Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2882: rainwater

"Some truly mysterious cave houses are in areas occupied by demons.

Now, I want to explore the area occupied by the demons,

The four-diamond flower **** is like a flower god. "

Kun Mihui said,

"If you really have Xuan'ao Dongfu, I can send Yuan Ying Flower God to participate,

How is Quinn? "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Then, if there is a mysterious cave, I will tell you."

Kun Mihui said.

Originally, Commissioner Qian said that he had already begun to advance to the five series.

The rules merge,

Ordinary cave exploration,

I don’t like it at all,


Jade horn beast broth, green dew grass and red cloud grass are cooked together,

Has such a godlike effect,

For Commissioner Qian,

This is the divine effect.

Commissioner Qian felt that there are more mysteries related to planes.

Out of the shadow of the golden fruit of the Yuan Ying flower god,

It's totally possible to explore Dongfu.

After talking with Liu Sisi and Kun Mihui,

To other people,

As if there was not much conversation,

Ancient Tianshan, the protagonist of this celebration,

Surrounded by other people,


Commissioner Qian felt,

Jian Rushuang them,

Look at myself, the eyes are different,

Of course, we exchanged colleagues who practice Taoism together,


Commissioner Qian’s Taoism, compared with them,

As if in the sky.

The faster you advance to Yuanying,

The deeper the understanding of nature,

Commissioner Qian’s method of this law is released,

That gap. I know it myself.

This one. Commissioner Qian gave a presentation this time,

Just want to talk,

The core committee members, out of their own ability,

Who can be?

This is the case in the cultivation world.

With this strength,

In order to sit firmly on this core member.

He sent a message to Kun Mihui:

"There is no human soul on the battlefield. Ordinary people and human monks can do it.

Thirty thousand. "

Kun Mihui nodded: "Yes, these are ordinary goods."

Kun Mihui shook her hand.

There has been an additional storage instrument,

"Thirty thousand souls, of which three thousand are the souls of monks in the refining period,


Take it and practice according to the soul book I gave,

My soul book is definitely not blowing.

Really mysterious.

Ten thousand catties of peach branches. The price is not high. "

"Ten thousand catties of peach branches are fine, then ordinary branches."

Commissioner Qian.

"it is good."

Kun Mihui said,

A figure appeared on the rock,

This figure walked down from the vine mountain,

Looking at the vine mountain in front of me,

Thirty or so school officials at the core of Taoism cultivation with golden core power,

Entering here, did not come out.

Another Jindan officer walked in here, but did not come out.

He, the three-diamond flower god,

Had to come here to take a look.

This vine mountain,

In the demon world,

Just like medicinal planters in the countryside,


He doesn't even look at it,

However, recently, the aquarium has been in the rivers of the demons’ land,

Activities are getting more and more frequent,

The Demon Race has fought against the Aqua Race several times,

The battle against Biyuanhai,

Biyuanhai Center did not enter,

It failed at the edge of Biyuan Sea.

Therefore, he, the three-diamond flower god,

Can only go here to see,

The core of Taoism,

Those who can have golden core combat power,

It is quite an elite soldier in the human battlefield!

Walk into Tengmanshan,

The entire vine mountain has been overgrown with various grasses,

A few feet away from him, the camel beast walked over,

In the distance, there are animals walking, eating grass and vine leaves,

This vine mountain,

Different from before,

He walked,


The sound of footsteps came.

A figure turned out from beside the vine,

He has three diamond flower gods,

I didn't find out how the footsteps came from.


Four diamond flower god!

This demons thought,

Four diamond flower gods, account for this vine mountain?

He didn't speak,

"Three Diamond Flower God?"

The figure opposite said,

A whip leg,

Kicked over.

Do not even urge Dao Fa,

The three-diamond flower **** swayed,

It has been shaken by more than ten meters,

Among the vines,

As if leaving a string of phantoms,


This whip leg,

In the eyes of this demon tri-diamond flower god,

Getting bigger and bigger,

as if,

This whip leg occupies the entire sky!


The three diamond flower **** was shocked,

Sword Jue urges,

How fast the Three Diamond Flower God responded,

In a thousandth of an instant,

The sword art has been urged,


That whip leg,

With a bang,

Has hit him,

As if being hit by a big mountain,

Or stronger!

These three diamond flower gods, do not know how to describe.

Because the mana of his whole body,

Has been blasted away!

The whole person flies on a vine,


The strength of this foot,

How amazing is it,

The vines bend up,

He bounced him out again,

A fist suddenly grew bigger,


He was spraying blood and tumbling,

The flying sword in the hand,

I don’t know where to go,

Immediately, dozens of black shadows pounced,

Towards his blood,

Swallowed suddenly,

This kind of ghost,

Before entering Vine Mountain,

He can kill tens of thousands with a single sword,


Watching the other party devour his own blood,

The figure walked over again.

Easy to travel in general.

Kicked over.


He was kicked and flew up,

As if he urged the sword light to fly,

Flew a few miles,


Hit a pile of rocks,

After a long time,

It's morning,

He just stood up,

Mana in the body.

But it was restored to the level of ordinary Jindan,

He reminded him of the method,

Flew towards Guqin Pass.

Arriving at Guqin Pass,

Let’s tell the story,

The waiter quickly returned from the Guanzhu Hall,

"Master Guan interviewed."


He followed the waiter,

Walk towards Guanzhu Hall,

In the main hall,

A flame is solemn. Mighty,

He was kneeling.

I told the story again,


The figure reached out and pointed,

A flame flew out,

Go around him,

In the heart of Guqin Guan,

As if there is a big wave surging,

The one who shot,

I shot myself blast,

No flying sword, but so.

Human Race, Aqua Race, Soul Chaser Lord God, Thousand Thunder Lord God,

This is the Demon Race, which has this strength to occupy half of the circular wave plane.

This Guanzhu sighed.

"This person is not an aquatic?"

Lord Guan said,

"It's not an aqua, it should be a human."

The three diamond flower **** said,

"Well, you go down."

The master said,

A mountain of vines, there is no place to gather spiritual energy,

Even if the radius is a few hundred miles,

He, the master, is worth the shot?

In the morning, Commissioner Qian’s body had returned from the planetary planet to the plane of Yuanbo.

The shadow of the four diamond flower **** Jin Guo tells what happened.

Commissioner Qian said:

"In this way, you can drive him away."

The Vine Hill occupied by the Qian Committee,

This kind of thing,

It has happened too many times,

The Yuanying Flower God of Sledgehammer Pass did not choose to come to Tengmanshan,

The combat power of the shadow of golden fruit,

It is similar to the ordinary Yuanying Flower God.

"I bought 30,000 souls from Kun Mihui,

You let these souls live in Vine Mountain, which is a place for them.

It's a good deed. "

Commissioner Qian said,

He holding some souls is not a practice method,

Is for these souls to practice the exercises,

What he needs,

It’s the influence of these soul practice methods on the vines,

The smell of these vines affects the growth of green dew grass and red cloud grass,

Simple formula,

Three rules are crossed.

These souls rushed out of the storage artifact,

Rune rushed over,

Wrapped towards this soul,

In an instant, they had been restrained in the local vine mountain.


Among the vines,

In an instant, 30,000 houses appeared,

As the abode of these souls.

Sure enough, these souls practiced,

In this vine mountain, live and practice,

Be at ease.

Compared with the original battlefield,

I really don’t know where to go,

These ghosts said,

On the battlefield,

Don’t talk about the soul of the Golden Core monk,

The souls of the Yuan Ying monks have all,

These ordinary soldiers,

The spirit of the monk during the Qi training period,

They talked,

All as supplements for others!

In this way, after five years,

The shadow of the four diamond flower **** Jin Guo of Commissioner Qian,

Report to the Qian Yuan committee,

Feel the fluctuations of soul training,

It has surpassed the Taoist Book of Souls brought by Commissioner Qian,

Once the fluctuation of the soul surpasses the soul book brought by the committee member Qian,


If you want to turn this soul mysterious into your own soul mana,

The golden fruit shadow of Commissioner Qian,

It also takes some effort.

The soul is really hard to cultivate,

Commissioner Qian thought,

I got so many Yuanying Taoist books,

Still feel that the soul fluctuates widely, as if there is no edge in sight.

After thinking about it,

Only to keep practicing the Dao Fa that stabilizes one's soul.

After drinking the jade horn beast soup for another five years,

Commissioner Qian found that

Jade Horned Beast Soup, for oneself to stabilize the soul,

Still useful!

Practicing the mudra practice of the stable soul created by yourself,

Equally effective,

Although not as effective as before,


For Commissioner Qian,

Be more stable,

All are very useful!

The spring rain is falling,

The green grass cheered in the rain,

The spring rain seemed to be blowing by the wind,

The demon guards at Sledgehammer Pass watched,

Such a view,

He and Mojiebi do not know how many times better.

This gust of wind hit the Qingsheng River,

Towards the Qingsheng River,

In the Qingsheng River,

Has shown a human form,

The water around the body is separated,

As natural as that,

This person is the king of water eels.

A reminder of the law,

A passage appeared in the river,

In an instant,

He has crossed hundreds of miles from the Qingsheng River,

Arrived in the kungwenjiang water eel palace.

"Knock to the king."

The guards bowed their hands to him.

One look at these guards,

The whole body is surrounded by water vapor,

Make a muffled sound like thunder,

The water vapor changes mysteriously,

Turn into waves, into mountains.

far away,

Commissioner Qian’s Jin Guo Ying looked at,

These guards,

Already and the demon school officer who entered the Vine Mountain

Compared to

Shenmiao Shangxuanjing,

Sure enough,

The dozen or so aquarists guarding the water eel palace,

Already has the strength of the golden core,

The distance teaches the supernatural sutra,

Sixteen years have passed!

For the monks who deduced the fusion of the five rules,

Sixteen years,

As if for a few moments.

Tan Tian, ​​Tan Da,

Deduce the fusion of three series of rules,

Far from achieving success,

Tan Song~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has integrated the rules of the plant system and the soil system,

We are preparing to deduce the fusion of plant rules, soil rules and thunder rules,

Tan Song is not the shadow of the six major battles of the Qian Committee.


Deduce the fusion of three series of rules,

I can only choose the more mysterious Thunder rules,

King Water Eel entered the palace,

There is already a person sitting in the palace,

It is the Lord of the Great Sword,

The Lord of the Great Sword is drinking tea,

"How about the deduction of the sledgehammer pass?"

The Lord of the Great Sword said to King Water Eel. (To be continued)

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