Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2883: Aquarium offensive sledgehammer

King Water Eel sat down,

"There is progress. We have been investigating for so many years,

We rushed in with the Four Diamond Flower God,

It can be done, but these golden cores have no advanced golden cores.

Cope with such a battle. "

The King Water Eel shook his head.

Divine light came from the eyes of the Lord of the Great Sword,

"It really started offensive, it can control a lot,

The issue is,

The demons were fighting against the Lord Wan Lei,

Has dispatched a master of the four-line rule integration,

Fire Dragon Palace,

What kind of master can be sent this time? "

"This is a problem, Fire Dragon Palace didn't tell us."

The Water Eel Palace Master said,

Picked up the tea cup and drank,

Yuan Ying Hua Shen practiced,

The retreat is ten years,

Spend a few days,

Calculate chat.

"In the past few years, there has been progress in rules and laws,

However, the road to the strong is still far away. "

The Water Eel Palace Master said,

"It's good to be able to practice rules and Taoism.

However, at least one has to cultivate to a certain level. "

The Lord of the Great Sword said.

"It seems that it must be done"

The Water Eel Palace Master said,

"Shui Clan Yuanying Flower God has repeatedly explored the protective circle of Sledgehammer Pass.

It seems that they want to fight against Sledgehammer. "

Commissioner Qian heard the news from the four-diamond flower **** Jin Guozhi.

Next to a mountain in the area occupied by the demons,

There is a gentle slope, and there is a flat land on the gentle slope.

Build this house.

The deep mountain house is beautiful.

It seems to be one with this mountain.

There are demons passing by in the distance,

For this seemingly human house,

I don't even look at it.

In the deep mountain house, the general demons dare not enter.

In the house,

The Dharma is solemn and looks thousands of miles away,

And the light returns inside.

As if shining on Jiuyou.

It seems to have the majesty of the nine days.

In the law,

One person is quite satisfied.

"Well, the rules and methods are generally satisfactory, and you can survive the Yuan Ying's catastrophe."

If there is Yuanying Flower God here,

Absolutely shocking,

Yuan Ying Flower God has practiced for thousands of years,

I dare not say that my rules and Dao Fa are generally satisfactory.

This man said to himself,

Even Yuanying’s catastrophe hasn’t survived,

Dare to say that your rules and Dao Fa are generally complete!

The rule of Taoism is practiced to general Consummation,

Fusion of the same rules,

It's easier.

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God. Not an opponent at all.

This person dialed the communication array.

In Warhammer Villa,

Tan Tian looked at the communication circle.

It’s the shadow of Jin Guo, the member of Qian’s committee,

The communication array was immediately connected.

"Tan Tian, ​​it's me, Banxian."

Committee Qian’s Jin Guo shadow clones can’t all be named Tan.

This, the last name board.

People in the realm of cultivation are so immortal.

The name is immortal, there are more gods,

Banxian, an ordinary name.

"I'm going to cross the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation, half a month,

This circle, help me watch it. "

Banxian said,

"Well, the battle puppet informs me, and I'll come over immediately."

Tan Tian said,

"You advanced Yuan Ying Flower God, and I deduced the rules of fusion Yunxia,

Let's talk about the integration of Yunxia profound and profound,

Deduce and integrate other rules,

Too much deduction, slow progress,

It can't be deduced at all. "

Green God Seal, let Tan Tian deduct the progress of merging the rules of Yunxia,

Not enough in more than ten years,

Fusion of three rules.

"What you said makes sense,

Let's talk about the successful integration of Yunxia rules. "

Banxian nodded,

A reminder of the law,

Take a step,

Stepped out and crossed tens of thousands of miles,

I have arrived at Tansong’s mountain village,

Out of Tansong’s Villa,

A reminder of the law,

Flew towards the teleportation array on the plane of the garden wave,

The rule of law is generally satisfactory,

The ordinary Yuanying Flower God cannot keep up.

Speed ​​thousands of miles in an instant!

Entered the plane teleportation array,

A team of guards came up.

Nodded towards the immortal: "Please show the iron sign."

This person flies, has flew over from the sky in an instant,

The guards of the plane teleportation array reacted.

At least, it is the same level as the ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

Powerful man,

The guard is of course polite,

Tan Song took out an iron plate,

The guard took a look,

"A merchant in a county in Qingcang Country."


The guard said,

Banxian took out the celestial stone and gave the transmission fee.

Stand aside,

Let the teleportation array gather enough people.

"At the border between Qingcang Country and Demon Clan, Yuan Ying Great Power has emerged from the county pass."

The guards said.

After a long time,

The plane teleportation array has gathered enough people,

The teleportation array began to shine.

after a few days,

Commissioner Qian’s communication array sounded,

At first glance, it was Quinn.

"Old money, our equipment shop on the outer plane,

Received an order,

To order ten Yuanying Huashen level airships!

They brought a lot of precious water elixir, spiritual things,

There are 800-year-old ginseng fish, which seems to be the native product of the river in the wave plane of the garden.

You can't buy it from Kunmihui and Cambran.

There is still a thousand years of jade fairy grass, let's find Kun Mihuihe

Cambrian has been there a few times and it is out of stock. "

He said.

The image of the Outer Plane Equipment Shop came over,

"The King of Water Eels?"

Commissioner Qian said in his heart,

These water spirit creatures,

The strong Yuan Ying on the Kunwen River,

It has long been transplanted to the palaces of the strong,

What Quinn said,

It is usually exchanged in gatherings of strong Yuan Ying.

Like Tan Songhe and the members outside. Outside the swordman. In the gathering outside the Lang members,

The tactics for the exchange are just like treasures,

Quinn’s reported water system spirit,

If it is put in Kunmihui, Cambrian Chamber of Commerce will sell it,

For the sale of fairy stones, you can buy fifteen Yuanying Huashen floating airships.

These early Yuan Ying Hua Shen floating ships,

It’s not as valuable as it was in the past few hundred years.

Has been transcoded by Baidu for viewing on mobile devices

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The Mozu already has a lot of floating airships of the Yuanying level.

"Okay, for sale, these water system spirits, our mountain flower plane does not have them,

Those flying crafts with the power of the earliest Yuanying Flower God,

It's really extravagant to leave it for Jindan. "

Commissioner Qian said,

The mountain flower plane earned half of the fairy stone.

These water spirit creatures,

It can really improve the constitution of cultivation.


Quinn said.

It seems that these Kunwenjiang aquariums,

Want to reduce the casualties of attacking Sledgehammer as much as possible.

In this way,

The battle of Sledgehammer Pass is about to begin.

In a day,

Ten floating airships of Yuanying Flower God level,

Has been reduced and transported to the equipment shop on the outer plane,

Those spirit creatures of the water system were transported to the plane of mountain flowers,

Began to urge all kinds of environments suitable for their growth,

After three months,

Tantian’s communication circle sounded,

"Old ancestor, thirty thousand aquatic people came from the Qingsheng River."

Tan Yuan said,

Despite the hidden water waves triggered by the water system formation,


Once Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is opened,

The situation in the nearby Qingsheng River is clear.

"It seems that the aquatic army has to attack from you."

Tantian said, "In this way, you will combine the jade horn beast, the green dew grass, the red cloud grass,

Transfer to me, those better vines, keep some.

It is best to not use the array. "

When Tan Yuan heard,

The ancestors did not interfere in this battle as much as possible,

"It's the ancestor."

Tan Yuan took out his storage bag,

A reminder of the law,

The jade horn beast in the vine mountain,

Together with green dew grass, red cloud grass,

Put it all into the storage bag,

One thought,

The plants that jade horns like to eat,

Take it all in.

Body shape,

Flew out of the vine mountain to the Hammer Villa,

Give this storage bag to Tan Tian.

Back to Vine Mountain,

Dao Fa urges,

Quack, a bang,

Some old vines,

Most conducive to the growth of green dew grass and red cloud grass,

Retracted toward the ground.

In the morning,

In the vine mountain,

There are only a few decades worth of vines,

Tan Tian looked at the circle control center,

In the Qingsheng River above,

The water wave turns into stripes,

Was separated by the circle,

The neatly arranged human figures are displayed,

From yesterday noon to yesterday afternoon,

Thirty thousand naval forces assembled, less than one afternoon,

Aquariums act in the water,

Really fast,

However, prepare in the water,

Even though I was full and drunk,

Still can't stay too long,

The attack should be launched soon,

Tan thought, as expected,


Shocking noise,

From the sledgehammer pass,

The thunder fire rushed into the sky,

Tan Tian reached out and pointed.

In the formation control center,

The image of Sledgehammer Pass appeared,

One after another thunder and fire rushed up.

Thousands of figures appeared on the circle,

This is the sword move of Yuan Ying Hua Shen who attacked Sledgehammer Pass.

The figures of these figures,

Was soon revealed,

Yuanying Flower God started,

The sword is faster,

I should have practiced the rules of Taoism,

The sword data of the ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

The simplified version of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array can be analyzed,

This is the same as the few years when Commissioner Qian set up the Zhou Tianxing Star Array,

Here comes a Yuanying Flower God,

Be on guard,

It's really incomparable.

Thousands of thunder and fire,

Thousands of sword shadows were transformed by several Yuanying Flower Gods,

Open all.

Among the cyan sword light,

Like ten thousand waves galloping,

Especially conspicuous.

"Green Jiao? Take the lead in the charge?"

Tan Yuan said,


Sledgehammer Villa,

Tan Yuan watched.

Thousands of thunder and fire came,

And the sword light of Qing Jiao,

Can't even explode,

The cyan sword light urged,

Thousands of fireballs,

Hit the formation again,

Was picked to the formation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and exploded directly,

In a few moments,

The protective array of Sledgehammer Pass,

A gap has appeared.

Green Jiao integrates different rules,

There has been considerable progress,

The cyan sword light is soft and strong to the extreme,

The thunder fire of the formation came over,

And touch the cyan sword light,

As if hitting the air,

But he was immediately urged back by the cyan sword light,

With the Shenmiao Shangxuan Sutra,

The green dragon merged with the water system, and the speed of the soil system surprised Tan Tian.

It seems that

Shenmiao Shangxuan Sutra, among the strong Yuan Ying in the Kunwen River,

It has the greatest effect on the green Jiao,

Listening to people near Daqingtan,

The roar of the green dragon came from the original Daqingshan,

It has been 1,500 years.

Monster beasts like Qing Jiao that are close to beasts,

Natural spirit and body,

Much stronger than humans,

It's not Bi Ah Ugly.

Tan Yuan thought,

Seeing, Qing Jiao resisted half the power of the sledgehammer pass to protect the big formation.

The integration of different rules and laws has the power of progress,

It’s even worse than the magic weapon.

The three Yuan Ying next to him,

It’s the Lord of the Great Sword, the Lord of the Water Eel, and the God of Yuan Ying,

Although they resisted the thunder and fire.


The Taoism they issued,

Has been broken in bursts of detonation,

But it keeps coming out,


The expressions of these three Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

Somewhat pale.

Obviously, the use of mana is very large.

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