Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2673: Yin fire

Two thousand six hundred and seventy-three chapters Yin Fire

A reminder of the twisted sword real human law,

There is already an extra shield around,

One stop toward the black flame,

A reminder of the sword in hand,

One sword is transformed into dozens of swords.

The sword light shines,

Cut towards this black line of fire!

Although this black flame is powerful,

The mystery urged by the sword of the other,

It's not covered!

A thunder-like voice sounded.

The black flame, the sword light shot everywhere!

A real man with a twisted sword, a shield for urging,

It has started to burn.

Touch that flame,

Shield flying sword, all feel pressure,

Finally took this sword,

A reminder of how to escape the sword,

We must go all out,

Don't think,

In a black flame,

Suddenly a head popped out,

A mouthful,

I bit the flying sword,

With a bang,

Feijian has been bitten out of the depression,

Sparks splatter!

"This person has already refined the head of the Demon Clan Golden Core into a virtual reality!

Sure enough, it was the Golden Core of the Demon Race, which was much stronger than ordinary creatures. "

The flying sword of the Golden Core monk, refined for hundreds of years,

Where are you willing to let go,

Sword Jue urges,

Thousands of swords of flying sword burst out of anger!

The surface of the head,

Immediately there was a flame,

Ten thousand swords burst out,

On the surface of this head,

But there are more sword marks.

This head is even harder than Feijian!

Only then did the warrior sword know how powerful it was.

Feijian no more,

Body shape reminded.

About to escape,

But those black lines of fire,

Already rolled over,


As if flying all over the sky,

There are thousands of changes in general.


The real man with the twisted sword has been sent to the black flame to pass through.

This black fire,

Can burn the soul,

In an instant,

A golden pill rushed out from the head of the real man with twisted sword,

In a blink of an eye,

Has rushed to the ground,

They are fighting here.

It's just tens of feet in the air.

The black flame rushed towards the place where Jin Dan had escaped!

In an instant, a black flame burned a hole thirty feet deep,

But the golden core is gone,

He this flame.

Effective for the physical body, the soul,


For stones,

But not as good as sky fire. Wuyang is really hot.

"Jindan ran away, it's cheaper for you."

The monk said coldly.

Just saw,

Several divine thoughts extended from the prefect of Chunna Prefecture,

The lightning generally retracted.

Brother Jindan was beheaded with a few moves,

Jin Dan escaped,

Who dares to watch it?

The monk turned his body and fled towards the distance,

At this time, the sun went down,

It was getting dark.

After a while,

Seeing the monk did not turn back,

Some monks in Chunna Prefecture,

Only then settled down.

A real man with a twisted sword walked less than ten miles out of the state capital of Chunluozhou.

The spirit of the monks during the foundation building,

In Chunra Prefecture,

Can be viewed.

All evening,

Ordinary warriors ran away until the real swordsman was cut.

"It's much more exciting than the average cave mansion adventure."

Jian Xuantian said,

In the communication circle,

The four diamond flower gods heard this,

One by one contempt.

It's really not much risky,

This kind of little scene is wonderful.

"Where is the monk in the chariot flag?

His Yinhuo is really pure,

However, blending with other flames,

It seems that the power is not enough,

Otherwise, I can't catch the golden core. "

Qianyuanjian said,


"This person is single-minded and highly accomplished in Yinhuo's cultivation.

However, the flame of Yinhuo does not blend well with other flames.

To merge, you can only find other flames with cold attributes,

You must not underestimate this person,

The real sword twister was burned by the black fire,

Body, soul, can't take off! "

The red pao guest spoke.

"Maybe, it's a monk under the command of the main god.

The monks of the Giant Rock Shrine,

There are definitely not many people with such high attainments. "

everybody knows,

The flame cultivation of the red pao guest,

Is the tallest among these four diamond flower gods,

The team fire is profound and the most researched.

"Is it the main **** of the soul system?"

Qianyuanjian said,

His face has become serious.


The red pao guest said,

When the Hongpao Ke said this,

To the monk holding a long banner,

No one speaks on the plane of Shanhua,

The equipment shop of the mountain flower plane,

Opened to many planes,

For all the main gods,

Over the years, a lot of information has been collected,

It is said that it may be the main **** of the soul system,

To this monk holding a long banner,

Everyone is willing to explore.

Everyone said for a while,

What happened today,

For the monks of the mountain flower plane,

There is no hindrance in itself.

"Today's affairs are the prefect of Chunna Prefecture."

Aotianjian said.

"The prefect of Chunluo Prefecture, but the emperor's favorite.

The impact is not big, you are not in charge. "

Yan Pangdao smiled and said,

"Yan Pang Dao is right, the impact of this matter is not big,

Not just a word from the emperor. "

Qianyuanjian said,


Aotianjian nodded.

The sword cyclist thought,


The real man with a twisted sword shot and killed the runaway,

Even the worship of Chunluozhou cannot be mixed up.

To be a squad leader in the patrol hall,

General Jindan monks.

Where do you want to do it?

No, it should be done!

Originally thought. How to please the prefect of Chunna Prefecture,

this time,

There is no such thought.

After talking,

Supper is over,

Everyone went back to the room to meditate and rest.

In a few days,

A master sent by the Kingdom of Daren,

Will be there.

Take care of this matter.

Scholars who come to take the exam can return,

In the soil,

A golden pill rolled,

Everywhere, the soil separates,


From the cracks in the rocks,

Part of this golden pill is exposed,

Watching the surroundings,

Inside Jindan,

A human figure,

It is the primordial spirit of the real swordsman.

In order to prevent the monk holding a long banner from discovering,

He didn't even dare to release his spiritual thoughts,

The soul is in the golden core,

Just look at the surrounding situation!

In that moment,

The soul rushed out from the Shenfu.

But brought a few treasures,

Some of the best. Materials that can be used for cultivation,

Most of the results of hard practice,

All of them were in the palace, destroyed or taken away by the monk holding the long banner.


The primordial spirit urged this golden core to be sent, but the foundation-building cultivators couldn't beat it.

Xuangushan, he refused to go back.

If it weren’t for True Person Xuangu who wanted to expand his power in the Daren Kingdom,

Will not send him here.

Go back with a golden pill,

. God knows, what kind of treatment.

Has been in Xuangu Mountain for hundreds of years,

The inside story of the team Xuangushan,

With some understanding,

He even more refused to return to Xuangu Mountain.

He is now an eighth grade golden core,

Find an ordinary person to seize the house,

Cultivating for decades, you don’t need to survive the golden core catastrophe,

Can also have the cultivation base of the eighth-grade golden core,

Suddenly, a mountain villa appeared in the distance,

He urged the golden core, escaped into the soil, and rolled towards the mountain villa.

When he arrived in Chunna State, he certainly knew,

This is Suncheon County,

The place where the monks of the main **** of Huola were stationed,

Although the monks of the main **** of Huola, the villa where they are stationed,

Has been bombed into a big pit.

However, there must be a gathering of spiritual energy nearby,

Find this villa for one night tonight,

After a day,

During the day, when I came out to find a place where the spiritual energy gathered,

Only the soul and the golden core,

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth cannot pass through the body's breath,

The cultivation speed is reduced a lot,

Jin Dan walked into the fence of the manor,

Immediately felt the restriction.

This is the monk's manor?

In the golden core, the spirit of the soul moved.

Monk's manor,


He should not enter,


Today, there is only one soul and one golden core,

This monk's manor is just right.

Needless to say,

There must be a place where remnants of aura gather here,

This monk,

It is directed at the gathering place of this residual aura.

Jin Dan rolled,

In the next moment,

.Has reached the top of the wall.

There is no restriction on this wall.

A gathering place for remnants of aura,

Sword Xianke didn't want to be too conspicuous.

Jin Dan felt it.

I immediately found that in a house,

There are faint practice fluctuations,

"Franch during the foundation period!"

In Jindan,

The soul of the real sword twister, let go of your heart.

Looking at the medicinal materials planted around the manor,

"Yes, there are some precious varieties."

Is suitable for cultivation,

The golden core of the real swordsman decided,

Practice here.

One night passed,

The soul of the real swordsman felt that,

This seemed to be the longest night he had ever spent.

in the morning,

The servants of the manor began to move,

Prepare breakfast,

In Jindan,

The soul of the real sword twister looked at these servants,

Divine mind swept,

One of the servants happened to agree with the conditions of seizure,

After a while,

The golden fruit shadow of the sword cyclist walked out of the door,

Began to water these herbs,

The medicinal materials used by these practitioners,

Not ordinary people can grow it.

The shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist, grow these medicinal materials by himself,

"At the peak of the foundation period,

For the Golden Core Realm, it was not able to comprehend it. "

Eight-Rank Golden Elixir,

Look at the peak monks during the foundation period,

After a while,

You can see the cultivation of the peak monks during the foundation building period,

The soul of the swordsman,

Seeing this shadow of golden fruit planting medicinal materials,

Each medicinal material is watered differently,

The watering scoops are different,

Time is different,

This took most of the morning,

After ten days,

The season has changed,

The planting circle needs to be fine-tuned.

It has been a month,

The shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist said to the servant,

He has to practice for ten consecutive days,

These servants watered the herbs,

of course,

You don’t have to water a lot,

Just pour half a scoop of water.

He explained to the servant for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ entered the room,

Start practicing,

One exercise for half a month, one month,

Innate warriors can do it,

Too common,

In Jindan,

The soul of the real swordsman is overjoyed,

That night,

In a room,

A brilliance flashed,

The golden core of the real sword twister has already rushed into the door of a servant.

Brother Jindan,

Their golden core and soul can already leave their bodies for a long time,

Generally practiced some spells in the soul,

Xuangu Mountain,

Communicating widely in the plane of the garden wave,

This spell,

Of course there is no shortage.

Less than half a day,

The soul of the real man of twisted swords,

Has eaten the soul of this man,

Become familiar with this body,

It's morning,

The sun rises,

The servant walked out of the room,

He is already a real swordsman.

This body has practiced martial arts,

Early in the morning,

The prohibition of the pharmacy is released, everyone waters the materials,

The sun shines high,

Some servants have begun martial arts training.

The real sword twister thought for a long time last night,

Think of a boxing technique,

Body shape,

Started punching,

Between the fists and feet, the figure moves and screams!

This type of boxing takes half a year,

The body can be trained well. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to (m) vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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