Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2671: pounce

at night,

The Aotian Sword urged the communication circle,

Jian Xianke, Jian Xuantian came to take this Juren exam,

Of course, they live separately.

Can transmit sound,

The talents who came to rush the exam were cut off,

A master Jin Dan has already stepped in,

Therefore, Aotianjian urged the communication array.

"Your Golden Fruit Shadow, have you found out about the situation?

How does this matter affect the prefects of Chunna Prefecture? "

Aotianjian said.

"The capital sent a master to come here on a floating craft,

On the official document,

Others, no disposal. "

After saying this,

Aotianjian saw it,

The face of the sword cyclist himself,

With envy.

I have been in officialdom for a few years,

everybody knows,

This is a very high preference.

"Review and prepare for the exam."

Aotianjian said.

"I only gained spiritual roots one hundred and sixty years ago,

Refined into a plant soul, not many shadows of golden fruit are urged.

This time, several Golden Fruit Shadows gave up Dao Fa and deduced them.

Fully comprehend these imperial examination essays,

There should be no problems in high school. "

The sword cyclist said,

"The strips of spiritual root paper we got were not the best.

There are not many shadows of the golden fruit urged. "

Aotianjian said.

Mountain flower plane,

From the fighting regiments,

Pay a lot of money,

I got some branches of battle spirit roots,

of course. These fighting spirit roots,

Compared with the battle team directly under Biyou Temple.

Not far.

These fighting spirit roots,

Planted for hundreds of years,

The branches on the spiritual root,

And cultivate new spiritual roots,

These spiritual roots,

To the disciples of the Shanhua plane,

Practicing plant mystery.

Those battle roots obtained from the battle team directly under Biyou Temple,

Get branches from these battle spirit roots.

Used to cultivate the soul,

Urging the shadow of the golden fruit,

It is Red Wolf, Yuan Tie, Wandering Knife, Ang Tian Hammer, Xuan Qianhe.

A group of people like Jiyuanjian and Yanpangdao.

Ordinary Jindan monks,

Without a diamond flower god,

Unless you get the Shocking Baby, you can practice beside these battle spirit roots,

It is impossible to obtain the branches of these best fighting spirit roots.

Cultivation knife belt drill flower god.

The contribution point is up,

Usually already has a spiritual root soul,

With the shadow of golden fruit,

The Yuan Ying monk of the mountain flower plane decided,

Since everyone wants to use these spiritual roots for cultivation.

Take branches from these spiritual roots,

Of course it can't be arbitrary.

Ten days have passed.

As the patrol continued to patrol,

Chun Luoguan calmed down.

Admission to the exam.

As soon as the talents approached the examination room,

Just saw,

Yamen, members of the patrol team wearing armor,

Put the iron bucket around the examination room in general.

The scholars all felt a sense of killing!

"This year's exam questions,

Suitable for battle themes. "

A talented person said,

The talents who entered the examination room laughed together.

The atmosphere is much more relaxed,

Aotianjian took a look,

This man looks average,


a pair of eyes,

But like a star in the sky.

"If this person is a cultivator, his accomplishment is definitely higher than mine."

Aotianjian said,

Several people entered the venue,

The examination papers and questions are issued,

Aotianjian looked for a while,

This is a referral exam,

Different from ordinary talent examinations,

With the ability of a diamond flower god,

Considered for a long time,

I thought about reorganizing the article,

Only then began to write.

I took a look at the examination room,

Aotian Sword is not the first to write.

Sure enough, talent is not comparable to the deduction of the shadow of the golden fruit.

The shadow of the golden fruit of Aotian Sword,

The article has been deduced once,

This article,

It can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

Compare brilliantly,

If you talk about works with aura like the Flying Fairy in the Sky,

It's far from mentioned.

Spent most of the day,

Aotianjian finished writing the article,

Sat for a while,

Imperial Examination,

It is not possible to hand in papers in advance,

All people must hand in the paper together.

It's evening,

The talents walked out of the examination room,

The exam passed smoothly,

Everyone is happy,

Propose to have a meal in that restaurant.

To be admitted as a talent,

Has entered the threshold of fame,

Although there is not enough money in the bag,

Also nodded in agreement.

Immediately, a few well-dressed celebrities opened their mouths.

They treat guests.

Someone invited guests, and of course everyone responded together.

Towards the ancient Songzhou,

One of the best restaurants walked past.

Walked more than a hundred feet away from the examination room,


A few pedestrians shouted!

The whole figure seems to swell in a circle,

Nails on hands,

It grows fast at a speed that the naked eye can see,

In an instant,

Has become a sharp claw!

Toward a few talents who are close,

Suddenly caught it.

In the whistling sound,

Several talents waved to block immediately!

this world,

Ordinary martial arts exercises are extensive,

The conditions are not too bad,

I have practiced some martial arts,


This block.

Just feel that

The hand that grabbed it,

Like a giant mountain!

Of course, it feels so for ordinary people,

The hands of these talents were swung away,

Retreat towards the back,

I saw each other,

Like a phantom,

With the sound of wind, he rushed over,


Splashing blood!

In an instant,

Several talents have been arrested!

The mortals next to each other have practiced martial arts,

This sudden change,

Strength increased several times!

There is no advanced Qi training monk,


Strength and the true energy of ordinary martial artists,

The difference is not great,


The talents turned and ran towards the guards guarding the examination room.

Take the test,

I didn’t even bring a sword,

Which is the opponent of these people.

A group of patrolmen have ran over,

Just stand up!

This happened near the examination room,

Why do you make them feel bad?

I have to eat a lot of hanging!


A talent has already grabbed a piece of meat.

The patrol team felt it,

The sword light flashed,


It has been cut to this man's arm.

A sword that contains this true spirit,

This man's arm,

Should be chopped off!


The patrolman felt,

As if he had chopped on a stone,

A huge wound appeared on this man's arm.

With a roar,

Body shape shook,

The speed is a bit faster than before!

The patrolman returned to the sword for a block

Claw shadow flashed!

Another person rushed up,


A battle armor made of fine iron,

Scratched a hole~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Blood splashed.

of course,

Compared with the talents,

The injury is much lighter,

Immediately stepped back.

The patrolmen in the distance watched,

One by one!

"These people are all nearby residents.


How could it become so powerful! "


Blood spattered,

Another talent was arrested!

The patrolman's face was solemn!

I had no choice but to open the sword with a single blow.

Rushed up immediately,

It sounded like a wave of iron strikes.

Dozens of people rushed up and culled with the guards!

The talents have guards to block them,

one look,

Ten talents have died,

These talents may be Juren.

However, the entrance to the examination room was closed.

Even the prefect of Chunna Prefecture,

Can't let the examination room open!

Aotianjian and the others, of course, together with the scholars,

"These people. It seems to be a very mysterious conjoined spell."

Said the sword celestial being.

Among these people, Jian Xianke has the most knowledge.

... to be continued... ........

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