Tian,


Brother Tian didn't tell himself,

Then it might be a family member of Brother Tian,

This kind of thing, people who have been cultivating for hundreds of years,

How can there be no related households?

Generally regarded as unknown.

The several manors in Tantian were built in more than a month,

Aotianjian is busy studying the imperial examination articles,

Some articles circulated in the capital this year,

These articles are worth a catty per article.

In a blink of an eye,

The flowers bloom in the mountains,

chūn day is here,

Talents everywhere,

Rushed to the Juren test site,

Aotianjian went to see Yun Zhifu,

Ask for leave in order to take the Juren exam.

By the way, send a box.


The news of promotion is the best,

Yun Zhifu opened it and took a look.

Three gems,

Each pigeon egg is big.

Just these three gems,

No less than three hundred catties of gold,

Friends introduced by Tianda,

They are all very rich.

Yun Zhifu thought,

For Aotianjian,

Gentle and gentle,

Said a few words,

Aotianjian knows,

This favor,

Yun Zhifu is quite satisfied.

No, I came here to promote Yun Zhifu.

Just to give such a favor.

Aotian Sword walked out of the county office,

Got in a big car,

On the way of this big car,

It is being built by the shadow of Jin Guo

The manor is ten miles away.

Dun County is relatively flat,

For ten years,

Aotianjian’s spiritual thoughts swept away,

This look,

They are all plants and medicinal materials that can be used as refining materials

The least year,

It has been hundreds of years.

God's thoughts are swept away,

Prohibit changes,

In that manor,


A drill from the top of the flower god,

It has been unable to detect.

Aotianjian was surprised,

This friend of Ang Tianchui.

Where did the master come from?

Look at this prohibition,

Not worse than Ang Tian Hammer.

This is the difference in the realm of Taoism.

The cart drove out of Gusongzhou.

The broadsword extended along a mountain,

It is already a few low hills,

The road is quite smooth,


A few arrows,

Howl this is beside the road,

The coachman was shocked,

"It's only thirty miles after entering chūn Luozhou.

Just ran into robbery. "

Urge the camel beast,

The camel beast ran abruptly,


A dozen people stood up on the nearby hill,

With bow and arrow in hand,

Toward this big car.

For a while!

The howling of arrows,

The screams of camel beasts, the screams of people.

This big car,

But ran a few tens of feet,

Has crashed down!

These arrows have a vertical stature.

Has jumped a few feet away,

Each is a congenital warrior!

Congenital warrior,

Make a strong bow,

The shè Cheng can reach three miles!

Several innate warriors,

Talking and laughing came to the side of the cart.

Next to the cart,

A wave of water rippled!


A dozen congenital warriors.

All shaken up!

Flew more than ten feet in the air,

Upon landing,

Has been unable to move.

Just saw,

A man walked out of the cart, but he was dressed up.

"Say, who asked you to come?"

In this eyes,

The light flashed,

Immediately, several congenital warriors said,

A middle-aged person asked them to come,

This middle-aged man,

They don’t know each other,

These people are wandering warriors.

"All the talents who seem to go to chūn Luozhou for the exam,

All beheaded?

It's so interesting. Is this the order given by the middle-aged man? "

Aotianjian waved his hand,

These innate warriors,

All shocked to death!

Aotianjian opened the communication circle,

"My God, let me tell you something."

Let's talk about it,

"Oh? This kind of thing, Daren has never seen it in a hundred years---

Probably coming from the prefect of Luozhou in chūn.

The one of Sword Xianke is called the Shadow of the Golden Fruit of the Villa Master,

It seems useless to find out what position the prefect of Luozhou will promote? "

Ang Tian Chui said,

It seems that

The political future of this chūn Luozhou prefecture is not small.

Aotianjian walked for dozens of miles,

It is from the junction of Gusongzhou and chūn Luozhou.

It’s more than a hundred miles,

Saw a small town,

Only then rehired a big car from the small town,

Towards the Luozhou prefecture of chūn,

This big car,

A camel to pull a cart.

After walking for a long time, I walked more than a hundred miles,

Chūn Luozhou state capital.

It has more than three hundred miles.

A team of camels,

Rushed over quickly,

The sound is like a huge thunder,

Surround the big car.

Knight of camel beast,

Holding the reins in one hand,

Holding a sword in one hand,

Everyone wears a battle armor,

Protected the whole body!

Show your eyes like a sword!

But it was a retired base-building monk's battle armor sold on the plane of Yuanbo.

"Get off and check."

A voice came from a battle armor,

It was like a depressed beast roar.

This is the equipment of the State Patrol Department.

It seems that the matter of intercepting and rushing to test talents,

chūn Luozhou already knows,

Such a big thing happened,

It's strange that these people from the Luozhou Patrol Department are happy!

Aotianjian stepped out of the cart,

Take out your own way,

Give to this person,

This person looked around,

Arched his hand towards Aotian Sword:

"It turned out to be the deputy captain of the industrial and commercial team in Dun County.

What an offense, we are performing official duties. "

Aotianjian smiled,

"Understand, everyone works for the emperor."

There were already a few people next to him, interrogating the coachman.

The camel squad ran along the road,

In the battle armor of the monks during the foundation period,

The Dao Fa formation is already activated,

Dao Fa fluctuated, constantly sweeping the surrounding dozens of miles!

Taoism is universal,

Monks in the Qi training period,

Put on the battle armor of the foundation period,

Ability greatly increased,

Can be like ordinary monks in the foundation building period,

Keep releasing Dao Fa,

Although for the true foundation monks,

General effect,

For the mortals of innate warriors, monks in the training period,

Absolutely a powerful existence,

Aotianjian thought,

The cart arrived at the state capital of Chun Luozhou,

hūn Luoguan,

The Aotian Sword gave that person a small piece of gold,

This person thanks again and again,

Revolving town,

chūn Luoguankou,

Has long been tightly guarded,

Aotianjian took Dao Yin again, took it out, and looked at it once.

Enter chūn Luoguan,

After a while,

A patrol team passed by.

Aotianjian found a good house to live in,

In the premises,

Some talents with good conditions have already lived,

Dinner at night,

Aotianjian ordered a few good dishes,

Listening to these talents talking,

These talents,

While eating vegetables and drinking,

His face was serious.

"This is a great event in Darren, a rare event in a century."

A talented person said,

Clothes are the uniforms of scholars,


Accessories on the body,

But there are fluctuations in Taoism.

"That is, who has done such a big thing for a hundred years."

The scholar next to him said,

"I see, this matter came from Luozhou facing Chun."

Another talent said,

"This is very possible."

Aotianjian listened for a while,

But did not hear how much valuable things.

It is said that,

Ten talents who came to rush the exam have died!

But because of their identity,

The impact is relatively large~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The news from these monks,

This examination will still be held as usual.

The whole building was talking about this news.


After a day,

An official came to inform,

All the murderers have been captured,

Don't talk without permission!

Has a base-building battle armor,

Solving this matter is not difficult, but,

chūn Luozhou prefect’s face,

. But was slapped! . . )

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