Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2933: Mt. Rai

Baijiaoguan is very lively,

Far away, there is colored silk.

Walk into Baijiao Pass,

The crowd walked towards the city center.

The arena for martial arts and relatives,

Set in the center of Baijiaoguan,

Along the way,

You don't need to ask, you know, the competition is set for ten days.

"Find a place to stay and go to Kuanglei Mountain to see."

Tan Da said,

He recruited relatives with Wu,

Not much interest at all,

how old is he?

"Okay, just right, tomorrow is Lixia.

On Kuanglei Mountain, there will be thunder masterpieces. "

Ironclad said.

The two walked towards the most luxurious building in Baijiaoguan,

To their level of cultivation,

Have the best premises,

Definitely live in the best premises.

Arrived at the best premises,

One question,

Is full,

I even asked several premises,

Only then did I find the best room in an ordinary building,

"Recalling previous adventures,

This kind of premises is already quite good.

Now, I feel dissatisfied. "

Ironclad said.

In his tone, he mocked himself.

Two people live,

The sky was white,

I have walked out of Baijiao Pass,

A reminder of the escape method,

Toward the direction of Kuanglei Mountain.

It’s like a few steps,

Kuang Lei Shan,

Has appeared in front of Tan Da and Iron Armor.

This mountain is about three hundred feet,

However, it is quite broad.

It's about fifty miles in radius.

The whole mountain. It turned into ten sub-mountains.

Tan Da and Iron Armor. Standing in the air,

"There are people on every mountain?"

Tan Da said,

Looking at the armor,

at this point,

Ironclad did not say.

"This, the thunderous thunder only falls on the solar terms,

At other times, it rains and winds anyway.

No thunder.

Four hundred years have passed,

Of course the demons saw it,

There must be a monk who came here to comprehend.

A monk who doesn’t have a place where spiritual energy gathers,

Everywhere. "

Ironclad smiled and said,

"Look at it, the cloud is coming, and the thunder is about to fall."


Large clouds in the sky,

Bai faintly. Speeding over here,

Who is Tanda.

I found a place immediately.

Falling towards you,

There are already a dozen monks sitting cross-legged here,

When I saw someone coming,

Regardless of Tantian and Iron Armor,

Looks like a demon,

Immediately shouted at them: "Go away,

Someone here. "


Tan Dayi waved,

A dozen people rolled,

Like a leaf,

Was shaved off thirty feet,

This is Tan Da wants to cultivate here,

These people get up,

Come on, oh so strong,

Flying towards the distance.

Tan Da and Iron Armor sat down,

Based on their cultivation,

Ordinary sky thunder,

Even the body protection method,

No need to release it.

That cloud,

Has floated over Kuanglei Mountain,

Crashed into the epicenter,

A thunder blasted down,

It happened to be a mountain opposite the mountain where Tanda was sitting.

There, a few places,

There are already fifty people sitting,

This made Tan Da sigh,

Today, there are so many cultivators!

Thunder fell to a place where a dozen people sat cross-legged,

Those people have already released Taoism,

It stretches for thousands of miles,

At first glance, it is known as the golden core,

Some seem to stretch for dozens of miles,

The monks in the middle of foundation construction,

Crashed into the epicenter,

That thunder,

Right their way,

The Taoism of the monks in the foundation building period burst out,


The Taoism of the Jindan monks,

But there was only a wave of fluctuations.

This thunder,

The monks in the foundation period and the golden core monks,

It seems that each has its own income.


The three-line rule and Dao Fa are fully released,

But I feel that under this thunder,

In the mountains under the thunder,

There seems to be some very faint fluctuations,

The powerful way of fusion of three rules,

But it seemed too late to understand.

This fluctuation is very exuberant,

The feeling of prosperity,

Tan Da remembered,

Today is Lixia,

Isn't everything prosperous?

The master of the general three-line rule fusion,

Or be able to sense this fluctuation,


But I can't sense this feeling.

This feeling,

The plants of Tanda Canyon Resort,

I can sense the mysterious wave of the blade through the plant,

It's been a hundred years!

Only then can we understand this feeling,

In general,

This feels like the wave of the blade at Canyon Villa,

It is a similar information.

At least information beyond the general space,

No wonder,

Have this feeling,

But there is no master of the fusion of the three rules,

For the monks who merge the three rules,

Ordinary feelings of falling thunder,

Can't interest them at all.

That’s just to embark on the journey of real cultivation,

In a hundred years, there will be quite a deep understanding.


This thunder stopped,

It’s like an ordinary mountain,

Reiki is the level of an ordinary mountain!


Fell down one after another,

In a day,

Fifty thunders fell.

For a mountain with a radius of fifty miles,

Fifty thunders fell in one day,

Really too much,

Tan Tian sat cross-legged,

In his palace,

On the vast ground of tens of thousands of miles,

Planted trees, flowers,

Suddenly began to grow,

Times of Day,

Not only grows several inches tall.

Sea points emit more leaves.

More buds. Flowers,

The fruit on the plant,

The color is more vivid and moisturized.

In the mansion of God, a figure appeared,

It is Tanda himself,

This is the meaning of summer,

I have practiced for so many years.

Comprehend again,

more importantly,

The tens of thousands of miles in the Tantian Divine Mansion,

As if more alive.


The soil rule runes condensed in the gods have changed again.

Became more mysterious,

Although it only became a little mysterious.

But this change,

The overall structure of the profound earth system.

There have been some changes.

Tan Tian doesn't know how long he will practice,

Only by practicing successfully!

These monks accepted Taoism.

Stand up with satisfaction on his face,

For them,

Although it is an ordinary monk,

But fifty thunders a day,

Let them feel a lot.

Monks practice,

Taoism is one aspect,

Perception of nature,

It is more of an aspect.

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding in all directions,

Aura is already at the level of an ordinary mountain,


It's not worth their stay.

Have cultivated to the peak of the foundation period and the golden core level,

Where there is a lot of aura,

Generally you can find one place,

Although compared with the four-diamond flower **** on the mountain flower plane,

Not up to the level that the four diamond flower gods can practice,


Let the monks in the foundation period practice,

Monk Jindan practiced,

should be okay.

The monks know that they are practicing in solar terms,



Most people don’t know,

This benefit,

How did it come,

I only know now,

That's it.

If you don’t feel the shadow of the blade for a hundred years through plants in Canyon Villa,

Come today,

Tanda is like other monks with the fusion of three rules,

Watching the fluctuations of the mountains,

There is not much magic.

Iron armor is even more,

The fusion of the same system rules,

It is absolutely incomprehensible.

"Go, go back to Baijiao Pass."

Tan Da said,

Based on Tanda’s repair,

I want to kill all the cultivators here,

Between the waves!

But in this way, the master also came,

Was thinking,

It has reached Baijiao Pass.

The next solar term,

Ten days have passed.

"Walk around at Baijiao Pass."

Tan Da said,

"it is good---"

Ironclad said,

The tone is flat,

After going from the four-diamond flower **** monk to the demon beast.

Iron armor has become calm,


Tan Da can't help him refine the rule magic weapon,

He doesn't care.

In the demon world,

It’s not easy to monopolize this crazy mountain.

Tan Da turned towards,

And Iron Armor followed the crowd.

Along the way, I bought some jade slips and some good materials that the ancient monks felt.

Medicinal herbs,

At the level of fusion of the three rules,

Good materials, medicinal materials,

Once refining,

Has a considerable use.

"Go to the city hall,

I want to buy this Kuang Lei Shan. "

Tan Da thought for a long time,

Said to the armor,

It is indeed a place in the demon world,

"Yeah, I've been here dozens of times and I can't find any benefit.

You just came one day. "

Ironclad said.

"If you can help me do this well,

I will refine ten rule runes for you,

Regular runes of the gold system, regular runes of the earth system,

You decide. "

Tan Da said,

Hearing the armor,

Thought about it,

For this benefit, I don’t have this Dao Fana,

That's the same as nothing.

"In this way, I will visit you in the future,

‘You can’t help but welcome. "

Ironclad said,

Tan Da said,

He has determined,

This crazy thunder mountain,

It must be good,

But since I can’t comprehend it,

If old money gets this mountain,

Definitely set up the formation,

If you can come in for enlightenment, you can do it,


Tan Da said,

"I will take you to find someone, if you have enough immortal stones."

Ironclad said,

"How many fairy stones do you need?"

Tan Da said,

"At least 30 million middle-grade immortal stones."

Tan Dayi listened,

30 million middle-grade immortal stones,

They pile up like a mountain.

"You know, this mountain, many people want,

However, 30 million middle-grade immortal stones,

Everyone thinks it's not worth it. "

Where did you feel it,

Tan looked at it, at most it was the flower **** with diamonds,

Let the diamond flower **** take out 30 million middle-grade immortal stones to buy this Kuanglei Mountain,

If Kuanglei Mountain is the place where aura gathers,

It is possible,


This Kuanglei Mountain is not a place where spiritual energy gathers.

For the diamond flower god,

But it’s a good place to feel the mystery of thunder,

Feel the mystery of thunder,

Relying on self-cultivation,

It’s enough to occupy one place,

There is no need to occupy all the mad thunder mountain,

30 million middle-grade immortal stones,

For the diamond flower god,

It's really big money!

"it is good"

Tan Tian didn't move his eyes,


Seeing Tan Da's grandeur,

"Damn, I'm really unfavorable in passing years,

At that time, the advanced human race Yuan Ying,

I can have you so relaxed and happy. "

Ironclad said again.

Iron armor has a lot of celestial stones~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, it is necessary to refine the rule magic weapon,

Purchase auxiliary materials,

Already almost.

Tiejia took Tan Tian towards the city hall,

To the city hall,

I took out another iron plate,

The guard took a look,

Let the iron armor in,

After a cup of tea time,

The armor came out,

Said to Tanda:

"The other party said,

Forty million middle-grade immortal stones,

The essay will be done for you, but other monks want to practice here.

He can't control it, you can handle it yourself. "

Tanda nodded,

"of course."

Speaking, take out a storage bag.

"This is 40 million middle-grade immortal stone. Look at it."

Iron Armor took a look at the fairy stone,

Divine Sense is released, it is indeed 40 million middle-grade immortal stone,

In the storage bag,

Build a fairy rock mountain!

Medium martial art,

Using these 40 million middle-grade immortal stones,

Several golden pills can be piled up.


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