Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2932: 0 Jiaoguan

Feeling, what's the feeling?

Able to advance to Yuanying,

How many Jindan monks have struggled all their lives.

Tanda took out a few bottles of wine,

Open the armor and drink.

"Good wine--"

Ironclad said,

"You go cook some dishes,

We have a drink. "

Tan Da said,

Gold rules and earth rules,

Tanda has cultivated quite high,

He is not interested in the training of iron armor,

What he is interested in,

It is from the temple.

A strongman who is a fusion of the three rules of the soul chaser,

Entered from the temple,

It’s just to show the four-diamond flower god,

come and see.

"I'll go and take a look outside."

Tan Da said,


Tiejia started cooking,

Want to benefit from this temple,

I have watched this temple for four hundred years.

Tanda walked out of space,

Looks like in this temple.

Weeds, vines, animals that appear from time to time,

Let this complex of buildings have a primitive charm.

Tanda’s spirit,

Like mountains, like thunder,

Covered the entire sky,

In an instant,

The entire building complex has appeared in his sacred mansion,

But half tea time,

Everywhere in this complex,

Tan Da has understood,

There are several storage spaces,

Long ago discovered by the demons,

Like a guard space occupied by iron armor,

But no others were found.


It's from the temple.

Tanda returned to the armored guard. Eat and drink with the iron armor.

Ironclad dishes.

Fresh and tender.

The two drank a dozen bottles of wine,

Talking about the situation outside.


Ironclad does not intend to leave here,

Tan Da nodded.

Out of the temple,

At this time,

The rain has stopped.

The early summer sun shines.

A reminder of Tan Dao Law,

Has gone,

In the guard space,

The iron armor **** sighed,

What kind of body style Tan Da used,

He couldn't catch it at all.

"It must be a combination of different rules."

Ironclad sighed.

Tan Da has come to the canyon recorded in the book,

As if you don’t even have to release your spiritual thoughts,

He already felt,


There is a very pure gold spirit vein.

In a cave one hundred and ninety feet deep,

But a radius of half a foot.

This aura is similar to the mystery of the gold system of iron armor cultivation.

This is the induction of the cultivator of the three-line rule integration,

Brother Jindan came to find,

That is not easy to find.

Needless to say,

This is a few hundred miles,

It is the territory of the iron armor.

The gold rule of iron armor,

It was cultivated with the help of this golden spirit vein.

Since it's an armored site,

Tan Da's figure shook,

Just wanted to leave this place.


The figure flashed,

Has crossed over a hundred miles,

Arrived next to Tanda,

It is the iron armor,

He relied on this gold mineral vein to cultivate,

How can you not always pay attention.

"How about it, old Qian, my gold aura veins are good,

If you want to cultivate here for a hundred years,

Just create a magic weapon for me,

There was a battle four hundred years ago,

All my magic weapons were damaged. "

Ironclad said.

Obviously, Ironclad knew,

One hundred and ninety feet deep gold veins,

The cultivation base of the old money,

It's easy to find out.

of course,

At the Fenghuoguan,

The old money once helped the iron armor upgrade the magic weapon,

Although the iron armor produced the materials by itself,


Ironclad thought,

Commissioner Qian’s level of refining magic weapons is really good.

Tan smiled,

"My cultivation base is higher than you, do I lack

This gold spirit vein?

Besides, practicing here for a hundred years,

I want to refine a magic weapon for you,

Refining the magic weapon of Yuanying level,

How much material should be used. "

The shadow of the golden fruit of Commissioner Qian,

The rules of plant, soil, and metal are already deriving,

The collected rules and fusion books,

The insights of ancient monks collected from the plane of Shanhua,

Regarding the integration of gold rules,

Collected so many jade slips from ancient monks,

Ten thousand pieces of jade slips,

There is always something mysterious.


Mountain Flower Plane, a disciple of the Advanced Four Diamond Flower God,

Has reached ninety people!

Some Jindan disciples are lucky,

I found Taoist books and jade slips of ancient monks at the level of Yuanying Flower God,

These Taoist books and jade slips were handed over to the martial arts,

The Mountain Flower Plane will definitely be governed by the elders,

Explain this book and jade slip to him in detail,

There are rewards for martial arts contribution points,


Based on the conditions of the mountain flower plane,

This Jindan disciple, advanced four-diamond flower god,

Absolutely within 300 years,


From the plane of mountain flower to the plane of garden wave, Tiedingguan station was opened,

It's been three hundred years!

Some monks are the children of Elder Yuan Ying,

It’s even more important to take care of it.

With such convenient conditions as the mountain flower plane,

Not sent to the Shanhua plane to practice?

It’s not difficult to advance the four-diamond flower god,

There are cultivating geniuses,

Advanced Four Diamond Flower God is not too difficult,

Calculate like this,

Compared with the ironclad battle that year,

The four-diamond flower **** disciple on the mountain flower plane has more than doubled!

Of course, the rules of plant, soil, and metal are combined,

There must be a place where gold auras gather for cultivation.

"Old money, you wander around the area occupied by the demons,

Want to learn from the remains of the cultivation school.

Find some benefits. These relics of comprehension.

Even if there are benefits, there is no mysterious magic formula or magic weapon,

Do you want to open it up for benefits?

Improbably, the treasury you can open,

It’s no longer useful for your cultivation,

The area occupied by the demons of the wave plane of this garden.

I have not walked? "

Ironclad said,


Tiejia has a point,

Tan Da came to the area occupied by the demons on the wave plane of this garden,

Traveled for half a year.

Find a few treasury,

It didn’t take much effort,


The treasures, materials, tactics,

Little value to Tanda,

Able to refine magic weapons against Tanda. Practice serves as a reference,

It is already a very good treasure.

The biggest gain. These are some good medicinal materials grown in the Tibetan medicine gardens.

A book of rules fusion,

I didn’t find one,

One thought,

A book of rules fusion,

Even part,

That is the baby of the baby!

"There is a Baijiao Pass nearby, six hundred miles away.

The daughter of the master of Baijiaoguan held a contest to recruit relatives,

Well, let’s take a look together, maybe, some blessings,


I gathered a lot of materials and went to the Qianjiao Pass to see the excitement,

Are there any good materials? "

Ironclad said,

This product has been eaten here for hundreds of years,

Did not accumulate good materials,

This is strange.

"Iron Armor, if I can have a good harvest in cultivation,

You take the gold rune that you feel, and the earth rune to me,

I will refining for you with gold rule runes and earth rule runes as the core

Magic weapon, how? "

Tan Da said,

"Can you refine rule runes?"

Ironclad said,

The eyes rolled.

Iron Armor grabbed Tanda with all his strength,

Grasping by his own hand, his arm shattered in dozens of places,

Obviously, Tanda’s cultivation level is much higher.

Take the gold rule runes and earth rule runes you got,

To Tanda,

The armor will not lose,

As Chairman Qian knew,

Refining regular runes into magic weapons,

Yuan Ying monks who practice the rules of Taoism in general,

Can't do it,

Like iron armor,

Although he has practiced his claws to a power close to the fusion of different rules,


This is the talent of the monster beast, which has played a considerable role.

Refining regular runes into magic weapons,

Iron armor can't do it,

I want old money to be the magic weapon for refining rules,

In practice,

It must be quite beneficial to the old money.

Iron Armor thought,

"Old money, what kind of mystery do you cultivate,

Speaking of it, the demons occupying area on the wave plane of this garden,

I have walked many times,

I will find a way for you.

It has been missing for many years, can anyone help? "

Obviously, a place where gold aura converges,

It is impossible to refine rules and magic weapons.

The armor became enthusiastic.

"The mysteries I practice are the Earth Element and Thunder Element."

Tan Da said,

Let’s not talk about the plant Xuan'ao Tanda,

Based on the botanical attainments of Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

The place where the general aura gathers,

No matter which department,

The tricolor roots can grow very well.

"Earth mine? The defense is similar to my earth system mystery.

The offensive power is greater. "

Ironclad said.

Thought about it,

This old money is at the Fenghuo Pass,

Helped myself refine magic weapons,

Go to other masters to refine magic weapons,

Rule magic,

The master craftsman himself may not be sure,

The asking price is even higher!

"Old money, eight hundred miles away from Baijiao Pass,

A thousand and three hundred miles from here, there is a Kuanglei Mountain,

Originally, it was common for the mountains to attract thunder.

However, this Kuang Lei Shan, only in the solar terms a year,

This is the power of thunder and thunder,

For the monks in the foundation period, it cannot be blocked.

I went to see it before,

I can't see why. "


Mountain Goredo,

It was a normal natural phenomenon,


A year only thunders during the solar terms,

Generally solar terms do not fall into thunder.

Tan Da thought,

"I gonna go see."

"Let's go to Baijiao Pass first,

Stay there to see the excitement and see if there are any treasures. "

Ironclad said enthusiastically,

In fact,

He was afraid that Tanda would benefit from Kuanglei Mountain and would not give the iron armor the magic weapon for making rules.

To urge rules and Dao Fa, it uses mana very much.

With the magic weapon of rules,

There is a realm of dharma of thousands of miles.

Towards full of sufficient mana,

Refining through regular runes,

For Iron Armor, which incorporates the same rules,

For monks who have made little progress in integrating different rules,

Very useful in battle.

"it is good---."

Tan Da said,

Tantian occupies Wengai Pass,

Yunxia Xuan'ao is making rapid progress,

If he can get enough benefits,

He doesn’t care about making rules and magic weapons for iron armor,

Anyway, the gold and earth rule runes,

Brought by the iron armor,

He refining it according to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and he does not make his debut.

Those four-diamond flower gods on the mountain flower plane,

Are equipped with magic weapons with ten regular runes,

These are all the benefits of being absorbed by the plane of mountain flower

He Tanda,

Using this magic weapon refining technique,

Give yourself some benefits,

Why not?

Wen Gaiguan made him feel,

Man cannot compare with nature.


Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo's Shadow cannot.

"Okay, let's go to Baijiao Pass,

These qi training period, base building period,

I'm tired of eating early, so I won't make up. "

Ironclad said.

Oh---It's really different from before,

The armor reached out and pointed,

This guard space is closed,

I gave Tan Da an iron plate.

It is the iron plate of this Baijiao Pass,

Out of the temple,

Hundreds of miles away,

For this Yuan Ying Flower God who has practiced the rules of Taoism,

But take a few steps.

I have arrived not far from the Baijiao Pass! . (To be continued)

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