Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2888: Diamond Flower Excalibur Formation

The flames fly across the sky,

   seems to be thousands of miles red.

   blasted to the mountains outside the chariot,

  The mountains collapsed suddenly,

   The entire gun cart turned into a fireball.

   Ordinary artillery carts sold on the flower plane,

   was bombed and destroyed.

   "Powerful artillery, over there."

In the gun cart next to   ,

   The aquarium monk shouted =

   Shenmin has locked a fortress,

   Fa Jue,

   The muzzle flame flashed,


   The flame of the opponent blasted over again,

   The artillery was in a loud noise,

   turned into a huge fireball.

  This flame,

   came from the side,

   was destroyed six artillery carts in a row,

Several buildings across from   ,

   It was only then that the chariot beside the formation was chopped down,

   turned into thousands of pieces and vacated.

   Committee Member Qian looked at this scene,

   This is not strange,

   was originally a normal tank.

   can be destroyed by the powerful artillery of the demons,

   is already pretty good,

   Considered by Chairman Qian,

  , however, are some spiritual objects collected by the mountain flower plane.

   If according to Quinn,

   These spiritual things, you have to divide them more.

   I want to eat it myself, but I want to eat it by the shadow of Jin Guo Ying,

   The monks with a high level of cultivation in the Qian family want to eat.

   The spiritual objects distributed by the Commissioner Qian from the plane of Shanhua are not enough.

   Committee Member Qian urged Quinn’s communication circle.

   "Queen, all kinds of spiritual things, I want to divide more."

   Qian Qian said.

   "Of course."

  Queen nodded,

   Committee member Qian just ended the communication circle.

  The battle went on until noon,

   Five hundred chariots purchased by the Aquarium entered the sledgehammer pass,

   The remaining half.

   Demons still occupy one third of the Sledgehammer Pass.

   Three hundred golden pills that entered the battle,

   Now, there are one hundred and fifty people left,

   Sixty monks with golden core power at the core of Taoism practice,

   Ninety golden core monks.

   The Lord of the Great Sword and the Fang-faced monk sat beside the wall near the Great Hammer Pass,

  "Not only did the cultivators who had cultivated the magical upper profound sutra lost all the golden core combat power,

   The original golden core, but dozens of monks with golden core power were killed in battle.

   Without those five hundred artillery vehicles, the casualties would be even more serious.

   Whether or not this sledgehammer can be overcome is a question. "

   The square-faced monk sighed.

  "The Taoism practiced by ordinary monks is no longer a magic weapon.

   Hundreds of artillery carts fire at the same time, and all buildings can be broken!

   The golden core monk is inside, it's also inevitable,

   If we can practice to the same system of rules fusion,

That's good. "

   The Lord of the Great Sword said,

   between words,

   seems to be filled with emotion!

   They were shocked,

   was shocked by the power of the Demon Race and Shanhua Plane Cannon.

   "After five hundred years, will it work?"

   The square face monk said,

   Once I talk about rules and methods,

   the same system rules fusion,

   This is what they, the Yuanying Flower God, really care about.

   The sound of footsteps hurried over,

   The monks in the foundation period came in,

   thought of Yuanying Flower God and arched his hands.

  "The monk who returned to the Fire Dragon Palace by Biyuan arrived,

   Thirty people with diamond flower gods, 600 soldiers! "

   "Look, here it is, this piece of meat at Sledgehammer Pass is no longer fat.

   Fire Dragon Palace still has to take a bite. "

   The square face monk said,

   "Now that's the case, the remaining third of the sledgehammer pass,

   leave it to them to fight,

   Certainly, it was shot down, this one-third was gathered by the monks in the Fire Dragon Palace. "

   said the Lord of the Great Sword.


   said the monk with a square face.


   said the Lord of the Great Sword.

   The Shui clan stopped attacking,

   And, stepped back a bit,

   The demon generals are delighted.

   The area occupied by the aqua clan shed a sword light,

   like water like mountains,

   is winding and changing,

   is as tight as the eternity.

  In an instant,

   seemed to cover the entire sky.

   fell towards the demon occupied area.

   Thousands of sword lights, thunder fire, rushed towards this sword light,

   thirty flower gods with diamonds,

   has formed a sword formation,

  In an instant,

  Thousands of swords and thunder and fire,

   Touch with Jianguang,

   Like hundreds of huge thunders exploded,

   turns into brilliant fireworks,

   In spite of this, the thunder fire rushed thousands of feet,

   Thousands of swords light thunder fire,

   Most of them are monks in the foundation building period, and a few are golden cores.

   The power of booming,

   as if rushing towards half of the sky.

   This sword burst,

   This is the battlefield!

   is not an adventure team,

  In an instant,

   Three thunder and fire blasted from a distance,

   Every thunder and fire is a foot thick,

   The red thunder fire.

   gives people the feeling that this is the abyss of flames.

   The sword array touched this thunder and fire,

   Jianguang’s prompting speed,

   is less than half of the original.

  In an instant,

   There is a sword formation that seems to be steady as a mountain,

   was knocked down so big,

   screaming sounded,

   can see,

   Several flower gods with diamonds quickly turned into fire people,

   The magic weapon that stimulated hair has been smashed,

   burns up,

   Then, turned into pieces!

   "Fortress Cannon?"

   The square face monk said,

   Such a big fire hammer,

   There is no fortress cannon, it is unlikely.


   The bombardment of fortress artillery,

   is useless for Yuanying Flower God,

   Yuan Ying Hua Divine Sword Art is reminded,

   Can cut out ten thousand swords in an instant.

   the fire of the fortress cannon,

   just as crushed!

  The battle of the generals of the Kunwenjiang aquarium,

   The demons have never used fortress cannons,


   A look at the power of this fire dragon palace’s thirty sword formations with diamond flower gods,

   In addition to the Yuanying Flower God,

   No one can compare.

   The Yuan Ying Flower God of the Demon Clan made a move,

   There are also the Great Sword Palace Master and the square-faced monk as opponents.

   immediately used the fort cannon,

   One shot from the fortress cannon,

   Several Diamond Flower Gods of Fire Dragon Palace were killed in battle!

   This is a flower **** with diamonds that combines different mysteries.

   Mr. Xu, Mr. Da, several Jindan deputy captains of the brave team,

   deduced hard,

   Isn't it because of the fusion of different mysteries.

   In the sword formation,


   originally came up,

   want to show off,

   This rolling pattern Jiang warrior,

   played for a day and a half, can't beat the sledgehammer,

   Make these thirty flower gods with diamonds look down,

  They, but the powerful monks of Fire Dragon Palace,


   a battle,

   I lost a few.

   They roared,

   Within a few hundred miles,

   can hear their furious roar,


   Thousands of sword lights,

   blasted towards them.

   Although it is a flower **** with diamonds,

   However, it is far from being strong enough for the team to resist thousands of swordsmanship.

   was bombarded by so many sword lights,

   just as crushed.

   Sword formation urged,

   towards these thousands of sword lights,

   Thousands of fireworks bloomed in an instant.


   Another thunder fire rushed over,


   A monk wearing a blue armor,

   was blown to pieces!

   "Go ahead separately!"

   In the sword formation, there is a monk shouting.

   Then I knew,

   It is not easy to storm the Demon Fortress.

   Immediately, the sword array turned into dozens of sword lights,

   Every sword light flicked through the air,

   Like a river, like an illusion, like a mountain,

  The fort cannon wants to hit this sword light,

   That's not easy,


   Thousands of sword light and thunder fire flitted across the sky

   The monk in black armor,

  In an instant, I was hit by a dozen swordsmen,

   The thunder and fire splashed all over,

   The water waves that protect the body,

   seems to be thousands of miles away,

   But, being stunned by these dozens of ways,

   will wave thousands of miles away,

   hit a huge canyon.

  He has a meal,

   Immediately, hundreds of knives and thunder blasted over.

   In the thunderous loud noise,

   The entire body of water exploded,

   the whole person was injured,


   is a fusion of different mysterious flowers with diamonds,

   is extraordinary,

  Shooting like this,

   But there are vertical and horizontal cracks in the armor,


   The whole person is like being hit by a sledgehammer,

   A flash of sword light reminds me,

  The flame is like flying fire in nine days,

   circled him,

   Thousand swords came out in an instant,

   This demons is just like him,

   is the flower **** with diamonds,


   His head has been spinning around and flying.

   If it is an adventurous battle,

  He and this demon's diamond flower god,

   can make a day,



   From entering the battlefield to being beheaded now,

   It’s not time for half a cup of tea.

   The diamond flower **** in the Fire Dragon Palace was beheaded,

   next to the diamond flower god,

   is the same,

   The whole person was hit by hundreds of swords and thunder,

   body shape,

   More sword light thunder fire slashed over,


   The powerful sword light of the Golden Core Flower God blasted over,

   Despite these sword lights,

  Some are at the core of Tao Fa,

   A monk with the power of golden core,

  If you play alone,

  The core power of practicing Taoism,

   A monk with golden core power,

   is not the opponent of this diamond flower god,

   But now,

   sword light, thunder and fire cross vertically and horizontally,

   In less than ten moments,

   between waving hands,

   There is already a cultivating core, a monk with the power of golden core

   was cut, screaming that this turned into a few pieces.

   However, there are ten swords that are thousands of times stronger than gravity.

  The flame is as fast as a mountain,

   There are dozens of swords,

   The diamond flower **** of the Fire Dragon Palace,

   Bodyguard Taoism,

   is spinning and changing.

   Bodyguard Tao Fa exploded,

   was slashed by the powerful sword of Jindan,

   Not everyone has such a powerful armor as Shanhua Plane Jindan,

   Once slashed by the powerful sword light of Jindan,

   This monk,

   her face changed again and again,

   body shape swordsmanship,

   has been a lot slower,

  The golden core of the demons charged up,

   Sword Jue fully urged,

   Within a few moments,


   This diamond flower is turned into pieces.

   I just thought of it,

  With the body of the diamond flower god,

   is far from being compared with magic weapons.

   The body can be compared with the magic weapon,

   is generally the second diamond flower god,

   After a long period of practice.

   This is the battlefield,

   This is the last thought of the monk in the Fire Dragon Palace.


   There was a loud explosion not far away!

   One of the fortress cannons was destroyed~www.wuxiaspot.com~The monk of the Fire Dragon Palace,

   immediately turned to the next cannon for competition.

   But there was a loud noise in the sky again,

   There is the God of Diamond Flower of Fire Dragon Palace falling again.

   The arrogance that urged the sword formation to fight,

   has now turned into a pale face!

   However, they represent the prestige and interests of the Fire Dragon Palace,

   Jianguang tried his best to urge it,

   bombarded the fortress next to him,


this is,

   the abyss-like flame,

   has blasted over,

   in a loud noise,

   There is another screaming flower **** from Fire Dragon Palace,

   turned into pieces!

  In the flame,

   Thousands of sword lights and flames,

   slashed towards these monks,

   The outermost monk’s body protection method,

   Like on a thousand miles of water,

  Hundreds of flame mountains have fallen,


   Hundreds of blood-red sword lights suddenly slashed.

   Thousands of miles of water exploded,

   This diamond flower **** screamed,


   immediately turned into pieces and exploded.

   With the diamond flower **** suddenly rushed over,

   But, there was another thunder fire coming over.

   Another flower **** with diamonds screamed in the abyss-like flames,

   turned into pieces! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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