Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2889: 14 people killed

 "Fortress cannon."

   the lead diamond flower **** roared,

   with diamond flower god,

   was shot by this fortress,

   is really powerful.


   Thousands of swords and thunder and fire,

   toward them with diamond flower gods,

   blasted over,

The six hundred soldiers that    brought,

   has long been lost,

   The monks behind the team,

   was covered by these thousands of swords and thunder,

   This one-third of the sledgehammer pass,

   is that big.

   immediately the water splashed,

   There is a loud noise like thunder,

   There was a bodyguard Taoist with a diamond flower god, and it shattered.


   Sword light and thunder fire came again,

   These swords, thunder and fire,

   Profound, fierce, some look like flames,

   is a hundred times colder than the cold,

   This monk of the Diamond Flower God screamed and exploded into a few pieces.

not far away,

   There was a loud noise,

   The fireball rushed to the sky,

   destroyed another fortress cannon,

   The last fortress cannon,

  The diamond flower **** of Dragon Palace,

   is already crazy rushing towards the fortress cannon.

  The fortress cannon came over,

   But, this is,

  The remaining Dragon Palace monks are all

   rushed towards the fortress cannon.

   Jianguang tried his best to urge it,

   Like thousands of great waves,

   The sword light touched this abyss-like flame,

   Every flower **** with a diamond,

   all feel,

   The sword light seemed to be cut on the Flame Mountain.

  The flame like an abyss,

   kept exploding and shooting.

   This soaring flame shot,

   was resolved by these diamond flower gods,


  With diamond flower god,

   is already quite powerful.


   Thousands of sword lights seem to cover the entire sky,

  The sword light urged by the monk is different from the fortress cannon.

   violent and mighty is mysterious and strange,

  The defensive tactics that are urged have to deal with different mysteries,

   different swordsmanship,

   Thousands of sword lights blasted over,

   is facing these monks with swords and thunder and fire,

  The difficulty of defense has increased a hundred times!

   In the thunderous loud noise,

  'S defensive Dao Fa exploded,


   The whole person was cut into pieces!


   is about to rush towards the sledgehammer pass occupied by the demons,


  The powerful pressure appears like waves,

   Sixteen flower gods with diamonds,

   Feeling pressured,

   body shape!

   A flame appeared,

   In the flames, magnificent and solemn, as if thousands of miles of rivers and mountains,

   Yuanying strongman!

   "The fortress cannon has been destroyed, this sledgehammer is for you."

   The Yuan Ying Flower God said,

   The Diamond Flower God of Fire Dragon Palace stopped,

   This Yuan Ying Flower God,

   can definitely kill most of their remaining people.


   In a building,

   ban a reminder,

   buildings, light walls, quickly become smaller,

   rushed towards this prohibition.

  In an instant,

   Most of the walls are closed, the buildings, although a lot of damage,

   was still photographed by this building,

   half a tea time,

   In this sledgehammer pass,

   there are some buildings that have been blown up,

   can no longer be transmitted,

   a mountain of ice,

   showed up.

   These ten thousand miles of flames and ice figure reminded me,’

   flare away in an instant,

   has gone to the horizon and disappeared.

   the Lord of the Great Sword and the square-faced monk,

   showed up,

   bowed his hand towards these diamond flower gods in the Fire Dragon Palace,

   smiles all over his face:

  "This one-third of the sledgehammer pass is stationed in the Fire Dragon Palace,

   If you need our help, just say it. "

The smile on   's face is sincere,

   thirty flower gods with diamonds,

   Fourteen losses.

   People from Gunwenjiang go up,

   I don’t know how much to die.

   "Thank you, we brought the magic weapon of construction ourselves."

   said the leader of the flower **** with diamonds.

   Fire Dragon Palace. Need the help of these people from Kunwenjiang,

   took out the storage bag and reminded him,

   A group of buildings fell towards the area originally occupied by the demons,

  In an instant,

   releases great brilliance,

   There is a palace standing up to ten meters high and dozens of meters high.

   This person's law is reminded,

   The palace emits ripples,

  As soon as these ripples appear,

   the entire space,

   are all distorted,

   space nodes appear,

   shattered again.

   Sledgehammer Pass is over,

   "These surrounding sites, look at—"

   The Lord of the Great Sword said,

   "I see, don’t go to the territory occupied by the monks of the human race.

   There is the soul chaser god, the monk of the thunder god,

   How can we bother. "

   The square-faced monk sighed.

   "Otherwise, this piece of meat at the sledgehammer pass has long ceased to be fat."

   The Lord of the Great Sword said,

  In this way, several members of the Qian’s Committee are avatars of the shadow of Jin Guo,

  Vine Mountain occupied by Tanyuan,

   Human figures appeared in the circle,


   The coming Shui people retreated.

   Tan Yuan re-grows the vines,

   there are thousands more souls,

   are all aquatic monks above the level of Qi training period.


   The soul fluctuates more.

   Mountain Flower Plane sells ten Yuan Ying Flower God level floating airships,

   Five hundred gun carts,

   the water system spirit in exchange,

   Part of it is to cultivate more water-based spiritual things,

  A few elders of Yuanying Flower God,

   allocated a lot,

   like this,

   can enjoy eating these water-based spirits,

   There are only a dozen golden pills.

  Of course, in these ten golden cores,

   There is a kid from the Qian family,

   Qian Qian nodded,

   other candidates,

   arranged by the elder Yuan Ying,

   The Qian Qian committee ignored it.

   Sledgehammer Pass established a market,

   the human monks nearby,

  The human monk in the distance,

   are all swarming over,

   It’s not because of the richness of Kunwenjiang’s products,


   Biyuan Sea Fire Dragon Palace,

   took out a lot of items,

   put it in Fangshi~www.wuxiaspot.com~Qing Cangguo. The monks from Darren, Zunda, and Qiushan,

   There are not many items that can be obtained from Biyuan marine products,

   Fire Dragon Palace took out these products,

   The monks from these countries,

   swarmed over,

  The sledgehammer pass after the battle,

   immediately became lively.

   On this day, in Sledgehammer Villa,

   Tantian and Banxian deduced the fusion of Yunxia rules and other rules,

  "Bansen, this rule blends with your deduction,

   I will go to Sledgehammer Pass, Biyuan Sea Fire Dragon Palace,

   Bring out some good babies. "

   Tantian said.

   "Well, you have seen many water babies,

   It's right for you to go and see. "

   Bansen said.

   Tan Tian nodded,

   step by step,

   has reached the sledgehammer gate,

   came out of space,

   As if Tan Tian was originally here,

   A power like him,

   Step out a thousand miles in one step, ordinary things.

   Tantian walked towards the sledgehammer pass,

  The newly built Sledgehammer Pass,

   a radius of one hundred and fifty miles,

   Looking off the wall,

   is not as strong as the original barrier wall of the Mozu.

   "Three low-grade immortal stones, you can enter the Fang City."

   said the aquarium guard.

  Fang city was originally opened by the Shui people,

   You can enter Fang City after entering Sledgehammer Pass. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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