Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2672: Real swordsman

Several monks on the plane of Shanhua,

Each went back to their premises.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

The corpses of these rioters,

Don't even look at it,

These exercises are all through the spirit magic

Teleported to their souls,

automatic running.

There will be no cheats left.

Entered the premises,

"Yan Pang Dao, look at what the monk of Xuangu Mountain and the prefect of Chun Luozhou say."

The monks of Xuangu Mountain,

These people must be concerned.

The other party is a golden core monk, and he definitely can't use divine mind.

Yan Pang knife took out a magical artifact,

Reach out,

On the magic weapon, an image appeared.

Just saw,

chūn Luozhou prefect, stood up,

The real man nodded towards the twisted sword.

Able to stand up,

This is already a very high standard reception attitude.

Although he is a real swordsman,


Like ordinary people, white body.

"Thank you for your help from the real swordsman."

chūn Luozhou prefect said lightly.

The prefectural government has already told him what happened.

There is no real man with a twisted sword, that sword,

this matter,

I really don't know how to end it.

Although the prefect of Luozhou was very upset,

But these courtesy,

Still have to,

"Where, this is what my generation of cultivators should do."

The real twisted sword said,

These few conversations,

Does not exceed the routines of ordinary cultivators.

"Come on."

The prefect of Luozhou said,

An official came up.

Holding a plate.

There are a hundred middle-grade immortal stones on it.

"A little gift, thank you. No respect."

chūn Luozhou prefect said,

Each state capital of Daren is equipped with airships,

of course I know,

These monks want immortal stones.

"This chūn Luozhou prefecture, take out a hundred middle-grade immortal stones at once.

It is much wider than the prefect of the ancient Songzhou of Ang Tianhammer. "

Said the red pao guest.

"Chūn Luozhou has a large area of ​​Bigu Songzhou, and there are many plains within it. There are several tributaries of the Kunwen River passing by.

Bigu Songzhou has become rich several times!

In Gu Songzhou, the Bihe River is relatively large.

The others can only be regarded as small streams.

Otherwise, Ang Tian Chui planted fruit trees in Yuanshan County? "

Qianyuanjian said,

"These states with good conditions, where can we be in charge?

Wandering sword and Xuan Qianhe became county officials,

The conditions in the county they manage are not much stronger than Biyuanshan County.

However, I see these hundred middle-grade immortal stones,

Real people look down upon the twisted sword.

For the eighth product golden pill,

One hundred high-grade immortal stones, barely accepted. "


A generous expression appeared on the face of the real sword twister,

Waved his hand.

"Helping is what I should do. Where can I get a fairy stone?"


Are these monks talking so easily?

One hundred middle-grade immortal stones, but part of the power of the airship.

He wanted to invite this golden core monk.

Stationed in chūn Luozhou for a few days,

Let these talents who rush the exam return.

"In this way, I see, you don't have golden core offerings in Luozhou,

With my strength, I can serve as a golden pill. "

The real twisted sword said,

It turns out that you have a bigger appetite and want to serve as an offering?

"Well, the Patrol Department in Luozhou of Chun is short of manpower.

I don't know, the real twisted sword is not interested? "

chūn Luozhou prefect said.

This time, the emperor of Daren did not send a master Jin Dan over.


In this way, it seems too partial,

Golden core offerings, not counting the golden core offerings of a few princes,

The entire Daren court,

There are only a few people.

"Well, I am not interested in being a school officer."

This twisted sword said,

How much power can the colonel of the Patrol Department have?

Also under the jurisdiction of the prefect.

This chūn Luozhou prefect was transferred,

If you change to a prefect, it is under the same jurisdiction,

If it can be worshipped by chūn Luozhou,

Become the worship of Daren,

There is hope.

"This, if you hire a consecration, you have to report to the capital."

chūn Luozhou prefect said,

If this sword-cutter monk promises to take up a post in the chūn Luozhou Patrol Department,

Then immediately, it is the subordinate,

chūn Luo Zhifu can immediately decree,

Let him take the matter of today,

Let's talk about it before getting to the bottom of it,

Enshrine, then there is no such good use.

"Then----I'll leave first."

This twisted sword is a real man arched his hand,

To urge to escape,

However, his figure flickered,

However, he walked out of the chūn Luozhou prefect lobby.

"This person is quite the worship of Da Renguo."

Ji Yuanjian said.

"It's not Daren who introduced the local monks,

Where can these countries easily accept monks

When the country worships. "

Yan Pangdao smiled.

"Back then, Ang Tian Hammer, in Prince Shan’s Mansion, was not worshipped either.

It’s much more comfortable to worship Bi as an official,

The salary is high, and it is not necessarily driven by the official.

If he takes up the position of the Luozhou Patrol Department,

Immediately, we must find out what happened today,

I think this person is a jīng, delicate person,

These runaways, he didn't want to mix too much. "

Said the red pao guest.

This twisted sword real man quickly walked out of the Luozhou prefecture of Chun,

Not happy.

Although Zhen Xuan Gu ordered,

Let him come to Daren to develop,

chūn Luozhou held a referral test, and the talents who came to take the test were attacked.

Has spread throughout the Daren Kingdom,

He just came to Chun Luozhou,


On the day of the Juren exam,

It really gave him a chance to shoot.

The spirits of several Jindan monks swept the scene of the fight,

This raid on the examination room,

It is definitely hosted by a master of comprehension,

The soul cultivation of this master of comprehension,

May be quite high,

at this point,

Everyone knows it.

He alone decided to take action,

Xuangu Mountain is good at the wave plane of the garden,

And have a lot of friends.

Even if he shot,

What can this master of cultivation do to Xuangu Mountain.

As soon as I stepped out of Xuangu Mountain,

The figure is a few feet away,

This speed,

Innate warriors can also do it.

Pedestrians on the road are not to blame.


He halted,

Ten miles away in the fields,

I don't know when,

Standing a figure,

Thin, cold,

Wearing a robe!

He held a robe in his hand,

The whole body is pitch black,

After ten miles,

The lines on the long streamer,

But it is a black flame,

Lifelike in general.

In the black fire,

It seems that there are several hideous heads,

Horns on the head,

Spit fire in his mouth.

"Yīn fire---"

This real man with a twisted sword is stunned!

These heads,

He has seen,

It is the head of the golden core monk of the demons.

This person has combined the head of the golden core monk of the demon race with the fire,

Refining is a magic weapon.


Far more than ordinary human beings, the magic weapon refined by monster heads,

This kind of monk,

It used to be called evil monk.

Always suppressed by those righteous monks.

However, as soon as the war against the demons started,

Evil monk, righteous monk,

Each one suffered heavy losses.

It's not like it used to be.

This matter turned out to be controlled by this monk,

The twisted sword monk's figure has changed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the escape method has been reminded,

Fleeing away quickly,

When I saw the head refined on the long banner,

Just know,

This humanitarian law is powerful!

The figure of this monk holding a long banner flashed,

Turned into a black flame,

In an instant,

It’s only one mile away from this twisted sword monk,

The long streamer flickered,

Thousands of flames are like ropes,

Over a few miles in an instant,

Strike the real man with this twisted sword! . . )

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